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regimental competitions.

many good performances.


Brilliant shooting marked tho concluding meeting of tlio No. 1 regimental, district nt Pt'iiroso on Saturday. Thero wero approximately 400 individual competitors, R deereaso tif about 200 on last year's entries. However, there was a record number of competitors in tlio Vickcru nnd Lewis gun sections, 21 teams taking part, yliilo 21 teams also entered for the lido teams' competition. Tlio competitors tamo from a district extending from Swanson in tho North, to Otaluilm in tlio South. Most of tho senior cadets on tho hulls enmo from tlio Auckland Grammar School and othor secondary schools,, and from tlio artisan units. Weather condi-

tions wero pei'fect. In tho opinion of Major A. C. Finni3, Clticer in cluirgo, tlio scoring wan exceptionally high and compared very favourably with past performances. Particularly lino shooting was dono by Second-liioutenant lv. J. Duncan (C.U.0.) in tho rillo section, and Corporal V/. M. Tongue (C.1t.0.) in tlio Vickers gun section. Tlio Kohn Silver Cup, donated by Mr. A. Kohn for presentation to tlio Bitisan cadet making tho highest scoro in matches 3, 4, 5 and 6, was competed for for the first ilime, and was won by Corporal W. Brsicegirdlc, of the 22nd Company, with a scoro of 150. Tho Kohn Cup will henceforward bo competed for annually, tho winner to retain a miniature of the cup. Tho Kohn Trophy, a told modal awarded to tho senior cadet making tho highest scoro in matches 1 and 2, was won by Sergeant L. C. Rice, oi tho Auckland Grammar School, with a scoro of 88. This is the last occasion on which this trophy is to bo awarded, the miniature of tho cup superseding il; next year. A novel attraction that appealed to many was the "Bunnypool" range, and most of tho younger boys tried their skill on this difficult target. Abbreviations used in tho detailed results are as follows:—Auckland Grammar School, A.G.3. { Mount Albert Grammar School] M.A.G.S.; Soddon Memorial Technical College, Tech. Letters and numerals after each name refer to senior cadet companies. Results of matches fired aro as follows : KOIIN SILVER CUP.-r Artisan Cadet making highest, scoro iu Matches ... ■». o uiut 0. W. llraceairdle (02nd Coy.), Ijo • • 1 KOliN TROPHY—Senior Cadet making lushest score in Matches i and - 1,. C. Rico lA.G.S.). S3 . •• • 1 MATCH ONE.—Cadets under 10. Miniature cartridge' rifles. Range '23 yds. Time, application, 10s a shot. Snapshooting, os u shot. I. Rice (A.G.S.). £ 1 • • • • J? i; Jones Parry (M.A.G.S.I, Ijs •• • K. Ball (A.U.SI. 103 . . • • : E. 1/. Jonea (M.A.G.S.), 10s . • !•;! 'l' Watsou (A.G.S.). 10s •• K. M. Farquhar (A.0.5.), 10s . 4> Prizes of £s wero awarded to the follow- .%?. Hi. Syke. 3a ; A Lock» (Tech.). 3d. T. W (A.Or.J.), ('. Gfiitil (IDlihV 33: T. C. Howard (A.0.&.). ;;c, ; a. Orsha in (13th). 30: A. V». Hoidi v. orth 353. 11 \TCH TWO.—Cadets under 16. Miniature * rartridlia ritles. Range 25y«l*. 'lime, apyiication, 10s a shot. Rapid. 10 lounda in 75scc. J. K. H:iy lA.G.S.), J J R.i il ton ('JBt hj). j'J AV. .11. Vaughau (M.A.G.S.), 10s .. o 1). Jicßobie '.Tech.), 10s " ,1 H. ifenahaw t'fech.), 10s •• " ™ t. (ientil (13th), 10a of 5s were awarded the followi'lß —F..- L. Jones (M.A.G.S.), -t'-l: A. M. lA.Cr.S.I, -40; L. C. Rice (A.G.S ). m, A. Lotkio (Tech.), 3'.J MATCH THREE.—\rtiea" Cadets under IS. /•(j;: rifles. Knngo U. r iyds. tune, application. lUs a shot. Snapshoot!!*, o3 a shot. L. R. Vouni: (31th). 17s nd .. •• K J I. Andrews C2Cth). 1 < 3 0d .. •• F K. Jack (33rdi. 10s . •• Homo CJ3rd). 10s J). 8. SiiiKer (40th), 103 .. -• "• ; J J. E Loriu (10th) 10f .. >• • Prizes of 5,i were awarded the fol'.ov!"»•- ( . Moxon I'itth). 35: B. R- Grace (24th i. N. Wright 133r.11. 31; D. JV. (2ith). 31. W. L. S|iortland (30th), 34; n. L'latt (371 hj). 31: s ( 010 (jtth). 34 - 'l. T. Atklnnd (lOthi, 31; Halchoi (.ltli). 31; W. Bracegirdlo (-J'2nd). 33. MATC H FOUR.—A rI isan Cadets m.der 18. ;;n:i rilleii Ranee, '2.>.vda. 1 mie. application. l()s a shot. Rapid, 10 rounds in wis. K. A. Sampson (".nth), £1 •• • VT W. (I. Smith (28th>, 15s TJ. 11, •• •• .i, J. Need ha m (2l9ti. 10s .■ ? •' ! A. Baxter 130 th), 10» 'J C. Peek (', 10s - ,J Prizes of 5s were awarded the following.— H. 11. Alison (25th). 43; R. H. Andrews, (ilithi. 4J; J. T. Ackland (10th), 4-; K. Chisholm (2.5 th), 12; L. U. \ouna (3_4th). 4l ; A. li. Hood (33rd). 41: H. A. Jamieson (34thi, 41; R. Pidgeon (3-ntl>, 11: J- Althani 125 th), 11. HATCH FlVE.—Artisan Cadets under 13. .303 rifle.;. Range, 200 yds. T>me, application, 103 per shot. Itap'd, 10 ioiinus in UUs. "\r. liracfuirdle (22nd). £1 .* •• •- W. <K Smith (28th), 15» '• C. A. Litlin (23rd). 10a .. .. •• Hunt. CRith), 103 .. •• *' •• I. It. Yuiuiji (34th), 10a .. •• • • . F. K. Jack (33rd), 10s I'rizi's f'f 5s were awarded (ho following.---R. 11. Andrews (2<;th), !•'. M. Hmmond (23rd;, K. N. Thompson (29 th). U- b.. infer (lot hi, f'. Thorpe (33rd), C. H. DousJss (25th), F. Stannway (22nd), S. A. Simpson (30th). S. Mac Donald (10th). K. l'idgeuu (32nd). MATCH SlX.—Artisan Cadets under IS. .303 rilltM. Range. 300 yds. Seven rounds application and 10 rounds at moving tiirget. A. Barter (30th). £ I. ( . A. l.iltin (23rdi, 15s . . .• •• •'* 'i. Tarrant (10(h), 10s . •• R, 3. Folia a (35th;, 10s .. .. .. F. M. Hammond (23rd), 10s .. • W. Bracegirdlo (22nd). 10s .. ..2/ Prizes til iis were awarded tlio following.— 11. K. JohnHon (33rcl). C. Hunt (30th). I'. Stannway (J2nd), 11. A Jamiesoii Cillli), ]>• R. Craco I '24 th i, A. Gemmell (21th;, I. I'rofas CWltli), J. Ni't'dhnm (2lst), L. It Vowiig (3 It h ■. A. C>. Locldcy (3 ltli 1 MATCH SKVEN.-Sccontlarv School Cad.Ms limit c IS. .303 rillcs Range, '2syds. Time, application, 10s per shot. Snapshooting, 5" pe r shot. F. AV. R.stall (A.G.S.), £1 47 •I. (.'. (irahtini (A.G.S.). Jss . • 41 M. R. Oouhling (A.G.S.), 10s . . .. 4;i T. Kirk (A.U.S.). 10s .. .42 •I. 11. (Jhaeiljcrs IM.A.G.S.), 10s .. 30 N. C. Baskott (A.G.S.), loj .. . 3'J Prizes of js wero awarded tho following.— K. Ball (A.d.S.), H. W. Lursen lA.G.S.). ]., AV. Smith (M.A.G.S.), L. ('. Rico lA.G.S.), J, K. liny (A.G.S.). O. Mortimer ' lech), it. L, Tliorpo (M.A.G.S.). A. JolinHtoai (Tech.'l, A, T. Gover (A.G.S.!, A. M. XJuncan (A.G.S.). HATCH ElGHT.—Secondary School Cadets under M. .303 rillcs. Range. 25yds Time application, 103 a shot. Rapid, 10 rounds .iu GOs. L. C. Rico (A.G.S.), £1 •. A. T. Grover (A.G.S.), 15s .. vt 51 N. (J. Baskett (A.G.S.), 10s .. ». 48 J. S. Kitltl (A.G.S), 10s . .4 .. 43 W. S. Scott (Tech.). 10s 47 It, C, M. Jenkins (A.G.S), JOs .. . 40 Prixea of ijs were awarded to tho following. —C. It Newton-King (A.G.S.), C. Cosson (Tech.), F. W. Restall (A.G.S.). J. C. Cjraham (A.G.3.), H. G. Dohetty (A.G.S.*. J. A. Mara (M.A.G.S.). A. Johnston (Tech.). J. L. Robb (A.G.S,), J. Marek (M.A.G.S.).

MATCH NlNE.—Secondary School Cadets tinder IS. .803 rifles. Range, 200 yds. Time, application. lOsecs per shot. Rapid, 10 rounds in COsecs. J. A. Mara, (M.A.0.5.). £1 .. ..-12 Iv. J. Taylor (M.A.G.S.), 15a .. .. 4'2 J. L Robb (A.G.S.). 10s 41 E. T. Watson (A.G.S.), 10s .. ..40 It. L. Thorpe (M.A.G.S.), 10a .. ..40 W. M. Anderson iM,A.G.S.), 10s .. 39 Prizes of 6s were awarded to tho follow, injf:—A. T. Gover (A.G.S.). M. S. C. Brown (A.G.S.). W. S. Scott (Tech.). A. Lochia (Toch.), D. Martimer (Tech.). W. C. Nicholson (A.G.S.). 11. C. Doherty (A.G.S.), T. Grinter (Tech.). N. C. Baskctt lA.G.S.), S. G. Price 1 (A.G.S.). MATCH TEN.—Secondary School Cadets under 18, .303 rifle"; Range, 800 yds. Seven rounds application, and ten rounds at moving target. W. C. Baskott (A.G.S.), £1 .. ..43 H. G. Doherty (A.G.S.), 13s .. .. 41 C. Cosson (Tech.), 10s 42 J. A. Mara (M.A.G.S.). 10s .. ..40 J. C. Graham (A.G.8.). 10s .. .. 3(1 L. W. Smith (M.A.G.S.), 10s .. ..31 Frizes of 5s wero awarded to tho follow, injr:—H. W. Larsen (A.G.S.), It. C. M. Jenkins (A.G.S.). E. T. Watson (A.G.S.). J. L. Robb (A.G.3.), F. W. Restall (A.G.S.), H. S. C. Brown (A.G.S.), K. J. Taylor (M.A.G.S.), S. C. Price (A.G.S.), C. R. Nowton-King (A.G.S.). A. Johnston (Tech.). MATCH ELEVEN.—New Zealand Naval Recruits, Territorials under 25 years of ane, and Senior Cadets. .303 rifles. Ranee, 200 yds. Time, application, lOsecs per shot. Rapid, 10 rounds in COaecs. FT. K. Hansen (C.R.0.), £ 1 5s .. ..63 11. L. Ooado (N.Z.C.S.), 15s .. •• •>'- N. E. Crowe (C.R.0.). 10s .. •. M A. V. 7,ee (C.R.0.). 61 A. L Mackey (C.R.0.). 10a .. . • M A. G. J, Robertson (C.R.0.), 103 .. 43 Prizes of 5a wero awarded to the followinsr:—T. 11. Bovan (213t Bty), A. Wotherspoon (C.U.0.). C. G. Marott (22nd). K. J. Duncan (C.R.0.). S. It. Gatland (21st Bty), T. 11. Busek (N.Z.E.). P. Ellett (N.Z.E.), C. R. Purdio (N.Z.E.).' MATCH TWELVE.—New Naval Recruits, Territorials under 23 yeat'3 of age, and Senior Cadets. .303 rifles. Tlange, 300 yds. Seven rounds application and ten rounds at moving target. K .T. Duncan (C.R.0.), £1 6s .. .. r <s It 11. Milbanl: (91st Bty). 13s .. .. 59 A. L. Mackey (C.1t.0.). 10s .... KB K. T. Hansen (C.1t.0,), 10s .. ..51 G. W. Lon,? (4th Btv), 10s .. .. 49 W. A. T. Masuire (A.S.C.). 10a .. .. 18 Prizes of 5s were awarded to tho follow,T. C. Hill (A.G.S.). G. E. WnH. (N.Z.A.F.), F. W. Peun (X.Z.E.). A. \\. Hewitt (C.R.0.). It. A. Thorpe (8.N.V.R.), W. J. Palmer (N.Z.E.). R. Dunstan (C.1t.0.), J. J. Spry (N.Z.E.). J. L. Funnell (C.R.0.). J. F. Hall (A.S.C.). MATCH THIRTEEN. New Zealand Naval Recruits, Territorials under 25 year 3 of age. and Senior Cadets. .303 rifles. Range. 500 yds. Seven rounds application and 5 round# rapid. K. J. Duncan (C.R.0.). £1 5a .. .. 45 K T. Hansen (C.1t.0.). 15a .. .. 40 R. Dnnatan (C.R.0.). 10b .. .. « C G. Marett (C.R.0.). 10a II W. Verrall (N.A.R.). 10s .. .. L. C. Gutry (N.Z.C.S.). 10s .. • • 38 Prizes of 5s were awarded to the followin?:-.!. 11. Steer (4th Bty). L. I\. Hughes (C.K.0.), N. E. Crowe (C.Tt.O.), A. I. Masuire (A.S.C.). A. W. Hewitt (C.R.0.). S. "R. Gatland (21st Bty). T. H. Bev ft n (21st Bty). F. Ellett (N.Z.E.), A. potherspoon (C.1t.0.), A. L. Mackey (C.H.0.). MATCH FOURTEEN.—(a) Artisan Cadets. Aggregate in matches 3, 4, 5 and 6. W Bracegirdlo (22nd). 150, Kohn Silver A. Baxter (30th). 143 .. • • Gold Medal. W. Cr. Smith (28th), 140 . . Silver Medal. (b) Secondary School Cadets. Asgregate in matches 7, 8. 9, 10. N. C. Baakett (A.G.S.). ICS . .Gold Meda . :J. A. Mars (M.A.G.S.). 156 Silver Medal. (c) Navy, Territorial and Senior Cadets. ' Aggregate in matches 11. 12. K. .T. Duncan (C.1t.0.), 156 . . Gold Meda . K. T. Hansen (C.R.0.). 114 . . Silver Medal. MATCH FIFTEEN.—Cadets under IS. Team of 5 men and commander. .3U.i rifles. Range. 200 yds. Six rounds at niovins target, five rounds at plates. &?•&. Rice! I?.' C. Jenkins, H. W. Larsen, J. L. Robb. J. C. Graham). M \TCII SIXTEEN.—AII-comers. Team of 5 and commander. .303 rifles. Range, i 200 yds. Six rounds at moving target* five rounds at plates. City and Suburbs Defence Rifle Club . . 1 (C. G. Clark. It. C. Russell. P. J. Pan.. S. Grifliths. L. Craddock). MATCH SEVENTEEN.—AII-comers. Team of fivo and commander. .303 rifles. Range, 200yda. Five rounds per firer at falling plates. Northern Depot Corns of Signallers .. 1 (D. H. Davidson. H. L. f.oode, L. J. Robertson. A. H. F. Morris, L. C. Gutry). MATCH EIGHTEEN.-All-comers. ;.m rifles. Ranee, 200, 300 and 500 yds. Application, 7 rouuda; rapid, o rounds. K .T. Duncan (C.R.0.). £1 .. •• ]j r ; 11 ,7. Willoufflibv (C.R.0.). £2 .. .. 140 G. E. Watt (N.Z.A.F.). £1 os .. .. 133

M-VTCH NINETEEN (fired November 17).Vickers Gun. All-comers. T«am of h'.e men. Range. COO. 500 and 400 yds. B Team, Machine-gun Platoon, Ist Btn. Auck. l!gt. (C.R.0.), 71 .. •• ;• 1 Headquarters' Wins:. Ist Btn. Aucn.. Rgt. (C.R.G.). 52 . . ~ Auckland Grammar School Cadets, \l ..

"\f\TfUT TWFNTY (firocl November 17). MA) Uwis Guns, all comers. Range. COO. 400 and 300 yds. (! Coy, Ist Btn Auck. Rgt. (C.R.0.). 123 1 B Team. Northern Depot Corps of &unailers. 118 . • • -pL" B Team, B Coy, Ist Btn (C.R.0.), 107 J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20113, 26 November 1928, Page 15

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RIFLE SHOOTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20113, 26 November 1928, Page 15

RIFLE SHOOTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20113, 26 November 1928, Page 15


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