Stock was yarded in largo numbers at the weekly West field sale yesterday, late rates being generally maintained. v - The beef yarding was heavy, values remaining firm. Extra choice ox sold at 45s per 1001b., one firm quoting up to 465. Choice and prime ox advanced Is per 1001b. in price.
The sheep pens were well filled, the quality being good. Keen competition was shown, and sales were readily effected. Prices were slightly in decline of those ruling last week. There was a good yarding of spring lambs, which found a ready sale. Values romained firm, up to 31s being realised. Average numbers of calves were penned, good quality sorts being in demand. Prices fur small and rough calves eased as the sale advanced, Runners depreciated in value from the quotations, vealers selling slightly in advance. A full yarding of pigs met with little demand, and prices were inclined to ease. Porkers and largo sLores were exceptions, both selling at improved rates. Following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock this week, compared with last week :
BEEF (per 1001b)—This Week. Last. Week Extra choico ox .. -15/- 45/Clioico and prime
ox . .. 42/- to 45/- 42/- to 44/Choice and prime cow and heifer . 3)7/- to 40/- 371- fo 40/SIIEEP (per head)— Prime wethers— Shorn .. 30/- to 35'- 29'- to 36/6 Unshorn .. 44/G 34/G to 41/6 Prime ewesShorn ~ ~ 24'- to 29/3 23/- to 30/9 Unshorn . 31/Gto 36/G 35/- to 40/Ilongets— Shorn v. N w Un-sborn " W' ' 32/- to 36/0 Prime Lambs 23/- to 31/- 25/- to 31/CALVES (per head) — Kunnera .. ~ 90/-to 129/--90/-to 140/Vealers .. .. '52/- to 121/- 70/- to 119/PIGS (per head)— • Baconera .. .. 49/.- to 65/- 50/- to GS/Porkers .. .. 35/- to 58/- 37/- to 50/Woaners . .. 7/- to 18/- 7/- to 24/Slips .. .. !(»/- to 26/- 18/- to 28/Largo stores .. 28/- to 39/- 2G/- to 36/-
Following are the latest quotations for New Zealand meat on tile London market:
Mutton.—Wethers and maidens, Canterbury quality, selected brands, light, 6 7-8 d per lb.; medium, 6|d; heavy, Other brands, light, 6 5-8 d; medium, 6 3-8 d; heavy, 6 l-Bd. Ewes, medium and light, 4|d. Lambs.—Canterbury quality, light, medium, 10,1-8 d; heavy, 9 3-8 d; seconds, 8 5-Bd. Selected brands, light, lOd: medium, 9d. Other brands, second quality, 301b. to 321b., average, Bjd. Beci'.—Ox fores, 3 7-8(1; hinds, sd. Cow fores, 3?d; hinds, 41(1. Pork.—Porkers, 7d to 7|d; baconers, 7d.
Dalgety and Co., Ltd.,- report.—Beef: A heavier yarding of .ox beef camo_ forward than last week, the bulk of which comprised well-finished lines. Competition was fairly steady throughout, and values remained on a par with last week. One prime heavy-weight bullock from Kaikaki. on account of Mr. N. S. Ludbrook, realised £26, and was purchased by: Messrs, R. and W. Hellaby. Ltd. Prime bullocks, £IG £'l6 ss, to £l6 15s: prime medium-weights, £ll £l4 17s 6d, £ls. £ls 7s 6dr to £ls 10s. An avorage yarding of cow, and heifer was yarded, on which competition was firm at late rates. We sold a prime heifer from Kaikahi, on account of Mr, H. S. Ludbrook. which realised £l4 10s, and was purchased by Mr. D Brideson. of Onehunga. Prime cows and heifers sold at £ll to £l4: lighter sorts, £8 17s 6d to £lO 7s Gd. Wo quole: Extra choice ox sold to 45s per 1001b; prime Young cow and heifer beef. 40s. An average yarding of sheep was penned, for which competition was steady, and wp have no change in values to report. Wo sold, on account of the Tower's Estate, Mataniata, two trucks of prime heavy wethers, the top price of which realised 37s 9d. and was purchased by Mr W. B. Lawson and Messrs. Lees and Co. Extra heavy prime wethers, shorn, 37s 9d; heavy prime, shorn, 3Gs 6d; medium, shorn, 31s; heavy prime ewes, nhbrn, 27s 6d: lighter, woolly, 32s 3d; shorn, 26s Wo realised the top price of the day for a heavy prime pen of shorn ewes at 27s Gd. An averngo yarding of spring lambs came forward, and sold at late rates. Heavy prime lamb, 28s 9d; medium, 27s Gd; light, 22s 6d. Calves, which were yarded in smaller numbers, sold less keenly than lately. Runners, to £5 10s; heavy vealers, £3 15s to £4 ss; medium, £2 17s to £3 10s; light. £1 2s to £2 15s; small, 14s to £1 Bs. A good yarding of piirs sold steadily at last >veek's rates. Choppers. £1 to £2 ss; heavy baconers, £2 18,s to £3 3s; medium, £2 13s to £2 17s; light. £2 8s to £2 12s; .heavy porkers, £2 5s to £2 8s; medium, £2 2s to £2 4s; light, £1 163 to i'2.
LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Cunpany, Ltd.. reportsßeef was penned in more than average numbers. Competition was steady throughout, with values firm at late rates. Extra choice ox sold to £2 Gs per lOOib.; choice and prime ox, £2 3s to £:2 os-; ordinary and plain ox, £2 to £2 2s; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 ISs to £2; ordinary cow beef, £1 15s to £1 17s; extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l7 10s to £lB 12b Gd: heavy prime steers, £IG. to £l7 7s Gd; lighter prime steers, £l4 15s to £ls 17s Gd; light prime steers, £l3 to £l4 12s Gd; unfinished and small, £ll 10s to £l2 lis Gd; extra heavy prime young jows and heifers, £l2 to £l3 10s; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll 17s Gd; lighter, £9 to £9 17s Gd; light cows, £8 to £8 17s Gd; other cows £G to £7 17s Gd. Eight steers from Mr C G. Stewart, Tnhuna, averaged £l7 10s; 7 steers from Mr 11. E. Reed, Waereuga, averaged £IG IGs; 1G steers from Mr R Mitchell. Tnneatua, averaged £1.6 10s Gd. Sheep were yarded in average numbers and sold readily at late values. Heavy prime wethers, £1 lis to £1 15s; medium prime wethers, £1 12s Gd to £1 13s 9d; light prime wethers, £1 Us to £1 12s 3d; small and unfinished wethers, £1 8s 3d to £1 10s 9d; extra heavy prime ewes, £1 8s Gel to £1 lis; heavy prime ewes, £1 Gs to £1 7s; medium prime ewes. £1 5s to £1 5s 9d: light prime ewes, £1 3s to £1 4s 9d: inferiorly fatted ewes, 15s upwards. Spring lambs were penned in average numbers and sold at late rates Prime lambs. £1 3s to £1 9s. Pigs were penned in average numbers. Values were easier. Choppers sold from £1 to .£2 17s (id; heavy and medium baconers from £3 to. £3 4s: light baconers and heavy porkers, from £2 10s to £2 18s; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 to £2 8s; small and .unfinished porkers. £1 10s to £1 ISs. Store pigs were penned in average numbers. Values were easier. Large stores. £1 8s to £1 IGs; slips. IGs to ,t'l Gs; weaners, 7s to 16s. Calves were penned in less than average numbers. Values were higher, but for late calves cased again Runners, £4 10s to £5 17!; Gd; heavy vealers, £5 lo £G Is. for a specially well-done venler; medium. £1 Gs to £1 18s; light, £3 10s to £4 Is: smaller, £2 18s to £3 8s; small and fresh-dropped, 8s to £2 10s; rough calves. £1 10s to £2 10s.
Alfred Bucltland and Sons, Limited, report:—Our beef Dens contained 1134 head, as ucainst 308 liencl at last Wednesday's sale, comprising 17y steers and ilil cows and heifers 'Acain the ox beef was of excellent quality There was a steady demand throughout and late values rilled Extra choice ox sold to £2 5s net 1001b.- choice and mime. £? 2s to £2 4s' secondary and plain. £1 19s to £2 Is: prime younc cow and heifei heef £1 17s to £2- ordinary cow beef, £ 1 13s to £1 10s Extra heavv primo steers ranged from £l7 15s to £lB '"s. the latter figure for steers from Mr. Win. Vosner and bought bv the Auckland Meat Company. The highest averages for steers were:—ls from Mr . 8.. Reed. Waernnca. £ 17 4s 2d- 10 from Mr. ,W Vosper, Cambridco. £lO JPs 3d; 18 from Panatoetoo -C77 8s Id: 30 from the Waikato. £ls It's: 8 two and three-year-old steers- from Mr Basil Orr, £l4 15s: 8 steers from Mr M C. Orr, Pukeknwa, ■ £l4 17s 2d. 'Heavy primo steers made £16.10s to £l7 12s Od; lighter prime £ls to £lO 7s Od: light prime. £l3 JOs In £l4 17s 6d: small and unfinished, £ll 10s to £l3 7s 6d: extra heavy prime yfiiing cows and heifers. £l2 to £l3 10s: heavy prime cows and heifers, £lO 15s to £ll 17s (id: liuhter prime. £9 to £lO 12a Od: other killoblo cows, £5 10s to £8 17s Od. The sheep pens were comfortably filled with a nice class of mutton. Competition was steady throughout and values firm at late quotations. Extra heavy
pnmo wethers, shorn, made £1 15s to £1 Jfis Gd; heavy prime, shorn, £] 13s (d to £1 lis 9d: in their wool. £'2 <is Gd: medium to heavy prime wethers, shorn.. £'l l?.s to £1 I.ls 3d: light to medium prime, shorn £1 10s to £! Us 9d- unfinished, shorn, £1 7s Gd to £! 9s 9d: extra heavy prime young ewes, shorn £1 8s to £1 9s 3d, heavy prime, shorn £1 Gs to £1 7s 9d: in their wool. £1 14s Gd to £l 10s Gd: lighter prime, shorn, £l Is to £1 5s fid: other tillable ewes, shorn. £1 2s to £1 3s 9d. (927 .sheep sold.) The 139 spring lambs which were penned found keen buyers, values being very, firm. Heavy prime lambs made £1 9s to £1 lis- lighter prime. £'l 7s to £1 8s 9d; light prime. £1 5s to £1 (is 9d: small. £1 2s to £1 4s Gd. We again had fully an average yarding of calves. All good quality sorts', were keenly competed for. although toward the conclusion ol the sale values ' for small and rough calves eased Runners made £5 to £6 9s: heavy vealers. £4 10s to £5: medium. £3 10s to £4 Gs: light. £2 12s to £3 3s: good bucket-fed calves £1 10s to £2 ssrough and unfinished.. £1 Ss to £1 12s_ small and fresh dropped, (is to £1 7s (247 calves penned ' The pis pens were well tilled. Biddin r was less keen Hid all classes sold at reduced prices. Choppers mjvde £1 12s fid t-i £2 15s: heavy prime baconers. £3 to £3 ss; medium, £2 13s to £2 17s: light, £2 9s to £2 12s: heavy porkers. £2 Sr to £2 10s: light and medium. £1 15s to £2 2s- smal' and unfinished, £1 Us to £1 15s. In contrast with fats stores sold readily at improved rates Best framed and conditioned made £1 14s to £1 198: smaller, £1 8s to £1 lis: good slips. £ 1 Is to £1 5s weaners, 12s to 18". (48< pigs sold.)
Alfred Buckland and Sons. Limited, report :• During the. week we held sales at Wellsford. Turua. Tuakau, Westfiold. llelensville and Pukekohe and one clearing sale, also a pi2 sale at Tuakau. Full yardmgs of cattle continue to meet with a keen demand at ruling high values. Dairy cows and heifers at profit are in specially Keen request. Best sold at £l2 10s to .£18: extra to £2l: second grade cows, and heilers, £J to £l2; others. £5 to £8 15s: empty young cows and heifers. £5 10s' to £7 os* Move and boner cows. £3 to £G; heavy prime fat cows and heifers, £9 to £l2 17s' Gd* lighter fat cows and heifers, £G to £8 17s Gd: iat steers, £ll 10s to £IG 7s Gd; grown steers in forward condition. £lO 5s to £ll Ijs: four-year-old steers, £S 15s to £10: twj to three-year-old steers, £7 5s to £8 12s bd; yearling to 18-month-old steers. £o 5s to C 7 2s Gd- best yearling to 18-montli*old dairy heifers. £G 10s to £8 10s; smaller sorts, £4 10s to £G«5s: cows with calves, £0 10s to £lO 17s Gd: heavy bulls, £9 to £l3 5s- sound young herd : bulls. £7 /s to £ls 15s: other bulls,.£3 10s to £t> l ; s Gd- fat and forward wethers, £1 8s to £1 10s; ewo hoggets. £1 9s to £1 13s: wether hoggets £1 2s to £1 8s: ewes'with lambs. 'W Agency Company, , Ltd., reports:-Sales were held during, the past week at I rtkc kolie (cattle and-Pigs). Warkworth Haukapakapa, Paeroa, Mftungakaiamta, and Ngatea. There is a steady demand and all classes of cattle are selling readily at late values. We also repdrt a good salo of pigs at Pukekohe. with values on a par with Westfield quotations. We quote:—Best daily cows and heifers, £lO to £l6; other dairy cows <ind heifers, £7 to £9 15s: aged cows and inferior heifera. £4 10s to £6 15s'; bulls, £4 4s to 20gns., according to quality; boner store cows, £4 to £7 ss; yearling to 18-months heifers, best, £5 to £7 ss; others, £3 to £4 17s; yearling to 18-months steers, £4 5s to £5 17s f.d: 2 to 2}-ycar steers, £fi to £7 15s; '3 to 31-year Bteers, £8 to £9 ss: 4 to 4j-year steers, £9 7s Gd to £lO 15s; grown steers in forward condition, £ll to £l2 ss. . .
The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company., Limited, report having held their Ohinewai stock sale yesterday when a full yarding of all classes of stock were penned. Prices were:—Medium fat bullocks. £l3 15s; light bullocks, .£ll Gs to £l2; forward-con-ditioned steers, £9 17s to £lO 9s: fresh, £S IGsj prime fat cows. £l3 5s to £15.2s Gd: fat cows. £ll 5s to £l2 2s Gd: medium fat cows and heifers, £9 10s to £lO 15s; light, £7 7s to £S 17s: forward cows. £G lGs to £7 ss; store, £5 Is to £6 4s; others, £3 9s to £4 15s: steers. 2-year. £6 2s Gd to. £8 lGs: heifers, empty, 18-months, £5 to £5 2s Gd: Jerse.v and Jersey-cross yearlings, £4 2s to £5 10s; Shorthorn. £3 Is to £4 10s; 2-year, empty. £4 15a to £5 10s: cows in milk. £8 10s to £lO 15s; others. £7 15s to £R ss; heifers. £G 10s to £10; bulls, service. £G 10s to £9; potters, £3 to £G.
TE PUKE, Wednesday
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports having conducted a successful sale at Te Puke on Tuesday. Although cattle did not come forward quite up to advertised numbers there was a full 'yarding of particularly good stock. Buyers were in attendance from Wliakatane, Waikato, Thames Vrtlley and surrounding districts. Spirited bidding was maintained throughout. The principal entry was one of 350 3 and 4-year Polled Angus and Hereford bullocks, on account of Mr. Alex. ■ Mcintosh, Gisborne. Following is the range of prices:—Fat cows and heifers, best. £lO 10s to £l3 Ifls; others, £7 15s to £9; 4-year P.A. and Hereford bullocks, £l2 10s to £l3 12s; others, £ll ISs fid to £l2 7s Gd: 3-year P.A. and Hereford steers, £ll 5s to £ll 17s Gd; 2-year steers, £7 15s to £S 10s; 1-year steers, £4 15s to £5 2s Gd; 2year empty heifers, £5 to £5 7s Gd; otherß, £4 to £4 15s; springing cows and heifers, £9 to £l2 ss; others, £6 17s Gd to £8 15s; bulls, £!G 10s to £S 15s; store pigs, 34s to 395; weaners, las to 225.
RATES AT JOHNSONVILLE. KEEN DEMAND FOR LAMBS. [BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] WELLINGTON. Wednesday. Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Company, Limited, and Abraham and Williams, Limited, report on tho Johnsonvillo sale held to-day as follows:—A medium yarding of all classes of stock came forward. Tho wethers offered, were plain, but met wjth a good snle Ewe?were from very hoav.y to medium-weights and sold at prices slightly in advance of last week's rates Spring lambs were penned in increased numbers and a keen snle resulted The bullocks yarded were mostly heavy with a few pens of lighter cuttle. Heavy-weight bullocks were net in demand owing 110 doubt to the approach of warm weather and light-wo'glit bullocks sold much better. A larger yarding than usuai of cows an 1 heifers was submitted, and prices generally were on a par with last week rates. All the venlers ihat were brought forward for sale sold exceedingly well Quotations a-e:—-Bullocks heavy-weight. £l7. .CIS. £lB 2« 6d, £IS 10s £IS 15s to £l9- medi -m----weicht, £ls. £ls 12s to £IG- cows £l2 2s <>d, £l2 5s £1 17s 6d £l3 £l3 2s Cd. £l3 ss. £l3 Ids to £l3 15s. heifers. £ll 5s to £l4: vealers £2. £>. 10s to £3 IPs wethers, 32s fid, 33s to 33s flrl: ewes, woolly, 3ls 9d: shorn, 2(is 7d. 2Gs 9d, 2f>s lOd. 2Ss Cd, 28s !)d • 29s Id tA 30s • lambs. 28s 9d. 29s Sd. 30s 31s Pd. 31s 9d. 325, 32s 3d to 3-Is Gd.
Mr. G. Paviour-Smith Ims received from the Anglo-Continental Produce Company, Limited, London, tlio following cabled market report, dated November 13:— Putter, market firm, 174s to 178s per cwt. Cheese, quiet, coloured 104s, white 107s.
A meeting of tlio directors of Henry: Jones Co-operative, Ltd., held in , Melbourne on October 31, resolved, subject lo audit, to recommend to tho shareholders at the annual meeting of the.company to bo held on November 26 the payment of a dividend at tho rate? of' 7Ad a share out of tho current, year's income earned iit Australia and 7|d a share out of income earned outside of Australia. The dividend will he payable on December 1. The abovo dividend, together with the interim dividend of 9d a share paid in June, makes a total dividend of 10 per cent, for the year. The dividend last year was 113 per cent., absorbing £132,641. As the capital was 1 increased in May, 1927, the com pany's year ending ,on October 31. the dividend for the past, year at 10 percent, will 'be about £140.000.
CANADA'S WHEAT YIELD. Australian Press Association—United Service OTTAWA, Nov. 13. Canada's 1923 wheat yield is estimated at 500,613,t)00 bushels according to the Government bureau of statistics. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Australian awl N.Z. Press Associuti6n. CHICAGO. Xov. 33. Wheat. —December, 1 dollar 14 7-8 cents per bushel; March, 1 dollar'l9 7 8 cents; May, 1 dollar 22 7-8 cents.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20104, 15 November 1928, Page 9
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3,115FAT STOCK MARKET. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXV, Issue 20104, 15 November 1928, Page 9
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