TO-MORROW'S COMPETITIONS. i ' '''' i ; . GAMES AT BLANDFORD PARK. PERSONNEL OF THE TEAMS. . The principal attraction in tho Auckland Football Association's competition to-morrow will be the contest between Poasonby and Hellaby's at Blandford Park. It should be a keen, interesting gome. Northcote and Thistle will also meet at the park, and should provide another good game. Watereiders and Y.M.C.A. will play at the Domain. and Royal Navy and Tramways on tho naval reserve, Devonport. The toams are as follow: SENIOR DIVISION. Ponsonby.—Craxton. Pickett, Williams, Mitchell. Neesham O Brien, Ahern, Christie, Lines. Kennedy Adshead. Hellaby's.—Norman, W. Lowell, Brittain, iMartindale, McLachlan, Tocker. Holmes, Bryan. Mareiaon, Rimmer. Mellor, Kane. Northcote.—Chesney, Thornley, Hibbert. iMcLaren, Calderwood. L. Knott. McDonald, [Tremain, Bell, Knott, Burford. Reserve: <Blackledge. Y.M.CJL.—A. Lucas, Clonachan, SkipJwith, Shenkin. Dick. Coltman, Walbran, Do Xnce, Marshall, Entwistle, J. Lucas. . I Thistle.—Jack, Ferguson. Ritchie, Hanoi. IBell, Diokson, Dunsmore, Dodds, Humphries, ;Hislop, Williams. Reserves: Withers, Kean, {Anderson, Tramways.—Batty, McEiiigott, Simpson, Porteous, Herberts, Hopkins, Spong, Copc;land, Sims, Davis. Lewis. Reserves: E. Khrocve, Razila, Eglington. Royal Navy.—Tucker, Batcholor, Mellor, Bradley, Baxter, Mealing, Lindsay, Buck, 'Morritt, Welch, Warwick. Watersiders.—Watts, Dyson, G. Martin, 31. Martin, ■ Curtis, Hawkes. Worthington, /Welly, Wilson, J. Grime, Clarke, Reid, Simjnona. Lemming. SECOND DIVISION. . North Shore.—Lipacombe, Colebouxne, H. omith, Turnbull, Hankins, Pino, Moore, Dow, Whitley, Jay, T. Smith. Reserve: Hollows. NorthooK—Lyon, Neads. Lithgow, Wood*ll, Morris, Elaby. Trewheller, Holmes, Cavmye, Scoles, Speignt. Reserve: Eizzard. Royal Navy.—Davidson, Dine, Southard. 'Austin, Woodrufle, Smith, Stoneman, Heal, Doherty, Coleij. Onehunga.—Jackson, McKeown, Richards, Chappell, Waterson, Cox. Bentley, Paton, CornwelJ, Walton, Kay Williams, Hartlea. Chelsea.—Jsmieson, Holman, Hilton, Marchant, \Taylor, Redsull, Barker, Wish art, Feeney, Frame, Wishart. Brown. Hellaby's.—Kane, Roberta, Mills, Cavana, Martindale, Ashworth, Kinghorn, Wright, Huston, Thorpe, Mann. Jarrett, Patrick. •. Watersiders.—Shreevea, Davies, Beasley, Inness. G. Grime. Williams, Barnett. F. Shreeves, Brydon, Hoey. McVey. McLellan, C. Paterson. Thistle.—Morris. Anderson, Howard, Fart, Wilson, Forrester. Lears, Dunsmore, McQrath, l Brown, Weir, Salmond. Ponsonby A.—Hall, Glee, Pazton. Morrison, G. Wright, T, Wright, Drew, Hunter, Smythe. Hipkina, Ward, Y.M.C.Ay A.—Harpor, Andrews, Snarling. Bach, Lewis, Thompson, MoMiken, Maclnre, Kemp Levy, Otter. Y.M.C.A. B.—lreland, Gebbie, Gillon, Marcbant, Harrison, Hall, Kemp, Tredrea, Tombs, Leonard, Goodman. Londoners A.—Magnns, Miller, Irvine, Wiqhart, Mutry, Austin, Taylor. Eddie, • (Wmtt&l, Calvert, Jenings. Reserve: Frew. Londoners B.—Ross, Songster, Parry, Anderson, Crocker, Cotton, McAuley, Forbes, Cotton, Cottdn, Howarth. Reserve: Owens. THIRD DIVISION. Metropolitan A.—Williams, Patcheti, Rob-! inson, Fryett, Colledge, Ellingham, Barlow, X. Turley, Bryson, Marshall. Massam. Metropolitan B.—Taylor, Colledge, Scoullar, ] ifasaara, Crawford, Turley, Smith, Christian, Mickleborough, B re win, Preest, Wil«on. Northcote.~!itolt. Roberta, Cater, Jupp, Harris, Walls, Lunny Burford, Banbury, Corrin, Cross. Reserve: Taylor. Ponsonby.—Jones, Ray, Bkerrett, Moir, Cochrane, Conckie, Creamer, Marshall, Spinks, Pearsma, Corcoran. Reserves: .Walker, RodwelL North Shore.—A. Smith. Cobb, Murphy, Chubb,, Wynn, Wilson. McKean, Walters, Clarke, Fronde. Ralfe. Reserve: Dean, i Y.M.C.A, A.—Fa ton, Polwin, Smith, I*>vie, Riddolls, Pearce, McComish, Bridges, Kemp. Birkenhead, Lock. Onehunga.—Parkes, Heasman, J. Johnson. 'Palmer, Payne, Neve, o'Neil,_ Fletcher, Johnson, Darragh, Dennis, Hankins, Petrie. Takanini.—W, ]Roberts, N. Bennett, A. Rooke, W. Mayor, G. Martin, S. Martin, G. 'Dare, L. Tonkin, E. Roberts, T. Gaunt. V. Peploe, E. Beaumont. Otahuhu.—Saul, Edwards, Phillipps, Morritr, G. Pollard, Sharpies, Taylor, Coe, Hol'laud, J. Pollard, Hinton. Reserves: Wilkm- . aon, Oliver. / FOURTH DIVISION. Northcote.—R. Tremain, S. Tremain, Os!inond, Harris, Hutchiiuon, Howard, New'mani Taylor, CastletOn, Ptlmer, Slayter, Lantgon, Onehunga.—Carlyon, Wolfenden, Fickling, Somervilia, Smith, P. Hawkins, Dimery, Quill, Jesson. Wolfenden. Hawkins. Thistle B.~Leo, Patrick, Brayne. Richardson, Buldock, Lincoln, Poole, Dormer, Butt, Reardon, Linton. Reserves: Curtain. Robertson. Ponßonby.—Ampa, Reed. Broberg. Reed. Aston, Godfrey, Eaton, Sluckey. Belsham, Williams, Kipp. Reserves: Barnes. Puddle. Players to take 12.30 p.m. bus from Pitt\ Street. , No!rth Shore.—McCallum, Bartley, Hales, Bach, Mowat," Lorimer, Buchanan, Cleal, Archer, Bush, E. Bartley, Reserves: Webb Burgess. Metropolitan.—Skinner, Johnstoa, Bowies, Jameson. Ritchie. Crocker. Clark. Conway. McLaughlin, Belmont,—Sanderson. Marino, Ridings, Robinson, Banka. Hall, Allen, Rae, Bell, Meiklejohn, Williams, Corner, Baldock, Vowles, Clark. „ „ , Y.M.C.A. A.—WilfoTd, Hallett, Riddal, McKain, Owen's, Jensen, Bradley, Johns, Coyle, McKay, Emory. Miller. Y.M.C.A. B.—Hilliard, Wilson, Carson, Wilson, Riahworth, Rawle*. Scott, Pollard, Person, Taylor, Appleton. Comrades.—Worthington, Estall, Storey, Campbell, Egen, Edmonds, Sanford, Brown, Page, Vercoe, Crewe. Reserves: Bennett, BraM ' FIFTH DIVISION. ■ Onehunga.—E. Hatfield, W. Hatfield, Showier. Wilson. Whitford. Burridge, B. Jackson, Harlick, Sager, Strong, L. Jackeon, Clark, Keefe. Boag. „ Northcote.— Couldrey, Newman, Simpson, .King, Armitago W. Simpson, Naimie, Bowman, Aspden, Taylor, Smith. Reserves: >litchell, Vvillia. „ Belmont. Sowden, Gee,. iarrmgton. Gamble, Yarnton, Hale, Robinson, Adams, Marshall, Furneeß, Tucker,, Malcolm, ForComrades A.—Brighton. Hooton, Walters, Fickling (2), Farrell Carson, McLean, Vereou. Bull, Wheeler, Carlton.—Stuart, McCallum, Allen, Baker, i*V*ivde. Thorpes, Oates. Chappell. G. JohnDoir, Lloyd, Hallam. EmergenciM: Harker, McDougalX, Fitzaimmons, R. Johnson, R. •Hills. SIXTH DIVISION. North Shore.—Cleal. Ormiston, Gerrard, King. Probert, Stevens; Bit,rtley, Berguson, Smith, MoCluskey, Blackle. ' Northcote.—Morgan, Haggett. Howland, Taylor, Norton, Grenfell, McPhail, Lunny, 3ikman, Tr&mara, Parriah. Carlton.—xurner, Johnstone, Mackmnon, Shale, Brooker, Wallace, Shanly (2), H. 'Atkins, Stewart, Fisher. Comrades A Ogg, Clark, OlsBon, Wardropft, Peannan, Evans. Bernard, Cunihan, Muivihill, Hanagan. Reserves: Morgan, Hickoy. ' Combrades B.—Olsaon,- Watson, Culhane, Sullivan, Egen. Kirkwood. Tester, McCord, Miller, Chandler, Chitty. Reserve: Turner. SEVENTH DIVISION. North Shore.— Scott, Lillicrap, Pulman, Morrison, Smith, McCarthy, A. Estcourt, ltankin, Saunders, New, Williamson. Reserve: Hayßon. CTarlton,—Jackson, B. Atkins, Rome, JenMxison, J. Matthews, G. Hallam, Dixon, Gray, An Choe, Sutclifto, Skyrme, Reinhardt, Mcl>ougal, Comrades A.—McKonna, Newman, Connot, Little, Silva, Gardiner, Brass, Ryan, Neil, Gardiner, Cameron. Reserves: Matthews, Avery, Ireland. Comrades B—Quinlin, Phillips, Beagles, Garnet, Mayall, Morgan, Ponnycooke, Roberts, J. KUis, Smith, McGregor. lieBervos: A, Ellis, Watson. Y.M.C.A. BOYS' I^EAGUE. * SENIOR GRADE. Celts,—L. Ebnsloy, J. Eastwood, D. Greenwood, V. Gaughan, E. Little. E. Sutherland W, Rutherford, J. Burdett, J, Wheeler, Jackson, K. Selby. Kivais.—L. Wallis, E, Goodwin, A. Hooper, J, Herbert, S. McLellan, J. Broadhurst, 3. Jansen, S. Walker, R, Litherland, A. Goodman, T Boyoe. Rangers.—G-. Parker. L. Barnett, S. Bell, G. Melrose, N, Middleton, B. Costello, S, Coad. G. Livingstone, R. Warner, J. Whelan, T. uow. _ltoTorn, : —F, Bradley, A. Forrent, E. Heath, C, Maloy, M. Blair, P. Muskett, J. Bankier, J. Dcuglaa, N. Galbraitb, H. Oats, (V. Wodgwood. ' Spurs.—H. Whaley, W. Thompson, D. JlcNiveu, G. Sloone. B. Wright, B. GuildtW(L K. Talbot. R. Barnfatbor, R. Miller, ff. Holmos. J. Harrison, r, Bwifka,—D, • Browning, S. Eamea, «T. Llnngatone, 3. Wilford, E. Litherland, H, ilunti:ngton, C. Brown, E. Riley. F. Jeeves, 33, Baialay, B. Court. JUNIOR GBADE. Cfeli4.-L. Dwight, G. Hutchison. W. !£mwy, IV Dwight. T\ Lowe. D. Weavers. itLStirJek We»v«M„ E, Mo*iew
Rivals.—C. Howell, M. King, A. Appleton. C. Coombs. J. Marriott, C. MaseliU, C. Jolly, A. Lockie, C. Brooking. T. Jonee, N. Conn. Rangers.—W. Cochrane, J. Plowman, R. Plowman, L. Bull. M.' Gunner, E. Hunter, V. Pedersen, W. Jane. R. Mills, F. Lyndon, J. Poole, Watson. Rovers.—W. (laughan, J. Pearson, J. Brown, 8. Mellows, W. Halford, A. Cates. A. Ackery, R. Fraei. J. Halford, Turley, N. J-mndon, R. Kellar. Spurs.—R, Riddolls, K.v Shirress, R. Strong, G. Jeeves, H. V/heeler, J. Ivatts, R. Ahsop. J. Dunn, B. Ross, R. Foubister, A. Chandler, G. Shand. Swifts.—G. Hedley, C. Parker, R. Stewart. S. Mills, C. White. R. McKenzie. , J. wheeler. J. Holmes, M. Russell, T. Allan, R. Coudron, R. Irving. \ BROWN SHIELD CONTESTS. : NEW SCHEME PROPOSED. [by nci.i:aiiAPH.—-rßKss association.] WELLINGTON. Thursday. The council of the Now Zealand Football Association, after discussion, resolved to forego any financial participation this sea-, son. in the Chatham Cup gatea until tho &emi-finals aro finished. Under this arrangement 75 per cent, will go to the local association and 25 per cent, to tho competing clubs. .In regard to tho Brown Shield competitions tho committee reported having considered a scheme along the lines of the Plunket Shield, in which the four major associations would compete, each getting throe home matches in two years. In 1826 Auckland would play Otago at Dunedin and Canterbury at Christchurch. Wellington would pla.v Auckland at Anckland and Canterbury at Christchurch. Canterbury would plav Otago at Dunedin and Otago would play 'Wellington at Wellington.; The games would be practically reversed in 1927. The cost t6 Auckland and Otago would be in the neighbourhood of, £240 and to Wellington and Christchurch £l4O. The report was referred back for the finance committee to consider the question of poor gates. , It was decided, on the recommendation of the competitions committee, to write to the English Football Association, asking that some endeavour should 'be made to send a team of schoolboys to New Zealand at some future date, at the same time asking for information as to ages, sohopls, etc. In regard to the new cup which is being sent out by the English Football Association, tho view was expressed that if the proposed changes were made in the Brown Shield the new trophy would be allocated to the minor associations.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 19060, 3 July 1925, Page 6
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1,411ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 19060, 3 July 1925, Page 6
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