THE LONDON MARKETS. QUOTATION FOR METAL. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Reed. 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, Feb. 17. (Prices on February 12 in parentheses.) Copper.—Spot, £64 18s 9d (£65 1b 3d); three months, JM>5 18s 9d (£66 Is 3d). Lead.—Spot. £37 15s (£3B 15s); three months, £37 (£37 17a 6d). Spelter.—Spot. £36 13s 3d (£36 10s); three months, £36 2s Od (£36). Tin.—Spot, .£263 17s 6d (£264); three months. £265 I:ss 9d (£267 3s 9d). Silver.- Standard. 32id (32 l-8d); fine, 31 13-16 d (34. 11-16 d). CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Reed. i.5 p.m.) CHICAGO, Feb. 17. Wheat. May .1 dollar 842 cents; July, 1 dollar 56 cents; September, 1 dollar 43. cents. LONDON WHEAT MARKET, Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Reed. 11.5 p.m.) LONDON, Feb. 17. Wheat.—Cargoes are quiet and quotations lower. Parcels closed at 6d to Is 6d decline. STOCK SALES. AUCKLAND. Dalgety and Company. Ltd., report as follows on the Westlieiu sale yesterday. Beef: There was a large yarding, prices being the same as last week. Extra, caoioe ox made 32s per 1001b.; choice and prune, 31s to 20s; other, 27s to 29b; pruno young cow and heifer beef, 23s to 275; othei, 1.8 to 23a. Sheep; A fair yarding, prices beuui slightly firmer. Heavy prime wethers maue 37a to 39a 0d; medium, 31s 0d to other, 80s to 345; heavy prune ewea sold iron 31s to 355; medium prime, 28s bd to aus, others, 24s to 28a. Lambs: An average yarning. Belling at last week's prices. . Heavy prune lambs sold to 38b; medium prime, 30s to 325; light. 25s to 27a Od; other#. J2B to 255. Pig's: A fair yarding, prices being very firm at late rates. Heavy and medium baconers mado £3 6s to £3 lis; light baconera and heavy porkers, £2 8s to it 3 medium and light porkers, £1 Ws to H os. Calves: A good yarding, prices being unchanged. Runners made from £3 5s to to 15s; heavy vealers. to £3 Is; medium vealers £2 to £2 10b; light, £1 7b to £2; small and fresh dropped, 3s to 7a; rouga calves, los to The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., reports:—We new sales during the past week at Westtieia. Warkworth, and Henderson, all classes ox cattle and sheep selling at late quotations. We quote: Best dairy cows end heifers, £•> to £l2 10s; other, £5 to £8 10s; aged cows and inferior heifers, £2 to £4 15s; eniptycows and heifers, £1 10a to £3 ss; bulls. £2 108 to £8 10s; yearling to 18-months heiiels. empty. £1 5s to £2 15s; heifers suitable dairy purposes, £3 to £-1 15s; yearling to 18 months steers, £2 to ±3 15s; 2 to 2j-year. £4 to £5; 3 to 3!-year, £5 2s 6d to £6 2s 6d; 4 to 4|.year, £6 5s to £7 1.0s; grown steers in forward condition, £7 12s Od to £8 lps; store wethers, £1 Ss to £1 13s; store lambs, best, £1 to £1 5a 3d; others. 12s to l'Js; ewes, £l. 7s to £1 12s Od; f.m. ewes, £\ to £1 5a 9d; 2-tooth ewes, £1 12s to £1 beef at fully Weatfield Quotations. At Westfield fat stock market yesterday beef was penned in average numbers, and sold at late ciuotntione. Extra choice ox made to 32s per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, from 2fc* <x> .its per 1001b.; plain and ordinary ox. 22a to 25a per 100.; prime young cow and heifer beet, 2-1b to 283 per 1001b.-, other cow beef, 18s to 23s per 1001b.; rough beef. 12a to 17s per 1001b.; heavy prime steer# cold at from £ll 1.) £l3 2s 6d; lighter, £!) 15s to £lO 15a: light. £8 15s to £9 10s; small and unfinished steers, £6 10s to £8 108; heavy p.imo cows and heifers, £7 to £8 10a; lighter, £5 10a to £6 1.58; light, £4 5s to £5 ss; other cows. £2 10s to £4; bulla. £2 10a to ft. Sheep penned in small numbers, sold at late quotations. Heavy prime wethers made £1 lbs to £'2; medium, £1 10s 3d to £M l'Js 9d; £1 15s fo £1 16b; unfinished wethers, 11 12s to ,£1 14s Od; heavy prime ewea, £1 13s 3d to £1 16s Gd; medium and light ewea, £1 10a to £1 13s; unfinished ewes, £l, 3s Cd to £1 9s 9d. Lambs penned in average numbers, sold readily at late quotations. Heavy prime lambs made 32s Cd to 355; medium, 28s Cd to 325; light, 25a Cd to 28s; unfinished lambs, best 20a to 255, others 17s to 19s o*d. Calves penned in large numbers, sold readily at improved values. Runners, made £2 10s to £4 ICs; heavy vealers, £3 Gs to £4; medium, £2 6s to £3 3s: light. 31s to £2 ss; smaller, lis to 30s; small and fresh dropped, 3a to lite. Pigs penned in large numbers, sold at la'fe quotations. Choppers made £2 10s to £3 8s; heavy and medium baconers, £3 3s to £3 lis; light baconers and heavy porkers, £2 16s to £3 Is: medium and light porkers, £2 8s to £2 12s; unfinished porkers, £l. 17a to £2 2s. Store pica were penned in small numbers, and declined in prices. Large stores made £1 10s to £1 18s; slips, 15s to £1 Is; weaners, 73 to 153. Alfred BucMand and Sous. Ltd., report:—During tho week we held sales at Pukekohe, Westfield, Waiuku, Turua, Clevedon, Pokeuo, Runciman and and two clearin;: sales. All claeeee of cattle are in demand, and values are the same as at last report. Quotations;—- Dairy cows and heifers, £7 to £l4; inferior cows and heifers, £2 ICia to £6 10a; forward-conditioned 4 to 41-year-old steers, £7 10s to £8 10s; less condition, £6los to £7 7s 6d: 3 to 4-year-old steers, £5 10s to £6 10s; 2 to 3-year steers. £4 10s to £5 10s; yearling, to 2-year-oid steers, £3 to £4 10s; good Shorthorn steer calves, £2 5s to £2 12s; smaller calves, mixed sexes, £1 5s to £1 15s; empty young cows and heifers, £2 10s to £3 10s; fat. steers, £8 10s to £l2 17a Gd: fat cowe and heifers, £4 His to £8; rough fat cows, £2 10s to £4 ss; bulls, £3 to £ll 10s. There was an extra heavy varding of pigs at Pukekohe, which met with a steady sale throughout at Weatfield values. Yesterday, at our weekly We 3t tie Id fat Stock market, our beef pens contained 792 head, comprising 291 steers, 475 cows and heifere, and 26 bulls and stags. There was a steady demand throughout, with values on a r>art with last week. Extra choice ox eold to £1 12s per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, £1 9s to £1 lis; ordinary and plain ox, £1 7s to £1 8s 6d; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 3a Od to £1 7s: ordinary cow beef, £1 to £1 3s; rough beef, 14» to 19s; extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l3 10s to £l4 12s Gd; heavy prime steers, £ll 15a to £l3 7s Gd; lighter prime steers. £lO to £3l 32s 'xl: light prime steers. £H 10a to £9 17s 6d; unfinished and small, £5 10s to £8 fid; extra heavy prime young cows and neifers, £9 to £lO ss; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £7 to £•* 15s; lighter, £5 to £6 15i; other billable cows, £2 10s to £4 26a; bulls. £2 to £lO 10s. Sheep came forward in increased numbers and met with a brighter sal©. All prime sheep improved in price. Heavy prime wethers made £1 19s Gd to .£2 2s; medium and heavy prime wethors, £1 17s to £1 19a; light and unfinished wethers, £1 14s to £ 1 ICs Od; extra heavy prime, owes, £ 113s to £1 16s; heavy fat owes, £1 9s to £1 12«. lighter ewes, £1 6a Gd to £1 8s 9d. (138.8 sold.) Thero was a heavy entry of lambs and all clauses met with a keen sale. Heavy prime made £1 lis fid to £3 17s Gd; lighter prime, £1 12a to £1 14s; light prime, £1 9s to £1 lis fid: plain lambs, £ 15s fid to £lßsßd. store I'.s fid to £1 ss. (SGI sold.) Calves were again penned in largo numbers, values for all classes being equal to late quotation*. Runners brought from £3 to £t 13s; heavy vealers, £2 15s to £-4 la; medium vealers, £2 to £2 15s: light vealers, £1 10s to £2 Is; small and fresh-dropped, 2s to £l-. (261 sold.) There was again a good yarding of pigs. A keen demand existed and. last, week's ratee were fully sustained. Heavy baconers made £3 6b to-£3 11a; light and medium, £3 to £3 4s; heavy porkers, £3 12m to £2 18s; light and medium, £2 7s to £2 10s- small pcrl'.ers, £2 to £2 4a. There was also more than the usual number of stores, prices for these being lower. Heavy slips made up to £1 17s; light #dips, £1 '2s to £1 8s; weanera, from 6s to 17s. (526 sold.) HAMILTON. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, report:—At Prankton yards on Tuesday wo hold our weekly stock sale, and had a good yarding of all classes. Beef was easier, especially cow beef, which was considerably lower. Fat sheep were about equal to the previous week, with stores somewhat easier. Fat pigs showed an improvement on lato sales, with stores about the same. We quote; Fat ewes and wethors, prime, 36s 9d; prime fat lambs, 29a to 335: aged fat ewes, 26s 6d; good woolly lamb, 20s to 235; storo shorn lambs, lis 3d to 15s; 4-tooth to 5-year ewea. 30s to 335; sound month ewes, 23s to 255; aged ewes, 19s to 21s lOd; 2-tooth forward wethers. 849; prime fat steers, £ll 9s; fat cows, £5 5s to £5 18s: unfinished, £3 108 to £4; 41-year steers, £7 8s; Skvear Btoers, i:t\ 19s; bulls, £2 10a to £3: best bacon* era, £3 5s to £3 13s. ethers, £2 18a to £3 2s; prime porkers, £2 15s to £2 17s fid; others, £3 8s to £2 12s; good stores, 375; weaneta, lis to 153, ADDINGTON. [by TELEGRAPH. —PllESfi ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH, "Wednesday. The entry of store sheep at the Addington market to-day considerably exceeded 80,000. the bulk coming from Poverty Bay and various South Island provinces. The market slipped back in all classes of stores. Fat lambs sold at practically schedule values, but fat cattle dropped substantially and fat sheep slightly. , Storo Sheep.—The large entry met with a hard sale, values for ewes, particularly old ewes, being down by from 2s to 8a on last week, and by over la on other classes. Generally the outside owes were ft poor class and there were heavy passings ffl ill® final stagta* vshc-a tlto wwJbamg WW «C(iafcs«
ated, forward lambs. 29a 6d to 34s ordinary, 278 to 295; medium, 25a 6d to 26a 3d; small, 203 to 25a; cull, Ms lOd to 19s 6d; good four-toothed halfbred owes, <3Bfs 6d; good two-toothed Romney cross ewes, 40a to 42a Od; ordinary two-toothed Romney cross ewes, 35s to 89s; good four, six and eighttoothed Romney cross owes, 36s to 398", lower-conditioned four, atx and eight-toothed, 288 fid to 34a (id; four and five-year-old halfbred ewes, 35s to 365; low-conditioned four and five-year-old ewea, 2fia 4d to 29s 4d; rape ewea, 22s to 28a; failing-mouthed crossbred owes, 2Gs Gd to 31s; a«cd and inferior ewea, 12a 6d to 20s: good forward four and six-tooth half bred Wethers, 86 s to 37s 3d; four, six and eight-toothed wethers, 33s (.id to 888; two-toothed wethers, 30a to 33b 9d;* inferior two-toothed wethers, 26a to 28s 3d. Fat Lambs.—There was a small yarding of 2900, and prices were a shade easier than last week, but still well up to export values prime lambs making; a full 12} d a lb. Esira, prime lambs, to 47s lOd; prime, 40s to 43s Od; medium, 37a to 39s Od; light, 34s to 36s 9d; store lambs, 29s Od to 32s (id. Fat Sheep.—There was an increased yarding and a slacker demand in the earner part of Is Od a head, but firming up later, values being as good as Inst week. Exporters bought freely at the lower , export price. Prime wethers, 41s to 47s lOd; medium, 37a to 40a; light, 83s to 365; prime ewes, 35a to 40s; medium, 32s 6d to 85s; light, 28a, (3d to 325; aged, 24s to 27s Od. , Fat Cattle.—A. very heavy yarding of 550 head, and » drop in prices of 25s to ,10s a head, a number of good lines being passed. Prime beef made from 30a to 39b per 1001b; extra prime steers, £lB 17s 6d; prime, £ls 5a to £l7 sa; medium, £l2 10s to .€ls; light, £0 8a to .£l2; prime heifers, £8 15b to £l2 103; ordinary. £6 to £8: prime cows, £7 1m to £lO 15s; ordinary, £5 10s to £7 10s; old, £3 to £5. , Vealers. —Runners, to £7; good vealers, £3 12S fid to £5 15s; good calves, £2 5s to £3 10#; small, 20s to £2. , ... Store Cattle.—-A large entry and a fairly good demand. Four-year steers to £7 16s; two year, to £ 5 10a; good cows, £3 10s. Dairy Cattle.—An entry of 61 head, and nearly all sold at auction. Best second, third and fourth calve! 8, £8 to £l2 10a; medium, £6 to £7 IBs; best springing heifers, £5 to £7 10s; medium, £3 to £4 15s; old cows ill profit, £2. Fat Pigs.—A good entry. Porkers improved and baconers sold at lata rates. Choppers, £2 10s to M; light bacon erg, £3 16s to £4 ss; heavy, £4 10s to £4 12a Gd; extra heavy, £5 6a. (Average price per lb, Od to 7d.) Light porkers, £2 10s to £2 15s; heavy, £2 17s Gd to £3 13a. (Average price per lb, 7|d to Sid.) Store Figs.--A medium entry and weaners were cheaper. Medium and large stores Bold well. Small xvoanenj. 16s to 21s 6d; best, 265; small stores, 28s to 335; medium, 35s to 395; large, 60s to 595; sows in pig. M 10s.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18947, 19 February 1925, Page 5
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2,370COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 18947, 19 February 1925, Page 5
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