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. UCKLAND',,. VBWI|RAI*-Vs $KBSlON,..'.."Corner,' Victoria, and iiAlbeti Streets. '■;.;^M^tb^':"H;aw;Faiih''-;!ln;Goii, "';:' : V ■ :v'.- Misaioher. 'Rev;-: A. W. ; "INGRAM. ■••--■' '. SUNDAY BERVI<B& 10,30 aim.—Pir&>'<«. . ' i U a.m ; —Tes«in©ny Meeting, foEowsd r by Communion Service. ,:i ->■'■ l\ ■■.:. - ■-."'■'■ :■''-, ,-..■■'--'■.■' 1 ; .T;p.m.-RE7. A. W. J ':-ING-lUM. : Subject: ; •' To© Buhanws Value of Lift* yritJi Christ," ? Class,, . , p.m.:. Boys' CVibf Spji-.-Baad Practice.: ; All Band M%bo«xis lira naked to bejjKsueat.. ■''•'■>'- , .;■'■' WEDNESDAY. 7.30'. I ... vice. '■*■''-.■•"■ ''-. ; : ". '■■-'■ o-'-vi ■'■<"' :; :t '• '■&' J3UNDAY. AUG; ANNX- , VERSARY. Particulars nest Satofdaya ' pa»er3, - ■ < ../Everybody' Heartily ilnvitcd. : otahuhu evangelistic cam;,'.;;paign... ■',■:'■:;;::....:.•:-.;.';-"■' . festal meetings - ■;. ';•'■ •■•.•. in gaiety theatre, to-morrow {sunday}. AFTERNOON, -a,—The Young Men. "God'a Power to; Bj&ep, and Call io Ser•sice," • EVENING,': B.IB^MR. : : ' cl' 3 ! . ; . ROLLS.' "Love's Greatert Triumph." v Song Services at 2.45 and.'?!.. p.m.:;' ... ;V. Com©! And ycm may just ,ibe«r -the word atui<rf to your ewn personal eacperi&nee. >:■,»-. ', : SCIENTISTS' CHURCH.; KABANOAHAPE RD. (Opp. P. 0.) L TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). T P.M. MR. H. M. BOUCHER. BOOKS AND PUBLiOATIONS. ■jj e w boo V. k a ' CHURCH PRINCIPLES, by Bev-.r P. Carnegie Simpson, D.D.; 6b, r : !*>< CHRISTIANITY MISUNDERSTOOD, by " Thos. J. .Hardy,'. IfeAi'l : tt-:*L*.:v--'-.U,- ".■*." <:•-.-< ■- THE MINISTER IN THE MODERN . WORLD, by Rev. B. CaldwGillie. M.A.} .• <i6j ■ -■-.:'■■ ?-■■:•':. .j-".■:-:::./ THE SPIRIT EST THE NEW TESTAMENT, ! by Rev. E. F. Scott. D.D j 7s 6d. , FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH. THEOLOGI- ' CAL, by Rev. W. E. Orchard. D.D.s 6s. , TALES OF TIBAH AND LESSER TIBET, 1 by Lilian A.. Stain 6s. , J( . Postages Extra; i SUNDAY-SCHOOL .UNION BOOK DEPOT .■",•■'•:■■ Darby Street, aB Queen Street. ,- ■i , . ~,:?•— .... -~ j ~' _-...< OOMMEBOIA& OOIiLEQEa, ? ■sro xmsEL;e r r° ti l^B^ If in ten years' time you ar© oomi«' | pying praetioally the same, position .'. as your are in to-day, if yon are still j . ; . 'plodding, along ,on pretty mteoh the ' sanie saiaty, you will have only ;, ydurstelf to blame. ' i - Thw oonntry .is in ft- prosperous condition. .' Businesses ftre flourish' ! k ing and expanding. For every welt ;i I h paid posi&on ten years; ago tbewjaie.^ a dozen to-davi and for every ons to- i •,•.'■ day. there will bo & uoorb in a few ' i • -moro years. ■ i i'. ■;' BUT—these responsible, highly' • i"! paid. ]op 3 are opim only to trained- v • aualmed men. . Ulsn • who' »re'ih^ ; "■ oughly conveifaftnt with jnodera. ; busi-' i ! ■ - ; "/nass meihods. - ij » : •'■ : >i- ' : .■' ' .'•;■ ,'•':,' ■.•:"' "'- : ". ■:■.'■ ' ■ ".- :••: '' "'- "' ■ 'i| Ppporthnity awaits you. Fit yoTHV to grs.ap it. Our FREE -t\p-page ; ''; Booklet, \ t •*ACCOmTANCY.#? ff !| : i tell you how.;; Send for it. TO-DAY t . .. ' gEMINGWAY'S jgCHOOLS, . / 'P.O;VBox 616, J i \. AUCKLAND. E"' LEOTRrCITy. ' ■'- I LECTRIGITY. • i| . . - THE MOST USEFUL AND IN-,; i TERESTINGJ?QWER' OF MOD- •'; ' <■ " EBN, ..TIMES, : ' •' J. . Keep pice with th!ii ■ itapidly-dji- , -■- -lj • veloping ;soiehce. by i studying ■i\ ■-■'■-■ under. our ":tuitioh.'■:''^■'^MtrllotlOJ^;";.''\'■-.•.■. : ]! in Class or by Correspondence ,1 in both Direct and ' '. ji Current work. - Those:;who .can ' ■:■ ' 'attend 'the' School nn«3' take '■• act- > : v vantage of our olauaes in Prao- li tioal Work without charge. Is '■•••'Caadidates; prepared s for-" Citar ■■'■■;■"■■ ''! and Guilds of. London Electn-:l eal Examinations. ..- r Full information and Free if Prospectus mailed promptly, to;L jl any address. .- t f '■ , Write now ;to Dopt. A., i CTURROCX'S QCHOOL OF " TjINGINEERING. QUAY STREET. AUCKLAND. (Estob. 15 years; and 'registered by ; ." ; . Marine and Eduoation-Depia.). i BRAIN'S:-: COMMERCiAL COLLEGER , N.Z. Insurance Bldg., Auakland. i The College wills be Closed, from inat. : until 4th August for the Vacatmn. The OffioowUl, be Open Daily for Ejixohnents.% Students ; are advised-.'-..t0 enrol immediately, as we; shall onfe be" able to receive a limited nnmbiff. ■). - MISS E. ,B. M. BRAIN, ; : - ""• ■- ■ ■ •-. ■■:•■: ,■■■■■■ ■'}-:'-:■■■":■■. '» '-...Tprincipalj,;::., ' : ''■-■ ■-'■'' ••■ "% WESLEY .TRACING ' PAERATA. AUCKLAND. 7 The College is sitnatod 81) miles south"iiif Auckland on a farm of 690 acres. '■■< li The aim is to give boys a sound practical training In the different branohes or agiiauHjturo> while continuing their edacation up M matrioulation. stjmdard, and .at : the itamjt time to provide the care and discipline of it -, Christian home. > . j[ The Collegtt Buildings are new, and,!of modem aeetgrn.: ' 1 The . College ianri ■ is ■:- ."rnik ox.the most up-tonlibte lines, attention lieinji given to pedigree oows, pigs, and. sheep, and there fa en ©ffloient; Indoor' sod ontdooir .' staff. : : ''•■■k?;\ " - The fee for the.: school year is e 50.) and a limited aumbojr of bursaries are availnblel : -. Further-:partidjilajta -. may:■-■ be ''.had''' on"-: *tr. < plication to the Principal. i College, wk opened on TUESDAY, July 15. : ';■ t . R. C. CLARIt, M.A., Dip. Ed., I! ■:■'■■ .;.*■- '~ ~',.;■':,;- -,';■■■■■-: : --■'■•,■■■,■ ; '■ :■ jE > rinoi]pal.J':. SOUTHERN CROSS COLLEGIj 416, Smith's Building. /■} Albert Stree*. 'i ...«;.' ■'.-.■. . : -..•'...'■..;••■ • : ■•-.•-'.. .-..'■:.'■'■ :'■',.' .:\-l.:.'' ,'■;'. -Si'''.' .'''■%. Seooad Term .Commencea TUESDAYL May 27. Prospeotus obtainable, ■ oiji application to ' ,1 . j: 1 MISS E. EI. GOUQDING. 8.A.. , ;! '"'.i-->, '■'■•;:"il;/«'fTIHE LADBSS* COLIOUGE. REMETEIM^ Prinoipals: . j[ MRS. AND MISSES MOORE-JONES, ii 2ND. TERM COMMiaTCES ';JUNE ;: '». jProspeotus on Applioatton. t ij. SEORjTHAND.—'Mawelloua Paragon Homu Sttidy Uourije; quickest efficient maanSjl ■: . .wiynderful.'; reaulits.—Boz .494,;..Dunii .. -edin.' .J'. :; ■ ■■■;" iV . (<|| ■- ;..j ( .■■• i[ ,■ " " ? : ;^SP '^ i| QS. '•':-'•:" '-':•■■.;-;:tj[ QVEESEAS pOLIOY-prOLDEISS; ; The Southern Crohn Assurance .Companyl Ltd.. dttsire to announc* that they ; havo appointed MESSRS. RICHARD HARRIIf: ■AXD'SON.^{conhect'eid v with>Ll6yd'B;.foriovej|.:; "100 yearn) ta act as CollectihgoAgehcy: :,«E: Great Britain.: theittby. enabling : :Poiicyjf Holdera removing ; temporarily >or : ,: permanently to*he^UhitM'-'Kmgd^Oßi--;te/;ymlt-- , toetjr. : premmrns.. - : ' 1 "-i' : ' r ', :: ;;' , ;:! : ii • qpHE SOUTHERN /IROSS , A SSURANCE pOMPANY, J™", Head Office for New Zealand: MANDEL'S BUILDING, UOl;. WILLIS ; ST;: : c .,, ;,,;■ : -;- : ;■■■;<.■ -rWELLINGTON- ■-.-.; '^'.y■ v' ■' v^iy■: ■:piarTO^t?.-V.- :^?-V".;-; -?r^ W- H. P. B"™DENTAL SURGEQJS\ Beas to snnounce that ho haa : taken.. the practice of the lata F.y C., i Qdltuilu:: Dentist, aiyj may be consulted at Jus R«»m|k: . BROADWAY CHAMBERS, NEV/I'ARKE'J,'. Oiien Friday Etiei'iinjrs.oT till 8.30 p.m. *j ■■,-■■ '.'Thons s,m. ■fi ■■ •* ■ ;".V'. ■■■:■:■:.: . '■':■■:■'-■ ■'f ■ : :^r%, '■■ " : '.'::'" - '-"If. "'■■■■ : .K : .: : -. V .'.' : . ; ■■■: ■■■■')'.■■.::':■■ '-'■'-'■Mi- ,; '... ■ J ~y :■'-■' ■■ ■vv '£.%::'

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18771, 26 July 1924, Page 13