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34 STREET SCEHE.TE PUKJE. -- ' ] jrj ■ __________-_,_-__»,_-_»_-_«_■■——■—■— mmmmmmmm mm—————— ft! " " * - j ft DTTI^IT 00000000000000000000000000000000000006000000006 ! I - I Te Puke A. and P. Association | £ GROWING VAIEY LANDS. | — — | 1 rl ch alluvial soil. | 23rd Annual Autumn I ft ' o © •| NEW ABE AS AVAILABLE. g QlinW § I INCREASED _BUTTER YIELD. , § ffl GmxJNDa> m pTJEB) g 1 t &ZZ n 't£Xi.'ZZt£ §. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1924. | I § FINE STOCK ENTRIES. RIDING, DRIVING. AND § jag sudden or spasmodic; it has been a o JUMPING EVENTS. O rfc! steady, conservative growth, a continuous g „ \ ° ifi development of natural advantages and o .... '«..*» .... ° I a parallel expansion of wealth. The fact g Stockmen's and Motor-car Driving Competitions. o ffi that eetflement did not materialise until o Q& Malangi leaves Auck i»nd Wedneextoy Bvauiag, february 18, % 5 comparatively Jat« as the Dominion s 0 for Tauranga> connecting with Oat (mail) to Ta Pnko. o g colonist history in no way discounts g ..^ rt »«>u.*ftn,-o * o^ ffi the recognised potenfialities of 0 H. T. CASHMORE, Secretary. © j fS th* locality. The badkwardnesa in the o oooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooo B* early days was due, not; io an indifferent , E soil or to retarded enterprise. solely , ■ ■■ - ■ — * ■■ — ...., — ... . j ffi to the remoteness of the district from ] Si flie lines of communication. Aik all New 00000000000000000000000 ocoooooooooooocoooooooo ! fH Zealand knows, this nnfortunate\ohstacle g 00 o ft! has been largely removed by the timing o g g 0, ffi of the railway and the motor road> and Q o o *D i - kri 4.^ V-. oi m to-day the inliabitanta see only a sf&dy o £$£1163 § o JjOStOCK OO % ! S and sure improvement in the means fit 0 o O o ! Me iX l rr^«,rß^i Pl «ty.»a S) >l Marble Bar f § Vercoe i ; ft the Te Puke district possesses those *g g g g S elements in soil, climate, and situation o For So »T* T* 1 o ' m which offer encouragement to diverse en- g ICEg AND STJNI)AES . o o IC FUICC ° ffi terprise. The farmer who settles on Te o So S S Puke soil will find openings in a variety g Opir Previous High Standard g 0 g ft of directions for his energy and capital, g % Maintained. g g Ford Aflents and Service 0, re Sfock-fattening, dairying, sheep-farming, 0 00 Station. © §j maize-growing, cropping, gold-mining, g JCES) FRUIT DRINKS. 00 o S poultry-farming, bee-farming, fruit-grow- 0 HOME-MADE CHOCX)L.A.TES. g g Accumulators Charged, g g ing. and flax-milling are all branches of g Q Q ar Tjphoistery, ' O »J activity in the Te Puke district. Great o 00 TTftrt J m „ Wnff Car !»««.;-- £ 5 hopes are entertained that Che next few g Sole Te Puke Agent foir Adams g § Hoodmatan*. Oar Kepairs. g § years will nee ™ d ™™* G g and BeU's Etoh cakes. g g Up-to-Date Garbing for c "3 in the swamp areas, particularly the 0 °° ■«■■*-*» ° m Waihi swamp, near the coast. Here the g gplendid Miction of Fancy § g Private Cars. , § 6 Public Works Department is operating q Boxes of chocalatcS) Suitable g g O | three dredges, one of which cost £10,000 g Presentations. O O 'Phone 38. Box 21. g S and the others £4000 each. It is expected o . ° o , ° Eg that from 10,000 to 12,000 acres of rich g g g g re alluvial land will be opened for settle- oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'! ft! mentf in this region in two or three . ■ ■■ -.'_.; ft years. Already* seven settlers are in occu- . : Oj pation on the drained portions, while ' ' m other sections will be opened shortly. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 j ft. On the right and left banks of the Kai- O £>__._,_ *-P "Dl*-.-**-!.-,-- T «*«-. J. A .-_*..__<-,- S i I funa River two drainage boards are g Hay OI Jrlenty AgdlCy § ! ft operating with considerable success. The o , (JOHN WILSON) ° i ft Tumu Drainage Board has s_ient over g LICENSED LAND, ESTATE, and COMMISSION AGENT, 5 ft £8000 in drainage works and is now en- g Main Street .... . . ?E PUKE. © i ft gaged upon a £700 contract. Important 0 Large and Extensive Lists of Bush Farms; also several desirable O ! re «nrlr lino hoon doiift hv erertinff flood- O Drained Swamp Properties, for . Sale. . O ! ft nt_ at the mouthS of the drains Th ?T« ° DAIRY FARMS. CATTLE RUNS, SHEEP RANCHES.; Etc. O j re pates at the mouths ot Wie drains. in Q Exchanges Negotiated.— Solicited. • , O | re Puke Drainage .Board, operating on © . pho n«, 11 „ 48, T Puke. P.O. Box, 28. o i re the western side of the Kaituna River, is 2«.«««««« rt «««A«««A« rt ««rt«/s««^««««««A«^F»A^««««««S. ft widening the Kopuaroa and Atuaroa 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. ft drains, and when the work has been com* ,— " . ■ , , - , ft pleted it will make a considerable improve- . - ft ment to the Papamoa swamp. The Kai- oOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO6OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC I re tuna River Board, which was set up with 0 0 • Hi a view to lowering the waters of the river o ALL STATIONERY REQUISITES o j ft to minimise the flood danger, has met with 0 obtainable from o I re less success. Though several reports from Q . <? 0 ; ft leading engineers have been presented, o fm TT If l ° 1 ft none has been adopted owing to the heavy O I " U IVI OTI TO*ATYIPT*t7 % ft estimated costs. Of the 29,000 acres in g \J . lie IfJLUI LtgUl I ICI J g j ft the river board's district, approximately o STATIONER -...-. TE PUKE, o j re 15,000 acres are swamp lands, and owing o . g I ft to the great potential value of these lands g ; A Wide Selection of Fancy Goods, and g ; Ffi for dairying purpofles, it is inevitable that © China, suitable for Gift Purposes. o - ft a less expensive but adequate scheme will g Agent: tlN(m Zealuid Herald.»' "Auckland Weekly Heira." g i re sooner or later be adopted. o O , _H improvement of Stock oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa | FH The Te Puke district of the Bay of - - , - , I ft Plenty has for many years been regarded .' . . J 1 ffffl i _4T r Ju.'"b»stf"a 0000000000000.0000006000000M0000000000060000. I JM farming continues to play an important o ml T*% 4* T"M I ° ! a role in the locality it is steadily giving o 'I hA KjlV fit IT TV o « 5 way to dairying, which in the past three g X IIV/ AJilj KJ * IV/J.LbJr g 1 5 years has made phenomenal strides. © ITI* 1 /*"1 f 1"I © £ 1 *2fg&&*wrfcF& 1 Timber Company, Ltd. § s § ■««- *• «~J Quality RlMtrfor House-BuUdin, or Eurniture. g [ Sby dairy farmers in the district lent sup- g B«"8h or Drtssed.-Quallty Guaranteed. g £ S port to the belief. This theory in the © For Prices, apply— „'_,.._--_,., of S past few years has been completely ex- o T. E. PALM BR. o j S ploded, and much light has been thrown g ca » Agent " , TB PUKE. O * S on the actual sources of the old failure oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J S by the startling results achieved through j; » improvement of stock, which has been t . . ■■- ■ ■ ~ . . .'.,*'. ~•..- ,f S widely effected throughout the whole dis- " """ r S trict The majority of Te Puke farmers __ ; ? S realise now that their land, so far from ooobooooooodoooooooooocsoooooodeooooooooooooooo g S being unsuited to dairying, is in reality g r' I "'i ; ' © E I operating at Te Puke for 20 years, com- g 6KB "i m —-a____-__W ->gj § pletely modernised its factory by the 0 _ M _ M _..._.. _,_ _; __ M .._. M _ . ©3 erection of an up-to-date concrete build- O BROADWAY TEA ROOMS, TO Puke. g 3 ISS farSS frl i \hl to »t R 43g § LIGHT LUNCHEONS. MORNING AND AFTERNOON TEAS, g S trict. The butter output for the season o Dainty Confectionery of All Descriptions a Specialty. ° a 1919-20 was 276 tons, while last season g - Wedding and Picnic Parties Catered for. % I (1922-23) it amounted to no less than 817 0 ,_,,.„,, tt « «<» TT t»iw«»4**y»- o g| tons, with an estimated output of 1000 o 'Phone M. B. BELL, Proprietor. g g tons for the current season. The com- 000000000000000Q000000600000000000006000000000 E pany is paying Is per lb. in advance ( * L payments for butter-fat. The farmers of . , , , . ;.. . ... ....,,,,,. B the district, moreover, infused with the .- C |5 company's enthusiasm, are manifesting C ft keen interest in cow-testing, with the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC E ffl encouraging result that the' company Is §»f W T "tll/r t•t SS fl_ suit" of the e 'introduction of better strains o JM ,Z| # J-IOHII HIIQ. 1V16rC3.11t116 © 3 ft of stock into the district, dairy herds g 5 a rW have given improved returns in the past g A (~\ Ti 1 © a ft few years, and in confirmation of the in- o A CTPTiPIT I jftTHTWffiV I ■Tfl * © a rl creased yield, it is interesting to learn o *lg V?-"- ■■V'J \J\J3.lljJO.M.iy y XJLU.. o B Hi that during the December period now g _ • g| ft dosed, 65 cow ß under the company test 0 Live stock, Land and General Commission © § I cvlr aE 35 gave g Agents, Auctioneers, Woo! and Produce § I j*j Raising of Fat Stock. © Brokers. g 8 jy The fattening of stock, which has O SubA gen. at TAURANQA. WMAKATAH€, and OPOTIKI. ©l 1 pj played so important a role in the past g Regular Stock Sales held throughout the District. o 3 zu history of the district, continues to oc- o on Hi cuuv 'the attention of a great section of o Auctioneer— J. BROWK o 3 HJ the farming community. Te Puke fat g Land Department in charge of Mr. H. CUFF. g g SJ stock are known in farming circles all© , ~ , „,,,■ on S over the province, and in late years have o 3 * oo */»!?J" 1 ; d««h W^dm near Auckland, o a S Smeinto P prominence with profitable re- g Reralar Sales of Hides Skins, Tallow, etc., held Aueklwd. o g ■ suits at 1 njraaafl_Js_r-_h. 1 § j SHI locks topped the prices. Stock sales are o . Mrit , • ___._ " *"** "'"'"• © 3 5 ' once topped the prices. Stock sales are g *,«._ S n £ Regular features of farm lite at Te Puke, § A, *" tt , S.T, r C Ltd ° S g the New Zealand Lear.and Mercantile § §£J^%"£'a o %&. Ltd.-Fixe and' Accident. g 9 £ Agency Company, and the Farmers Co- « Elmhurtt Tea«. g g Hi operative Auctioneering Company con- 0 McDou«rall's~Sheep and Cattle Dips. on S ducting frequent sales at their stock- O Booth. McDonald and Co.'s Agricultural Machinery. o. A S yards in the town area. . . . g G. W. BROWN. A«*nt o 3 Si The twenty-third annual .autumn show © . * g U S of the Te Puke Agricultural and Pastoral OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC S pi Association will be held on Thursday. R R!rerererererererererere»rere»!re»r^

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18630, 11 February 1924, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18630, 11 February 1924, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18630, 11 February 1924, Page 10


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