FORT OF AUCKLAND. X : ' . gj| or ." SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS. ffouiti (4.55 a.m.), from Coromandel; fx'iSi T? Jfgstiawa (6 a.m.), from Thames; Clansman (6.20 a.m.), from Russell; Matangi £T.- v r (6.40 a.m.), from Tauranga; Waipu (7.40 r-', Tom Kerepeehi; Taniwha (10.15 = a.m.), rom P 3 croa; Hikurangi (10 p.m.), . - from Whangarei. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. Arahura (4 p.m.), from Gisbone. — Mako (11.30 a.m.), from Napier. p Haia (2.10 a.m.), and Manaia. (6 a.m.) from Wbangarei. • * Claymore (5.20 p.m.), for Whangarei; Taniwha (6.45 p.m.), for Paeroa. SATURDAYS DEPARTURES. Knkapo (4.45 p.m.), for Portland; Apanui ' . (7.50 a.m.), for Avvauui. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY. Rimutaka, from Liverpool, 1 p.m. Tofua. from Suva. Mahana, from Lyttelton. Tregenna. from New York. Taniwha. from Paeroa, midnight. Claymore, from Wbangarei, midnight, VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Canadian Seigneur, for Brisbane, noon. Huia, for Whangarei. Gleuelg,. for Whangarei. Waiotahi, for Parenga, noon. Ncapuhi, for Tauranga, 6.30 p.m. Waipu. for Kerepeehi, 7.30 Ngatiawa, for Thames, 9 p.m. Manaia, for Whangarci, 10 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTEHCOLOXIAL AMD COASTAL. ' Tofua.. Fiji. November 5. * Kcniata, South, November 9. Wanaka, Rarotonga. _ November 10. Icuic, South. November 10, to load. Niagara, Sydney, November 12. Trelevan, Nauru Island. November 13. Marama, Sydney, November 13. . Kaitangata, Adelaide, November 16. .Dorset, South, November 18. . A raws, Wellington. November 27. Southern Cross. Solomon Islands. December 20 Qaebeo City, Bunbury. to sail. OVERSEAS. Rimutaka, Liverpool, November 5; at Colon October 11. Tregenna, New York, Novsmbcr 5; cleared Panama. October 12. Waiotapu, San Franci&co, November S. Erroll, Montreal, November 13; cleared Panama October 16. Canadian Challenger. Montreal, November IP. at Colon October 23. Turakina, Liverpool, November 20. Remuera._ South, November 20, to load. City of Naples. Now York. November 21. Nilus. San Francisco. November 25. Trevithick, Texas. November 30. Port Harking. Nevr York, December 1. Port Victor. Liverpool December 4. Canadian Miller, Montreal, December 10. Ruapehu, Southampton. December 19. Waimana, London, December 23. Nuddea. New York. December 24. Port Elliot. New York, December 30. Canadian Cruiser. Halifax, January 2. "Canadian Importer. Vancouver. January 10. Wostmeatb, New York, middle January. Port Sydney. London, January '.16. Ncwfeliera. New York. January 8. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMERS. Niagara, at Sydney. . _ Mauuganui. due at Wellington from San Francisco. November 10. , _ Tahiti, en route from Wellington to oar Francisco. „ _ . , Makura. due to leave Vancouver for Auckland on Friday. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND. OVEBSEA.S. * port Napier, for London, November 7. M«b*na, for Lrndon. Novew.W 10. Niagara, for Vancouver, _ November *3. Dorset, fer West Coast of England ports, via America, November '27. Eemuuri. for London. November -4. Makura, for Vancouver December 11. VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—' (schooner), Rewa (barque). Ysabel (barquentme). Northern Chief (schooner 1 ). . _ „ _ . Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel. H-M.C.S. Ins, H.M.S. Veronica . _ , King's Wharf—Canadian Seigneur. Honte, Atna, Katoa. „ . , Central Wharf— Napier, Arabnra. - Queen's Wharf— __ Prince's Wharf—Star 1., Star 11., StaT TTX-. 'Western Wharfs-Kauri. Kaikorai. The Komata is due from Dunedin. via ports, about the end ox the ween. The Atua is to sail with cargo for Southern ports to-morrow. WHALERS BERTHED. The -whalers, Star 1.. Star 11.. and Star ' 111., which, arrived last week from Seattle, berthed on Saturday morning at the western aide of the Princes Wharf. They are to sail for Hobart on Thursday.
PORT NAPIER TO SAIL. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Pert Napier arrived from Gisborne at midnight on Friday and berthed on Saturday rooming at the Central Whati. She is 'to sail on Wednesday evening for London, via, Las Palnias. • THE ARAWA. The Shaw Savill and Albion line steamer \rawa, is due from Wellington on November 2". She will load here and sail for the South, again a few days later. Welling•on will be her final port .of departure. She will leave for London via Cape Horn, calling at Monte Video and Tenenffe on December 13. MAHANA TO LOAD. Thfc Shaw. Savill and Albion line steamer tfahana, loft Lytteiton at 6-30 p.m. on FriSay for this port. She is due here this morning, and will berth at the Queen fl Wharf to load butter, cheesd and general cargo fir London. She will be despatched hem this port, to Bail via the Panama Canal, on Saturday. THE DORSET. The. New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Dorset was expected to leave Wellington for Lyttelton yesterday. She will later go on to Dunedin and New Plymouth. She will then return to Auckland, and will be despatched from here for Boston, -New York, and ports c.n the West Coast of the United Kingdom, on November 27. NORWEGIAN MOTOR-SHIP. Tho Norwegian, motor-ship Crux., now in Australian "watera 'from Scandinavian ports, is & brand-new vessel, and the present trip in her maiden one. . J. he Llux was built by Messrs. Burmeiaster and Wain. Copenhagen, for Det Bergen Dampskillisulskab. arid is 307 ft, long be .ween perpendiculars. olft 3m in moulded breadth ar.d 34ft in moulded depth from the shelter deck, with a loan draught or 23ft. Sim. Her gross tonnage is 3828. and displacement 0700 tens. The propelling machinery, consists of two eii-cyhnder four-stroke singleacting Diesel engines, of Burineister ana Wain's new light-built type for twin-screw vessels. The, sea speed lOi oi'/vi iridic hour and indicated horse-power 2100 while the 'fuel capacity is 1100 .with consumption from si* to. six and a-half tons per day, givins ft cruising radius of 45,000 sea miles. All the engine-room auxiliaries. is well as the deck machinery, are electrically driven, tho current beini? supplied by three dynamos one of 33 k- I *. and two of M k.w., driven respectively by one •ingle-cylinder and two twin-cylinder' auxiliary Diesel engines. be si: h L 'Ij of the enEine-room if only "sft sm, and the total weight of the machinery is <-12 tons
WIRELESS WEATHER REPORTS. Amplifying the information contained in notice to manners, imo fil \ ha--1923 regarding adj uetment of charges tween Xprniftera or and the Dominion Post and Telegraph for the i-ervice of inquiry concerning wea.ftp. «d replies thereto concerning weather report* of prescribed Domnncn sta tions, it has been decided that the station charges for a rac.lo f ° . „ nuiry regarding weather condiiiona from a master of a ship at sea to the MJperinten dent, Radio-Auckland, . Radio-Awa*iu:i or Wellington, including the rep thereto be fixed at 2». provided tho request no reply together did not contain more than 20 woids: additional words will be chattel nr , Mn rv for each word. !>p Station charge 'will be made in r espect of such message* operated .by the Amalgamated Wireless fAustra asia). Limited. oMarconi International Marine Co mm mica tion Company, Limited.
THE HA.IN line. The trouble in Ruefiia and the Dalk»n whipping companies, which 'merirconnhinpinE companies, which formerly r-enUited on that particular' trade, divert ing their -vessels to other traaes. • these is tho Hair. Line the units of wiyeft are easily picked out by the J wtt.m '• to on the rncnel burins "th.Xf few J'«» the name. During the laat lew y » steamers flying thin , company » have been fairly regular traders ° «inca tlie land. It is now over 60 years since in a late- CanUin Hain decided to launch . out fnr himself His first venture consisted of a number of small « h ,X" r "™s which lie carried or. a trad* between England and the Mediterranean Sen. Business rapidly expanded. r,Xß '' ,Unp wi in the eventual entry of stearno .' rirrtSAh { Tlt: '.hen the fleet has been Kradual.y incte^w((. and is to-day one of the la««t Arm the Red Ensign. On the death of Captain H»in ' 11« control of Ida son, Hir >dward Main . but it was eventually JSKS-S 4V"cape sjroTir, under whose control » cOW «*•
MOERAKI FOB MELBOURNE. • -^ 9 , Union Company's steamer Moeraki direct Ve Wellington to-day for Melbourne WAIOTAPU FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Company's steamer Waiotapu, which left San Francisco on October 16 for Auckland, is due hero on Thursday. She will later visit Wellington, Melbourne and feydney. ARAHURA ARRIVED. The Arahura arrived from Napier, via labor no, at 4 p.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Central Wharf. She sails at noon to-morrow for Napier, via Gisborne and lokomaru .Bay. KAKAPC'S MOVEMENTS. The Kakftpo left for Portland on Saturday evening. She will later go on to New Plymouth, west port, and Greymouth. At Iho last-named port she will load for Gisborne and Auckland. KATOA TO DOCK. The Katoa, which ia at present discharging a cargo of coal from Greymouth at the King's Wharf, is to go into dock to-morrow. She will later sail for Portland, und Newcastle. WAIHEMO AT NAPIER. The Union Company's steamer Waihemo hits arrived at Napier from Los Angeles, via Apia. After discharge, the vessel proceeds to Wellington, Lyttelton. and New Plymouth. TRELEVAN FROM NAURU. . The Union Company has received advice that the Hain steamer, Trelevan, left Nauru Island for Auckland on Thursday, one is bringing a cargo of phosphates, and is due here on November 13. CANADIAN SEIGNEUR TO SAIL. ..The Canadian. Government s'tiamer Canadian Seigneur is to sail for Brisbane at J'? 0 ,? to day. She will later visit Sydney. Melbourno and Adelaide. TOFUA DUE TO-DAY. The Union Company's Island passenger steamer lofua is duo from Suva this afterr>con - > Ou arrival she will berth at the Uueen s Wharf to land her passengers, and discharge cargo. She sails for the Islands at. 11 a.m. on November 12. TREGENNA DUE. ..Ibe Rain steamer Tregenna, is due from iiew lork to-day, but no wireless regarjm her arrival has yet been received. She will berth at tho Queen's Wharf. THE MAKO. The Richardson steamer Mako arrived from i Napier, via East Coast Bays, about mid-day yesterday. She is to go on the slip „tc-dav. The steamer will sail for tue jjaat Coast about Thursday. WAIMANA SAILED. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Line earner ymana left Middlesborough, England. for New Zealand, on Friday. She is due here about December 23. COBINTHIC ARRIVED. The Shaw, -Savill, and Albion Line steamer Con'nthic. which left Wellington for London on September 20, arrived at Gravesend on Friday. PORT HACKING REPORTED. The Commonwealth and Dominion line steamer Port Hacking, en route from New York to Auckland, has arrived at Panama. She is due here on December 1, MANUKA FOR WELLINGTON. The inter-colonial passenger steamer Manuka left Sydney for Wellington on Saturday. She is duo in New Zealand on Wednesday, i and is expected to sail from Wellington for Sydney on Friday. ' REMUERA AT WELLINGTON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Remuera arrived at Wellington from Auckland at 11 p.m. on Saturday. TAINUI FOR LONDON. The Shaw, Savill. and Albion line steamer Tainui, left Wellington early yester-1 day morning bound for London with passengers and cargo.. THE NGAKUTA. The Union Company's steamer Ngakuta, en route from Auckland to Southern ports, aj rived at Wellington at 3.15 a.m. on Saturday. and sailed shortly a/ter 5 the same day for Lyttelton. CITY OF NAPLES REPORTED, The steamer City of Naples, en route from New York to Auckland, has sailed from Panama. She is due hero on November 21. RIMUTAKA DUE MID-DAiY. Th«! New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rimutaka. has wirelessed that she will arrive from Liverpool about mid-day today. She will berth at the Queen's Wharf to land her 300 pavengers, and dircharcre cargo. The steamer will remain in port ior several days, sailing later in the week fir Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin. Pollowing that she will return to Wellington, and will' be despatched for London about the middle of next month. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within wireless range, of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day: — Auckland.—Canadian Seigneur, Ulimaroa, Kafiri, Fiona, Waitemata. Kaiapoi, Wingatui. Tofua, Trelevan. Wanaka, Rimutaka, Tregenna. Waiotapu, Rona, Inkum. Chatham Islands.—Erroll, Turakina. Wellington.—Marama, Moeraki, Manuka, Waihora Pakeha; Havre, Waipori, Mahar.a, City of Birmingham, Dorset. Kurow, Tahiti. Maunganui. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Saturday's Arrivals.—-Corinna i 6 a.m.), from Pioton; Progress .7.30 am.', from Hokianga; Ngapuhi (8 a.yi.J. from Now Flymoi.ih. Saturday's Departure.—Kaitoa (4.30 a.m.), for Nelson. Yesterday'# Arrival.—Rimu (7.30 a.m.), from Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH. WELLINGTON.—November 3: ArrivedNgakuta (8.15 a.m.), from Auckland; Mararoa (8.20 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Rermiftr?, (11.10 p.m.), from Auckland. November 4: Maori (6.55 a.m.). from Lyttelton; MoVraki (10.10 a.m.). from Lyttelton. November 3: ailed—Ngakuta (5.30 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Mararoa (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton November 4" Tainui (6.50 a.m.) for London; Dorset (7.30 a.m.), for Lyttelton. DYTTELTON.—November 3: _ Arrived— Moeraki (5 a.m.). from Dunedin; Maori (6.45 a.m.). from Wellington; John (8.0 a.m.). from Timaru; Karamea (8.20 a.m.) from Wellington. Sailed—Port Stephens (6.^0 pm.). for Dunedin: John (6.20 p.m.), Moeraki (7.55 p.m.). Maori (8.20 p.m.). for Wellington. November 4: Arrived—Komata (5.30 a.m.). Gale (9.45 a.m.). from Timaru; Mararoa (9.15 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN.— 3: Arrived—Opihi (2.30 a.m.), from Now Plymouth. Sailed— Orihi (6.5 p.m.), for Nelson and New Plymouth. November 4: Arrived—Storm (12.40 a.m.). from Wanganui; Port Stephens (11.4.0 a.m.), from Lyttelton. —November 3; Manuka, for Wellington. PANAMA.November 2: Arrived—Port Hacking, en route New York to Auckland. Sailed—City of Nanlee. for Auckland. LONDON.—November 2: Arrived at Cravesend—Corinthic. from Wellington. Sailed from Middlesborough—Waimana. for Auckland. .
THIN BLOOD CAUSE OF MUCH ILLNESS. When you are ill and losing weight, failing in strength and growing pale and sallow day by day, it is a sign that you ueed more blood.. - Whatever the cause, there can be no relief until the blood is built up so. that it will carry renewed life and . strength to every part of the body. , A remedy that arrests the deoline ;n health and strength, that begins to restore the weakened muscles and strengthen the nerves, demonstrates at once to the patient that the anaemia is being overcome, and that die rich, red blood is now helping to fight off rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, and other diseases to which the victim of thin blood Such 6 a remedy is Dr. Williams' Pink Pill# for Pale People. These pills have been world-renowned as a specific for thin blood for many years, and any illness caused by a lack of blood will I)a bonetiled bv a course of treatment with them They contain just? the elements needed to build up the blood and restore lost vitality. New energy circulates through tho system, the heart stops its alarming palpitation, colour returns to checks and hps. -The price of Dr. Williams' Tink Pills is 3s per box.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18548, 5 November 1923, Page 5
Word Count
2,342SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18548, 5 November 1923, Page 5
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