LONDON MARKETS. '; (BUTTER STILL DEPRESSED. [by telegraph.—own correspondent.] WELLINGTON. Wednesday. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated April 28, from the" High Commissioner for JNew Zealand, London: — . ' - Meat.—The downward movement in ces of mutton and lamb continues. More moderate supplies of chilled beef are now on hand, but large arrivals are due next week. New Zealand frozen beef not Quoted. New Zealand mutton: 491b to 561b, Sid; 571b to 641b. 7{d to 7}d; 651b to 721b, 6id; 731b to 80lb. sd; ewes (nominal), under 641b. s*o. New Zealand lamb Canterbury, 291b to 361b and 371b to 421b. Hid; 431b to 50lb, lid; second-class, lOd; North Island, best, lOtd; second-class, 9id. Chilled beef; Fores, 3d to 3*d: hinds, sid to 6*d. Argentine frozen beef: Fores, 2Jd; hinds. 5d.. , Butter. depression continues, and. a further decline has taken place in prices. New Zealand: Salted, finest: April 28,138s to 142s and up to 144s per cwt; April 21, 146s to 154s per cwt; April 14. 170 a to 176s per cwt. Unsalted: April 28, 154s to 16ia per cwt; April 21, 158s to 164s per cwt; April 14, 180s to 184s per cwt. Other dualities: April ealted 133s to 1363 per cwt. Argentine: April 28, 126s to 136 a per cwt; April 21. 136s to 146s per cwt; April 14, 150s to 164s per cwt.. : ''?•• ;.-. ■ STOCK SALES. : AUCKLAND. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd., report:— At Westfield on Thursday the usual number of dairy and store cattle came forward, and sold at .ruling pricen. Best cows and heifers at profit mada from £12 10s to £16 IBs; second-grade cows, £6 to £11 10smothers, £1 10s to £5 10s; good heifers, £8 to £12; smaller. £3 10s to £7 10s; empty cows, ? 158 to £1 15s; calves, 15s to £1 10s. _■.-;•,.:•? We held our fortnightly sale at PukeKoiie on Monday, and had full entries in all departments. ? There was a large attendance, and practically everything changed owners. Very forward grown steers, £4 15s to £5 16a; four to four and a-half-year-old steers. £5 10s to £4 10s; two to three-year-old steers, £2 10s to £3 os: yearling to eighteen-month steers. £1 15s to £2 7s 6d; good steer calves, £1 5s to £1 15s; calves, mixed sexes, 15a to £1 ss; Jersey heifer calves, £1 10s to £3 ss; empty young cows. £1 10s to £2 2s; store cows, 15s to £1 10s: fat steers, £4 108 to £7 15a; fat cows and heifers. £2 5s to £6 5s (163 beef Hold). A heavy supply of pigs sold well. ; ■'~'■.■■ During the week we held four clearing sales, and report good sales in all cases. : Yesterday, at our weekly Westfield rat stock market we had the heavy yarding of 605 head of beef, comprising 416 steers, 171 cows and heifers, and 18 bulls. The quality generally was superior to recent sales. There was a steady demand, but no improvement in price. Extra choice ox sold to £1 2s per 1001b; choice anil prime ox, 18s to £1 la; ordinary and pliun ox, 16s 6d to 17s ; prime young cow, and heifer beef, 16s to 198; ordinary cow bsef, 15s to 16s; rough beef, 6s to 10s; extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £10 to £13; heavy prime steers, £8 to £9 15s; lighter prime steers, £6 10s to £7 15s; light prime steers, £5 to £6 ss; unfinished and email, £3 to £4. 15b; extra heavy pi.'ime young cows and heifers, £5 10s to £7 2s 6d: heavy prime young cows and heifers, £4 5s to £5 sb; lighter. £3 to £4: othor cows. £1 10a to £2 15s; bulls. £1 5s to £4 ss. t The sheep pens were well filled with a nice class of mutton. . Competition was even throughout, with lvalues on a par with last week. •E.ttra, heavy prime wether £1 17b to £1 18st heavy prime wethers. £1 15s to £1 16s 9d: medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 12s 6d to £1 14s 94; light prime wethers, £1 9a to £1 12s 3d; extra hejivy prime young ewes, £1, lis 6d to £1 14s; heavy prime ewes, £1 9s to £1 lis; lighter ewes, £1 5a to £18a 9d (1935 sheep sold). The 463 lambs which came forward sold without alteration from last report. Heavy prime lambs, £1 6a to £1 8s 3d: lighter prime lambs, £1 2s to £1 5s 6d: light fat»Jamba, 17s 6d to £1 Is; unfinished stores, lis to 17s 6d. Calves were penned in average numbers, values for all classes' showed a alight decline on last week's quotations. . Heavy vealers brought from £2 10s to £3 9a; medium vealera, £1 17s to £2 9a; light vealers, £1 5s to £1 16s: small and fresh-dropped. 4s to 16s (183 sold). We had a record yarding of pigs, selling 963 fata and 159 stores (total 11&2). There continues to be a strong demand for bacon pign and values were firm at last week's rated. Porkers and stores were lower. Choppers. £1 133 to £3; heavy baconers, £3 13s to £4; medium baconers, £2 ■ 15s to £5 9s: heavy porkers. £2 4s to £2 198; light and unfinished porkers, £1 to £1 13a; stores and slips. 9a to £1 Is; weaners. 4s to 7s. ' ■ . ;".- At the Haymarket on Friday last we had a large yarding of horses. Competition was fair, and we report no change in values.
New Zealand Lean and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd,, report: held sales during the past weuk at Westfield, Takapuna, Kaukapakapa and Papakura. all classes of dairy and store cattle selling at late quotations. We —Best dairy cows and heifers, close to profit, 10 10s to £15; others, £7 ■to £10 6s; backward springers, best £7 to £9 10s, others £3 10s to £ 6 7s 6d: n.ged cows and inferior heifers. £2 to £3 7s 6d; bulls, '£1 to £3 10s; empty cows, £1 to £ ; beef, at fully Westfield prices weaner calves, best £1 5s to £1 17s, others 103 to £1 4s; yearling to 18-month steers £1 to £1 17s 6d; 2 to 2}-year steers. £2 to £2 15s; 3 to 3*-year steers, £2 17s 6d to £3 15s; 4 to 5-year steers, £3 17s 6d to £6. At Westfield fat stock market on Wednesday beef was penned in average numbers, selling ... under steady competition at late quotations. We —Extra choice oxen to 22s per 1001b, choice and prime oxen 17s to 21s per 1001b. rough and plain oxen 12s to 16s per 1001b; young cow and heifer beef 15s to l!ls per 1001b,' other cow beef 10s to 14s per 1001b; no .extra heavy prime steers were penned; heavy prime steers £8 to £9 17s 6d, medium prime steers £6 15s to £7 17s 6d, light prime steers £5 10s to £i5-12s 6d. small and unfinished steers £4 to £5 6s; heavy prime cows and heifers £4 12s 6d to £5 15s, medium and light prime heifers £3 to £4 10s; inferior fatted cows," £1 5s upwards; bulls, £1 upwards; calves were nenned in average numbers and sold at late quotations; runners, £1 15s to £3 4s; heavy vealers. £2 to £2 15s: medium vealers, £1 103 to £1 19s; light vealers, £ 1 to £1 9s; smaller, 10s to " 19s; small and fresh, dropped, 4s to 9s. Sheep were penned in small numbers and sold at improved values. No extra heavy prime sheep were penned. Heavy prime wethers £1 14s to £1 lGs 9d. medium prime wethers £1 10s 6d to £1 13s 6d, light prime wethers £1 8s to £1 10s, small and unfinished wethers £1 5s to £1 7s 9d; heavy prime ewes £1 8s to £1 lis, medium lightprime ewes £1 5s to £1 7s 9d, inferi6rly fatted ewes 15s upwards. Lambs were penned in small numbers and sold at late quotations. Heavy prime lambs £1 5s to £1 7s, medium prime lambs £1 3s 8d to £l_4s 9d. light prime lambs £1 to £1 3s, unfinished lambs 15u to 18s 6d. Pigs were penned in large numbers, prices being easier. Heavy and medium baconers, £3 5s to £3 18s; light baconers and heavy porkers, £2 5s to £3: medium-and light porkers. £1 5s to £2 4s: store pigs sold at late quotations; large stores. £1 .Is to £1 15s; slips, 15s to £1 Is; weaners, 8s to 14s.
HAMILTON. The Farmers' Co-op._ Auctioneering Co., Ltd., report:—At Hamilton sale on Tuesday, there was a larger entry of sheep than usual, mostly stores, also a fair yarding of cattle. Included in the entry were the advertised line of 1000 ewe lambs. These created keen competition, the 350 tops making 22s 3d, the second draft 193 to 19s 3d. the balance 10s to lis 3d. Wether lambs, same owner, 18s; empty ewes, lis to 16s; fat sheep, 27s to 30s; small fat steers made £4 to £4 17s 6d; prime fat cows and heifers, £1 10s to £5 10s (the advertised line of 22 Hereford and P.A. cows, averaged £5); good cows £3 15s to £4 10s; other killable cows, £2 10s to £3 10s: stores to forward. £1 to £2 ss; forward Siyear steers. £3 5s to £3 17s 6d: Jersey steers £1 10s to £5 12s; Jersey heifer calves, £1 12s 5d to £2 los: other calves, 89 to £1. We had an extra heavy yarding of pigs (542 sold), the bulk 01 the yarding being porkers and light baconers. There was good competition for all fat piss. ■ although toward the close of the sale, as buyers filled their truck, requirements, prices eased somewhat. Slips and stores sold well, but, for weaners little money was offering. 'Heavy baconers sold from £3 14.5 to £1 Is; medium. £3 6s to £3 12s: heavy 1 porkers to lisjht baconers, £2 los to £3 ss: medium porker?. > £2 65 to £2 12.= ; light porkers and unfinished, 30s to £2 2s; stores. £1 4? to £1 10-s: slips. 143 to £1 2s: weaners, best, 6s to 9s:weedy and small from 2s upwards. ADDINGTON. [B7 TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday. At the Addington sale to-day there were generally smaller yardings and a sharp rise Sin both fat cattle and fat sheep. Fat lambs , sold about the same >, Store Sheep.—A medium entry and an I excellent sale Lambs were about Is, 6d : to '2s a head better than last week; wethers \ from 2? to 3s. and good class ewes were i also better. Forward four, six-tooth half- ; bred wethers. 27s lOd; four, six, eight-tooth j halfbred wethers, 2?.s to 255; inferior four, I six, and eight-tooth wethers. 19s _3d to j 31s 9d; good two, four, six, eight-tooth 1 Romney-cross ewes. 30s Gd; fairly coed four, six. eight-tooth haifbred ewes. 25s Sd to 30a; sound failing-mouth haifbred ewes. 25s to 27s 3d: failinc-njouth ewes. 12a Gd to i 21s fid; fairly good halfbred lamb?. 25? j~d ; to 26s 2d: carter-bred ewe lambs, 21s Id to 23s 4d; good halfbred wether j lambs. 20s to 21s; mixed sex lambs. 13s Sd i to los Id. I Fat Lambs.— yarding of nearly 3000. I Values were fro::: 9i to 9id per lb. E-sira prime lambs, ols 6tl to 3Ss; prime. 26s to 1 medium, 25s to to 3-?.-; prime, 26s to 31s: medium, 25s to 27b 9d; inferior, 203 to 2is Sd.
.Fa* Sheep.—A light yarding and sharp rise of from 2s 6d to 4s • per head. Prices were too high for exporters. Wether mutton made Bid. to 6Jd per lb; ewes. 4Jd to s*d. XiXtra prime -wethers. 35s to, 88s; a few special. 40s; prime. 31b 6d to 34s 6d: medium 3d to 81s 3d; light. 26s to 295; extra J. rm « ewes. 81s to 84a; prime. 27s 6d to 80s 6d; medium; 24a 6d to 27s 3d; light. 20s to 23s 6d; old, 16s to 19s. rat Cattle.—A yarding of 420. ...mostly medium to good station beef. ■ There was a sharp rise of 25s per head. Primest beef made to 80s per 1001b; good to prime. 2(8 to 28s -6d: medium, 24s to 265; rough, 10s to 15s. Extra prime steers. 15 to £17; prime. 10 10s to 13 10a; medium. £7 16a to-£lO ss; light, £4 10s to £7 6s; extra prime "heifers, £10 2s 6d; prime. £6 os to £9; ordinary, £4 to £5 16a; prime cows, £5 10s to £8 7s 6d; medium. £3 15a to £5 6a. " Vealers.— offering ■, was insufficient to meet the demand. Prices were better than at recent sales. Good runners to £5 15s; ordinary heavy vealers. £3 '5s to £4; medium, £1 to £210 a. Store Cattle.—A large yarding of nondescript sorts. Three-year steers. £4 5s to £4 17s 6d; two-year, , £2 10s to £2 17s 6d; yearling, £2 to £2 6s; two and two and a-half year heifers, £215 ato £8 ss; yearling, £1 15a to £2; fresh cows. £1 os to £1 14s 6d; poor, 15s to £1 2s 6d; bulls, £2 to £4 10a. •:■:•'.. Dairy Cattle.— were slightly easier all round. Good second, third, and fourth oalvers, just calved or close to calving. £6 10s to £11 10s;. extra good, £15; good springing heifers, £7 to £10; extra good. £14; backward springers, £2 10s to £3 10s.
Sat Pigs.— demand was slack.-with a fall in price of both pork and bacon. Choppers. £2 7s 6d to £4 8a; light baconers, £3 to £3 10s; heavy baconera, £3 12s 6d to £4 ss; extra heavy baconers, £4 12s; average price per lb., 4Jd to s|d; light porkers, £1 16s to £2 2s 6d; heavy Porkers, £2 5s to £2 12s 6d; average price Per lb., s}d to 6}d. Store Pigs. exceptionally large entry. -Buyers were very scarce, and sales were only made -when vendors accepted very low figures. Large stores, 30s; medium stores. 20s to 26a; small stores, 10s to 18s; weaners, 2s 6d to 8s for ordinary sorts, and specially good to 10s.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18389, 3 May 1923, Page 5
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2,325COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LX, Issue 18389, 3 May 1923, Page 5
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