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NUMEROUS <N*f»ROV«M«NTS. WAIHOU RIVER 'BRIDGE. ' SECOND POLL IN VIEW, j Te Aroha ,in having a Borough Council consisting <of ikeen business men to its sffairs. T»ie. Mayor, Mr. H. Coulter, a « young virile man, has an jaboanding faith -in the rpos-; sibilities of the town, and. mpreover, has tho happy knapk pf imbuing v^very- : body else witih 1 tbe ; same .faith. He is in a Somewhat unique position. .He is a single man, t aud ib© .official duUes of Mayoress are most oapably carried out byJUrs. Dr. Gwdon, tbeonlyjady member of tho council. _ The area of -borough..w c 2855facres, while the population is .2500, sand tho ratable value is ,£2l/470. Tbe -town bas an excellent gravitation water-supply from reservoirs with .nearly * million : g*»<>» a capacity on Mount ArCha. PracticaUy all the houses in the -old borough are connected with the drainage while before tlie New Year.vit is -expected that the snburbs of«uakaka and HernesviUe will share tho same advantage. Wectnc lighting was formerly generated by Uiese; engines, but Horahora power to w>w connected. The streets are bfllhantly lighted, and Phops and houses are au connected io the new source of supplj. . There is a very excellent volunteer Jus brieade, whose efficiency has recently been greatly increased by the -purchase of an uprto-dato -motor reel, while a loan is being" arranged to provide for a fire brigade station. A - library and reading room situated in the Domain grounds is controlled by the Tourist 'Department, and subsidised by the Borough Council. The baths are a great asset-to tho^ov-n There is a "five" Chamber of Commerce, of which Mr. C. Andrew ihss recently been elected president, while during tho past year the Beautifying Society has been reformed and the Mayor, Mr. R. Coulter, elected president. During its short existence this .society has cleaned up a lot -of the ugly places of the town and has planted scores «of -trees in /the streets. The result of its efforts will be fully appreciated in future years. When leafy flades replace the now barwn streets Band and .Orphans' Oiub. The council subsidises the ]\lunicipa| Band, which does much to.assist the soc'al side of the town, while in this respect tno Orphans' Qub is also deservedly -popular. The council owns a f quarry ot .splendid moial iu tho mountain, and there is «tsc- j ticaJly .an .unlimited supply of metal m •sight for years to come. Tho roads *re good, and the gutters of the main street "are kept clean by conatantly-running streams. of water from the mains. The streets _aro -certainly a credit tp thp. boi-ough supervispr/ Mr. S. .Pijkingtfm. ; -Four' workers' dwellings were erectec? jby the Government, while pn the Lipsey block, which the Government purchased as a soldier settlement, homes are Jbeing rapidly erected. A great improvement to the main street has been *ffscted by covering it with aspbaltum, a -preparation which lias been most successful at {Jambridge. Tliough; one coat has 'been put down flfc street is in splendid -order. Another coat will be stdded shortly, while in the near future it is proposed *to use'-the preparation on ofber mich-Heedcd .Ifflprovemont. | An improvement fthat residents feci is ; greatly needed is a new bridge over the ; Waihou Kivor. At the present time is" a rjarrow wpijden • strpctuvc. pn vhich twe vehicles .cannot p*ss- 'Womenft Ik especially ;are v«iy iiervops regarditt« tmsjbridge, aad -many Te men-Ifeelthat3the bridge causes much business .to be diverted from Te Aroha. proposals toH»(Tfo.w JIO,fJOO for ,s newi. concrete bridge weire put before the ratepayers a little while ago. The bpw>uv»h voted .for the proposal, ;bttt jt was r*|gattved by votes from those district is /iciier the conljipl pf the Pi&ko Coitt»ty Council. New proposals are to ba jpst to (the ratepayers .shortly, and as uiider' .the npw rcheme it is proposed to reduce .tbe cost "by. adding to the .-ipproachti i ;-ind tins reducing the of the brfijge, ;it' is hoped ;that the r.atapayers «rill jn-vp their sanction to what is evidently a -mu_ch r npeded improvement. Both in tho towij ,&nd iUTroundhig districts bnii ding has been and js\.sf3TFyef-y Jictive. *The premises for the llank of A ustralasta have recently been completed, \ a number of new Shops and offices are f*' course of erection, while the Thames Vaflfcey jPo?Fer Board's building is now finished,, tbe suburbs of Hnakaka and HerriesviUe(biding is sfoing, on >eb a, great rate. As showing the'business -that m transacted in Te it ja «t»ted ,that banks regard it beet btanoh town -in New Zealand its djizc. THE BAIR1M& mWJBWX.--WEALTH IH T|d€ i-A^O. In no part of Ns w Zealand jane there such exceptional rtumties for the successful carrying out ft'f dairying aa there are in the Te Aroha district. The majority of the farms are sw'iall holdings of 100 to 200 acres. The t»t\'k of the land is drained swamp, and as-, the clnnate is ad-mii-able, and there is an .abundant a shortage of f*>e.d is rarely, if ever, experienced. At the prewi*,t time the i»rm» in district present, an appearanee that bring* joy to the heart •«' ©y«y dairyman, ' > As an indication of- what, is .being done in this district, the fiKn«s are of 'interest.' At the New '.Zeahmd Looperativd Dairy Company's 'dried milk factory at Wa>toa, a short cttetance from Te Aroha> which was only opened last season, 30,000 gallons of milk, are being handled daflv, which is supplied by upwards of 10/300 cowsj and, ow"uig to the exceptionally suitable weather Conditions this season, the %fory ha» beeUj working at such high pressure that, many '.swenld-be suppliers have had To. be declined. > In the district there is also, a dried milk .factory with a very large output, a lOrvat \cbee6c factory, and two butter factpries.t each with a yearly output of 1000> tons, figures * will give an excellent ' idea o£ the wonderful fertility of the. .soil. It can thus easily be imagined' irtbat will be the output when settlement' is closer and more intensive farming brought shout. , ( ~As showing how Thames Valley farmed are. tecogmsipg the value of scientific methods it is entcresting to., note thatV last yeaf 60 per cent, of the testing outfits sold in the Auckland province were for Thames Va)ley farmers. Ap ; showing the esteem in whioh the adjacent, land is held by dairy farmers figures quoted in a. recent Supneme Court ajation at Thames are given. A Thames law cleric gave the • following actual sales r—Feb' ruary, 1920. 110 acres, £95 ner aprp; August, 192*9. 131 apres, €109; September, 19&. 79 acroi*, £112: June, 1921. 79 jipres, £I<KJ;. July, 36. acres, £86; August, 1920. 60 acres. £90; June, 1920, SO acres, "">. June, VXft, 73| acres, £110; May, 1920, 51 acres,' £105; June, 1920, 881 acres, £85; February, 1920. 483 acres, £92. Another solicitor* quoted the following sales :—96 acres at ,£125 per acre in April, 1920, and 14ft acres *t £75 in July, 1920. ,

ISLECTRIfcIAL ASfD MOTOR j .JgN&BOTEtS : ,: - 'jj In the forefront of the, many eater-' prising and up-to-date vfirros in Te Aroha 'is the .wpll-.kpQ.wn -firm ; of J&c&sre. Willis, Bros., -liimited, electrical and* motor en- - gjneers, whose commanding promises near the ,«ailway station instently afcrest the attention of every visitor. Tfi*y *ra ; agents f«r the famous Buick cars,* and* judging by v the largo jiumber .of these icars to be seen .in -the .district, it is evident that they have proved themselves cmipwtfly suitable for local reqpiremeni*,tip the latest .model Buick, 4 and 6, the . prices pf .wljicii Jiave been considerably jeducecl, there are a.number of new features nvhicli will add to the popularity tirbich these fampus cars enjoy, and ri make-them even more .satisfying than bo- , fore tp own and drive. Tho sew four is sin. .lower than formerly, ewing to changes in the frame, and in the design of the top. Increasing the height of the radiator and lengthening the cowl, moreover, has helped to give the Buick -four a long low .appearance, -that is very Pleasing. Improvements have been effected, to tne steering gear, making driving easier than before, while front and rear seats have been lowered to give -more leg room, as well as to make the sitting, position more comfortable. The rear axle is ifitted witli, , rubber bumpers, that absorb unusual , road shocks, .and a theft lock on the gear shift lever protects the owner from the depredations of •" joy-riders." Handsome, in-line, superb in finish. complete: m '.Muinment. the no\v >B,uiok -fivepassenger, six-cylinder tourang car represents the utmost in motor-car/ comfort and satisfaction. Jso previous Buick has quite attained this models smoothness of operation, or the namgiluxurv afforded by its long springs and resilient seat upbolfftwy- , Many new items of finish and equipment. ; a<ld to the satisfaction and pndo experi- i enced by owners of tl«s .Buick model. The firm are also .agents .for the powerful. ] Hudson car, and the, ever-popular Hafley- i Davidson motor-cycle. The iitoadily in-, creasing popularity which the latter en- i joys, can "only be attributed to the: , superior design, the high .standards Of , Hariev-Davidson workmanship, and con- ] strnction, the machine's unparalleled sor- j vice to its rider, and its consistency m' j events of national and international set-, I vice. In addition to the agencies men-- \ tioned. Willis Brothers supply every want, for the motorist at city prices, and repair and overhaul cars of any make.,.: They undertake the painting of para, and' ! also charge batteries and supply .benzine, oils, etc. Their electrical department undertakes the most intricate installation of either light or power, and instaJa motors., Every electrical requisite is stocked, while wireless .amateurs are adequately;; catered for. Their garage is an up-to-date fire-proof concrete building, the key of which is>alwavs available. Willis Bros., Limited, can be depended npon to supply articles and work of only .first-class qual-, ity, and they welcome inquiries from any interested parties.

3d~#SS£S. D. MoL. WALLACE, tTD. Visitors to Te Aroha Show should make a point of visiting the poemises of Messrs. D. McL.Wallace, Ltd., the ,maimfaeti>rer» of the Pilkingtoji milking and testing machine, a machine Hiat marks a great prpjfressiyp ,#ep in the history pf the modern machiue, namely, a xe-, lease machine having the means -whtPeby oveiy individual cow may be tested. With the average milking machine it is i net possible tp know what the iudividyai, cow is returning. The cost of land, Wfc ] and every article used on a dairy farm is sp high that it is absolutely nef,«wary that every cow should pay her way. In a herd of 50 or 60 cowa half pf them may anpt pay their way, or it -way be tba* ten or a dozen cpws aee $Wmg 4ovn the average. In girder to detect 4be' robber epw, Mr. R. N. Pjlkington,, a praotioal engineer and dairy farmer, uv vented and placed on the market the Pjlkington milking %es&wg machine, which was later improved iute the present efficient -apparatus- The present machine will milk any one oow into an ordinary milk bucket while all the rfst pf the herd are biting milked through the machine in ta© ordinary way. If "testing of all the herd is required each cow can be tested at tbe samft time, and so jfefjaggfo the berd till tbey we all put throngh. After each oow huts, been tested the milk can be released throagb the rpilk pipe and the main releaser without interfering with the er<dinary of the milkirijg maehinp. Ail fiiis «an t* done without consuming extra, time or washing up. The milking machine itself has'also a number of novel features which have helped to make it the most pppnjw- machine on the market. TbpJJjrm bojds #t*>cks af the Anderson engine and parts, and supply them with the'ii*iTkin/£ton machine, but* sired wi}l supply any other make of engine, #r electric motor where electric power is available- a speciality is mada of thpro'igb and efficient erections. So many f/*iinres have occurred through faulty that the firm will not oljow a i*ilkingtpu machine to be erected except in a workmanlike manner. Farmers jars thus assured of the beat possible resHaltS from tbeir machines. There has been a phenomenal run 00 the JPilkington machine during the past few mCEihs, and everyone visiting Te Aroha Show should make a point of inspecting the machine at the firm's .premises. The firm has a most factory, where every class of dairy, motor, and engineering work is faithfully sarriei} out by efficient workmen. A .novel machine "that bas just been instaljej is a power hack saw, which cuts through metal in half the time it would i4ke to do it by hand. There is a Willard service station at the 1 firm s premises, where batteries are properly recharged- In the cpach-building shop every variety of coach work is carI ried out by expert workmen,' apd there :is a great storak of seasoned timber, spokes, axles, springs, and ironwork. In the retail department there is a very comprehensive stock of hardware, brashware, and every requisite for the house, shop, or farm. Messrs. Wallace cordiallv invite visiters to Te Aroha to call and see them at any time, while show visitors slmuld inspect the firm's exhibit.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18244, 10 November 1922, Page 12

Word Count

BOROUGH ACTIVITIES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18244, 10 November 1922, Page 12

BOROUGH ACTIVITIES. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18244, 10 November 1922, Page 12


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