THE TURF IN ENGLAND. RESULT OF TWO THOUSAND. A. and N T .Z. LONDON. April 26. At the Xewmarket M»e!.nss 'O-day 'he ;ollowiug was the result f>i trie leaning event — THE TWO THOUSAND OOTT'EAS .STAKES of £100 eucii. For »ni;ro onus ::nd fillies foale<l in 1319. 'Olts. f).O. dllie». 8.9. Rowley mile Lord Queensbci rough'-; b, e St. Louis, by Lonvois—Princess Sterims. '.o . . ■ . 1 9. .Joel's bo Pondolanii. by Pimmern— Gouroli. 3.0 • . - Lord WoLv-mg'.on's e.h •; Captain Cuttle, by Hurry On—Bella Vista. 9.0 . . 9t. Louis lormed one oi i i-oi'eetinn of yearlings sent up to auction it D»<ucaster on September 10. 1920. »ad be 'old for 2800 guineas. At two years oid uouu only competed :n one -ace. and-ae finished ainonu the unpniced division. HAWKE'S BAY MEETING, ANOTILF.It WIN FOR OLO.LMING. 3i rELEGfIAPH.—PRESS HASTINGS. Thursday. The Hawke 3 B*y Jockey Club s Autumn Mit>ting '.vas concluded '.o-duy n ')eaut.ful weainer, and there .vas a itiendame. The totA.isator investments .mummed to £21.07.1. comnared with £37.160 ■•!'. 'no -ht : responding day .ast year. The- jrand. ; totai was £40,044. against i'6K.ii4, .'presen'.B 4 decrease of £27.J1U on .ast ~r receipts. The followin« were the rwu.ts <«t ttt-iiuy'ij pwnta — K-\ RAMF HURDLE RACE. ,11 :n:.«*•Whanoko, 10. Ii it. Hunt. I. '»w seeue. iO.l. 1, Master Orflamme, .to. started C aofui. Sunray At He -at* stretch Wuanoko took command, and, eadinn t:'l -.lie finish, won eati.y -.y :o -.r .engths. Time, 3m 11 »-os. APPRENTICES' PLATE, 1 mile and 1 fur ong —Suspicion, 8.7 li. Baaer . 1. .-jweel Song 7.1. 2 Artier. 9.1), 3. nar.-i Fitcn, Markus. Lake Rubin, Whamti. A.cng the back stretch Suspicion moved up. ami. coming away, won tiomfortabiy nv toiir iengtns. Time, 1m jp 1-6s. .TTJVENTLE HANDICAP. 3 fur -K.-- * Tniaix»tex. 9.1 'E. Goldfinch!. 1; KaniKatea. (5.3. 1 GoUilirht. _J. 3. i. A .so Rjpme. Morose, V yella, Mountain ■■■w:.. Sport, D araond Ring. Ad As'ra. Kaotane Ad Astra, Good Spcrt. and M« -;n-a;n Lion led off from a ,'<;od At 'Re turn for home tr.e ae : d . osed ip. anu 4 good «trngjf e ->»w Kins'*. Trampeter w.n '' V a length. be same distan: e separat ?errnd and 'nird. T me. 1m - I-is. ' a. ridden by A. Reed, ten it tne ra,.wa> l>end. J. D. ORMOND MEMORIAL ')OLD_ CU? of £555 first lio'Re £3->j nil I■ ' -d t. tt? <t the value ot £100 we'sht-icr-age witfi penutles attached. 1 m-.e. G D. Greenwood's b g G---am:ng. fiyr". by The—L-ght. 9.U, including 10 b penalty G. Young s . _ 1 A. B. Wi barns' br h Gasbag. 4yrs, 9... nciudm'' T'.b penady ■ ■ - J. S. N'r£eod's b g fcck Off. 3yrs. 9-1. nciuding Also 3 ar'ed.— Haurang'. G'oammg _v;vs far urte At '.he start Hatiring; .ed. K.-.'ii Off Ga lag, and G'oammg foi'.cwma :n mat order. At the raiUvay oe-nd Gloara.ns moved up. and turning ;nto the straight took command, eventually w:nn tig by rnreeqitarters of a 'erg' 'l 'rom tiasoag, n mm Mat Kirk Off by had a engtn tor second honours. T me. 1m >?;."■ EURSE MEMORIAL STASF9 HANDICAP, n m les.—Groteayue, 8 9 Ii- Re"d'. i, 6.7. 2: T:<r.. 6.7. . V*o ;-ar*ed Vagabond, Dissertation, Baeca-J, syjorax. Festivity. Bonnie Heatner. 3.'nr."»'-'r, . nui. Passing the stand. Tan, Vata"ia. .mil D'ssertation were m 1 «t prominent, .>:;«?-»• tion Vd a eorract field at t;:e bead ot tne Wight, but -.he adrd iway. J"0 •.r"*v-'itie, -ommst aiong with a tine- ron - 'it n- ovn Maiaioa and won by a np.k. .ar: w:is *nr°eq'arters of a .eniith away 'liirn. 5 3-fis-OIiACA HANDICAP. 6 fur. -Anomaly. 9 1 (A. Oliver!, 1; Civilform, 6.1, - 1 Pnn r .» Randall. 7.1. J. Also started Asterna ; S k n.. Jot al, Crown Gem. Runiwai. (.ivlfcrm. K Vmi. and Prince Handail siiowwi the way to the <'nt-ran. e of the -itraiaht. when Anomaly. who had iosed .IP. ,< ; :t 3 bis cinim. and in a "ood race with (.ivllform. beat hsm home by ba.f i engtn. a nei k between second and third. .m 14s. CHITT HANDICAP, 1 mile and a fur.— Actifid. 7.6 A. G. Dixon;. 1. Hyrax. IJ. 2. Oueens tin. 7.11, 3- -tar'ed t left. Syttus. Earthslnne, Black Art. L-rrespon dent, A nr. ore i, Woden. Hyrax. In an exciting fin sh Actifid, who came a ir.P run. beat Hyrax by a neck. Oueens Up nemg 1 similar dl 'an.o away .n third place. Time, lm 53 AKITIO HANDICAP, 6 fur.—Sunny Spec, 7.12 H. G idtin h . 1. Scotch M.rrjre. 9.3. 2 Golden Light, 7.10. 3. Also started Big Push, Mysttco, Pamia, C>rnic, Wrangie, Magistrate, Queen's Ferry. Equa, Warpath, R'ality Morten. Sunny Srec Led al! the way and beat the favourite Srotch Mixture by a neck. A s'roilar distance between aecond and third. Time, lrn 14 4-6?. AVONDALE JOCKEY aUB. The following is a list of the winning payments made ovot the Avondale Jockey Club's recent Autumn Meeting -R Hannon, £1250: G. Curne. £650; E. Andrews, ; A. E. Tattley. £425 E. W. Alison. Junr. £595; A. Brown, £310; D. I. Meredith, £300: L. B. Hams, £'260; F. Dye, £230- Dr. Grant, £200: H. Fnedlander, £200; W, Scholium, £"200; W. M. Taylor, £200- S. Lendrum. £'200: Potts and McDonald. £290: H. B. Gibson, £200; C. P. Allen, £120- M. J. Carroll. £100; D. Morra. giinn. £100- E. J. Hae. £100; T. H. Lowry, £100: W. Corrigan, £100; W, Sh.rp, £70; Peach Brothers. £70; Hon. E, W. Alison, £70 W. Pollard. £70: P. W, Scally, £70. FT. B. Pbitcox, £70: G. Green. £«); P. Eiirl, £50: J. E. Thorpe. £50: P. Hall. £50: A B. Williams. £59: P, John"='on £50: K. Hoaton £50: C. Hill. £30: P. Herman. £30; W Kemn, ±'30- H. Spinks, £30; Evans and Miria, £25: P. Marshall. £'25. Mrs. M. Shaw, £20- H. 3. Keesmg, £10; H. G. Dingle. £10: J. J. Preston. £10: E. A. Neai, £10. Total, £7500. AUCKLAND RACING CLUENominations for the foilowine events to be* ran at the Auckland Racing Club's Winter Meeting ciose to-day at 5 p.m. - Groat Northern Hurdle Rare, Great .Northern Steenlechase, Winter Steeplechase, Cornwall Handicap, Einj? Goorge Handicap, and York Welter Handicap. EG MONT H-LN'DICAPS. [B1 TEUJOBAPH. —PBSSS ASSOQATION.] HASTINGS, Thursday. Following are tho handicaps for the first day of the Egmont Racing Club's Winter Meeting;— TONGAHOE HURDLES. 1{ miles.—Gladful, 11.11, Volo, 11.9; Omahu. 11.7; Alteration. 10.11, Shell Shock, 10.6; Wamba. 10.7; Paddington Green, Sirnonides. Tmokaua, 10.4; Lvdogeur. 9.10; Passing rhrough, a.'J; Opiate, 9.7, Spook. 9.5; Complex. 9.2. Blue Cross, Halcyon, Galicia, 9.0. HACK AND HUNTERS' STEEPLECHASE, 2 miles—General Kavon, 11.12. Te Mairo, 11.5; Ngakanui, 11.4; Shell Shock. Sir Solo, 11.1; War Loan, 10,12; Te Toa, .10-10' Suthlin. 10.3; Master Boris. 10.2; ingiio. 9.9; Kato, Fibre, 9.5; The Baronet. '.1.2; Lady Lyddite, Toddy. Marshal Ned. Pipi Grand Canyon, 9.0. EGMONT STEEPLECHASE. 2i mdes.Oakleigh, 11.5; First Line, 11.3; Mattock 11.1; Luperino, 11.0; 10.13; General Raven, 10.6; Khartoum, 10.0; Ngakanui, Sir Solo, 9.12; Calma, 9 11, Paddington Green, 9.10; To Toa, Tenacious, 9.2; Hathlin, Grand Canyon, 9.0. TONUS MEMORIAL. 6 fur.—Rational, 9.3; lrapuka, 8.10; Awake. 6.9; Tama-a-roa. Hipo, 8.3; Birkie. 7.12: Amber Tips, 7.9; Inah 7.8; Demand, 7.7; Sunny Jim. 7.5; Voluble, Roman, 7.4; Kareao. Mockery, 7.3, Well Done, Kuia, 7.0: Cold Steei, 6.9; Machroe, Leithfield, Pure Laziness. 6.7. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, 5 fur.—Danger Zone. 9.6; Crossfire, d.12; Orchid. 8.11; Poutma, 8.6; Some Red, 9.5: Big Push. 8.4; Regard, Hori, Petunia, 8.2; Eonmark. 7.12; Savoury, Mixture. 7.10: Connemara. 7.9; Lady Glissas. 7.3: Price, Fife and Drum, 7.7; Loved One, Ben Nevis. 7.5; Cochineal, Santiago. St. Waipa, Utakura, 7/2; O'apawa, WinEome Arch, Royal Fancy, Ecuador. TuDaia, Husher, Cbestforte. Favoniau, Lady Faa, Loyal Maid. Objector, Miciiaelmas, Kilkelly. Damage, Creme de Menthe. Advent. Alice Montrose, Country Life. Roche, Galicia. Parkman. Miss Beauforte. 7.0. MACRAE MEMORLVL, I; allies.—Mar queteur, 9.13; Income, 9.1; T;ime Fox, 8.11; Bonetter. Punka, 8.6; Festivity. 8.1. Boomerday. 7.12; Egmont Park. 7.10: hoe, 7.8; Correspondent, Eerie 7.5; Stork. 7.4; Omahu. .Sunny Jim, 7.2; Kareao, 7.0; Voluble. 6.10: Skylight, Canowindra 6.7 TUVHITI HACK HANDICAP. 81 fur.Mort. Avis, 9.0; Equitable, 8.11, Marble Crag, Machree. 8.5; Veloeiform 3.4- Lady Nassau, 8.2; Skylight, Big Push. 7.U, Molleen Ogo, 7.10; Blissiulnegs. Bitholia! 7.9: Price. 7.7; Sussex, 7.3: Gold Star, KiJigan, 7.3; Banogue, 7.2, Dignity, Generous, Watercall, Ceres. 7.0.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18076, 28 April 1922, Page 5
Word Count
1,368SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18076, 28 April 1922, Page 5
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