VESPUCCI WINS THE CUP. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] NEW PLYMOUTH, Thursday. The Taranaki Jockoy Club's Meetint opened to-dny in fine woather. There wai a largo attendance. The course was in goot order. The totalisator handled £25,826, compared with £31,840 on the same daj last year, a decre-iso of £11014. The follow ing were the results:— WAITARA HACK HURDLES, 1} miles. —Active, 10.4 (Kaan), 1; Miss Melva, 9.8, 2; Complex, 9,3, 3. Also started: Opiate, 10.11; Prodigal. Fibre, Eldenholm, 9,9; Hal cyon. 9.5; Kato, Birkwind, Tor Royal, Pittsworth, 9-0. Active won by two lengths. Time, 2m 52 2-ss. JUVENILE HANDICAP, 5 fur.-Wak. Up, 6.9 (Butler), 1: Danger Zone, 8.13, 2 Roman, 8.2, 3. Also started: Ahsurdum, 10.15, Leithfield, Bipo, 8.9; Crossfire, 8.0 Mockery 7.13; Snatcher, 7.2; Artois, 6.12, Wako Up won by two lengths. Time, lir 2 l-ss. MIMI WELTER HANDICAP, 7 fur.Kare'ao, 8,11 (Ayres), 1; Passing Through, 8.9. 2; Mistain, 8.0, 3. Also started: Simonides, 10.3: Strategy. 9.5; Kuia, 8.15; Festive Cold Steel, 8.12; Armorcl, 8.2; Pure Lazi' ness, Michaelmas, Skylight, Master Curran, 8.0. Ivareao won by 2} lengths. Time, 1m 295. Skylight and Master Curran fell, but fortunately their riders escaped uninjured, TARANAKI CUP of £1000, 1} miles. G, D. Greenwood's ch g Vespucci, 4yrs., by Varco—Faraway, 8.8. (G. Young) .. 1 W. G. Stead's br m, Truthful, 4yrs, 7.6 5 D. J. Goodwin's br g Eginont Park, 6yrs, 7.3 5 Alpo Started.—Marqueteur, 9.7; Affectation, 8isl0; Silver Link, 8.8; Landslide. 8.4; Stork, 7.0; Night Time. 6.7. Vespucci won comfortably by three lengths, a similar distance between second and third. Time. 2m 8 2-os. WINNERS OF THE TARANAKI CUf (einco .1910). m. s. 1910—Lady Medallist, "3yrs, Bst .. 2 112-5 1911—Lady Medallist, 4yrs, 9st lllb 2 7 3-5 1912—Lady Menschikoff, 6yrs, 7et 9lb 2 8 3-E 1913—Conn the Shaughraun, syrs, 7st 71b 5 9 4-5 If 14 —Goldsizo, 6yrs, 7st 51b ..2 7 3-5 1515—Phosphorus, 6yrs. 7st 21b ..2 11 1! 16—Selff syrs, 6st 121b . ■ .-29 1917—Toa Tere, aged, Bst 61b .. 210 1918—Wishful, Syra, 7st 121b ..29 1919—Afterglow, 3yrs, 7st .. .. 213 1920—Surveyor, 3yrs, Bst lllb .. 2 9 1-5 1921—Warplane, 3yrs, 8.8 .. . . 2 8 2-5 1922—Vespucci, 4yrs, 8.8 .. .. 2 8 2-fi MOTUROA ELECTRIC. 5 fur., weight 8.0. —Wairarapa (A. Reed), 1; Haligan. 2; Ardath, 3. Also started: Kilkelly, Miss Gazeley. Somefirs, Miss Star, Carabine. Wairarapa won by a length and a-half. Time, lm 3s. FLYING HANDICAP, 6 fur.-Awake. 7.0 (A. Reed), 1; Inah, 7.11, 2; Capping Day, 6.10. 3. Also started: Income, 8.4; Illumination 7.5 Awake won by three parts of a length. Time, lm 14 2-ss. OKATO HACK, 1 mile 110yds.—Muraahi, 9.3 iR. S. Bagby). 1; Sunny Jim, 8.8, 2; Danieloff, 7.0, 3. Also started: Lady Nassau, 8.4; Redlogue. 7.13; Molleen Oge, 7.9: Eerie, 7.5; Master Miak, 7.3; Hallow. 7.2. Muraahi won by balf-a-length. Time, lm 49 2-ss. TIMARU HACK HANDICAP. 6 fur.Still Sea. 9.6 (A. Reed), 1; Voluble, 8.12, 2; Tireless 7.3, 3. Also started: Fabrinade, b.10: Loved One, 7.11; Petunia, 7.10; Polini, 7.4. Still Sea won by two lengths. Time, lm 15s. WEIGHTS FOR SECOND DAY. [by telegraph, -press association.] NEW PLYMOUTH. Thursday. Following are the weights for the second day: — OKOHE HURDLES, 1} miles.—Actrve 11-3; Opiate, 10.9: Banogue, 10.2; Trom bono, 10.1; Mieß Melva, 9.13: Prodigal 9.7, Fibre, Complex, 9.6: Halcyon, Eldenholm 9.5; Kato, Pittswom, Rangiata, Lady Pat 9.0. KAWAN HANDICAP, 1 mile and 110 yds —Voluble. 9.3; Sunny Jim, 8.12: Lady Naa sau, 8.1; Redlogue, 7.11; Halcyon, 7.8; Tire less, Molleen Ope, 7,7; Master Cun-an, Phyl lona, Eerie, Skylight, 7.5; Polini, Maste: Miok, Interest, 7.2; Daniloff, Watercall Otapawa, Michaelmas, Big Gun, Red Helen Generous, Price, 7.0. OMATA HANDICAP, S Sec 10.6; Danger Zone, 95; Fabrinade, 8.8 Roman, 8-3; Big Push, 8.0: Crossfire Savoury, 7.13; Loved One, Mockery, Nema lino, 7.9 : Petunia, 7.8: Tireless, Pouma Mountain Peer, 76; Dusky Quocn. Interest 7.4; Pol'n', 7.3; Halligan, Take Take, 7.2; Resin. Kilkelly, Alice Montrose, Some Firo Ardath, Miss Gazely, Red Helen, Sempei Idem, BanoTue, Bonifont, Smoke Concert, Cochineal, Kilee, 7.0. PAUL MEMORIAL HANDICAP, 9 fur.Ve«rucri, 97: Marqueteur. 8-6: Affectation, 89; Bilver Link, S.B; E?otiem. 8.6; Landslide. 8.2; S'monides, Lovemntch. 8.0: Sycorax, 7.13: Truthful, Golden Bubble 7.11: I'aonui. Karaeo, Aureate, 7.7; Income, Egmnnt Park, 7.5; Illumination, Strategy, 7.3: Stork. 7.0; Passio' Throus;h, 6.12; Festive. Nursing Sister, 6.11: Askari. Kula, 5.10: Nidht Time, Amorel, Voluble. Pure Laziness, Zaniloff, Skylight, Penona, Makere, 5.7. NURSERY HANDICAP. E fur.-Vaierie, 33; The Dunce, 8.2; Wake Up. 7.12; Wairarapa. 7.10; Pirouette, Potoa King, 7-2; Snatcher. Artois, 6.11; Merry Knight, 6.9. UKENUI ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP, 5 fur (all 80).—Smoke Concert, Birkwind, Pillage, Kilkelly, Ceohiueal, Mies Gazeley, Mi 33 Mickey, Rangiata, Kilee, Ardath, Potoa King. Yolande, Some Fire. Roche, Huiroa, Mountain Peer, Miss f-tar, Halligan, Kate, Cyniras, King Formby, Willochra, Carabine, tJncle Dave. FAREWELL HANDICAP, 6 fur—Absurimn. 9.5; Golden Bubble, 9.3: Simonides, 3.10, In.ome, 8.5; Awake, 8.3; Egmont Park. 8.2: Tnah, 8.0: Karaec, 7.13: Strategy, 7.12; Illtiminat : nn, 7.6: Cold Steel, 7.5: ranpm- Dny, Hino, 0.10: Nieht Time. 6.8: Armorel, Pure Lazinesn, Hiero. Petunia, Leithfield, Lovdl One, Hori. Bie Push. Mockerv, Pouim, Savoury, Poet. 6.7. TARANAKI STAKES, 6 fur.—Gloaming, Vespucci, 9.10; Silver Link, 9.7; Awake, 9.2; Ahsurdum, 8.12. ' POVERTY BAY TURF CLUB. [BX TELEGRjHH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] GISBORNE, Thursday. The summer meeting of the Poverty Bay Turf Club opened in glorioua weather. The totalisator receipts were £14,888, compared with £24,924 last year. Results:— WELTER—Lord Muskerry (TrckHank), 1; Sunray, 2; Whenanoko 3. Also started: Queens Up, Multifual, Patetonga, Persian King, Correspondent, Queen's Ferry, Merry Bells. Colonel Arch. Won by one and a-hatl lengths. Time, lm 445. HURDLES.—GoId Scene (Goodwin), 1; Monte, 2; Crosswords, 3. Also started: Reparoa. Won by ten lengths. Time, 2m 19 3-ss. TELEPHONE HANDICAP.—Prince Randall (Ryder), 1: Chrysostom, 2; Black Lace, 3. Also started: Haurangi, Manus, Men ks.ra. Won by four lengths. Time, lm 25 1-58. TURANGA STAKES.—Hyrai (Hunt), 1; Hookah, 2: Perfect Day, 3., Also started: Admiral Codrington, Gszique, Actifid, Demagogue, Martini, Won by a i:eck. Time, 2m 8 4-ss.
SUMMER HACK HANDICAP.—Rurnwai (Reed), 1; White Hope. 2; Haurangi, 3. Also started: Golden Light, Sunny Spec, Queen's Ferry, Kahikatea. Won by two and a-half lengths. Time, lm 15 l-ss.
MAIDEN SCURRY. — Communicate (France). 1; Rippling, 2; Good Sport, 3. Also started: Eozic, Sweet Heather, Morean, Kingly Joy Ride, Taricgaroa, Mongakm, Gazelia, Wharute, Perky. Won by three lengths. Time, lm 2 l-ss. MEMBERS' HACK HANDICAP. — Heather Kin* (Dixon) 1; Marcus, 2; Westerner. 3. Also started: Lady Muriel, Scotch Mixture. Waikowhu. Tout Bon, Munus, Silver Stride. Won by three lengths Time, lm 31s.
FT.YING HANDlCAP.—Civilform (France), 1: Royal Blood. 2: Bunny. 3. Won by & neck. Time, lm 15s.
SECOND DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. The second day's acceptances for the Poverty Bav Turf Club's meeting are:STEWARDS' HANDICAP G fur-Pnnce Randall. 9.3; Rurywai. 7.12; Actifid, 7.10; Barrier, 7.3; Black Lace, 6.13. HURDLES, li miles.—Goldscent, 10.12: Moate, 10.7; Whanoko, 10.0; Keparoa, Patetonga, 9.7. COOK HANDICAP.. 6 9.6; Landbird, 9.0; White Hope 8 10; Miss lioselsnd, 8.8; Golden Light. 8.7; Pitch 7.7; Marcus. 7.5, Merry Bel is. Whariti, < 0SUNDERLAND STAKES, 1 mile.-Jovial, 8.9; Hyrax, 8.3; Hookah, 8.0; Queens Up, 711- Prince Jowel. 7.9; Actifid, 7.7; Cleft, 70' Martini 6.11; Persian King, Westerner 6.7.'
MAIDEN HANDICAP, <» fur.-Communi-cate, 9.0; Rippling, 8.7: Joy Ride, 7.9; Sunny Spec, Perky, Sweet Heather, Moreau, Mountain Gun, Mix Up. Eozic, Tanngaroa 7.7.
PUBLICANS' PURSE. 6 fur.-Pnnce Randall. 9.5; Civilform, 9.2; Caricature, 6,6; Royal Blood, 8.5; Barrier, 7.5; Cantabile, 7.0; Poheke, Merekara, 6.7. ROSELAND HACK HANDICAP. 1 mile. —Heather King, 9.0; Penitent, 8.8: Correspondent, 8.3; Whanoko. 8.0; Waikohu, 7.12; White Hope. 7.7; Marcus, 7.3; Mix Up, Mangakino, Munus, 6.12.
FAREWELL HANDICAP. 6} fnr.-Chrys-ostom, 9.8; Gaziquo, 8.9; Hookah, 8.3; Queen's Up, Lord Muskeny, 8.2; Prince Jewel, 8.0; Demagogue, 7.5: Martini, 7.0; Black Lac#, 6.13; Persian King, 6.10; Tout. Bon, Scotch Mixture, Munus. 6.T.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18012, 10 February 1922, Page 9
Word Count
1,283SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIX, Issue 18012, 10 February 1922, Page 9
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