A READJUSTMENT MADE. I ME. STEWART TAKES CUSTOMS I . NATIVE AFFAIRS FOB MB. COAXES, j i ■ ' J3T THXEGEAFE. —FBESS ASSOCL4HDS.] I WELLINGTON, Monday., j | A reallocation has been made of the four j ! portfolios rendered vacant by the retireI ment of Sir William Henries. The Hon. J. j ! G. Coates will take Native Affairs, the j ! Hon. Downie Stewart will take Customs, I while Sir Francis Bell has already taken ; ! Marine, and Hon. 'G. J. Anderson has j taken Labour. A little later Mr. Ander- i aon will take Mines, a portfolio held by i i the Prime Minister. Several further re- \ I adjustments will be made in the event of i Mr. Massey leaving for the Imperial Con- I j ferenca.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 5
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 5
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