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Shipping. g. 8. Q U A N A. ■ i THE ABOVE VESSEL WILL BE PRE- : PARED TO FREIGHT TIMBER CARGO TO SYDNEY AND NEWCASTLE FROM ; HERE. For all particulars, apply J- J- CRAIG (Shipping Dept.), Queen Street. THAKO SHIPPING COMPANY. LTD. ' S.S. ONEROA—TIME-TABLE Leaves Auckland: Leaves Kerepeehi: Tuea., Bth, 4.30 p.m. Thurs., 10th, 11 p.m. Fri.. 11th, 6.30 p.m. Cargo received on day of sailing up do , WATKIN AND WALLIS. Agents. PC B W A 1 T A K A B XJ R U. O.V. RIPPLE Leases King's Wharf: Leaves Waitakaruru: Tues., Bth, 11 a.m. Wed., 9th, 5 p.m. A. G. BERTRAM AND CO.. Quay St. •Phone 3467. '— Apartments Vacant. ACCOMMODATION.— Business gent, share room. —Rangiora. 2. Elizabeth St., Ponsonby. 'Phong 865 A. ACCOMMODATION lor sober, respectable Working Men Boarders: eariy breakiast.—l. Beresford St., opp. City Fire Station. ACCOMMODATION, superior; califont, electric light, etc. —15, Richmond Rd., Ponsonby. A CCOMMODATION. superior, young Bus.i- ■*•*■ neas Gentleman, paying guest, Epsom. —Address at HEBALD. ACCOMMODATION, Visitors anc Permanenta; select home-like; Board or Breakfast only.—Hillcrest. 49. East St.. Symonda St. ACCOMMODATION, first-class. — Widow Lady with very nice home desires a retired or business gentleman as Paying Guest.—l.X.L.. 66. Herald. ACCOMMODATION, first-class, with breakfast.—Sorrento. Grafton Rd.. near New University. Lower Symonds St. ACCOMMODATION. — Furnished Double Rooms, use kitchen, sitting room, conveniences, 258 weekly; Singles. 105.—113. Nelson St. A PARTMENTS, Business Gentlemen, re--tX fined home; board if required.—39, New North Rd-, Dominion. Rd. June. BEDROOM,' double, furnished; complete home; ill oonvs.; Ist section; 16s. — 59. Belgium St. BEDROOMS (2), furn.. with Breakfast if required; suit gentlemen; Ist section,— Address at HEBALD. BED-SITTING Room, all convs.; no children.—P. St. Benedict's St.. Newton BED-SITTING Room, double, furn.. use kitchen, sep, stove, electric light, cali-font—pJi-KhyberPass. BOARD and Lodgings, centre of City; electric lisht. —Burwood. 448, Queen Street. BOARD and Residence; large double room vacant; suit m.c. or three persons.— 32, Princes Street. BOARDERS.— Vacancies for 3 Men in comfortable home; terms moderate. — 19. Khyher PassCABTLEREAGH, 48, Vauxhall Rd., 2min. Cheltenham Beach. —Plats, furnished, unfurn.; ideal home. Tel. 77. CHELTENHAM— Superior self-contained Flat, furn.; electric light; private entrance; for term.—so. Tainui Rd. CHILDREN wanted to Board, between ages 4 and 7; good country home.—C, 167, HEBALD. FARMHOUSE accommodate 2 or 3 Lady Paying Guests, Waitakere Ranges.— The Outlook, Swanson. FLAT —Bedroom. Sitting Room, and Kitchenette ; furnished.—Oakleigh, 146, Symonds Street. FLAT, superior, furn., gas Etove, califont, convs.; quiet; private entrance.—ll, .St. Benedict St. 'Phone 1497, . FT, AT, modern, furn.; complete with every convenience, to let for term.—Mauager, Thames Hotel. IfILAT, exclusive, 3 well-fum. rooms, selfcontained ; desirable locality and surroundings; £3 10s per week.—P.O. Box 1321. FLAT. —Gentlcpeople, without children, requiring Self-contained Flat in private house; every convenience; latest appointments; St. Stephen's Avenue, close car.— Apply, Exclusive. 171, HEBALD. FLAT, nicely furnished, self-contained, 1 or 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchenette; also Single Rooms; harbour views; moderate. —Mokoia. Bridge St.. Grafton Bridge. FLATS, 4 and 2 rooms and kitchenette, close first section, Parnell harbourside. —Address at HEBALD. GIRL, attending public school, able to ride. Good Home.—G. Farmer, Ohinewai. HOLLYDEAN —Rooms (single), furnished, use of convs., 3mins. from City; harbour view.—lo, Garfield St., Parnell. 'Phone 2369 A. KATPO House, 80, Wellington St.—Single and Double Rooms; board and residence jliandytown^jjtsection. LADY (elderly) with seaside cottage would like lady to join her; no rent.—Address at Herald. LADY, elderly, knely, with home at St. Heliers Bay, would like suitable lady to live with her and pay small remuneration; .•or married couple.—Permanent, 162. HEBALD. MILFORD. — Furn. Apartments vacant; ; also Furn. Flat, small.—Oakland, Ocean View. NARROW NECK Beach—Model Furnished Flats: kitchenettes: 10 minutes wharf; Tiri View.—'Phone 146, 'Devonport. PONSONBY. — Furn. Front Bed-sitting Room; use kitchen, gas and convs.— Address at HEBALD. * REMUERA, 3 rooms (unfurn.), every conv., young couple or ladies; 30s; separate entrance. —Address at HEBALD. ROMA.— Flat 3, beautifully furnished, modern convs.; suit M.C. business or professional people.—229, Ponsonby Rd. ROOM, double, furn.; also. Single Beds. , —7. Pitt St. near Wellington St. ROOM, double, vacant: board and residence.—32, Princes St., City. i .—. ROOM, suit 2 or 3 gentlemen friends; breakfast: Grafton Rd., 12 minutes city. —Address at Herald. ROOM, nicely furnished, single, suit gentlei man; cars stop at gate.—Address at Hkralo. • TJOOMS (3), unfurnished.—l 47. Victoria St. ROOMS. 2 or 3, unfurn., with use of conveniences ; elderly couple preferred.—32, ■ Sentinel Road. ROOMS (2), unfurn., newly papered, etc., adults only, near first section; use conveniences.—Address at -Herald;. ROOMS (2), unfurnished, and conveniences, within ?d section, Mt. Eden.—Address ' at Herald. ROOMS.V-Sinale Beds, from Bs, breakfast if desired Sitting-smoke room; hot bath and shower; electric light throughout; 3min. station. —Victoria House, 48. Nelson St., City. ROSSVTLLE PRIVATE HOTEL (Next Ca-rgen). SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION. Bed and Breakfast. 'Phone 1113. QITTING Room, Bedroom, and Kitchenette, O furnished, suit M.C. or ladie?; near tram ; telephone.—Address at Herald. ' rpHE Chimes, 57, Symonds St., has Vacan- '' 1 cies, furn. rooms only.—Mrs. Martin. 'Phone U44. T'HE GIRLS' HOSTEL. City Rd.. Auckland. —Principal, Mias Hammond.—For v students, scholars of secondary schools, and other girl boarders; near all the colleges. Young girls specially cared for. Terms on application. y •\TACANCIES.—Private Board and ResiN V dence, working men; electric light, tele- ' phone.—Mrs. Coulson, 21. Eden Cres. VACANCIES for Permanent Gent'-enien Boarders, every conv.; suburban localh Uy, splendid view, smin. railway station. ,- 'Phone 3138. VISITORS to Hamilton.—First-class Accommodation in superior private house. - Superior, 377, Herald, Hamilton. i TATELLESLEY HOUSE, 74. Wellesley St. VV West.—Board and Residence. Electric light throughout. Families specially catered for. 'Phone 2253. SH I R L E Y, Cor. Dominion Rd. and Onslow Rd. PRTVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE. An Ideal Home for Business People. Spacious Rooms. Healthy Locality. Large Grounds, Tennis Court, Billiards. Terms on Application to Mrs. L. Franchi.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 1
Word Count
942Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 1
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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