hASK Off ATJBEBAiASIA--. BY B*OYAI»<3HAaH , E&. 1835.) gs&fatp <oapitel •« * * ». 568,600,000 Beeerve Jfund »■*. »». »■■ <e3,075,000 Staerm Ajiability of Proprietors £3,500.000 £10,075,000 "& »t th© rat© of 10 par cent, Jiefc ainntHn, and a banns of 8 pw ©sat. per iaxzixan, nsv9 boon declared by the Court of Directors. An interim dividend and barms, equal to SB!S 15s per sharo, iroie paid on October 1 last, fend £9 12a per that© will bo payable on April JA sum of. idOO.OOO baa been added to tbe Resanre Fund, makins tbe total £3.075,000, and J2145.574 U earned forward. Tho Colonial Lis* oi Sbaroboldera will bo closed from .March U to April 1 (both days mehisbw). for the purpose of above dividend *ums baaus. PERCY H". COX. Inspector* THE LATEST AND SMARTEST DECORATING STYLES. The Latest WAIJJ?APER Modes and Styles h<>.u t.oiiJiuu'i Leading Authoritati»<» Hoirtsos iiit»w xaany fascinating eifscia in bold oaass colour traatmont, ajad we :.-u.v«i reooived a flue sat of plates, tbowias 'iysSrasions oi the new effects, also a soioci wage ot tWi latest Wallcapera s»d {TriasM* (or carr/ins them out. PHULIPrS AND IMPEY, LTD., QUEEN STREET. a*HH HOUSE FOR EXCLUSIVE STYLES. WONEY IS GOINC, TO BE TTGHTEK. ARE YOU READY ? t&ATHXQ FINANCIERS AND STATESUES HAVE SOUNDED THE WARNING. Prendre by o-rurhanling your book debts N'O'W and hand the overdue accounts »o ROOPK BROS for co'tectian. DON'T DELAY- "GIVE IT TO HOOPE." Bank Heirr<-iue: Bank of New Zealand. BOOPE BROS., SIPA.DE \SSIGNEES AND COLLECTORS, 14-15, HIS MAJESTY'S ARCADE, QUEEN* STREET. AUCKLAND. HIGH-CLASS AMERICAN FOOTWEAR FOR LADIES. ALL THE LATEST CREATIONS Fiora the folio-wing WORLD-FAMED MAKERS Now on Hand: EREPFENDORF, DITTLMANN AND CO., SELBY SHOE CO., C. K. FOX. I aspect ton In v ited. DADLEYS, LTD., "' SECURITY.'* 200. QUEEN STREET. THE EEPriATION OF KEARLY 200 YEARS IS BEHIND THE BROADWOOD FIANO. A reputation retained by continued Excellence of Manufacture. Vv« have just received a ranall shipment W the 3© ..wonderful instruments. / "'■ Sole Agents: E. AND F. PIANO AGENCY, LTD., S. COLDJCCTT, Manager. 381, QUEEN STFJEET (Near Victoria St.) THE OLD FIRM EXCEL AT HOUSE REMOVING, HOUSE RAISING, HOUSE BLOCKING, HOUSE REPAIRING, SAM. WHITE AND SONS, CUSTOMS STREET WEST. Thone 70& COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. {FIJI AND NEW ZEALAND), LIMITED. ONE REWARD OF £100. Is offered by the Company for Evidence leading to the CONVICTION of any person or persons responsible for stealing froni the Company's Works or Lightens at Chelsea, between 31st March and 30th June last, and person or persons illegally receiving same. The abovA will only be paid when the .Evidence supplied shall relate to not less than one ton of Su^ar. W. B. PARSONS, Manager. MANY HEADACHES PROCEED FROM THE EYES. Bt WISE, and have them Tested and E^ op ?. r A^.J ltted Wltk SPECTACLES by T PEACOCK AND SON. Up-to-dateOpticTant; SJ.B, Quaen Street. J. A PEACOCK gAftC., England, ith Honours* g£ftS Li k lbi - Customers are assured ol Skilful Treatment, with Best Appliances end Ample ot Spectacles. S"OR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL (RATIONAL ELECTRICAL ANI ENGINEERING CO., LTD., ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. 'WSLLESLEY STREET WEST. U&n&em - - - - J. ALLUM, A.A.1.8.E *Phoncs: 2440. 2EIO, 1536. AS93. THE TALK OF AUCKLAND ERNEST G. SKEATES' ' GREAT JEWELLERY SALE By kind permission of Messrs. Phillipi a? .' Impey, Ij<-,0. -we are in possession to; a lew days longer, during whioh time v? isLali SLAUGHTER PRICES MORE THAN EVER. This morning, at 11 a.m. the Auctio will continue as during last week, and yrica.rry on until the Whole Stook is Cleared. before 11 a..m. each day, and from 2.3 p.m. to 6 p.m. we will Attend Private Pu: chasers at Auction Prices. A T IP - • BE IN THIS! IT IS WORTH WHXLE. ERNEST G. SKEATES' EXPIRATION OF LEASE. MUST GET OUT SALE ON THE PREMISES, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, 42. Queen Street. (RIGHT OPPOSITE SMEETONS.') JMPORTANT TO MEN. - Tailor-mad X Ready-to-Vear and Unclaimed Suits, i all colours and Bizee; also, Navy Serge; |na»«ltee<l fast indigo dyes.—Schneidema 3XO&, Ltd.. 215, 217. SIS. Qusea Stress,
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 4
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