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Boxing. BOXING! T3OXING. T3OXING OXING! £>OXING. -DOXING AT THE A UCKLAND rpOWN XXALL, ON TK/'EDNESDAY. TIXARCH -J f* _ Under the Auspices of the NEW ZEALAND BOXING ASSOCIATION. TACK T^EENAN (N.2. Light-weight Champion), V. JJUGHIE JWYER (Australia's Fast Light-weight). AND FIVE AMATEUR BOUTS. MVE AMATEUR BOUTS. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Gallery, 2s 6d , Back Stalls, 4s. Dress Circle and Front totalis. 6s. Reserves, 10s. Stage, £1. Box Plan at Lewis Eady's (opposite H.M. ■Theatre.). P. D. GREENHOUGH, Hon. Secretary, N.B.A. DON'T MISS CARPENTIER DON'T MISS CARPENTIER AT THE STRAND PICTURE THEATRE NEXT WEEK.
Toilet. - pADELESS PERMANENT NATURAL " x HAIR STAIN. [ QUICKEST, LATEST. AND BEST. Guaranteed not to change colour Does 1 not stain the skin; leaves the hair silky, bright, and beautiful grey, or faded stained to any original shade, in 15 minutes. We shampoo the hair after applying stain and after that the hair will not leave a mark on _ the whitest linen. Applied in our up- • stairs _ private toilet rooms branch of the Victoria Street Ladies' and Children's Hair- . dressing Rooms. This work is done by myself - and daughter, assisted by specially trained loilet Experts Easy to apply yourself—R. - ?"« e , ton ,» To.let Rooms, 6, Victoria Street, Auckland. Established 40 years. Specialist 1 in Head. Treatment. Sold in boxes containing 5 bottles, 31s. _ posted. Can be had in 12 shades of colour t 'Phone 3170. • JJON'T DYE YOUR HAIR - USE "f/APO." - Guaranteed to Restore Grey or Faded Hair to its original colour and beauty. KAPO is not a dye, but acts by means of strengthening the roots of the Hair. It cures Dandruff, prevents the hair falling out, and ■ promotes the growth of the Hair. Price, 2s 6d - per bottle; posted to any - address, 3s 2d.—Prepared and sold only by jyj- pCCLEe, M.P.S.. [ Consulting and Dispensing Chemist, 218, Ponsonby Road, Auckland. See You Get KAPO. ENGLISH Operator, not only Remove* SUPERFLUOUS. HAIR. JrvsmOYes • But kills the roots, thus effecting a perma » nent cure Ladies need not hesitate! even ' though they think they have tried every i known method No extravagant promises » or humbug. . but conscientious treatment in • the only scientific way. at moderate fees in strict privacy. Write for particulars or interview BOX 1577. Auckland. ISS McELWAIIx for Face anT'scalp' Massage, Chiropody, Hair-dyeing and Tinting. Estab. 25 years.—27o, Queen St. ; Tl/TISSES WRIGLEY, Gold Medallist Hair- . -LTA work. Special Treatment Gi-ey or s Falling Hair, Dandruff, Oily Scalp 14 ~ Watson's Buildings. [ Houses and Land for Sale. r ' " —__ FORTUNE IN THIS pGR TWO MEN with £250 Cash each. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE • 1000 ACRES OF GOOD TAWA BUSH 11/UU COUNTRY. Two-sheep land 200 acres grassed, balance standing bush freehold. Splendidly watered. Handy railway and saleyards, seven miles; close to the famous Hauraki Plains, and only £2060 the lot, with £500 cash deposit. Now running 200 big cattle. Apply promptly and save disappointment, to bole Agent, /-10LIN -T7"ELLY, PURIRI, THAMES VALLEY. 0£ ACRES. PAPAKURA-Handy little , Y, Farm: good 6-roomed House and outbuildings. Price. £2200. Cash. £800. 1/10 ACRES—Going Concern—Well subf*y divided. Good 6 Rooms and outbuildings.*. List of stock at office. Price £36 per acre. Terms. m ACRES, about 25 acres crops, bal graee; the buildings are all firstclass, including House of 6 rooms and conv Price. £32 per acre. TITT. ROSKlLL—Splendid House of 6 • •«-*■ rooms and. convs.. h. and c. water, gas i throughout; waah-houee. c. and t: ■ plenty of ! outbuildings; water laid on; 1J acres "of tiptop land. • Price. £2200. Terms, easy See this. J. A. DOUGHTY--3. SHORT'S BUILDINGS. QUEEN ST. £8 10 s P ER A CKK -P9OO DEPOSIT—I9S Acres level and unw*W duiating, good strong land; 100 acres been ploughed ajid grassed, now gone back to rough feed, balance scrub; practically all ploughable. House, 3 rooms and cowshed; partly ring fenced; 4 paddocks School on property. NOTE.—Next door owner wants £16 per acre. This is a bargain, situated hands distance to Morrinsville, £8 Ids per acre O£2OO deposit. 8131 ■jyrooßE- TONES TVROS.. 6, SHORTLAND STREET. "DEMUERA XXOMES. £8000 —10 Rooms, 4i acres . . £2000 Cash £6500—9 Rooms, half-acre . . J'2ooo Cash £5500—10 Rooms, half-ace .. £1500 Cb,sh £5300—10 Rooms, 1 acre .. . . £2000 Cash £5000 —10 Rooms, 6 acres . . £1500 Cash £4500—9 Rooms, 2 acres . . . . £2000 Cash £4400—8 Rooms, half-acrt . . £1800 Cash £3600—8 Rooms,-li acres .. £1500 Cash , £3500 —2 Small Houses, 5i acres. . £1200 Cash £3300—8 Rooms, one-third acre. . £1500 Cash £3000 —7 Rooms, li acres . . £1400 Cash £2850—7 Rooms, half-acre . . £1000 Cash £2700—9 Rooms, one-third acre. . £1300 Cash £2500—7 Rooms, half-acre . . £1000 Cash £'2300—6 Rooms, quarter-acre . . £1000 Cash £2000—7 Rooms, one-third acre. . £1000 Cash Rooms, half-acre . . £iooo Cash J21875—6 Rooms, quarter-acre .. £900 Cash ' • i} I™—J1 ™—J Kooms, one-third acre. . £900 Cash ' i}rl£~s Rooms, quarter-acre . . £650 Cash ±10U0 —o Kooms, quarter-acre . . £800 Cash £1500—6 Rooms, one-fifth acre . . £300 Cash £1450—7 Rooms, quarter-acre . . £750 Cash £1350—6 Rooms, quarter-acre . . £600 Cash £675 —4 Rooms, quarter-acre . £350 Cr*y> £900—1 Acre, freehold Section. . £100 Cash QEORGE pOLE. 158. SYMCNDR STREET. AND 113. REMUERA ROAD. REMUERa. pONSONBY - £1300> ' I rpBIS NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW . i situated in the beat part of this dis- , tnct, surrounded by good homes 2min from car. contains 5 rooms, pore. b. and b , hot i and cold water; wash-house, c. and t. . This will be inquired for by many Home- ! . seekers—BE FIRST. 1 } A LEXANDER AND "TkOWDY. . Three ways to find our Office 58. QUEEN STREET r First Floor over Cooke's, Next to Everybody's Theatre.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
Word Count
889Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 10
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.