A<"UTE DEPRESSION. MANY SAD CASES. It. may We the after-effects of the war, J' mav be due to the strenuous times t'lrouzb which we ai'e passing, but whatever L e cause there is a marked in<rease in the cases of acute depression "v-iiich liave been reporter] recently, and T'lany of thern have b'en followed by unpleasant happenings. Deprß.«sion is a dangerous condition, jjeneraiiv caused by a combination of H"ntal and physical complaints, but there are \erv few cases that will not yield to Marshall's Fosphci ine. Marshall's Fospherine has the property oi i o-mplelfly changing one's outlook. After a feu. doses depression, gloom, worry, B'iri anxiety give way to brightness. «i eerfulness, buoyancy, and the dejected patient, is imbued with the hope, strength feed courage that overcomes trials and troubles and makes life worth living again. Nearly 100 doses for 2s 6d. All 'bpniists and stores. Wholesale agent: P. H. Auckland, Richards-Upton Building, Brd Floor, Customs Street Eat.t, Auckland. Drier not till 10-morrow to be wise."— <" "nr;irv*> Sudden ills demand prompt at•entii n, and Baiter's Lung Preserver is elways the ever-ready specific. Besides f "flr:,,inß away colds and lunsr complaints, Baxter's" possesses rare tonic properties, i'.hirh promote vitality and help you to k'V.., fit. Large size bottles for 2s 6d, from Jour -Hemist or grocer. Special 10 per cent, cash discount this Wfiutli only on own down quilts recovered in down-proof figured sateen, with plain eateen panels to match ; £0 design* to choose from ; full size, 65s and 77s 6d.— At Tonson Garlick's. Ue.it is a low-priced suit for men. Reduced from iJ7 15s to £5 15s at Fowlds' Stock Reduction Sal©.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 7
Word Count
Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17724, 8 March 1921, Page 7
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