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— ! PONSONBY CLUB'S CARNIVAIi j ANNUAL HARBOUR RACE. | I The Ponsonby Swimming Club's carnival i | at the Shelly Beach baths on Saturday afterI noon attracted a good attendance, despite ! many counter-attractions. The principal , event was the annual harbour race, from , Northcote Wharf to Shelly Beach baths, for i the Molloy Shield and medal. The winner , was H. Moore, who covered the distance in ' 26m., H. Baldwin being second. R. Richard- ! son, who finished third, won the medal for the fastest time, by a declared member of the : Ponsonby Club, his time being 23m. 355. I E. V. Cunnold, who conceded the winner i 10m., took 24m. 595. Both Miss A. Hunt and | Miss P. Hoeft completed the course. Mr. D. B. Anderson gave an exhibition swim from the Northcote Wharf to the baths with ! his hands and legs tied. This is the first 1 time the feat has been attempted. It was . a fine performance under adverse conditions : and the swimmer was warmly applauded, i The various events were keenly contested. I Results: — J IOOYds. Inter-Club Handicap.—First heat: , |J. Goodacre, 10s., 1: N. C Stockley, 55., 2. i Time, 745. Second heat: L. Kenny, 95., 1; IP. Allen, 10s., 2. Time, 80s. Final: Stock- | ley. 1: Kenny, 2. Time, 77 2-ss. 50Yds. Junior Boys' iunder 17) Handicap. I | —First heat: E. Norris, 95., 1. Time, 375. . ! Second heat: W. Heaves, 75., 1; J. O'Con- i I nor, 35., 2. Time, 365. Third heat : W. 1 I Hewitt. Bs., 1; N. Farnall, 65., 2. Time, 33 ; 2-ss. Fourth heat: R. Davies, 1; C. CamI mick, 95., 2. Time, 34 2-ss. Fifth heat: W. Smith, Bs., 1; A. E.-Cook, 2. Time. 33 2-ss. ! Final: Cook, 1; Hewitt, 2. Time, 335. , 75Yds. Ladies' Handicap.—First heat: Mi»3..M Farquhar, 253., 1; Miss P. Hay son, 20b., 2. Time. 67a. Second heat: Miss V. Fisher, 20a., 1 ; Miss V. Heroin, 205., 2. , , Time, 71s. Final: Miss Farquhar, 1; Miss : ' Fisher, 2; Miss Herom, 3. Time, 68 l-ss. | 50Yds. Club Handicap.—First Heat: A. I Saxon, 65., 1; "F. Edwards. 55., 2. Time, ' ■ 31s. Second heat: N. C. Stockley, 25., 1: ! :P. Allen, 55., 2. Time, 355. Third heat: J. . Goodacre, 5e., 1; C Righton, 65., 2. Time, ■ 133 2-ss. Fourth heat: C. Farquhar, lis.. 1; ; 'R. Allen, 55., 2. Time, 31 2-ss. Final: Far- , quhar, 1; Edwards, 2; Goodacre, 3. Time, j 31 2-5 s. j Auckland Harbour Race, Molloy Shield. — 1 I H. Moore, 10m., 1; H. Baldwin, 10m., 2- R. I Richardson, 7m., 3. Thirty-four started. The corrected times for the three placed men - I were: 26m., 26m. 305., and 23m. 355. Rich- ! 1 ardson won the medal for the fastest time j I for declared Ponsonby Club member. ' 25Yds. School Girls' Handicap (under 14). > ' —First heat: Miss O. Wingrave, 45., 1; Miss ' i O Francis, 55., 2. Time, 21s. Second heat: ' i Miss L. Arthur, 55.. 1; Miss J. Bell, 55.. 2. I Time. 20s. Third heat: Miss M. Trevarthon, ' : 55., i; Miss E. Tonkin, 45., 2. Time, 21 3-ss. Final: Miss Arthur. 1; Miss Tre- ; | varthon, 2; Miss Bell, 3. Time. 225. J I 50Yds. Schoolboys' Handicap (under 14).— i First heat: 0. Moore, 45., and J. Evans, lis. | 'dead heat), 1; R. Farnall. Bs., 3. Time, 43 , i 2-os. Second heat: I. lis., 1; R. | i gwinton, 9a.. 2. Time, 535. Third heat: V. ! Mclnnes. 65., 1: S. Rogers, 55., 2. Time, j | 365. Fourth heat: H. Lunn. 65., 1; H. : Soutor, 65., 2. Time, 455. Fifth neat: F. Watson, 35., 1; R. Purdy, 55., 2. Time. 395. j Sixth heat: E. Midgley, 65.. 1; W. Morri- | s-on, 35., 2. Time, 41s. Final: Mclnnes, 1; ! Purdy and Midgley (dead heat), 2. Time. 40s. | Diving.—Ladies: Miss Jonas, 1; Mies . , Bovaird, 2. Men: C. Farquhar. Boys: K. j i Farnall. !
King's College swimming sports will be held in the Tepid Baths on Friday evening. The programme includes two handicap events. 50yds and 100 yds., for old boys. The sports will commence at seven o'clock. All old boys are invited t'> attend.
GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. I The Auckland Girls' Grammar Schools j annual swimming sports will be held in the Shelly Beach Baths on Thursday afternoon. The first race will commence at 1 p.m. The old girls' race will be held at 4 p.m. All old girls are invited to be present.
I WELLINGTON, Sunday. J ! In the ladies' swimming championship on | ! Saturday, Miss G. Shand (Christchurch), ! who had broken the 440 yds. world's record i jat Dunedin. made an attempt to set up ! freah figures for the 220 yds. The weather j ', conditions were favourable. Miss Shand, whose only competitor was Miss Bri6ted I (Christchurch), completed the course in 3m. 4-55., which will go down as a New Zealand record. The Australasian and world's record for the distance is held by Miss Fanny Durack, the time being 2m. 565. The 100 yds. Wellington provincial championship was won by D. J. Murrell, who defeated, the holder. E. G. L. Pafcarson- in 60 4-58.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 7
Word Count
850SWIMMING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 7
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SWIMMING. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 7
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