TWO LARGE CAPTURES MADE. [by telegraph.—owx COKBESFONDEST.] TATJRANGA. Saturday. The excellent sport 'which the -waters in the neighbourhood of Mayor Island offer was further exemplified, yesterday, when Colonel Harry Calthxop, a visiting sportsman, succeeded in capturing two large swordfish. With Messrs. W. Edwards and Te Hirama, he proceeded to the fishing grounds from Tauranga in a launch. The first swordfish. was hooked early in the forenoon, and after running out about 250 yards of line was gradually hauled to the launch and captured. It was 10ft. . 3in long, 4ft. 2m. in girth, and weighed 2991b.
Shortly afterwards a ve.ry large swordfish was hocked and showed great fight. A couple of hundred yards of line was soon run out. The launch was managed very skilfully and maoeuvred so that the whole of the line was never at any time run out, and a break was thus avoided. Several times the enormous fish jumped right out of the water. Eventually, tired of the struggle, it was dragged to the launch and secures, after over an hour's fighting. This swordfish is the largest and heaviest that has been caught in New Zealand, with the possible exception of one secured in the same waters <n February, 1920, by Col. Calthrop. Its length was lift. 9in., girth 4ft. llin., and its weight was estimated to be over 500!b. The machine which weighed the first swordfish could not register the weight of the second one.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 6
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 6
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