SEVENTH LABOUR VICTORY. I i COALITION LOSES KIRKCALDY. ! Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. ORecd. 11-30 pjn.) LONDON. March 5. The by-election for Kirkcaldy Burghs occasioned by the resignation of Sir H. Dalziel, resulted:— i T. Kennedy (Labour) .. . . 11,674 ; |E. Lockhart (Coalition LiberaT) 10,199 j I Labour majority »„. „ . 1,475 I This is the Coalition's thirteenth loss • and Labour's seventh gain since the gen- j ■ eral election in December, 1918. ! Mr. P. J. H. Harmon, Unionist, was ' I returned unopposed for the Moseley division. I
At the general election in December, 1918, Sir H. Dalziel, Coalition Liberal, was returned unopposed for Kirkcaldy Burghs. Sir Hallewell Rogers, Coalition Unionist, previously represented Moseley. He won the seat by a majority of nearly 10,000 over the combined poll of his Liberal and Labour opponents.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 5
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 5
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