THE TALK OF ATTCKLANB. ERNEST G. SKEATES' GREAT JEWELLERY SALK By kind permission of Messrs. PhiTlipps and Impey, Ltd, we are in possession fox, a few days longer, during which time wo shall SLAUGHTER PRICES MORE THAN EVER, This morning, at 11 ajn. the Auction will continue as during last week, and will carry on until the Whole Stock is Cleared. Before 11 a.m. each day, and from 2.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. we will Attend Private Purchasers at Auction Prices., A.T I*-1*-BE IN THIS! IT 18 WORTH WHILE. ERNEST G. SKEATES' EXPIRATION OF LEASE. MUST GET OUT SALE ON THE PREMISES. IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, 42, Queen Street. (RIGHT OPPOSITE SMEETONS.'J I NEW ZEALAND HERALD ADVERTISING RATES CASH WITH ORDER. FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. SITUATIONS WANTED, PERSONAL. APARTMENTS. DOMESTICS, FARM HANDS. ITTV WANTED TO BUY. LOST AND FOUND, Aad Other Small Classified Advertisements: Once. Three. Times. 15 Words . . .. Is 2s 6d 20 Words .. .. Is 9d 4s 6d 26 Words . . . . 2s 6d 7s BIRTH NOTICES—2s-Gd per insertion. If doctor's or rurge's names included, Is for each name extra. MARRIA GE N OTTCES—2s 6d per insertion for 30 words. If in excess of 30 words, 9d per line of five words extra. DEATH NOTICES—2s 6d per insertion of SO words. If ir excess of 30 words, 9d per line of five words extra. _ IN MEMO RT AM NOTICES AND BEREAVEMENT NOTICES—2s 6d per insertion of 30 words <b lines), and 9d per line of 6ve •words eitra BIRTH. DEATH, MARRIAGE, BEREAVEMENT, and IN MEMORIAM NOTICES MUST BE SIGNED WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ADVERTISER. HERALD OFFICE TELEPHONE LIST. ADVERTISEMENTS ) 129 8 a.ra to 10 p.m ' 178 Advertisers are particularly requested to supply advertising matter at the earliest opportunity. Urgent, notices for publication in the next day'B Heuald may be telephoned after 10 p.m. to the Editorial Department, Numbers 229 and 3693. PRINTING ORDERS . . .. 2890 NEWSPAPER DELIVERY .. 14 EDITORIAL . .. .229 REPORTERS . - • - A 999. 3693
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 4
Word Count
Page 4 Advertisements Column 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 4
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