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Domestics Wasted. 4 - —■ I nOMPANION-Help for Town House, Tauranga- two adults; 30s week; all duties.—Comfort, 67. HERALD. /"IOOK (good) wanted immediately, £-1 week. V —■«awaiti_gujgical Home, 2. park Hd. easy place; £2 83 week — V__J^E?^^dams i __Ponsonby_Cjub_ Hotel. /~K>OK-General. for Suburban"'Hotel? ~KeStpeet^ CeS reqjired - — Sc'boUnm. io9. Queen •OOOK for small Private Hospital; good br-H *l r< %&'$ not <»°J«*eu to.—alias Hospital. Whangarei. OOOK, experienced, wanted for Napier; V 0? k " Laundrefis {or Havelock .North. Grtnd y Hogi ore " t0 MrS " Coier *"- ( ) UUK . and required tor pr.-rZ>i-u V house. Kohimarama; would suit a n d i tighter. Also Nurse.-Bel.'s Kegistry, Gladstone Building*. JJUMJKSTIC Help Ulonbern red- oppppsite Remuera r"ost Omoe. GJ.EAERAL, good, wanted; no washing or 1 ironing.—'Phone 3671. G E £ E % V £- good; wages. 305.—38. Mount °t. -John At., Epsom. {?<ENERAL. wanted; wages, 30s.*- ________ A/ower Viqggnt St. *9* wanted, plain cooking.—Mrs. Vj Hardie-Neil. 64, Symonds St. capable, for country; good -u o hom , e; wa *es, 25s.—Mrs. W. A. Clark, Box 3. Te Aroha. O.ENERAL, all duties, email family, good VJ home; wages 305.—3, Bourne St., Mt. -rotten. TeL 3284. / VIRL, young, as Mother's Help; light uw s' l U, e —131, Manukau Rd., next Parneli Picture Theatre. OIEL, Assiet Housework; 2 children; good < « borne.—Mrs. Ansell, Heywcod Crescent - o ?_ l j r "' ve )- Greenwood^B_Corner. GIRL, fond children, assist mother; pleasant home; opportunity outdoor recreation.—Refined. Box 261, Auckland. OIRL for Light Household Duties; also V* good Cook for mill boarding house; good wages.—Mrs. Bell, 9, Glen Rd., off Victoria At. 'Phone 4140 (4 rings). TT E LP. capable, assist all duties; good -LA home and wages.—Mrs. R. K- Garland. Okauia. Matamata. 'Phone 75T>. TTOUSEKEEPER (working), plain cool? AJ. ing. no washing.—Addresß at Herald. TTOUSEKEEPER, working, small family; i- S? cashing—Mrs- A. Buttle, 6, Disraeli St.. Mt. Eden. TTOUSEKEEPER, reliable, own mistress, AA country, for 1 month; 30s week.—Address at Herald. T ■ B - elp -, . capable, household duties, t , p "t n cooking, no washing; woman prelerred; homely family.—Address Herald. lADY Help, young, capable, for Sheep -J Farm. North Auckland; all dut ; es 3 r.dults (gentlemen); good home.—Apply, stating wages, to G. J. Jenkins. Whakarrrau. TU"OTHER'S Help competent, for the counxtj. try. refs. requireo —Mrs. Upton, 5. St Stephen s Ay. "DANTRYMAID, emart; 37s 6d week suitA ate person. Also smart Boy. about 16 v-»ars, Pantry Work; good wages.—23B Queen St. WAITRESS, smart: also Learner. Highest wages to suitable girls.—23B, Queen St. T$T A I T R E S S W A N T E D. Apply. ALBERT HOTE&, YyORKIN r G Housekeeper required, small tt private family, woman :n for washing, ironing, and cleaning.—sß, Symonds St., opd Stone-hurst.. ■ "R B^ r | J ' s . Registry. Gladstone Bldgs. (opp r> -Perries, Quay ,«<•■>—Cooks. Waitresses, Housemaidji, Kitclynmaids, Laundresses, Pantrymaids, Wapdsmaids, Cook-General, Nurse A«sistant-C- >ok. M. Connies (hotels. farrrwO. Cooks, Eitchenmen, Kitcherinianf7 °™ r - Handy Man. Camp Cocks.—'Phone S T^n > ? I T-y^ !!iristry W Strand Arcade—Cooks pJ (bus), Waitress, rlousemaid, Kitchenman, Couples jnotel and farm), Handyman-Milker. Lost Property. 13ANGLE.. gold cable, child's; Devonport, .AJ briday; reward. —22 Cameron St.. Devonport. Muriwai Beach?,. Will the tV,,'*«3r- who*fncKed -up- abovedr£ Saturday, ; - kind'v ______ to 12. Coronation Rd . Epsbml "TVINGHY, sft 6in., from launch, Saturday A/ nigh!. White outside, blue inside. Regard—Dmgny., 150.. HERALD, F! NV 3F^ OPE containing £5 Note, two £1 ;* J N £ t6s^ amJ , 10 A N ote. by teacher, between 79, Owen's Road and Stokes' Road, Mt Ede~ ' Blandford ' 79 - Owen's Rd., TTANDBAG, brown leather. key s attached u 1 a tur day morning; reward—Stonehurst. Symonds St. TTANDLE for Cranking Car, in vicinity a 1 N oY S lr' p °nfonby; reward.—Casey. 29, Argyle St.-, Heme Bay. 'Phone 146». T3 pink. silk, left 3.35 p.m. AucklandAA Papakura tram. Thursday.— Kindly leave at Papatoetoe Station. "OARCEL, small, containing Orang° Blossorns. somewhere on Great South Rd • Post. Reward.—Bing. 156. Herald. "DURSE. black, morocco. containing _:, raoney. Saturday eveninir. View Rd Mt. Eden; reward.—l, Victoria Ave. RAINCOAT. light fawn, on \\- batroes. Wednesday night last.—Finder P'ease return Mr Seed. .c.o. Hellaby's, Karangahape Rd. Reward. CLEEVE Link, gold, initials P.J.C., Upne"r » JJ Que * n St.-GTafton Bridge. Reward —Address at Herald. • —3r CUITCASE, Emily. Young. ..printed on handle. excursion ifain », m ;ii.„ nPEETH. false, top set; on railway track, Herald ar Remuera : reward.—Address at TXrATCH, Ladies' Silver, Ponsonby Hd., rltum I7 da fi l S^ ; ">™ rd —F'« d «r Please return, j7, DedvySod- Terrace. Ponsonby. I W A W»SF' ]^' wristlet, gold, between ward CiJ--fi£ Evelyn Firth Home. Rew r °-~ Hotel. I^laTChTLady's Gold Wristlet (strap), in -tilt iF" or between St. Matthew's and H.M. Theatre. £Z reward.—Howey Walker Dentist. • W A £? H - g S. ld wristlet. Saturday, between _» » Albany Rd. and Ferry Bldgs. or Heme ±Say. car : name engraved; reward — •->! Albany Rd. "\/V ATCH - lady's gold wristlet, in Epsom n \\ "VI tWe ? n Khyber Pass and W Serau? February -• £1 reward.-Addreas at ' i WA? 011, , so J, d wristlet, between Bourne I » St. and East Av., Mt. Eden.—Finder please return to 2. Bourne Street, Mt. Eden or ring 'Phone 2147 A. ' TTTATCH. lady's, gold wristlet Wednes- '' day atternoon. Northcote Tennis ClubAi reward—tinder please return A. Jacks' Point, Northcote. Strayed and Impounded. T3ULL. roan, and 3 Cows. 1 yellow Jer- . v i se £- X b S nde - 1 red (fat); reward.— rrost Bros.. Tuakau. pONY bay. 12 hand*, hogged mane;" ' Ave T?lT d -~ J - #W Wilson. Minnehaha Ave., lakapuna. Owners Wanted. POUND— Wristlet Watch-Apply at H E a A _ D . ' T3ONY. bay, white spot on forehead found A straying in Birkdale : owner can have ' same by paying expenses.—Address at Herald, t, Personal. A DOPTION.-Wanted kind Person to adopt -CI baby boy, 3 weeks old.—Kind, 390 Herald, Hamilton. ' B AB X G 'r'' wailte<l to Adopt, 1 to 3 years old.—Good Home,_ 36. Herald. ri Friend, from under shady trees (Pap).—Operation successful; in town for week or more yetv—G.P.O.. City WILLIAM DAVID REDDY (28407)~De" ! ceased Soldier.—Will David r,j7: and Mrs. Rose Campbell, late 15 Pratt If ' Ponsonby, communicate with the Secretary' Auckland Prov. Patriotic and War Relief ' Association, Lome St., Auckland? < Matrimonial. QENT 40, wishes to correspond with 1 V Lady, musical refined; view matri- r mony.—Lonely. 154. Herald. TITAN (40). wishes to correspond with suit- '' XTA able partner, view matrimony; child no - objection.—Stranger, 41, Hekalj. " MAN. young, lonely, with means, wishes - to meet refined young T ; e " w i to matrimony.—Lonely, 148. H ld.' 1 WIDOW, middle-aged, in good circum- ' . stancea, wishes to correspond with 1 Rehned Elderly Gentleman, with means- ( ?iew matrimony.—C.A.M., G.P.0., Wellin"'- f x>n. ** OUNG Man lay), desires to correspond 1 . with refined young Lady, aboul 25. view matrimony. Photos exchanged.—C.P.R., 82, 1 MnRATJ). - - - - - I ]
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 1
Word Count
1,091Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 1
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NZME is the copyright owner for the New Zealand Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence . This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of NZME. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries and NZME.