Lt>lv ; Oii March 4, 1921. at Christ-rhurj-o (suddenly-, James, dearlv-beloved husband of Margaret K. Bevin. and manager r ." k . "' New Zealand. Ashburton. son of ,; ; " V Sergeant-Major John Bevin. of tiunoo.n: in his 55th year. n BURGESS --On Marrh 3. at Morrinavill*. '' ,: ] e V y ' dearly-beloved daughter of Sarah ar:n rnomas Burgess: aged 9 vears. I).\RNTON.--On March 6, at his late e.MueiKy. 28, Frankl'n Road, William Darn--li'n. shipwright, beloved husband cf Mary Parnton. m h:s 90th year.--Passenger ship !■ "• i '-r. 1862. ' ~. !-- v pr:va!» , ~' J f'■ '•—- On March 5, at. her residence. 11, w.i.tors Road. Jane Eveline, relict of the late ].-.-.v:p Lyo n ? Levy. late of Wanganui Av-r._.U' age 1 K9 yearsPrivate interment at Purewa- to-day 'Alondav.'. R , F '£o.— Oti March 5. 1921. at the Anck.and Hospital, Rosp. dearly beloved daughter • • Rose and tho late William Tliomas Reed, at C'--nk Street.: aged 10 years. 'Suffer little children to corns unto me." T'i'.e funeral will leave the above address at 10 a.m. to-dav (Monday), for Waikemete '•'metcry. Friends ploaee accept thi.3 invitiSCOTT —On March fi. at his residence, Mardon Road. Clandeland<. James Benjamin, tr.e d--ar!y-beloved hiuband of Hanna L. P'-o't aeed 41 years.—" Thy will bo done." Taranski papers please copy. The funeral will leav= hii? late residence to-merTow 'Tuesday) at 2 30 p.m. for Hamil- !-■ 7i Enst Masonic CemeterySCOTT —On March 6 at his* late resi-.f-nce. Mardon Road, Olandelands, James P-:-r.ja.min. eldest eon of the late D. H. S ott. late of Thames and Pukekohe, and Adn Hoo»v. of Pukekohe. and only brother ff J'ohn Scott, of uhaupo; 41 years.— niesoori and loved bv all who knew him." WILSON. —On March 5. at Auckland Hoe-T-it.-!. through motor accide-nt. May. eldest of and May Wilson, of T' ; rr.ns : Rodd, New Lynn: aged 17 years. Fur.ernl will leave her parents' re"»idem:e tomorrow at 2 p.m. for Wsikumete (""onv.ery. Friends j>lease accept this intimation-
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 1
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 1
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