Houses and Land for Sale. GENUINE OPPORTUNITY. £1475. £1475. STRAWBERRY GROWERS. WAIKOWHAI, 15 MINUTES' CAR RUN TO/DOMINION ROAD; 1 O ACRES (about). NEW BUNGALOW. J-1-1 4 rooms, bathroom, wash-house, c. and tubs (all under one roof). A pretty little homo on rise of the hill, commanding exUnsivo views. Thk property fronts the Manakaii Harbour. The land is the contour of a saddle, and the frontage to the road is all with live shelter hedges and paddocked off for strawberry growing. The ground works up well and will grow anything. Good rango of outbuildings- Price asked is about cost of buildings. EASY TERMS. BIG PROSPECTIVE VALUE. SEE THIS AT ONCE. A. E- DEVESON, 4. SECURITY" BUILDINGS. P-S. —Immediate possession. Keys at my Office. PDKEKOnIs'S B.EST. Situated only i mile railway station. 101 ACRES OF THE BEST OP LAND. All in grass, carrying now 7 dairy cows, bringing in splendid returns. Watered by windmill in every paddock. Together with up-to-date 6-roomed House, all possible conveniences, hot water service, septic tank, porcelain bath. Full range outbuildings. Price, £2700. About half cash. Owner must sell. Apply Sole Agent. C. K. LAWRIE. Land Agent. Pukekohe. t ' —■ —? Houses and Land Advertisements Continued on Page 10. iniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniitnii | FADELESS j | S No matter how h?.rd the treatment or = S how- many washitigs. Duro Fadeless I S fabrics keep all their colour. § 1 Men will appreciate the Duro Fadeless I s Shirt. Look for Duro label on neck- § | band. If the colour fades, the gar- S S wient will be replaced at once. S •r. Ilycd and nmnulactwrcd by Burgess Lodward * Z k Co. Ltd., of Manchester, and sold -Bitli their 5 5 Runrantee ' Garment Replaced If Colour Fades '' Z -_ Duro Shlrtß and Shirtings are obtainable from * is all leading Drapers and Btores. New Zealand ~ 5 Agents—Box Wtso, Wellington. Z | Duro Fadeless Fabrics I £ " Garment Replaced if Colour Fades " i iTttniiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiwHtiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiriiiiiiT 5?53 JPta n ©aaa BSaui 18. \sSl W& Oa § I H ' Rgsj "» «*U JB naratt JaV «Clb> my #FREEBOO^LET H explaining what protection a WM Patent gives. 28 pages of valuable information to Invenfcoro. gHIGGS& O'DONNELL. Wjh Inlernalitnal Patent Allornexi m£k HEAD OFFICE - WELLINGTON Auckland j. Morris, Duncan, Wylic & Office j Herald Building - • Queen btrea* i . | jf Write tod€ty for Free M " Inverters' Guide," then Con.ult ■ * B . AI *? WIN & RAYWARD 1 J| faUnl A {cnli end Cvnzullint Engineer, 1 P" ead C "«"> • Wellington. 1 S 8 Smeelen's Buildings, Q,. een Street | fi Refxesentative: VV. Pinches. M.E. / Enstoeer and Draufihtsman. 1 Telephone 1514. Herii»y Hughes,! LIMITED. i ENGINEERS AND DRAUGHTSMEN. REGISTERED PATENT A BENTS ' Established 1882. TRADE MARKS C a{? registered a 1£? I •bUDM. v&?IH> ia aD conntric, "AJrice to Uvealon," free *■ application. Clients ad-ised and assisted in di««f>" ; nsc ' 'heir inven'innji I 6(. teatherston Street. Wellington, and at Exchanee Lane. Auckland. j
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 3
Word Count
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17723, 7 March 1921, Page 3
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