REMOVING ACACIA COTTAGE, THE FIRST AUCKLAND HOME OF THE LATE SIB JOHN LOGAN CAMPBELL, TO ITS PERMANENT SITE IN CORNWALL PARK. Acacia Cottage, the first Auckland home of Sir Jchn Logan Campbell, which -was removed from its original site some months ago to 'the lower portion of Cornwall Park, known as the children's playground, was moved last week to the lawn in front of the kiosk in the park. It was placed near a large pohutukawa tree, a well-known landmark. The cottage was erected in O'Connell Street, off Shortland Street, in June, 1841, on a section purchased by Sir John (then Dr. Campbell) and his partner, Mr. W. Brown, at the first sale of town allotments. The timber, kauri, was purchased in the north of Auckland by Dr. Campbell lor about ±3 15s. It was carried from the beach, near the present site of Shortland Street, on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell and his partner. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVIII, Issue 17680, 15 January 1921, Page 2 (Supplement)
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