"PRICES OF METALS.' '. Australian and jN*S£? Cable , Association.' ' (Kecd. 11.30 p.m,) LONDON. March 23. .:.■. Copper: On spot. £108 ss; forward-. £111 ss; Electrolytic, ingots £115. bars £118. : Lead: On Bpot, £45; forward, '£47 ss. Spelter: On spot. £53; forward, £55 10s. Tin: On spot. £354 15s; forward.- £358 17s 6a. ■' ' .■ ■ ■ '■■■'. ..- -."''' " ■ . Silver. 6s 5d per ounce standard.
Alfred Bucklaad and Sons, Ltd., report:— .there was a full yarding of dairy stock SrwE? a^ era «:e m 1 i tr y of stores at Westfleld on Thursday. The tormer continue to sell freely. Best cows made from £18 to £25-second-grade cows, £12 to £16; other dairy cows, £5 10a to £11: best springing heifejra £12 to £16,* Others £5 'sa'to £11; empty cows. £5 to £10 6s; two to three-year-old steers, £7 10s to £10 6s: yearling to eighteen-month, steers, £4 10s to £6 10s; dairy heifers, same •go, in oalf, £8 to £11, according to quality; calves, £1 6s to £2 16s; small two-tooth ewes, £1 5s 9d; small two-tooth wethers, £1 7s; store lambs, 13s 6d to 18s 6d. On Tuesday we held a clearing sale on account of Mr. 'Fred. Jones, Mangere. There was a large attendance and many buyers. Competition was extra keen, especially for the cows,- and prices realised were easily a record for the district. Best cows made from £29 to £36 10s, others £18 10a to £27; unsound and aged cows, £9 10a to £15 10s. Fifty cows made the record average of £24 ss; draught horses, £37 10s to £42 10s; light horses, £18 to £21. Yesterday at our weekly Westfield fat stock market -we penned fat cattle to the number of 446 head, comprising 298 steers, 140 cows and heifers and 8 bulls. There was a steady demand throughout.. In odd cases of ordinary' quality cattle prices ruled a trifle lower, but generally values were on a par with last week's sale* Choice ox sold at £2 15s per lOOlh, prime ox £2 10s to £2 13s, ordinary and plain £2 7s to £2 9s per 1001b, rough beef £1 15s to £2, cow and heifer beef £2 5s to £2 10s per 1001b. Steers ranged in price from £21 to £27 for heavy steers. The latter price was realised for two steers from Mr. D. McCracken, To Puke. Lighter prime £15 10s to £21. light and unfinished £10 10s to £15; cows and heifers. £11 10s to £17 for best cows; other cows, £7 to £11; bulls, £6 10 3 to £14 10a. The highest averages for steers were:l6 from Mr. W. Vosper, Cambridge. ' £22 9s 2d; 23 from Mr. D. McCracken. Te Puke, £21 19s Id: 8 from Mt. W. Wright, Otaua, £21 8s 9d; 17 from Mr. C. J. Storey, Woodstock. Te Awamutu. £19 5s lOd; 16 from South Head, Kaipara, £19 6s 6d; 18 from Mr. W. GoHan, Panmure, £19 18s 7d; 5 from Mr. E. P. Paul, Mangere, £19 3s 6d; 8 from Mr. W. H. Piercy, Hairini, £18 19s 4d; 8 from Mr. Geo. G-. Hull, Oatua, £18 ?s 4d; 8 from Messrs. Wasabourne Bros., Krwitahi. £16 17s 6d; 40 ex coast, £16 12s 6d; 8/from-Mr. L.J. Harris, Huntly. £16 2s 6d; 16 from Mr. W. J. Ralph, Huntly property. ffc 16 |, -5? ; 9 on account of client, i. * 8 M ; , J 9 c 2 ws from the same consign, meat. £13 12s Id: 12 cows, local, £12 5s 4d. The sheep pens were will filled with a nice class of mutton. There was a keen demand for all classes, and values- remain very firm, hjitra heavy prime wethers £2 la 6d to £2 3s, heavy- £1 17a 9d to £2. medium to £?*!? fi *&'*? £ J- . 1 7 5 , 6 - K J** «Us 6d £ nl x ij *% wethers £1 7s te *1 ids W; best heavy prime young ewes 14s 6d, lighter £1 8s 6d to £1 lis, other ewes 19s 6d to £1 ,7s {2401 sold). Lambs came forward m increased numbers and sold readily at ruling prices. Best heavy, £19s 63 & / 1 . 3 135 \.".,500d lambs £1 4s to £1 to fid, lighter ■•££ Is to £1 3s 6d. unfinished 15s to £1. (669 sold). Fat young calves were again penned in extra large numbers,, quality generally being good. Competition- was keen, and values were on a par with last- week. Banners made from £6 10s to £9 15s, heavy vealers £4 12b 6d to £5 16s, medium .£3 10s to £4 Bs, light £2 10s to £3 4s, small fat calves £1 10s to £2-2s, fresh dropped 17s to £1 2s. (182 sold.) "There -was a large yarding of fat pigs. Competition was less keen, and values were considerably easier than recent sales. Store pigs, of which slips and weaners-predomi-nated, were also- penned in large numbers, and prices for these were also lower. Chop-' pera to £9 19b, heavy baconers £7 10s to £8 6s, light to, medium £6 10s to £7' Ba, heavy porkers £4 12s 6d .to £6, medium- porkers £3 12s 6d to r los, lighf £2 10s to £3 73 6d, \ slips £2 to £2 7s, good weaners £1 5s to £1 ! 17s, small ■ 15a to "£1 2s, weedy 7s, to 12si (Sold 315). - = ' .- V At the Haymarket last Friday we had, an average yarding of horses. There was a fair demand and values were similar to last report. - ; •On Monday we , held a special. horse sale at Pukekohe. when more than ' the advertised number came forward. There was a large attendance, and competition - was spirited. Medium to heavy unbroken three and four-year-olds brought from £27 10s to £36; * light to medium...two to four-year. £3 15s to £20; broken young -lorry and heavy express horses, £40 10s to £53; active young medium draughts £32 to £40:-plough horses,* £18 5s to £31; aged draughts, £14 10s to £30: good hack and buggy class. £16 10s to £27 10s; light harness sorts, £7 10s to £18- gig ponies, £4 10s to £15 ss: weeds, aged, and' worn horses, from "12s 6d.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Idraited, report:— At Westfield, on, Thursday last, dairy cattle penned in average "numbers sold at late rates. Best cows and heifers, close to profit, £15, to £19 Ms, others £11 to £14 156, backward sorts £9 to £14 10s; empty cows and heifeiß. £5 10s to £8 12s 6d; balls, £5 to £11 10s; calves, £1 15s to £2 Ms; heifers suitable dairy purposes, £6 5s to £8 10s. On Saturday at, Waiufcu we had & full yarding and report a, good sale. Dairy cows and heifers, £7 10s to £12 10a; empty cows and heifers, £5 to £8 15s; bulls, £5 5s to £13;, calves. £1 5s to £2 Ms; heifers, been running with bull, £6 Ms to £9; 18-months to 2-year steers. £4 Ms to £7 15s; 2* to 3-year steers. £8 10s to £10 10s; fat cows. £9 10s to £13 ss. Pigs in large ■ numbers sold well: Weaners, £1 to £1 17s; slips, £2 to £2 15s. • '-'.'■■■■■■■ At Whitford on Monday we had & good entry, and . report practically -a total clearance under keen competition. Dairy cows sold from £9 to £14; empty cows, £6 to £7 Ms; yearling to 18-months steers, £3 10a to £4 2s; 18-monfhs heifers, £2 IBs-6d to £4best calves, £2 to £2* good calves £1 10s to £2, others £1 upwards; 18-manths to 2-year steers. £6 7s. At Westfield fat stock market oh ■Wednesday, beef was penned in slightly more than average numbers, and although Quotations are the same, the market showed a firmer tone. Choice oxen sold to £2 16s per 1001b, prime oxen £2 Us to £2 15s per 1001b, rough and inferior, oxen £2 5s to £2 Ms per 1001b, co*7 and heifer beef sold at from £2 4s to « P 8 £S r , 1 , 00lb Steers sold at from £10 17s il i tSI! 8 ' C S B and heifers sold at from .±a to ±15 53. Calves ware penned in lar°-e numbers, prices being about on a par with last-week s. Heavy vealers and runners weie i° JSL j r 5»l y- "P** butchers' calves are wanted. Runners sold from £4 15s to £7 10aheavy vealers, £3 17s 6d to £4 14s; medium" 1 I ;™' *5 *S JE*-lSsr light. £1 18s to £2 19? fresh-dropped, £1 to £1 3s; rough, unfinished calves. £1 6s to £1 15s. Sheep were penned ™ te° S2.Fters. being- mostly of inferior ;J?S ft me sheep sold under keen com- : petition at late quotations. Inferiojly fatted Stt£ were, easier in . price. No i ertra heavy prime «. . sheep were penned. Heavy prime wether* £i 18s #to £2 Is 3d for a a pen from Mr. H. C. Bull, Week'* Island, Mangere; medium £1 16s to -"l is a I d *- light ii %Mto £1 15s **■ ™all end unfinished £1 10s to £1 13s 6d; heavy pirme ewes £1 Ms to £1 17s 6d, medium £1 7s 9d to £1 9s 9d. light £i 5s to £1 7 6d; unfinioheo young ewes, 18s 3d to £1 4s- unfljiiabea aged ewes, 12s 6d to 18s. Lambs were penned m extra iarso numbers, end as with sheep good Quality sold at late quotations under steady competition. Inferiorly fatted lambs were easier. Extra heavy prime lambs sold at from £1 Us 6d to £1 36sheavy prime lambs, £1 7s to £1 108 9d : medium prime lambs, £1 4s to £1 6s 9d •' light ,prime lambs, £1 to £1 3s 9d: small unfinished lambs, 17s to 19s 9d: unfinished end inferior lambs, 9s 6d to IS? 6d. A good entry of pigs were easier, porkers more so -than baconers. Medium to heavy baconers £6 to £6 13s, lisrht £5 9s to £5 193; heavy porkers £4 15s to £5 Bs, medium £4 to £4 14s, lighter £3 to £3 18s 6d. Store pigs: Weaners. £1 9s to £2 2s; sow and litter, the record price of £24 6s.
Dalgety and Co., Limited, report: At Westfield yesterday there was a good yarding of all classes: Beef: Prime ox was firm at last week's rates, but cow beef showed a tendency to weaken.' Extra prime ox to £2 lis, prime £2 12s to £2 10s. ordinary £2 8s to £2,25; cow, £2 8s to £2 3s, ordinary £2 to 33a per 1001b. Sheep: A_ big yarding, a'large proportion being unfinished ewes which did not meet a ready sale. Prime sheep sold well. "Wethers, extra good to £2 3s, good 39s to" 335, plain and unfinished 31s to 28s. . Ewes, extra good 36s 6d to" 345, good 32a to 295. others 25s to 198.
Calves: Runners, £7 to £6; Teaiers, £4 10s to £2 10s; fresh dropped, 20s. Pigs: A bigger yarding, and prices dropped 20s to 15s per head. Baconers, £8 to £6 15schoppers, £7 to £&; porkers, £4 10s to £4weanors, 18s to 10s. • *' Lambs: Prime 08s 6d'to 245, others 20a to 14s. ADDINGTON. [BY TELEGRAPH.FEESS ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH. •Wednesday, At the Addington market" the yarding of fat sheep «,iid lambs was slightly larger than usual, while" store sheep were again in over supply. Fat cattle were also forward in more than usual umbers, and there was a glut of store cattle. The tone of the market throughout was good. ,« .;■.,.■ 7~y - ?&&■■?£*& yardiasioi about 85,000 included West Coast s and hues from" other provinces. - For these the demand was 1 weak, but all Canterbury-bred lines met with a. better marKet % than", the preceding week. Particularly good wether forward lambs made to 24a 53, ordinary Iss 7d to 20s, call §8 9d to Ms Id. Good halfbred ewe lambs «> 80s Id, ordinary ewe lambs 20a to 26s 6di good two-tooth ewes, 32a 6d to 41b; ordinary two-tooth ewes* Ssa 6d to 31a; cull *w*£
tooth,ewes, 14s 6d to 22s 9dj "good four, six. and ; eight tooth ewes 30s to 86s 6d, 10w..". conditioned; 19s: fid to .24a 6d if faffing month '■ *«a«. 163 ea to 21a 6d ■; i sound-mouthed ewes, j 26s 6d to good sir and eight tooth?• W?* 30s to 345;. ordinary six and eight tooth wethers, • 27s 6d to 29s 6d; ' good two- . tooth * wethers, 275. 6d to 30s 6d;-ordinary two-tooth wethers, 22s to 270. v -•'....-.. A" total oft 4400 fat lambs ■ were yarded. S rtr ? J prime m * S4a>9d to 38s Id, prime* 29s 4d to 345, medium 27s to-293; lighter lambs, 20a 4d to 265.'-- ~---. ?*%?%£- A good yarding of fat sheep included some prime pens. Extra prime wethers 44s to ■♦ of d * i? 1 ?? 8 383 to * 3 » **» medium S3s 3d t0,37* lighter 255.6 d to 32s 6d; extra prime.; evies. 43s 6d to 55s 6d, prime 36s 8d to 41s. medium 31a 3d to 33s 3d. lighter 25a lid to 30s 6d. : *.. 7*. The fat cattle market was firm. Extra •prime steers made £25 10a to £27 10s,■."' prune £20 to £24 15s, medium £1S to £19. lighter £8 is 3 to, £15; prime heifers £14 to. £17 12s 6d, ordinary £7 2s 6d to £13; . prune cows £13 5s to £17 2s 6d, ordinary £10 IBs to £12 17s 6d- , The overflow yarding of store cattle met with a weaker demand. Four-year-old and* five-year-old steers, made to £13 17s three-year-old to £10 10s. Dairy cattle . were in strong demand for epws close to profit, scringing heifers bringing up to £20. whilst good dairy cows brought tip to £22 10s. There was .a good entry of veal calves, or which prices, were firm - Bunnera made to £8 2s 6d, ordinary vealers £3 12s ed to r 4 *™? 1 ™? 1111 B ° 3 to 455, small calves 7s 6d to 22s 6d. .-Extra, heavy baconers made, to £10. heavy £7 10s to £8 10s, ordinary £6 to £7; heavy 01 ? 3 ?,* 5 $ m *° £ 15s, ordinary £4 10 3 to £a Os 6d; choppers, £6 to £9; medium stores 1 £3 „™ £3 ISs, small 29s to 325, weaners IGa to 255.
There was another decline in the price. of fat stock at the Burnside sale to-day, only prune quality selling readily. Prime Cattle: There was a good yarding of fair quality, a total of 224 head being penned. Prime bullocks made £20 to £24. medium £16 to £19, .light and unfinished kinds £14 upwards. Prime heifers made £15 to £17 103, medium £13 to £14 10s, light and aged £9.103 upwards. . Store.Cattle: An exceptionally large yarding. The few sales effected were on a reduced basis of from 103 to 15s below late rates.
Sheep: A medium yarding, numbering 2215 head. Prime wethers made 42s to 47s 6d, medium 35s to 41s, light and unfinished kinds from 28s upwards. • Extra prime heavy-weight ewes made ud to 45-j, prime 37s to 478, medium 31s to 35a 6d, -light and aged 24s upwards. - Fat Lambs: A good yarding. A good demand existed for all lambs suitable for export. Freezing buyers were not keen operators, and for anything not really prime prices were decidedly weaker. Prices ranged from IBs to 34s per head. • ...... Pigs: A small yarding, which met with keen competition. '-•
HIDES, SKINS AND" TALLOW. Abraham and -Williams, Limited, repbril •* haying held their -weekly saie of hides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday as tinder: — " Hides: Cow, best 22id to 23d, medium 20d to ad. rough Mid to ISfd, damaged >10id X2, ?* d - JS*, ¥ id *° 18 * d 5 03C » extra heavy 23* dto 244 d, heavy 22d to 34 . medium ?21id to 22d, light 20d to 21d, cut 14fd to 16id* damaged 10* d to 12Jd; yearling, SOd to 24d. cut 12Jd to 16id, damaged IOJd to IIM? ' calf, good 44d to 47d, medium 36d to-40d. heavy 30d to 36d, damaged ISA to 20& cut 30d- to 36d; horse, large 13s 6d to 20s, ~ medium 17s 6d to 13s, small ISs 6d to 16s. cut 10s to 14s. ' Tallow: Shipping casks, 75s to 80s; casks. 3 * J? 70s, .medium 65s 6d to 635, rough 56s to 60s per cwt; tins, best 56a to 60s. ordinary 50s»to 545; dreggy and burnt, 40s 10 458. . Bones: Good, dry, £& 10a to £9 per" ton. '
_Th© Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering C 0.., Ltd., report having helda-Balfr of hides,:RSins, and tallow on Tuesday. Calf were -* again in good demand. :■• Whereas * the best line ?at the said last week-Realised < " 45* d. on Tuesday a lin» sold at 52Jd. a record for 'Auckland. - -> -.--•-•. ■ ■■■■. > Hides: Ox -washed 253 Ho 26Jd. medium,to.' heavy to 23d, light to 22* d. damaged to 17$ - '•■■■ cow. washed to 24id. best SOd to 22d*. dam- s 2 ml 9 * 3 "' fal>3 -, 2id ' ?a3£. best-to 525. good \ to m ii* dam »?ed_at relatively lower pricee. ' lallow: Shipping casks. 70s to 75s cwt- i barrels and tins,. 60s to 70s cwt.- - ••".• ~ Bones, dry. up to £8 10s ton.. / '* <i f 'f>*r: *J*B3&k?g a h I s lld: seoon fcjsgfjg.: W^rrvSn.^^'- 25 per dozen: ™* *».: i E^, ] )i k .Wen-stretched winter skins. '■': ™,nw } h - second -winter, to"6od peTlbl > SS&L *&& & »<* lb: sucked and j
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17428, 25 March 1920, Page 3
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2,835COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 17428, 25 March 1920, Page 3
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