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m INFLUENCE IN AUSTRALIA. PRIME MINISTER SPEAKS OUT. A stirring speech was made in Brisbane recently by the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. W. M. Hughes: — " I am for the Empire, said the Prime Minister, " because it stands for liberty, freedom and justice. When I was in South Africa recently the late General Botha said to me: — '" ' If you call to us across the ocean we (hall come to you. We look to you aa the outpost of the Empire. You stand between us and that outer world of thousands of millions which hem us about. li you fall we fall, it we call for you we know you will come. "' So it is with New Zealand and Canada. Those who touch Canada touch us. Those who touch us touch Canada. Those who touch Britain touch us.' " The Empire is not bound together by any paper constitution. That which binds us together on paper can be torn asunder, but that which binds us in reality will endure ever. " Some people, mostly men who were not born here, have come to Australia ' preaching strange doctrines, and thesi i doctrines, in the main, are the doctrines of force. They are men who sneer at thb ! name of Empire, and have not a good i word to speak for Britain or even tor Australia. They are internationalists. Their numbers are few, bul their influence is tremendously in excess in proportion to their numbers. They are men ' who think they sp;-ak as the mouthpieces , of democracy, and who pose as Democrats, although they have nothing of democracy in them. There is not one ' union in Australiaand I know most of j them—where the majority rules. (Cheers.) i There is a reign of terror which these I extremists, during later years, have exer- I cised. I returned to Australia bearing an | olive branch, and I told the people that ' if there were an v in this country who wanted tight they could hav e ' fight • Cheers.) VVe will not have any reign ' of terror. We will not have Bolshevism or any of the brood of Bolshevism here " ! (Cheers.) j

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17335, 5 December 1919, Page 12

Word Count

"THE BOLSHEVIK BROOD." New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17335, 5 December 1919, Page 12

"THE BOLSHEVIK BROOD." New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17335, 5 December 1919, Page 12


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