f ro m A shJ A (6 " 40 P ' m " ! l 1159 tons . Norbury. JoT >y^ Q es-rei. in saloou: Misses Stephen! «3n, Colhs (21, Cutforth. McMasters Ellis Swanberg. Tatchfield, Miller (3), McK'ay Mc'Graham Morgan. Sutherland; Mesdames Pascoe, Coe, McMasters. Titchfidd, Kemp Brown and child, Finlayson, Wails, Mcrtil y ' a v c , Gr ? ham - McGarvcy. Brown, ■ too 1 '*J Nutstord, Harrington. Clive an : n.mMn d T rCn ' r)awsol a °d four children. , Ua-mlin, Jansen and three children, McK„J?l'a C: ' Nurso Nurse Aennedy; Messrs. Turner, Pascoe, Cnlley, Ooe, Costinul, Cutforth, Leigh, Berry. Finlaysoa, lomson. Young, Walker. Adams, McQueen Mulvihill, Clark, Whitehead, llenivie, Kemp, Shirtcliffe, Hanlon. McLar.oy, Jones, Trotter, Butler, Eoulston, bparkes, Markham, Coleman, May, Gardiner ' 1 etcrson, Simich, Stavelley, Grundv, Lither- ' land. Brown, Nash, Cave, Baker, Burt Cheeseman. Twidle, Hodgson, Finlayson, i higden. Pinfold, Rigden, Glaios, Sales, "Forsyth (2), Hayter, McKin-&(m, McKenzie, Swanberg Howan, Penn«ll, Hamilton, ! Holmes, Baker, Premoic, Atkinson, Jiovokovi rh. Forsyth. McLean, Jenson, Grovan, ! Robinson, McFadgeon, Hansen. Cobald, ; Stewart, Echold, McAuley, Turnbull. Colonel j Ho, pats, Rev. Griffiths, and 11 steerage. Northern Co. KUROW (9.15 p.m.), 2581 tons, Whyborn, from Newcastle..Union Co. RIMU (6.35 p.m.), 358 tons, Pierotti, from Mercury Bay. —Northern Co. WAIPTJ (2.10 p.m.), 201 tons, Pert, from Coromandel.—Northern Co. DEPABTUBES NGATIAWA (9.35 a.m.). for Qpotiki. TANIWHA (4 p.m.), for Paefta. KANIERI (1 p.m.), for Whangarei. TASMAN (10.15 a.m.), for Whakatane. ] CLANSMAN (6.5 p.m.), for Russell. VESSELS DDE TODAY. Ngapuhi, from Tauranga, 7 a.m. Taniwha. from Paeroa, 9 p.m. Waimarie, from Netherton, 7.30 a.m. Kanieri, from Whangarei, 9.30 p.m. V, aipu, from Mangapai, 9 p.m. Daphne, from Mercury Bay, 6 a.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY. Navua, for Southern porta. Masula, for Wellington, 7 a.m. Koromiko, for Newcastle. Manaia, for Whangarei. 10 p.m. Waimarie, for Paeroa, 4.30 p.m. Daphne, for Great Barrier, midnight. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL. Talune, from Suva, September Karori. from Newcastle, September 4. Kaitangata, from Wellington. September 5. Oma-na, from Newcastle, September 5. Katoa, from Westport, September 6. Paloona, from Fiji, September 6. Flora, from Eantern Pacific, September 8. Wcßtralia. from Sydney, September 10. Mokoia, from South, September 11. Fiona, iroru Fiji. Sept-ember 12. Whangape, from Papeete. September 13. Atua, from Suva, September 14. Wanaka, from Newcastle, September 18. Makuia, from Sydney, to sail. OVERSEAS. Lorain, from New York, September 4. Port Melbourne, from London, Sept. 4. Karamea, from London. September 6. Australplain, from New York, September 13. Waitemaia. from Calcutta September Is. Hororata, from London. September 18. City of Winchester, from New York, September 18. Waipara. from Montreal, September 20. Corinthic, to load, September 30. Wangaratta from Canada, to sail Port Alma, from Ne* York, to sail. Remuera. from London, October 26. Narwhal, from San Francisco, sailing August 27. Bellbuckle, from New York, October. Luzon Mara, from Japan, November.
INCOMING PACIFIC MAILS. Tofua, at Wellington. Makura. at Sydney Mnana. due Wellington. September 22. Niagara, at Auckland.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES FROM AUCKLAND Ntvvria. for Bluff, September 3. Huia, for Newcastle, September**!. Arahiua, for East Coast, September 6. Waipoii, for Newcastle, September 6. Niagara, for Vancouver, September 8. E. R. Sterling, for Sydney, September 8. Talune for Islands, September 8. Makura, for Vancouver, September 9. We.stralia, for East Coast, Bluff, and Melbourne. Raupo, for Vavau, Tonga.
TRANSPORTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. AuckTol&l land in DisTransport. Due Port. draft, trict. *Eliiaga. - - Sept. 10 Auckland 1105 305 Cordoba - - - Sept. 20 Wel'gton 655 — Ayrshire - - Sept. 19 Lytl'ton. 671 262 tiororaia - - Sept. 20 Wel'gton. — — Tainui - - - - Sept. 22 Wcl'gton. 510 — Corintbic - - Sept. 22 Wel'gton. 404 — "From Egypt. There are 11 women on the Ellingn. The Corinthic has 358 wives and 78 children aboard. The Tainui has 83 women and 28 children.
" VESSELS IN PORT. Mamari, Queen's Wharf. Kaupo, in stream. Waipovi, Central Wharf. Tarawera. Hobson Street Wharf. Southern Cross, Central Whart. lima, barquentine, Hobson Whtrf. E. K. bter.ing, uarqueiuiae, Cenual Wharf Hiua, schooner, explosive anchorage. INavua, thing's Wharf. Northern Chief, schooner, in stream. Koromiko, King's Wharf. Masula. King's Wharf. Kaituna, riobson Wharf. Niagara, Queen's Wharf. Kurow, ir> stream.
The* six-moated American barquentine E. R. Sterling completed discharge of her coal cargo from Newcastle yesterday evening. She wil'. commence loading general cargo and timber to-morrow, and is expected to sail for Sydney at the beginning of next week. From Sydney she is to go to Newoast!* to load another cargo of coal far Auckland.
Mr. L. G. H. Ward, one of the Union Company's pursers, who recently returned after four years' active service with the Australian forces, was a passenger to Auckland by the Niagara.
The U.S. and A. steamer Lorain, which is duo to-morrow from New York, is to berth at the King's Wharf.
The A. and A. steamer Masula- completed discharge of the Auckland portion of her coal and general cargo from America last evening. She will sail for Wellington at 7 a.m. to-day
No definite arrangements have been made for tho Northern Chief to berth and land her cargo of coal. She is still at anchor in the stream.
The Katoa is expected to leave Westport this" afternoon with a full cargo of coal for Auckland. She is duo here on Saturday.
Tho Navua's departure for Bluff, via way ports, has been postponed until noon to-day. The Koromiko is expected to complete discharge of her cargo at the King's Wharf and to sail for Newcastle at 3 p.m. to-day.
Owing to the Waipori's overhaul and survey not having been oompleted, her departure for Newcastle has been postpond until Saturday.
The steamer Paloona left Suva at 7 p.m. on Monday with a cargo of sugar for Auckland. She is due here on Saturday morning. The Nobel schooner Huia completed loading her cargo of timber at the King's Wharf yesterday and went to the explosive anchorage to load explosives. She is expected to sail from there tor Newcastle. Sydney, and Melbourne to-morrow.
The Kaitangnta left Lyttelton for Wellington and Auckland at 6.30 p.m. on Monday. She is due here at tho end of the week. The Kurow arrived from Newcastle late last night and anchored in the stream for the usual quarantine detention. She will probably berth at the King'* Wharf to-mor-row to discharge her cargo of coal.
THE TROOPSHIP ELLINGA. The New Zealand Shipping Company, agents for the troopship Ellinga, en route from Egypt to Auckland via Australian ports, have received advice that she will not leave Newcastle until Friday, and con-
sequently will not reach Auckland before next Wednesday. She will 'land the Northern portion of her draft of troops at Auckland and will then so to Wellington to land the Southern men. It ie not known whether s.ie is bringing any coal cargo from Newcastle.
The Wanaka. has been booked to load coal at Newcastle for Auckland about September 11. She is due here about a week later.
U.S. AND A. CO.S LOCAL AGENCY, y Da-lgety and Co., Ltd., have taken over the local agency of the U.S. and A. Company, which was previously held by Messrs E. Porter and Co.
BELLBUCKLE FOR AUCKLAND. The U.S. and A. steamer Bellbuokle is loading general cargo at New York for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia. She is due here about the end of ths month.
LUZON MARU FOE AUCKLAND. The Osaka Shosen Kaisha Line's steamer Luzon Maru will leave Japan lor Auckland about the beginning of next month, and is i due here in November. From Auckland she will go to Melbourne. TALUNF. REPORTED. A wireless message was received yesterday from the Island steamer Talune stating that sne would arrive from Suva at 2 p.m. tomorrow. She will berth at the Queen's Wharf to land her passengers and fruit and other cargo. MOKOIA'S ITINERARY. The Mckcift is leave Dunedin on Fridav, Lyttelton on Saturday, and 'Wellington on Monday for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. She is due here on Thursday, September 11. THE ATHENIC. The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Athenic, which arrived at Wellington with troops from England on Monday, came out to New Zealand in ballast. She is to get an exceptionally quick despatch from New Zealand, and is expected to load in 16 days. Her only loading ports will be Lyttelton and Wellington. THE MAMARI. The Majn&ri is expected to complete discharging her coal cargo within the next two ' days. She will ther commence to h>ad homeward cargo. At this port she will lift 28-2 casks of tallow, SLI bales of hemp. 19:-! -■ dumps of tow, 200 sae.*s of casein, 1000 cases oi iMi, and a quinary of gum, cheese, and sundries. From Auckland she will go to Wbakatane and Wellington to complete loading for .England. NIAGARA TO SAIL ON MONDAY. | The Royal Mail steamer Niagara, which j arrived from Sydney on Monday morning, I ! was berthed at the Queen's "Wharf at 11 a.m. | yesterday to land her passengers and cargo, i , She left Sydney at 4.40 p.m. last Thurs- : i day, and experienced strong westerly winds ! and rough seas to New Zealand. Owing to j the waterside workers refusing to wori the i vessel until she has been seven clear days I from the time she left Sydney, cargo opera- ; I tions will not be started before Thursday l evening. In consequence of the delay, her i departure for Vancouver has been postponed . until noon* on Monday. I The Niagara had 414 passengers on board. ' 254 being through passengers, and 1W) for I Auckland. The following are the Auckland I passengers:—First saloon: Mr. and Mrs. H. j Andreson, Mrs. E. M. Allen. Mr. J. L. Apnlegarth, Mr. E. W. Alison, jun.. Mr. S. • Bolin. Mr. H. Boron, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. ' Buddie, Mr. A. E, Byers. Mr. O. Binns. ! Mr. F. S. Coote. Mrs. £ato. Rev. T. Cato. ! Mr. V. P. Casey. Mr. H. Crouoher. Mr. ' and Mrs. J. T. Cooto and two children, Mrs. A. Dunn, Mr. J. Daley. Miss Edselow. Miss M. Emanuel. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ; Everett, Mr. and Mrs. H. Forster and child, i Mr. and Mrs. W. Finley, Mrs. J. D. Frew I and two children, Mr. H. W. Fiddes. Com- j modore and Mrs. J. A. Glossop. Miss A. B. Garner, Mr. F. S. Harrison. Mr. C. Har- j land, Mr. F. Haley. Mr. H. Impev, Mr. J. i Jones. Mr. J. Lavenstein, Mrs. E. Liver- j Ridge, Mr. J. A. McKenzie. Mr. N. H. Muglisten, Mr. S. W. B. McGregor. Mr. J. j Mowat. Mr. W. J. Mcegan, Mr. and Mrs. ; C. and Miss McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. S. '- Newall and two children. Miss Mcßooth, ■ Mr. H. H. Oxley, Miss E. O'Learv, Mr. L. > On-, Mr. and Mrs. A. Purchas, Mr. F. M. i Prince. Mr. J. E. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. J. Quin'.an, Mr. S. Rirger. Mr. D. F. Stewart, Mr and Mrs. E. W. Sharp. Mr. O. Schuberg. Mr. H. C. Tucker. Miss F. Vasta. Major and Mrs. H. D. Williams and infant. Mr. R. F. Wilson. Mr. L. Weine-ott. Mr. E. A. Williams. Captain H. L. Willis. Captain J. M. J. Warnock. Mrs. R. Your*. Mr. L. G. H. Ward. Second saloon: Mr. L* Bailey. Mrs. J. Barr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brett. Miss L. J. Bryer. Mrs. S. B. Baker. Miss C. M. Brown. *M:r. and Mrs. T. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. R. Calder and infant, Mr. S. C. Diggins, Mr. J. .7. de Btitger. Messrs. H. and J. Evans, Mr. E. Foster. Mr. A. and Miss E. Green. Mrs. W. Grant. Rev. J. and Mr 3. Hughes. Mr. L. G. Howe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Isaacs and three children. Mrs. F. J. Jensen, Mr. A. L. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller and two children. Rev. A McDennon. Mrs. A. Moodie. Mr. C. J. O'Connor, Mrs. E. A. Prosser. Mr. S. Porter, .Mr. and JfVs. R. C. Richardson and three children, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stansfield. I Mr. C. A. Sprae?. Mr. F. 0. Swanberg. Mr A. Sterling. Mrs. E. Thompson. Messrs. G. and L. Weston. Mr. J. R. Wood, Mr. lE. Welsh, Mr. J. Walker. Mrs. A. Walther: | and 27 steerage. I Her cargo for Auckland includes 2474 packages tea, 175 nackages seed, 1206 bacs bark, 80 bags cocoa. 496 bags plaster, 209 bags wheatmeal, C 907 bags rice and ricemeal. 107 bags peanuts, 328 bars lead, 337 hardwood poles and sleepers, 99 bags asbestos. 750 bags onions, 111 cases porcelain and glassware, 750 oases onions. 100 cases and 67 casks whisky. She has also transhipments ex Aki Maru, Tnituan. Matarnm. Montoro. Changsha, Houtman, Otango Maru. Kittamo Maru, Toyora Maru. Kama Maru. Nikko Mife-u. Mayachi Maru. Indinnic. Devon, Booral. Lammerop. Clelands. Osterley. Suffolk, Malta. Rimutaka. Madras. Hungarian.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17255, 3 September 1919, Page 5
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2,094PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume LVI, Issue 17255, 3 September 1919, Page 5
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