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"Every Picture tens a Stor" NATIONAL HAIR-GROWING *$M$ ji a v JTYPrRIMFNT Host riolbrooK., * > of Weak, Aching Backs, and Inactive Kidneys; of Irritable, tArtnimui I, . ■. I ''. -''if-,'-. /."...'•. ' .; TV' l * ■•■<■•. • „ •• .r - *- -~ "" Step you in and sit you a ~H -** , I: : _•% An* Nmnrniic Dannie whn New. finale How «o rid yourself of FalUng Hair and Dandrorr ana secure dowD rU get yon the SM % I MM /* nervOUS rcOpie, WHO l>eeU UOanS a Magnificent Growth of Beautiful Abundant Hair. best T know-coW meat 1 ifflSfe 1 '' ."'.'' %3 »"' Backache Kidney Pills. 1.000,000 «harlene hair-drill- outfits free. S*^ r to S JSnsMfr ' . Slarv* '" Remarkable interest hat been aroused You will find "Harlene Hair-Drill" will I Ha! Ha! _/lGStt&ip9 ■RPvWrt-f'C J A * ratti •'•■' ' ~. to a wojwl.rful.and delightful plan of auA J Kffi£^.fe£^- , * ta * "Holbrook's Sauce is just ! V yf „ I\\ Iflk, Have you Backache, Headache, Gravel, Dizziness, homebair-growiug experiments, which the same day or night." St^xTlOT^SP' A - J Ik Cl . * , . 'm * j \i ell ' 9 , .' every man and woman who takes a pride "HARLENE" FOR MEN ALSO. . uic aauic uuy U1 niguu „ r^ilSWil /-2?K 111 I ]__?%*_/ Sleeplessness? Are you Bloated and Sallow? Losing. in hie or her appearance and desires to ' ; „. _~/,,. „, i WwlftS^ 'OTi I Appetite and Weight? Don's Backache Kidney Pills f^r 1 of abundant hair ehould { «^« W * . afiH? ma*% am/ are specially for Kidney Troubles • But thß best story ™* *» <**«•* °. •» ****i »w * enwratlon to .ay that million, of men «l BJai po _ __•_ $> a a -«_.*- .l\«kW tSEHP are specially TOr Money iroUDies. BUI ma pesi siury Thl» plan oonilats of ta iotare.ttni; writs of ant* women in all wallr. of lift praetis. refreshing 4\ ia|Al 63 13) ttll _Tl Bf C *A\ Ifi-SKf '_„ r ic not thn ctnru in fhn nirtiiro u/hirh talk of naill and pleeaant hair-beauty «xero)»»», In which all the ana booafialal" Hair-Drill" dailr. and «opre«r»» fl 0HOl«Off* O _>■% *3 *^?^i^«s>&i jfi§Mr sdr isnotthe ) stor ' inthe picture, whichtellsofpainan a»eniuyn»torWiMißppMfc|.»fduga. hair.healthandb»utr. ' ,iJr,Miw ' rM " rT * II H » ,! - 7fc, »' , *'»* ** a^^wwa. /» disease—it's the story told below,, of relief-by Doan's ll' holbrook's ' holbrook-s I TH-jlL. Mrtilm isdiv A gravel, stone, lumbago, backache, rheumatism, and all F .tK», t« c.»b .nd Dudraff b» hmMit..ndbe... fir rtliWIJ 111 ! I fßr'rtfSSß Mi Ml JfIW_K»W "fn .■•>■« a/.irl onmnlainia ft" l '' l **" be wtrcame br f/ovrth 1 but "HarLne" tiful htir fofWa the adoption J « itiKbSIBUVP ■ WH* ST* Q»3 / WSwlm vHSKLn ' Jill COmpiamtS. sP ni , t] ..«.«l w " Hab Hair-Drill ramoTei .11 dan- of Hair-DrilL Sand coupon ,1 V CxCS II II I I VU/nMum'//// AUCKLAND WOMAN CURED, v MILLIONS PRACTISE HAIR-DRILL. When you hart injoyed ,toot hair-beauty ™ j®§s I h- "/fUlmtW I >> HUI/IS.UMINU WUIYIMII uum.u. . , , , experiments you e«n obtain further tuppllea 9M \&l II I*" ' ■HfllmwmW - \lll'' ....... .1 Mr - Kiwsnli, the Inventor- Diacorertr of from any Dni» Store throughout New Zealand. UP /fr 'SSv »" II I . Mr J«n» L.-vokWOed, 22, Anglesea Street, Ponsonhy, Auckland, "Harlen. Hair-Drill "tayi: The Proprietors will at any time be pleased to AT j K *>~ v^~-~ 1 111 l wSam///l///ilru tays:—"ln common with many others In New Zealand, I can give " There art million! of people the world over (imply their preparation! direct on receipt of ■ Ilir'Wi' 1 ! I irffJffIniVIIM'IIWWWIIIsTOBTO M J? WmmSbMIIIM Doan'i Backache Kidney Pills a UriKUsi recommendation for all llli tooff.7Sifnifo? ? H«taltis7 fXura *° M iM * t^/y' m the symptoms being acute backache, a constant llred feeling, at.d r ( [ v ' # u> " t , h| l | , r ,;**,; iaU.f*oiicn*thm"*iW CDCT PICT rTiI TDn\7 P^^^^^^sM r^^'Ml^^^^^^eli^^BM^^^ d,zzy a,,lU:,<, ' Th * paln ' ,ny werß the uestion "" trow h * ]lh7, lulur ""'' abund,nthllr rKc.L Cjlr 1 LUUrON* %%^^^^^lrs^^ /nffl&agSr After tr!lng y dinere a nt 0 remedies! l'at last got Doan'e Backache Kid. LI' ~rr fiIFT PSHPFI rnMPßKtrs. Port «• » W * M3 ' HARLENE. LTD., I^wS^^ll^^^^^S&^^^P^^S^P^ ■vfflPmtia7 "•» Pills, and they soon fixed me up. They banished the backache THE FREE GIFT PARCEL COMPRISES; . . ' » t«ranf@ffii^Bß^fflpl^^ /WXS&f? . ■ • and d | ny attacks and made a different woman of me. lam very TlwiMirttii d " H.rl.p. ■■ th. w.hd.r "«8 Lamb • Conduit St.. Lendon. .7.C1. En ß . mmmmmmmammmmmmmAm i grateful to Doan's Backache Kidney Pills, and will always have ' •^.JfJI?', ,f|« u |,„J,. \'t I.Ti i/«"i .. I>W imd me your Free WS^m^^^^^^^^^Sm^^^m^i^^S^ » . » L l KIJ «„, »l ,1 « mod word for them." "- ':' ; - ui«%v "Hirlene* Four-Fold Hair-nrowinc Outfit a. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills in sold by all ■ma wora ,or ' - ; - •-*• —■••-- — SC.iT ' d,MrlbeH rto "- J • ,lcloM B'"" 108 in '«m>i* BtMKBHBgBgS^ Chemists and Storekeepers at 3/- par bottle two years later Mm. Lockwood says:-" iam etui well.- and ™" "' m '" ~..,„.„„„,,_._ fiji l *" p<l< '•'^ o,,B (Oobmui '*"«" ISSSSSSS!h^SS^ ■"^^S^W«^ : ii (6 littles, It/I), direct from Foster- have had no trouble with my kidneys since Doan'e Pills eured me t UA'*m\ U i tSSiir taffi ■ "' ed) N rtTr Trt Dcnnco ' HSWIiMI SliilSlll ! MoOlallan Co., 78, rltt-St., SYDNEY. two years ago." - world, whloh pcaparas the hud lor Hair Drill. NOTE TO READER, IpijP® % _ (totrry o.ttbo "Hllltne Hslr-flrlll." Write your full name ar.d address clearly on HfiHißaß Hi BllaiwL *I H UW n "Si^teM mA m m f% I ItBJH P 4. A l»«l« e»l " Uzon" Irllliantlna, whleh p O P .u" dir«ted K."'" ' '" CMm '° "Md || IMB Bgi aW&lllJ] IS k|?MA# A \ ij Bf^jl afllH A II V-\ l/A™ Pj V o*A« , '«Hy , o*«?lr3 , |j^lo J \?.cV*w S.w Zealand H»»i«. |W|»a|&^ PHBBMBBBH — Digestible and Hygienic- jpLMßwKßßMt^jft^ "~~~ .'■"•• •.. ~ .■ a ... ,~■ Lipton Choice :l ;: -i^; Chinsißlend t .^^jyyi^^ IliTlEMii «nf° ' i JJJSIMfc Vl*.*«* .LJAWAAVi; (here is nothing more displeasing than to hear the ■' U !^- JW m tESfIHHJ 1 Irritating "scratchy" discordant noises emlnating | #1 -■ IS IfEWNrtiNOTON-s; v. A Refined Tea of Distinctive Flavour I 'I. M from the old-style talking-machine. It Is an apology H 79mr _ ■ -■:■■■ * K *' m «♦ I'CASBAoesn = it, . U for music and has long since been relegated to the back . j AW^^k^W^^a» J 'M#*4' I *aeW "5 T « . , . .. ~ . , , , ~ , fi ground for it is now superseded by the AEOLIAN VOCALION 1 ■ Iffll 1 If laCa-dl I alfe' = i|g, ill Thoie who through lenutive digeihdn hare had to discard which is different from this old type talking machine as ' m m i ■W. H 1 Ift * b9Blb@: ■'illl'il'ft their uaual Ten will find in Tipton» Choice China Blend a night Is from day. '.'•''• ... ' Jf. %r«a» IDIQM Mfi<!C"' Sfil"!!* delightful beverage that can be comnmed with enjoyment and *~,..„, ~ . " '_." ', . %✓ - T IIBl!L_ impunity by the mo.t delicate per.oa. Straightway purchaae a ..? ***** B . m + P f a r so " f "own, above The first wavy .^ \ — J!?~jrjrrdßß& BTOteoaßwa h«f««j / t .U' c., .„L;.l ri,;.. pi. j T.» „_j Iv. lines indicate the beautiful soft Aeolian on sound waves, #% JT ' a ' £<!!■■»; smgle pound of this Extra-ipccialCh.n. Blend Tea, .wd be U contrasted beneath with other sound waves. This compari- j j &■/ A ■"•. ■■■■ .! r *rt« • t xfta. convinced. | son helps to convey to you that In the AEOLIAN VOCALION ! ™ MlJ@b **<****~*** •_ r m_ ' -—'I „ ' A '* " '«« 111 This Tea J. not cneap-it is not meant to be—ltut it | the PIANOLA COMPANY,rightly claims credit for great, | Wfm*\ -\ il Biff" : -lc''\ JCW i GOOD. hi, aioVed. a rare quality. | achievement, . tM: ; ':'•' 'f '" iV A C Aft Ml j* ■ Sffl No"ferh»Js"abou°tiU 1 Note that Lipton'e Choice China Blend .hould bo The hidden beauties of your records are now discovered ;;'• -■■W-_»-j?:B: ■ .. ~ ■ — lC M«f«ffl for no other medicine | infused not leu than esvan minutee. Ordinary Tea and brought out with effectiveness revealing the excellent JM Wg 'm#-. ;: k XCEj ' I "•"ill has stood the 60 ream' SB needs only four minutes. Regulate strenrtb by thu qualities of this popular musical Instrument. • ; ;:%M# ' *a Tfimdsß time test that proves Si ' quantity of tea—not by length of infuiion, or fcjr dilution. • •■ ' .>••,..•.: .-„• . f .. .• :,;■■.>; : I; ..-;,.■ '«# ■ - la "WIH Bonnington'a ft bo 1 Recitation, song, chorus, instrumental,-whatever record '■■•"'' m '-f .»■?'?"■— r-vv iff ' S3 V3H -without an equal for S If your Storekeeper does not stock, please inform Lipton, Tlt may be, It is just as though the performers were playing I. ffl and SW for yOUrSelf hOW B ! I U. Tea Merchant!, Auckland, indicating the Grocer. .In your presence. 'V, ■ ~ ;'.v ; ;\ J.: gfug i» t 9fn illl''i am) cnifuron or aaulls. BQ II ' ■ MX* eCOnOmiCal It IS hOW m •!1 !|H BonninfftOHS 9 iiPTr»N« rHftirP rHIMA BIFMn_l/ IL I i A.great pleasure awaits you1 If you have the |vv; : ■ '■&• i,, '•'"' * • . 1 WL if™?; O iWU °8 I UPTONS CHOICE tnIRA BLtNl>-3MU I | AEOLIAN VOCALIor', and still greater pleasure is avail- -• 1 J m ; delicious, fragrant and : m Vlli/H Irish MOSS JI- I .1 . ■bIewhenyouOWNanAEOLIANVOCALION. 'LatnoUvV ;- : -'^4^ ■ 'sW " . * ', V» 6 "i .; '■''«'« ' ■ . ill ™••* w . .Til'- I " « Ing prevent you from Investigating Immediate,!/. ;-; - y h>-4-mo i £ i - ' D ~~.L~«. aa 4, Iwl lreo * rom harmful | g 5,,-., •• • > ■ — -imw, II m SatlSiaCtOry. KenieniDer tO -«S .\ §§ narcotics and drugs, \t mmm : . * • Ml An Interesting Art Catalog Is supplied on re-., T-: ;Sm ;■- /:>.': r.4-1 r .-V-.,...: S» 4. I. Bl Pleasant to take, you 1 i , ' ■ quest Write or call NOW. A fine range of artistic- fi&BgH_H-_&- : ' S ".•...' ; '"..,-..K'aSK lOf '"•'.'•,-,•' m *).'l! ffi should n6Tflr be with- B | . ■ —" ally designed mode's varying In price, wait your -ij^^^PWWH ■■¥ P II 1 I His Excellency . LI " J " M '" 3Bsaa_= "■■■■" | 1 1 < M * ( *»«- NURSE ELLEN EVERETT dU4yM*c W rk',cXsV w . ' S?M ft* | Wißii_% _fillll SHANL. : AND SUCKLING. Agents, 4.1, Fort Street, Ancklani . ■ v**MiMihmm,*im ' ~— : '' ' = ! [ _ "' >* ' W V *«*_* «««l.m« , ; ■,■'.'.. ■ v'' ■ •■'■'. . i' from •' The Wellington Medical and ' _-_.'_,. '" - J ' . ' --*. " « '•■•■..■ '-■—.. : '■'.'•'• '■'•■' '■'' v^'^ l ' •■'•.'■''•";'-■■;:■' :, , ■'■■.-•• ' ; ■ ■ Electrical Maitag. Imtitute," Aitltee #\___.l , Oi _-_. * __ i. _. Ii *-. ~ _ff_ «- ■■• «a_ ' i - ■ ~ ■ '~ ~ . saa»K«as Quality Superior to Price. Glaai>lacc '. w^ B - I _.__..._. Y° ur endofsemerit of Goodyear All- „' <, _. M ' S^^U'^J wfrMa-W 1 I i*r au rp jt» . ••',- Dr. Cassell's Tablets Strengthen the Nervea and /&mT jHR lISIIIj Weather Tread Tyres is worth more P j atura , Sleep withouVNar^ti^^ /tofQ(f f "~ *° us^an any mone^ar y P • r 4\ To us, it means the continuance of your . CaBS f B Meis are ;f e wo » sreatesttonic I•A V" N a CLEIEITS ; ~~—' #~" restoratives. They set you up and keep you up; put tone and ijfL* i ._.___,.___ Your endorsement of Goodyear All- n m v_M 4 ■ . ■ . - . awr!a/A«««u." Tit_lllft \v tu j - • \u Dp * Casscll's Tablets Strengthen the Nerves and _SEPI TUfllu Weather Tread Tyres is worth more ,„ dllce Nataral Sleep mhmi NarcotiCß . "~ to us than any monetary profit —,—^ i ClementsTonkLtd ft means Qf rjr Cell's Tablets are the world'- greatest tonic V MSBIJCmU ftOMiie, n.o.n. ; # •■ # testorabves. 1 hey set you up and keep you up, put tone and 4 "AQ 3 SnPriflliV gOOdWlil, and the gOOdWill Of the increasing vitality into the nerves and organs of your body, and build _P . apetidiiM. thousands of Goodyear users. u p for y Oll that splendid energy which keeps you fit ■ '•' WSl_ inNCUraSthfiniaflllu anywhere. Above all they give you natural and. refreshing ■§ W V\ Mnievfl WnvL- I find And tO« retain yOUr gOOd Opinion, and protect deep without recourse to opiates or narcotics of any kind. ; «-, ■ ft iT V K \ INerVe WOrK I .linU I ■• a __j _ ', lfl L f U,,;M «« tf There -* no --«»-*•- Dr. -Cassell's Tablets. Take two .-■ The V-ws\i Clements Tonic One our good name ' We constantl y build mto our to-night *«& note how well you sleep; how fresh and active - s D~+*:-~ nfi JHlm\ AY -* -,» L ftpf ' flwm prodUCt quality beyond Which We believe it you wake in the morning; take a course of them, and Farting utft— KM) § ; °* m y O nerve impossible tO go. What realhealth and vigour mean. Ax t,r% li. \i?(_l US IOOQS 10 i eCOnimenfl a , "Excellent as a Means of Overcoming Insomnia "^ Vest-Pocket m Iff to - ffly fflany pa . You ? find that few tyres can give service «-»« Be6tleßßße ° Bs ; g lmmm -.Si M fIL fftV d.j as good or over such mileage as All Weather _ . TJ/XTN AT/ WM¥\ i tientS ■ T«J rAa,«« J* WANK 8. GREENWOOD, Esq., UttD., HMO Master, East iilerios Ii IDI lIX Hi. If IV V 1 read VjOOdyearS 00. Wmol, Binjiay, York,, En., writes:—-I have found Dr. OwwlTi IX V/IJ i\ IV WJ7 l', ' lam Sir. « #....«. . * «....,., , TaWate excellent as a mains of overcoming Insomnia and that pjrve •*" "*■ -"■-""*• HF 1 . awuioir, The fabric IS the Strongest made. The thICK diamond raatlSßanos* which so frequently fonowi mental strain. They brace op •! • •.'■ . ii L ,e .*» Yours truly, shaned blocks are a double nrotecfion — against anv the system, *** &• a Mn» of fitness and mit-berne which » wholly It is monotony, not bullets, that our soldier iuui.uuij, Mwpeu oiotKb are d uouoie proietuon dgdinsi any delightful." boys dread. in the training camps, on the ! ELLEN EVERETT tendency to-skid or slip on muddy road and heacherous transports, and during the months of forced j uuuu v woo d blocks - against the wear and tear of city street •%___ £% 11 § inaction there are many tedious days of —- ~ m , , , „ mA . u . ntttumt , tt , n .„ n ' mm _$ m ■ &fa &*$ &*% /£& I $ '/P3 boredom-days the Kodak can make more The ver, medicine for you if you «* and country road in hard every day service. |f I ■ |ISBP i, | O ' cheerfuL , A ' , „ ... P Z , Because they excel in this and other ways, theye*cel in "* • V:HyVvll''o Pictures of comrades and camp life, pictures Debility, q A dose of clement, Tonic tvre-llfe and tyre-satisfaction fßl'- "SI "HI «- of the thousand and one things. that can be st bedtime «nd you will .i« «i iweetiy * * • ■ m s (HkWkm tfh4r fH ■ photographed without endangering any « Goodyear Tyres are not as low in price as many of the li M 111 i-i IS military secret will interest them, and will get it from your chemist or ftvanrlc nhhinnhlp in thic rmmfru ■11 mffl,, ibl/ M. IL __3l doubly interest the friendsat home. And store and get well brands oDtamame m this country. *- na«&-swsr__ w • "™T : "THs b r ,t i Yet tosisir sales to consume* the actual car user, ». «pdr, Tahieu prepared _*» pure,,, »£ lD^L h ; it again and again to mother and sister and , | are greater each succeeding month, SWISS'S " d "'"d m *• .»-**- .J wife and little ones. —— a ,. ~ ■■■ T — This fact in itself is certainly one of the best appreciations Nervous Breakdown iwvotn oeainh An»mia There's room for a little Vest-Pocket Kodak in every Without Pure Blood Health is Impossible. A M A tm „ rtl *IW d /«. ... UAkkl. !im Pwalwle EZh«. * 22? n. •"Ut: '< * •oldie-skit. S eis Sma VETARZO of Goodyear quality that is possible for us to obtain +£**m SESRmm wSSfi « •.! /^ BLOOD MEDICINE \ Nsumthanla Kidney Weakneu General Debility : ' v ' ; f.'. < .. u . Sewohea out and expels from. the. vital pur- Buy - our Goodyear Tyres, Heavy Tourist Tubes and Tyre Saver Ac* Jeories • ' .„., u , ~-.'. • , •' •%^i/J ~; AH V J 1 H I Service SWioa. There k-* la year locity. *"**> "*"** *'""*" 'TZ'"*** * Qlim N| XA 1 1 IV Of| 23 IyjAAIAIQ abscesses, ulcers, eczema, gout, rheumatism, ST Lire. ■ . ... . T" ..'•r'^V C **T! Life Without Health is Living Death. , ;i ' ■ _ WoM 1/9 and V-, th» 4 ' - !,w being the aaoiw eoonomloal 801 l ; '^ vr\T\\v /a / V"« 4! I'm VETAftZO 5Si\l!il!J?«« '" -'__.•'■_-_: ''' , __h.'<M>^'''&u^__ , »___. cv ' f»s«>B9)w *' Chemists end Storekeepers throughout New Zealand.' Ask alw/ra v ; •••""•■.'A' KODAK (Australasia!, LTD. , w VCIMKAU N ? B y E FOOD. PWW 4' W te Dr. Case's Tablets, and Uke no substitute, .?V o-: ™ i :■•■• «_j., j. ii, „• . ™ .i l i. n m- ' For nervous exhaustion and chronic weakness fef JLS » S l|a ra Fa SBB ISP_P ,»» luinHiuwa, •..,, M. Auckland Wellington Chnstchurcb Dunedfe Send P.O.' 3/- (crossed for security) for |e|JiJIJ/l/ J& #ik fm .... „ nri - A . A « „. „._,.„, „_ 14J ■".'■* > -.-■; : .' ■~. . ' ••„.,■•'• ... Trial Bottle of either:remedy, to votarzo ■ NaggF *^&mw&rj Jt , «■» asaffif-as **___»"Igs eels profirietors, Dr. Cassell's Ofci Ltd,, Manch««ter. Ben.'Viv'kC'>:V>>gZr, ~'•■/: v -'v,'. ■■'•.--.. ..? ' ■ W>". •'-'-: ■•/", ~' Remedies Co. Gosuol Oak. London, N.W. 5, • "■~ — 4'~.- ~; ' ; &A "' •"■ "■-'■' •- f-: ' ■■ •■ ; .l'c - • , ' ■"■* ', , s '] f-" " m •.. .. ,;•.-;..,» •' ■'■iV'v ' ' '■ England. — Unprincipled, vendors may try to ~!" ::'"7 ■■ i\ ■-' ;:■.',:'•. ■*.-■■'.' ••-!,■ . ' mm*'"' : "'''"''"'" '■■'' _■... . ... •■ , , » <-J m BranchesfiAgende, ******** ' l >vr - : - :^-: ■•• : - ■"'■ '-• •- V ' V :^ 100 ;■: genuine has words " Vetarzo Remedies" on - Rinclpal Ota. » Dealer. WefyWMMi , . « 1 ~, | —U Government Btemp. Sold br LEADING "7 •.' 1 »—-■-*■ i i ~»~w-a—8 OHBMJSIS. ,^ ■■ -- • ■•■■ •----■—-——^--^-—4—^—-^—--*• ■■- -■ ; ~ ~-;r - -'_ : ~ :—: \ — i ■ ■ '— ut :—__ :_.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16925, 10 August 1918, Page 5 (Supplement)

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16925, 10 August 1918, Page 5 (Supplement)

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16925, 10 August 1918, Page 5 (Supplement)


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