OFFICIAL DECISION TO PARTICIPATE IN GOVERNMENT. SETTLEMENT OF THE IRISH QUESTION URGED.. Australian and X.Z. Cable. (Received 9.50 p.m.) LONDON. Doc. 8. The Labour Parly discussed Mr. Lloyd George's proposals. Subsequently it was officially announced that the party had decided to participate in the new Government. It as understood that Mr- Henderson, formerly Minister for Pensions, and Mr. Barnes will enter the Cabinet. The party adopted a resolution expressing the hope that the Government would endeavour to settle, the Trish question with a view to the fullest exercise of the forces of the nation and tho Empire. The most probable men in the Labour Party for selection are Mr. Henderson, lately Minister for Pensions, Mr. W. Brace (South Glamorgan), Mr. G. J. Wardle (Stockport), Mr. G. X. Barnes (Blackfriars division of Glasgow), Mr. J. Hodge (Gorton division of Lancashire. It is believed that Mr. Lloyd George has offered Mr. Arthur Henderson a seat in the small inner Cabinet, and three Labour representatives subordinate positions. It is understood that Mr. Henderson was willing to join Mr- Lloyd George if the Labour Party approved. The Central News Agency states that Mr. Lloyd Geofge offered Labour two seats in the Cabinet, one in the War Council, and three L nder-Secretaryships. Ihe Evening Standard states that Labour leaders have consented to participate in the Government on condition that the Government immediately and extensively controls mines, shipping and land. The National Labour Council met. The members, while favouring Mr. Asquith s leadership, made it perfectly clear that they were prepared to serve any Primo Minister who would prosecute the war vigorously. Subsequently Mr. Arthur Henderson, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, Mr. J. O'Grady, Mr. Philip Snowden and Mr. Will Thome, representing the conference, held a lengthy conference with Mr. Lloyd George.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16408, 9 December 1916, Page 9
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299FULL REPRESENTATION OF LABOUR PARTY. New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16408, 9 December 1916, Page 9
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