A design for a memorial to those members of its staff who volunteer for active service was approved by the Auckland Harbour Board at its meeting in committee yesterday. The estimated cost of the memorial is £260.
Two designs were submitted by the engineer, Mr. W. H. Hamer. The one which was adopted by the board provides for an obelisk of Coromandel granite, surmounted by decorative ironwork carrying an electric lamp. It will be 19ft high. Bronze tablets and wreaths will be placed on each side of the column for the inscription of names, and the following explanation of its purpose : — This memorial was erected by the Auckland Harbour Board to record the services of those members of its staff who voluntarily gave their all, in the cause of liberty and freedom, at the call of the Mother Country, in the great world war of 1914." To this will be added an extract from a speech by the King of Belgium as follows: — "A country which defends its liberties in the face of tyranny commands the respect of all. Such a country does not perish.'' The memorial will have a utilitarian value, as it is designed to serve as a beacon for launches approaching the new landings west of the Ferry Buildings. The lamp will show a red light, and it is intended to place a green light on the Sailors' Home, so' that adequate guidance to the landings will be given. Further leave of absence on half pay has been granted by the board to its permanent officers who are on active service. This matter also was before the board yesterday, when a report was made by the secretary that the leave granted by resolution on .March 25 had expired in the cases of three men, and would expire for others during the next two or three months. On the motion of the chairman, Mr. H. D. Heather, it was decided that the leave should be extended for a further six months.
The committee and teachers of the Mount Eden school have decided to erect in the school grounds a suitable memorial to those who have made such great sacrifices in the interests of the Empire. The children are taking a special and practical interest in the project,, and each child has been asked to bring to the school every Monday until the Christmas holidays one penny. The committee has guaranteed to find the necessary balance. It intention of the committee to erect in the school a roll of honour, and the headmaster will receive any information respecting former pupils of the school who have responded to the Empire's call.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16029, 22 September 1915, Page 5
Word Count
New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16029, 22 September 1915, Page 5
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