By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright.
' London, May 11.' The Colonial Wool Merchants' Association will fix the date of tho August salos as early as possible. Tho association intends to continue the system of frequent. sales during the war.
LONDON MARKETS. By Telegraph— Association—Copyright. London, May 11. METALS.
Copper, spot, buyers £77 12s 6d, Rollers £77 17s Gd; three months, buyers £78 12s 6d, sellers £7e 17s 6d. Electrolytic copper, buyers £88, sellers £89. Tin, sellers £164, buyers £164 10s. Pig iron, 64s 7d. Lead, buyers £19 17s 6d, sellers £20 10s.
PROPERTY SALES. An auction sale of 57 sections on the seaside property known as Smith's Deep Creek Estate was held last night at' the Chamber of Commerce by the Mercantile Auctioneering Co. Mr. Louis Lewis was the auctioneer, There was a large attendance, the prices offered, however, being low. A few sections were sold at prices ranging from £40 to £80 per section. Several of the remainder are undor offer.
WOOL QUOTATIONS. Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., has received the following cable from London:—Wool Sales: faulty Merino, scoured, 5 per cent, lower greasy crossbred, 5 per cent, higher.
' • The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd.. report as follows: — On Thursday last wo held our weekly sale of dairy and store stock. There was an average yarding, everything being sold, and good prices were realised. Best dairy cows and heifers sold at from £8 2s 6d to £11 lus, others £3 17a 6d to £7 IBs; empty cows. £8 to £5 Is; calves. 15s to £1 17a; bulls, £3 to £5 10s: 18-months steers, £3 3s to £4 4s; 2-year steers, £5 4s to £6 ss, according to condition. Three-year steers, £6 15s to £7
At Albert Yards on Friday horses - were yarded in larger numbers than usual, and sold .well. Heavy draught horses sold at from .£25 to £4110s; medium draught horses, £17 108 to £37 .'da; light harness horses, £9 to £15 ss; hacks. £7 to £16; ponies, £4 to £6 10s. On Monday at Pukekohe we held a special dairy sale, when barely tho advertised nura-, ber were yarded. Best dairy cows sold at from £8 10s to £14 ss; best heifers, £6 15s to £9 15s; other cows, £4 10s to £7 10s; heifers £3 15s to £5 17s 6d. On Tuesday at Pukekohe wo held our ordinary monthly sale of fat and store cattle, when we had a very largo yarding, amongst them being 450 turnip cattle, mostly fresh, forward 4-year-old steers. Throe and a-half to 5-year-old steers, in fresh condition, «H at from £7 13s to £10 18s; 3 to 3-year- ©■* steers. £4 17s to £6 12s 6d; yearling to 18-month-old steers, £3 2s 6d to £4 18s; good steer calves. £1 8s to £2 2s; others, las to £1 10s: empty cows. £3 10s to £5; heifers, £2 IDs* to £4 12s; bulls, £3 10s to £9. Beef yarded in usual numbers and sold well. Steers, to £13 IBs; cows, £5 10s to £11. At Westfiold on Wednesday beef was yarded in full numbers, most of the oxen being light weights. Competition was brisk, being scarcely up to last wcok's rates. Choice oxen sold to £2 per 1001b, others 36s to 395; I cows and heifers £1 10s to 365; steers sold 'at from for medium and heavy weight £9 15s to £17 15s; light weight* £7 7s «d to £0 12s 6d; cows and heifers. £6.2s 6d to £13 6«. A draft «f 25. cows from To Mats, averaged £11 7» fld. Calves penned in smallor numbers than usual, and advanced in prices. Heavy suckers sold at from £3 6s to £5 lis, medium do- £1 18s to £3, lighter 30s to 375. small and fresh dropped 3s to 15s. Sheep were penned in ÜBual numbers, and receded in values. Beat wethers sold to £1 0s 6d, others 19s 6d to £1 8s 9d; ewes £1 to £1 4s 9d. interiorly fatted 17s to £1 3j 3d; hoggets. 13s 9d to £1. Lambs yarded in small numbers, sold at from 15s to 18s 6d. Pigs in average numbers, sold at late rates. Largo baconera made £3 10s to £4 3s, baconers £2 18s to £3 8s: large porkers. £2 5s to £2 16s; porkers 30a to £2 23; slips, 10s to £1 ss; weaners, 3s to 8s 6d. ,
Messrs. Dalgety and' Company, Limited, report having held their usual weekly sale of fut stock at Westfield on Wednesday, May 12. 1915, as under:— Beef: An average yaiding and prices wcro on » par with lata rates Extra prime ox sold at equal to 40s per 1001b, ordinary quality 37s fid to 395; cow and heifer beer, 30s to 355.
Veal: A very small yarding and the demand was keen. Prime heavy realcrs sold at up to £5 Ms; medium weight, £2 'to £3 os; light and fresh-dropped, 3s to £1 15s. Sheep: A moderate yarding and prices were unchanged, compared with late rates. Extra heavy prime : wethers sold at up to £ 1 lis fid, ordinaly ditto £1 Si fid to £1 Tb 6d, light and unfinished 19a to £1 2s 6d; extra heavy prim* ewes sold at up to £1 6s 3d, ordinary ditto, £1 to £\ 4s. Lamb: A small yarding which sold at late rates. Extra prime woolly sold at up. to IDs 6d, ordinary ditto 15s 6d to 18»; prime shorn sold at up to 16s 3d, ordinary ditto 12s 6d to 15s Gd.
Pork: An average yarding and prices wore on a par with late rates. Baconers sold at equal to lid per lb, porkers equal to ltd par lb, werners 6s to IBs.
Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report:—
At the Haymarkot on Friday, last we had a large yarding of horses, which met with an improved demand. Aged draughts sold at from £15 to £23; young and active heavy draughts, £28 to £41; light harness sorts, £10 to £18: gig ponies ani ordinary hacks, £1 10s to £8 10s; a R&brgh carl realised
The usual number of dairy and store stock came forward at Westfield on Thursday. May 6. The former continue to soil readily at from £9 to £12 10s for first quality cows; others. £4 10s to £8 10s; empty cows, £2 17s to £5 6s; 18-month heifers, £2 16s to £3 15s; calves. £1 8s to £1 IBs; small and woody calves, 7s to £1 Is. There was,a fair attendance at Mrs. Hap rison's clearing sale held nt liast Tannin on Saturday, May 8, and'full values were realised for everything offered. Cows sold at from £4 15s to £9 ss. On Wednesday, May 12, at our weekly Westfield fat stock market we sold beof to the number of 129 head, comprising 216 steers, 201 cows and heifers. 9 bulls.. There was a steady demand throughout. Prime and choice quality realised last week's figures. Plain and ordinary beef was easier, choice ox sold to £2 Is; prime, £1 17s to £1 19s; ordinary, £1 10s to £1 lis; cows and heifers, £1 9s to £1 15s. Steors ranged in price frpni £8 to £19 10s; cows oud hoifcrs, £5 5s to £11 7s 6d. A truck of heavy prime steers, from Messrs. Wilson and Ross, l'uketili, averaged £17 8s 6d. The 31 fat and young calves were a long way below requirements, and in consequence there was a sharp advance, all sorts selling at extreme p»ices Runners sold to £6 Is; heavy suckers, £3 10s to £4 10s; medium suckers, £2 5s to £3 ss: lighter, £1 10s to £2 2s; small freshdropped, 3s to £1 68. Sheep came forward in increased numbers and met with a firm sale. In many instances last week's values ruled, but taking the salo on a .whole pi ices wore lower. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 8s 6d to £1- lis 9d; heavy prime, £1 6e to £1 8s; medium to heavy, £1 2s 6d to £1 5s i extra heavy prime owes, £1 5s to £1 108 9d; good ewes, £1 to £1 4s; othors. 13s to 18s 6d (-2086 sold). Lambs found ready buyers at ruling rates. Best heavy, 19s to £1 Is; good. 16s 6d to 18s; others, lis to 16s; unfinished. 13s to 15s (359 sold) Pigs were yarded in large numbers and sold steadily throughout, without alteration fiom last week. Choppers realised from £2 5s to Si ss, according to quality and weight; baconers. £3 to £3 10s: medium, £2 12s to £2 18s: heavy porkers, £2 to £2 8s; medium, £1 14s to £1 19s; light. £1 8s to £1 12.9: slips. lis to £1 6s; wcaners, 3s to 10s 6d (263 sold).
Messrs. Dalgoly and Company, Limited, ro|)ort as undor: — At the Cambridge Yards on Monday the 3rd inst., we yarded between 200 and 300 head of cattle and 800 snoop. The demand for beef was not Quito so keen'as at our previous sale. The prices were as follows • — Fat cows, medium weights, £7 8s to £6 17s 6d; store cows £3 lis to £1 103: 2i-year-olc slecrs, £5 7s Gd; 20-raonths steers, £3 16s--18-montbs heifers £215 a; springors, .{6 12s 6d to £9 os; bulls, £6; pigs. 13s 6d to 32s 6d. In the Ohaupo Yards last Thursday wo held.our i annual sale of sheep and cattle for i Ur i ( v? t ? 0k,1 ? 6, *. m rA V 0 Wfed 3000 sheep and 200 head cattle. There was a good do. mand for ewes in lamb but the market for empty ewes was easier. We quote; Fat ?? M, m 178:fBl ™then, £1- woolly lambs, 2R^ 3d: Shorn lambß V 8 4<J i cull lambs 8s 4d.f.f.m. ewes in lamb, 16s to 19s; 4 and 5-Vsoth wethers, « to 22s Id; 4-toolh to fin. ewes, 14s to 16s; fat cows.. £G to £6 6a • fresh-condittoned 1-year-old bullocks, £10 10a & i.V*? ff ws ' £3 iB lo ' £s: Rood calvea, SiM i 10 * : »°°„ wrts, 17s to 21s--18-months steers, £3 10s. ;
Last Thursday at the Otorohanga- Yards we held our sale • thoro and report having had a fair yarding and a successful sale. We quote: Pat cows and heifers, £5 17s to £8 15s; 2}-year steers, £6 15s; 18-months to 20-montha steers, £i 6s to £1 15a; steer calves, 30s; mixed box calves, 30s 6d to £2; mixed sex lambs, good lis 6d to 14s 4d, poorer Eg to 9s; cows and calves, £5 Bs. In the Hanrilton Borough Yards on Thursday, 6th inst., wo hold our usual tri-weekly sale when we yarded 00 pigs, 2331 sheep and 450 head of cattlo. The market was easier although all the pig? and the majority of tho sheep and cattlo changed hands at satisfactory prices. Wo quote: Fat stoors, £11 fat cows, £5 63 to £7 13s; store cows, £1 14s to £5 ss; poorer, £2 13.1 to £3 8a; 25year steers, £1 lfis-to 15 ss; steer calves, 39a to £2 sa; heifer calves. £1 la; mixed sex calvos, 29s 6d to 31s; yearling bulls, £2 6s to £3 6s; springers, £6 15s to £6 18s; mixed box fat sheep, 21s 9d; fat lambs, 18s; good woolly lambs, 12s to 14s 3d; shorn lambs, Ofl Id; f.m. ewes ii lamb, 14s to 14s 9d; Pigs: Porkers, £2 0s fid to £3 3s; store pigs, £1 Is Cd to £1148! slips, lis to £1 3s; weaners, 6s 6d to 9s 6(1.
- Wellington, Wednesday. At tho Johnsonvillo fat stock sale there were goad yardimjs, everything selling well at lato rates. Prime bullocks mado £16, lighter £13 17s 6d to £14 2s 6d, light £13 7s 6d; heavy vealers 42s to 49s 6d, lighter 32s to Jos, others 25s to 265; prime wethers, 28s; on !& I 1*"! wethers, 21s- medium wethers, i.a 6d to 22s 7d; prime heavy ewes 28s sd, rm . owes 23a Id, lighter 20s 6d to 20s 7d, light 18s 6d: prime woolly lambs 17s 4d, Bhorn lis to 14s 7d.
[At TELEGRAPH-PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CniusTCHTjßcrf, WednesdayAt the Addington live stock market- the yaraings of stock were again moderate, and there was a good attendance. Fat cattlo sold rather bettor, as did fat lambs and fat sheep. Store sheep wore in a little bettor demand, and fat pigs showed an improvement. Quotations
Store Sheep: Good forward lambs, 10s»4d to 12s 8d; fairly good lambs. 8s 3d. to 9s 8d; Inferior lambs, Is to 6s Id; good ewe lambs, 10« 3d to 12s 10d; inferior ewe lambs, 6s 7d to 83; cull lambs, 3s to 3s 9d; aged owes, 3a 6d to>7s; sound-mouth ewes, 8s to 9s 7d; good two-tooth ewes, lis 9d; forward four and six-tooth wethers, 13s 3d to 15s lOd; good two-tooth wethers, 12s 9d. Pat Lambs: Best lambs, 17s to 19s 9d; ouhors, lis to 16s 6d. Pat Sheep: Prime wethers, 20s to 23s 6dotaer wethers, 15s Od to 19s 6d; extra prime ewas, to 6d; primo ewes, 17s 6d .to 21s Ho.: medium ewes, 13s 6d to 17s; inferior ewes, 7s to 13s; Merino ewes, 9s 4d. Fat Cattle: Extra steers, £15 17s 6d: ordinary steers. £7 2s 6d to £11 10s; extra heifers to £12 12s 6d; ordinary hei/ers. £5 i!', ,S : Ss*l* c ?s. to 10 . I6s i ordinary cows. « 17s 6d to £7 10s. Price of beef per 1001b »os to 40s. "' Store Cattle: 15 to .18-month sorts, 355• two-year heifers. £3 12s to £3 15s; dry cows, 2H to £4 A? 8; dairy cows - ** Ws to £10 10s. ligs: Choppers, 60s to 92s 6d; extra heavy baconors. to 78s; heavy baconers, 62s 6d to 70s: light baconers, 52s■ 6d to 60s. Price per lb. Bid to 6d. Heavy porkers, 25s O ?JiL B - n P . nc ?, pcr "\, Md t0 s ' d - Medium stores. 9s to 17s; smaller, 5s to 8s; wenncrs, Is 6d to Is.
tar lUEOßArn.—Pßicsa association:.]
DrxEDrx, Wednesday. At Burnsido today tho fat cattle yarded consisted chiefly of medium weight bullocks and heifers, with a few pens of good bullocks. Prices for good Quality were, if anythin?, a shade hotter than last week, but medium and inferior sold about the tirae rales. Quotations: Prime bullocks £18 10s to £15, extra prime to £27 17s 6d, medium £20 10s to £22; best cows and heifers £10 10s to £22. medium to good £8 to £9, inferior £6 to £7. There was a largo yarding of fat sheep, principally medium to good owes, with a few primo wethers. • The number forwarded, was far in excess of butchers' requirements, and prices showed a drop of 2s id por head on last week's values. Medium and light wethers and ewes, in particular, were difficult to sell, although prime heavy wethers did not suffer in value to the sain© extent. Quotations: Best wethers 23s 6d to 275, medium to good 20s to 22s 6d, inferior 17s to 19s; boat ewes 20s to 235, medium to good lis to 18s, inferior 10a to 13s._ Six hundred fat lambs were penned, and pneos were a shado better than last week. Quotations: Best, 17s to 18s 6d; extra primo, 228; medium to good. 14s 6d to 16s; inferior, 10s to lis 6d. Sixty-one,.fat pigs and 20 stores were yarded. Prices for fats were if good deal easier than last week. Quotations: Snckers. 68. to 8s: slips. 0a 6d to 12s; storcß, 14s to 21s: porkers, ,30s to . Us: baconers. Ms to 60s.
The- New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd.. report:—We subnutted and sold average catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday, competition being keen at lato rates for all lines offering Hides: Market brisk. We quoto:— stout ox, Od to Old: stout do. Bjd to Bid: medium do. Bid to 8»d; light do. 8d to 8ld; cow. lines. Bid to did: good, 8d to Bjd 2S , 7 or A J 7,d to ,; stags, 6d to AW) kips, °sd toOd; calfskins, best. 9td to lOd; good, 8d to Bid; cut and damaged, sjd to 7Jd: horseludos, 5s Od to 10s 6d. Sheepskins: Market firm. Best butchers' woolly skins. 8s 6d to 9s 6d; medium do. fis Od to 7s 3d: small do, 33 3d to 4s 3d; lambs olid pelts, large, 4s 9d to 5s 9d; small, i?, 6 ? to 3s 3d; country dry and woolly skins. Old to 8d per lb; damaged, 2}d to s{d. Tallow: Market firm. Best mixed, 26s to ? 68 lid; good, < 8 6d to 2os 6d; inferior. 21s to 22s 9d; rough fat. lid .per lb. Bones. £5. Cowtails. Is Id per down. Horsehair, la 6d lo Is fid per lb. Wool: In bags and dumps selling fiooly. with good competition. Bright crossbred, 10id to 12d; coarse crossbred, Old to lOJd-log-stained, 8d to 9d; lambs' wool, good lOjd to 12d; lambs' wool, seody, 4ld to 6dcrutehings. B}d to 9d; locks and pieces, 4jd to "id.
Messrs- Alfred Buckland and Sons report haying bold their usual weekly salo of hides, skins, wool, tallow, etc., on Tuesday, May 11, when largo catalogues of all lines were offered. Good competition for skins, with prices for wool about the same as last report. Hido market the same go last report, but very firm for all good linos of freezers ' and butchers' ox. Wo quote: — Hides: Light ox, butchers' and freezers, 8 d to 85 d; medium ox, 8!d to 9d; stout, Old to 9ld por lb: cow, boat linos, Bjd; ordinary. 8d to BJd; light and small hidos, 7d to 7]d: stags. 6d to Old; kip, 8d to did: yearlings, -flayed and free from cuts, Bid to 9d: calfskins, best, Old to 10d; good, 9d to Old; meaty, dirty, and cut calf at lower rates. Sheepskins: Butchors' picked skins, to 6s 4d; medium to good, 5s 3d to 8s; small and lato .morn, 4s to 4s 9d; shorn larabß, 2s 3d to 2g Od; woolly lambs, 6s to 5a Od; country dried skins are selling well; good, soundconditioned full-wool skins up to 7s Od each; three-quarter wools, 4s 3d to 5s Od; wcoviloaten and neglected skins at lower rates. Wool: Bright crossbred, in bales, ltd to Hid: in bags and dumps, 10jd to lidmedium crossbred, lOd to Mid; rough and log-stained, 9d to 9id; lambs, bright and free from seod. IOJd to Hid; earthy and dingy, Old to lOd; Bcedy, 6d to 7Jd; piece*, 71d to 8d for good; locks and pieces, 6(d to Old; dead wool, 8d to Old for clean; crutchings, 8d to 9d per lb. Tallow: In shipment casks, 26s to 27s 6d per cwt; in ordinary casks, 23s Od to 24s 6d; tins and drums, 20ia to 245; extra good mutton tallow, in tins, 27s to 28s per owtBones. £5 per ton. Horsehair: Tail, Is sld to Is 7d; mixed, Is 3d to Is ljd; mane, 9d.
Messrs, Dalgoty and Company, Ltd., report having held their usual weekly Bale of hides, skins, tallow, etc., on Tuesday, May 11. 1915, as under:—
Hidos: Market firm, except for light ox and cow, which are slightly lower. Butchers' hidos, well-flayed and conditioned (ox hides in short supply), stout, to 9d; medium, 8!d to B}d; light. 73d to 8)d; cow, well-flayed r?, , CO U? ll W' to 8 l d ; wcl conditioned, lid to 71; dirty, scored, or sloppy hides at lower rates; damaged and cut, 6d to 6idstags. Ul to Bid; kips, 7d to 8d; calf, bVt lines, to lOd; Rood. 8d to 9d; cut, damaged, and meaty, fid to 6d, Sheepskins: Competition good, marltot firm Dry woolly skins to 9s (id; medium. 4s 6d to 6s 6d: small, 3a to 4s" dry wits' fed to Is, according to length of wool; skins with weevil-eaten and weather-stained pelts at lower rates; butchers' salted skins, best 5s 3d to 68; I, 'V, horn and small. 3s 6d to U Gd d; toOs 18 6d t0 28 6d; lumbß ' »>£ cables :^riAt Bh « l Cowlails. Is 4d per dozen. i.^ rr: Taif| 18 , °< l <° ls Tld: mixed Is to Is 6rl; mane. 7d to lOd. ' Bones: Good dry, £5 per ton. and ii Competition °° d - for bags, d «»iP». ana Dales that are coming forward W« Quote.-Bright crossbred, lid to 124 d 11 di a 1 d /' nßy i 81 f,¥> 10**1 lambs' bright*, 9d locksM 6{d < ,°,^ ! p i fes - «to JQ, jocks, 4d to 6d; tellings, 6d lo 9d.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15916, 13 May 1915, Page 5
Word Count
3,410COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15916, 13 May 1915, Page 5
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