[BY 'EKLEGH.U'H.— fbess association.]
Wellington, WednesdayIx view of the excellent prices realised last week at the first of this season's wool sales, held at ChTistchurch, it was expected that to-day's sale in Wellington ! would provide active competition and' prices in favour of the sellers. 'Phis antici-1 pation was fully borne out, the prices j realised raining from Id to l£d above the j opening sale rates of last year. Nearly : l<s,ooo bales were submitted, and there was a large assemblage ol buyers, but although buyers for Franco and Belgium were not barred from operating, those who made the bidding to-day were practically alt Bradford representatives and buyers for New Zealand mills. The top price in the sale was secured by Levin and Company, foJ a line of six bales of Southdown wool, from Mr. Jas. Knight, Feilding, which! Drought 14jd per lb. The same firm also obtained 13* d per lb for a line of Watra-, Mpa crossbreds from Otatinao Station, j and this is believed to be the- top price foi this description of wool. The sale was conducted subject to the new conditions prohibiting sales to persons representing enemy countries. The prices realised to-day ' really represent those expected to bo realised at the next January sales in London, inasmuch as the wool will arrive Home about that time, and buyers are not likely to pay a higher price now than ; they are likely to be able to buy at then, ; The wool came from .Marlborough, as well j at from the Wairarapa and other Welling- i ton districts. It was generally well grown, j Out carried a fair amount of grease, due i to the very dry weather of late. The I following is the range of prices realised) at the last December sale, shown with those obtained to-day, by way of com- j parison : — December, November, ] 1913. 1014. d. d. d. d. ' Merino — 92 to 10} Halfbred super. ... 11 to 111 12 to lit Half bred med 9} to 101 104 to 111 Crossbred super. ... 104 to 111 12 to 13' Crossbred med. ... i) to 10i 101 to 11! Crossbred, coarse ... 8 to 9j 92 to Hi Crossbred, inf... 71 to 8j 9i to 10} Crossbred pieces and bellies 51 to 81 7 to 91 Hail bred pieces and bellies 7 to 94 7 to 9 Locks 31 to .li 31 to 6 I
By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright I Sydney, November 18. I At the wool sales there was good com-! petition. Super Merinos realised satisfactory prices, crossbreds were easier, and faulty were neglected. Hurry crossbrerts experienced a heavy fall compared with ■ opening rates. Greasy wools were sold up • to 13-Jd. " j At the Melbourne sales there was ke?n: competition. Prices, excepting for fan ty i and inferior wools, which were unchanged, ■ showed a 10 per centum advance. I
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company reports as follows: —
Westfield Yards: On Thursday last dairy and store rattle came forward in average numbers, and sold at late rates. Best dairy rws and heifers sold at from £7 to £9 7s 6d, others £."> to £7 , aged and inferior sorts £'. to £4 l, r <B, empty rows ind heifers £3 10s to £1 Ids, calves £2 5s to £210 a, small calves 20? to 335. bulls £3 to £S.
Albert Street Yards: On Friday last we had a full yarding of horses, which sold at late rates. Heavy draught hor«e.s Fold at. from £30 to £41. other draughts £16 to £20, light ha.-ness horses £5 to £12 10s. hacks £3 10s to £12. ponies £5 to £13. Papakrra: On Monday we held a special horse sale, when more than the advertised numbers came forward, and competition was not so ke»n. We quote—Heavy draught horses sold at from £18 to £30. medium draughts £14 to £22 10s. lisrht harness horses £8 to £16. hacks £5 to £12 10s. ponies £3 to £5, weeds 5s upwards. On Monday, at Wiri, we held a clearing sale of Mr. W. Corbett'a live and dead stock. There was a good attendance, and a satisfactory sale was held.
Westfield Yards: On Wednesday fat cattle, came forward in. full numbers, and sold at! fully late nuotations. best oxen selling to ' Ms Rd per 1001b. others 30s to 38s. cows and ' heifers 34s to 37s per 1001b. steers from £8 I 10s to £17 17a fid. cows and heifers £5 to £11 12s 6d A draft of 16 steers of Mr. H. E. Reed, Waerenga. averaged £16 2s. and 00 steers from Mr. Jus Given, Alia Alca Swamp. Waiuku. small but well done, aver- I aged £14: also. 34 steers from Mr H. John-! stone averaged £14 89. Veal calves were , yarded in full numbers, end so'd at late ' rates. Heavy vealers sold at from £4 to I £5 2s fid. mediura-weifrht £3 to £3 17s. ! lighter sorts £2 to £217 a 6d. smaller 20s to 1 38s, small and fresh-dropped 3s to 18s | Sheep came forward in average supply, and , so'd at late rales, best wethers in wool 1 selling at from £1 Gb 3d to 31s, shorn j wethers 22s 9d to 255. others 19s 6d to 225; < ewes, heavy-weights 18s 6d to 21s 9d. others j 16s to 17s 9d. hoggets 153 8d to 18k 3d. ■ Lambs, in average supply, improved in 1 prices. Best sold at from 18s 3d to 20s 3d. ! others 13s 3d to 18s. Pigs were penned I in average numbers, and sold at late rales \ Baconers made £3 to £3 10s. large porkers j £2 5s to £3, porkers £1 5s to £2 2s, slips I 15s to 20s, weanerß 6s to 12s 6d. !
Messrs Dalgety and Company. Ltd., report having held their usual weekly fat stock sale at Wes! field yesterday as under:-— Beef: An average yarding and prices were a, shade lower than last week's rates. Choice pens of extra prime ox made equal to 38s; ordinary prime ox, 36s to 375; cow and heif* beet. 2Cs to 29b per 1001b. _ Veal: An average yarding, which sold at late rates. Heavy runners made up to £4 17s 6d: choice suckers, 30s to 495; others, 4s to 265. Mutton: A medium yarding. Wethers sold at last week's rates. Ewes were a shade higher Extra heavy shorn wethers made up to 25s 3d; medium ditto, 20s to 22s 9d; inferior, lis 6d to 18s; extra heavy shorn ewes made up to 255; heavy ditto, 18s to 20s; medium-weight and inferior, lis 6d to 16a. Lamb: A small yarding. Prices were about Is fid per head higher than last week. Extra heavy made up to £1; good. 13s 6d to 16s: medium quality, 7s 6cl to 12s. Pork: A largo yarding. Prices were on a par with late rales. Porkers made equal to 6d per lb, baconers equal to od per lb.
Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons' report as follows:
At the Haymarkot, on Friday last, we had a full yarding of horses, which met with a slightly better demand ■ Aged draughts brought from £17 to £26; bakers and grocers' cart class, £16 6s to £2-!; plough horses. £15 10s to £22 ss; light harness sorts, £9 to £14 15s; gig ponies and ordinary hacks, £4 to £11 10s; light spring carts, £10 10s to £12 ss; sulky, £14. We held our usual weekly sale of dairy and store stock at Wesificld on Thursday. November 12, and disposed of about the usual number of cattle. Dairy cows brought from £5 5s to £11, according to quality: empty cows, £2 10s to £4 7s; yearling steers, £2 18s to £3 7s; yearling to 18-month heifers, £2 10s to £3 16s; calves, £1 Bs to £2 3b; young bulls, £4 10s to £11 Us. Store hoggets, 10s to lis 6d; ewes, lis to 13s; small ewes with lambs, 9s, all counted. There was an average yarding of stock at Howick on Monday, the 16th. which sold at values on a par with those ruling elsewhere. The Clevedon Yards were well filled with slock on Monday, 16th. There was a fair attendance, and almost everything changed owners. Springers brought from £4 10s to £7; fat cows. £4 18s to £8; small fat steers, £8 to £10; empty cows, £2 15s to £3 10a: yearling heifers, £2 10s to £3 3s; good calves. £1 15s to £2 8s; this season's calves, IPs to £1 7s; young bulls, £3 10s to £6 Rs; fat wethers. 16s 9d; ewes, 13s to 14s 6d; ewes with lambs, 9s and 10s 6d, all counted.' We held our usual monthly sales at Pole-no on Monday, the 16th, arid Runciman on Tuesday, the 17th. The former yards were moderately filled, and at Runciraan there was a large yarding of stock At both places all classes of stock were easier in price. Dairy cows and heifers sold at from £5 to £8 15s; empty cows, £2 10s to £4-' 18-month to two-year-old heifers, £3 to £4 ss; yearling heifers, £2 10s to £3: three to tour-year-old steers. £7 10a to £9 4s; two to three-year-old, £5 10» to £7; 18-montli to two-year-old £3 16s to £5; yearling steers £3 to £3 13s; good calves, £2 to £2 12s-' this season's calves, 15s to £1 13s; fat cows' £5 to £8 7s 6d; bulls, £3 10s to £10 10s' according to age and quality On Wednesday, November 18, at our weekly Westfield fat stock market we sold
beef to the number of 427 head. There was a steady demand throughout, although m some coses values were a bit irregular. Medium-weight cattle were about 10a lower than last report, and cow beef was also easier. Choice ox sold to £l 19s, prime £1 15s to £1 17s, ordinary £1 13s 6d to £1 I*B 6d; cow and heifer beef, £1 4s to £1 lfs; steers ranged in price, £8 10s to £18 12s 6d; cows and heifers, £1 to £12 15s; a draft oj 49 prime bullocks averaged £14 5s lOd, ana many trucks of steers averaged between *14 and £15 6s. The 111 fat and young calves met with a firm sale at higher rates. Runners to £5 10a; heavy muckers. £3 10s to ±4 6s; medium suckers, £2 7s to £3 3s; lighter, £1 10s to £2 83; light, 17s to £1 8s; freshdropped, 3s to 16s. The sheep pens were well filled with a nice class of mutton. There was an improved demand and valueß were firmer, especially for prime wethers. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 6s to £1 63 6d; heavy prime, £1 2s to £1 3s 9d; medium to heavy, 173 to £1 Is; small unfinished wethers, 14s to 16s 6d; several pens of prime woolly wethers brought from £1 6s 6d to £1 9s 6d; extra heavy prime ewes, £1 to £1 3s; heavy prime, 17s 6d to 19s; good ewes. 14s 6d to 17s; others, 12s to 14s. (1963 sold ) There was a large yarding of lambs, which sold steadily throughout. Extra ' heavy, £1 to £1 2s fid; heavy, 17s to 19s 6d; i good. Ms to 16s 6d; light, lis to 13s 6d; I small, 83 to 10s 6d. (433 sold.) Pigs were ! penned in rather more than average numbers, j all classes Belling at improved values Chop- : pers brought up to £4 15s; ; baconers, £3 3s !to £3 lis; light, £2 15s to £3; heavy porkers. £2 5s to £2 12s; medium, £1 18s to £2 3s; light. £1 83 to £1 15s; good stores,. £1 5s to £1 9s ; weaners, to 17s; weekly suckers, 3s to 6s. (238 sold.)
CirnisrcinrßCH, Wednesday.
At. the Addington Yards to-day there were fairly large entries of stock, and a good attendance. Fat cattle were rather easier towards the end of the sale. Fat lambs Bold well, and fully up to the last sale. Store Sheop: Shorn two-tooth ewes to 16s 3d; fair two-tooth wethers, 12s 3d; medium 2-tooth wethers, 15s 9d ; four and six-tooth dry ewes, 15s lid; medium four and six-tooth wethers, 15s 4d; good forward four-tooth wethers, to 17s Id; full-mouth ewes, with lambs, 10s lOd (all counted); woolly ewe 3, in lamb, to 20s; good woolly six and oightr tooth ewes, with lambs, 14s; fair-mouthed ewes, with lambs, lis to 12s 3d; inferior ewes with lambs. 9s 3d to 10s 3d. Fat Lambs: Best lambs, 19s to 21s 6d, lighter 16s 6d to 18s 6d. Fat Sheep; Woolly wethers, 22s 5d to 26s 6d; extra prime shorn wethers, to 335; prime shorn wethers, 21s 6d to 27s 2d, others 15s to 21s; shorn merino wethers, lis 9d to 22s 6d; woolly ewes, 22s to 25s 6rl; prime shorn ewes, 20s to 255, others 15s to 19s 6d; woolly hoggets, 20s to 22s 4d; shorn hoggets, to 24s 6d.
Fat Cattlo: Extra good steers, to £16 7s 6d, ordinary steers £9 to £12; heifers, £5 12s fid to £9 15."; extra good cows, to £18, ordinary cows £5 7s 6d to £9; beef, per 1001b. 34s to 41a
Store Cattle: Yearlings. £1 12s 6d; Id to 18-months sorts, £2 Us to £3 12s 6d; twoyear steers, £4 7s 6d; two-year heifers, £4 ss; Sj-yef heifers, £4 17s; three-year steers, £6 17s 6(1 (passed); three-year heifers, £1 17s 6d to £5 sa; dry cows, £1 10s to £4 15s; dairy rows. £3 Ills to £10.
Dairy Cows: There was a fair yarding, mainly of rough sorts. Poor classes were not in demand, but useful animals sold freely. Prices ranged from £3 10s to £10. I'igs: Choppers, 60s to 100s; extra heavy baconers, to 723; heavy baconers, 58s to 6js; lighter baconers, 50s to 55a (price per lb, od to 5(d); heavy porkers, 40b to 445; lighter porkers, 35s to 38s (price per lb, 5d to bid).
DrsEDiif, Wednesday. There was a large entry of fat cattle at Burnside to-day, 210 being penned. The quality was fair ami prices were easier than the rates ruling last week. Best bullocks
£17 to £18 6a, medium £11 to £15, interior . £11 to £1-2; best cows, heifers £12 10s to £14, extra to £15 lt)s, medium £9 103 to I £10 10s. light £5 to £7 10s. There was i\ small yarding of fat sheep, I 1818 being penned. The quality was good, ' Owing to she contractor for supplies for tile troopships operating freely, competition was (rood and prices advanced by fully •2s Crl on those ruling last week. Prime wethers in wool to 455. good 2ys to 355, • medium 25s to 2Ss; prime shorn wethers ; to 27s M, extra to 575. medium 21s to 25s I I'd : best woolly ewes 55s to S5», medium , 2ds M to 1 -, (id. inferior 25s to 24s lid. : Fat Lambs: H£» penned. This was a. . big yarding; for this time of year, and ■ prices were easier. Host I*B to IDs, extra ! to 20s ed, medium 15s to lGs, small 12s I to lis.
Messrs Dalge.ty and Company, Limited, report having held their weekly sale of hides. sl:ins. tallow, etc., on Tuesday, when a large catalogue of fill hues was offered. Competition for both hides and sheepskins was very keen Hides: Market firm. Butchers' hides, well flayed and conditioned, stout to 8!d. medium 7;d to "3d light 6id to 7|d; cow. well flayed : and conditioned to 7!d. wet conditioned 6d to 6'.d; d'« y. scored and slonny hides at lower ! rates: damaged and cut, 3d to sd; ata-ers, Sd to ■lid; kip. 6d to 7}d. Calf, best lines to (Hd, good 7d to Sd, cut, damaged and meaty 5d to Gd. Shoepskins- Market advancing in price. Dry, woolly skins to 9s, medium 4s 6d to 6s Gd. small 3s to 4s; dry pelts. 6d to Is 3d. ! according to length of wool; skins with i weevil-eaten and weather stained pelts at lower rates: butchers' salted skins, best lines to Bs, seconds Is Gd to Gs, picked skins to 9s, pelts Is to Is 8d; spring lambs. Is 3d to Is 9d I Tallow: Market dull. Best, in shipment i casks. 21s; in 4cwt cask?. 1R« to 21s; seconds, I 15s to 17s 6d; tins, 15s to 20s, according to quality Cowtails. Is 4d per dozen. Horsehair: Tail. Is 3d to Is 6d; mixed. Is to Is Ed; mano, 7d to lOd. Bones: Good dry. £5 per ton Wool In baas und dumps selling freely. I Bright crossbred to 9}d. rough crossbred 7d ito fid; bellies and pieces, 4d to 6d; locks, I 3sd to 4d; crutch. 5d to Gd per lb. ! Owing to the first wool sale being held on j November 26. no hide and skin sale will be held that week. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited report: — '• Wo submitted and so'd average catalogues 1 of hides, skins, and tallow, on Tuesday, comi petition being keen for all linos offering- | Hides: Market firm. We quote: Extra i stout ox. 8d to Sid. stout ox 71d to 7Jd, I medium 73d to 7|d, light 7d to 7*d; cows. I best lines to "Id, good 7<l to 7»d; inferior 6id I to 6jd, kips 7d to 7;d; stage'. 4Jd to sd; calf- ! skins, best to W-A, good B}d to 9id:#cut ; and damaged, old to 7;d, damaged hides, I 3d to 43d. Sheepskins: Market brisk. Best butchers' ' skins, picked, to 9s 8d; good lines, 8s to 8s i Gd; medium. Gs 3d to 7s 3d; small, 4s to i 5s 2d; pelts and lambs'. Is 3d to Is 9d; ' country dry duns. 7d to Sd per lb; damaged, I3M to Sd. Tallow In poor demand. Best mixed, to i 225. good 19s to 21s Gd. inferior 17s to 18s 3d; i rough fat, Id to lid per lb. Hones, £5.
I Cowtails. Is id dozen; horsehair, la to I Is sd.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15770, 19 November 1914, Page 5
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3,000COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume LI, Issue 15770, 19 November 1914, Page 5
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