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BY GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON, inthor of " Grauffark." " Truiton Kiny," eto.

CHAPTER XXl.—(Continued.)

*' Please go on. I suppose someone else suspects me, and may have to be bought off," she said so significantly that he turned a bright red. "Now don't think that of me, Mrs. Wrandall. I am not in on this, I swear. You paid me of your own free will and I laid down on the job. 1 don't deny that I expected you to do it. I'm not what you'd call .1 model of virtue and integrity. I served lime in the pen a good many vears aao. They say it- takes a thief to catch a thief. That's not true. A detective has to be dead honest or the thief catches him. I think most of the men in mv business are honest. They have to be. You mav not agree with me, but I thought 1 was doing'the square thing by von last summer. I had a theory and I 'was honest in believing it was the right one. 1 thought you'd pay me to drop the matter. I'm' now dead sure I was wrong vi suspecting von for a minute. I'm no fool. I—" ' Sara interrupted him. " Will you be good enough to come to the point." Mr. Smith?" she"said coldly. •' Well." he said, leaning forward and ppeaking very deliberately." " I've come here, to tell you that the. police haven't quit on the job. They're about to make u worse mistake than I made." She felt herself turn pale. It required a great effort of the will to suppress the Start that might have betrayed her to the keen-eved observer, "That would be impossible. Mr. Smith," she said, shaking her head and smilinsr. "They've been watching that Ashtley sir! you' sent out West just after the— — thing happened. The show-girl, you'll remember." Ho must have observed the swift look of relief that leaped into her eyes. "What arrant stupidity,"' she cried, unable to choose her words. " Why. that unhappy girl is dying a slow and awful death. "Surely they can't be hounding her now. Her innocence was clearly established at the. time. That is why I felt it to be my duty to help her. She went cut to her old home, to die or to get well. Thev must be fools." "I'm just telling you, Mrs. Wrandall, that's all. Maybe you can call 'em off, if you know for a certainty that she's innocent."' There was something accusing in his manner. She became very cautions. "My opinion was formed upon the girl's story, and by what the police said after investigating it thoroughly." "It's a way the police have, madam. They were not satisfied at the time. They simply gave her the rope, that's all. All this time they've had men watching her, day by day, out there in Montana. They say they've got new evidence, a lot of it." " It is perfectly ridiculous," she cried, very much distressed. " And it must be stopped. I shall see the authorities at once. " You may be too late. I heard last night that she is to be rearrested out there and put through a fierce examination. They believe she's weakening and will confess if they go after her hard enough." " Confess ? " flow can she confess when she knows she is innocent''" she said sharply. "You don't know much about the third degree, Mrs. Wrandall. I've known innocent people to confess under the bullying— . "It must be stopped! Do you bear me? This thing cannot go on." She becan to pace the floor in her agitation. " Yes, I have heard of those third degree atrocities. You are right, they may browbeat the poor, sick thing into a confession. Does she know they have been watching her "Sure. That's part of the game. They make it a point to get on the nerves. Something is bound to give, sooner or later. They've got her scared to death. She knows* they're simply waiting for a chance to catch" her unawares and trip her up. I tell you, it's a fearful strain. Strong men go down under it time and again. What must it be to this half-dead girl who hasn't much to be proud of in life at the very best?" "Tell roe what to do," she cried, sitting down again, her eyes suddenly filling with tears. "I don't know, ma'am. You see, if we had a. grain of proof to work on, we might be able to turn 'em back, but there's the rub. We can't say they're wrong without having something up our sleeves to show that we are right. See what I

mean?" "But I tell you she is innocents Can vou swear to that, Mrs. Wrandall:" "I—l believe I can/' she said, and then experienced a sharp sense of dismay. What possessed her to say it? "That is, I would stake my —" " All that won't count for anything, it they get a signed confession" out of her. Now we. both know she is innocent. I'm willing to do what I can to help you. Turn about is lair play. If you want to send me out there I'll try to spike their guns. Maybe I can get there in time to put fresh heart in the girl. She's safe it she doesn't go to pieces and say something she oughtn't to say." "Oh. this is dreadful," she cried, harassed beyond words. "It sure is. You see, the police work on the theory that someone's just got to be guilty of that crime. If it ain't the girl out' yonder, then who is it ? They know her private history. She said enough when she was in custody last year to show that she might have had a pretty good season for going after your husband begging your pardon. Yoii remember sho said he'd given her the go-by not more than two days before be was killed. They'd been good friends up to then. All of a sudden ho chucks her without ceremony. She admits she was sore about it. Sho says she would havo done him dirt if she had had the chance. Well, that's against her. She did prove an alibi, as you remember, but they're easy to frame up if necessary. I don't think she was clever enough to do the job and get away as slick as the real one did. She was a boozelighter in those days. They always mess things up. A mighty smooth party did that job. Someone with a good deal, more at stake than that poor, reckless girl, who didn't care much what became of her. But the trouble is here: they've got her halfcrazy with fear. First thing we know, she'll go clear off her head and believe she did it. Then the law will be satisfied. She's so far gone, I hear, that she won't live to be brought to trial, of course. There's some consolation in that."

' ; Consolation cried Sara, bitterly. '" She is bad. as bad as a. woman can be, I know, but F can't feel an3-thing but pity for her now."

"I guess your husband made her what she vr&Y-," said Smith, deliberately. " J don't suppose you ever dreamed what was going oil." She regarded him with a. fixed stare. "You are mistaken, Mr. Smith,"' she said, and it was his turn to stare. ''Come back this evening at six. 1 must consult Mr, Carroll. We will decide, what action to take."

"I'd advise yon to he quick about it, Mrs. Wrandu.ll. Something's bound to happen soon. The lime is ripe. I know for a positive fact that- they're expecting news from out there every (lav. Jt'd be a Cod's blessing if the poor ret eh could die before they get a chance at her." -She started. " A Cod's blessing."' she repeated, dully. '' Pretty hard lines, though,"' he mused, fumbling "with his hat near the door. Even death wouldn't clour her of the suspicion. Pretty tough to be branded a. murderess, no matter whether you're in (ho grave or out of it. I'll be. 'back at six."

Half-an-hour later Mr. Carroll was on his way to her apartment, vastly perturbed by the call that had come to hint over the telephone. While waiting for him to appear, Sara Wrandall deliberately .set herself to the task of concocting a. likely and plausible excuse for intervention in behalf of the wretched show-girl. She prepared herself for his argument that the ]X>lioe might be right, after ail, and that it would be the

better part of wisdom to shift the burden to their shoulders. Sho knew she would bo called upon to discount somo very sensible advice from the faithful old lawyer. Her reasons would have to be good ones, not mere whims. Ho was not likely to bo moved by sentimentality. Moreover, he had once expressed doubt as to the girl's innocence. ' ' . It did not once occur to her that it was Mr. Carroll's business to respect the secrets of his clients.


To her secret amazement, the old lawyer did not oiler a single protest when she repeated her convictions that the girl was innocent and should be protected against herself as well as against the police. There was something very disquieting iu the way lie acquiesced. She began to experience a vague, uneasy sense of wonder and apprehension.

'■ I am beginning to agree with that amiable scoundrel. Smith," he said, fixing his inscrutable gaze on the snapping coals in the fireplace. "A cleverer woman than this Miss—What's her name managed that affair at Burton's Inn."

He lifted his eyes to her face. She saw something in them that- set her to trembling. " Why not be fair with me, Sara 1 ?" ho asked, ealmlv. Sho stared at him. transfixed. -Who killed Challis Wrandall?" She opened her lips to protest against this startling question, but something rushed up from within to completely change the whole., course of her conduct; something she could not explain, but which swept away every vestige of strength, and left her weak and trembling, mouthed and pallid, with the liberated truth surging up from its prison to give it-self into the keeping of this staunch, loyal old friend and counsellor.

Carroll heard her through to tho very end of the story without an interruption. Then ho crossed over and laid his hands on her shoulders; there- was a gleam of relief and satisfaction in his eyes. " 1 am sorry you did not come to me with all this in the beginning. Sara. A few words from —kindly words, my dearwould have shown you the error of yoar ways and you would havo cast out tho ugly "devils that beset you. You would not have planned the thing you are so ashamed of now. Together we could have protected Hetty and she would not be your accuser now. * You began nobly. 1 am sorry you have tho other part of it to look back upon. But you may rest assured of one thing: you and Miss Castleton have nothing to fear. We will keep the secret, if needs he, but if it should come to the worst no harm would result to her through the law. The main thing now is to protect that unhappy girl out, West against the inquisition." She sat with bowed head.

When Smith returned at six o'clock, he found not only Mr. Carroll waiting for him, but Brandon Booth as well. His instructions were clearly defined and concise. Ho was to proceed without delay to Montana, where he was to bolster up the frail girl's courage and prevent, if possible, the disaster. Moreover, bo was to assure her that Challis Wrandall's wife forgave her and would contest every effort made by the police to lay the crime at her door. He was empowered to engage legal counsel on his arrival in the Western town, and to tight every move of the police, not only in behalf of the girl herself, but of Sara Wrandall, who thus publicly pronounced her faith in the young woman's innocence. It was all very cleverly thought out, and Smith went away without being much wiser than when he came. Before departing he offered this rather sinister conclusion for Sara's, benefit:

"Of course, Mrs. Wrandall. you understand that the police will wonder why you take such an interest in this girl. They're bound to think, and 60 will everyone eke. that you know a. good deal more about the case than you've given out. See what I mean?"'

" They are at liberty to think what they like. Mr. Smith," said she. After Smith had gone the three discussed the advisability of acquainting Hetty with the deplorable conditions that had arisen.

" I don't believe it would be wise to tell her,'' said Booth reflectively. " She'd be sure to sacrifice herself rather than let harm come to this girl. We couldn't stop her." ''No, she mast not be told," said Sara, with finality. •'She is almost sure to find this out for herself some time,"' said the lawyer dubiously. "I think we'd better toko her into our confidence. It is only right and just, you know." "Not at present, not at present," said Sara irritably. "It would ruin everything."' Booth appreciated her reasons for delay much more clearly than they appeared to the matter-of-fact lawyer. "The girl may die at any time," lie explained, addressing Mr. Carroll, but not without a, queer thrill of shame. "That is not what I meant, Brandon," she exclaimed. " I want Hetty to come back with but one motive in her heart. Cankr you sec:" As Booth and the lawyer walked down Fifth Avenue toward the club where they were to dine together, the latter, after a long silence, made a remark that disturbed the young man vastly. " She's going all to pieces. Booth. Bound to collapse. That's the way with these strong-minded, secret, pent-up natures. She has brooded all these months and die's been living a lie. Well, the break has come. She's told you and me. Now. do you know what,l'm afraid will happen ''I think I know what's in your mind," said the younger man seriously. " You are afraid she'll tell others?"

The lawyer tapped his forehead significantly. "It may result in that." "Never!" cried the other emphatically. "It will never be that way with her, Mr. Carroll. Her head is as clear as—"

" Brain fever," interrupted Carroll, with a. gloomy shake of his head. " Delirium and all that sort of thing. Haven't you noticed how ill she looks? Feverish, nervous, irritable? Well, there you are." "It is a dreadful state of affairs," groaned Booth. " Not especially pleasant for you, my friend." . "God knows it isn't!" "I believe, if I wers in your place, I'd rather have the truth told broadcast than to live for ever with that peril hanging over me. It would be better for Miss Castleton, too."

"I am not worrying over sir,"' said the oilier earnestly. " I shall be able rind ready to defend her, no matter what happens. To be. perfectly honest with you, I don'!/ believe, she's account-able to anyone hut God in this matter. The law has no claim against her, except in a perfunctory way. I don't deny that it is only right- and just thalt Wrandall'd family should know the truth, it she chooses to reveal it to them. If :..«- doesn't I shall he the last to suggest- it to her." ''On that- point 1 thoroughly agree with you. The Wrandall family should know the truth. It is—well, J came near to using the word diabolical—to keep them in ignorance. There is something owing to the Wrandall.-;, if not to the law.''

" Of course they would make a merciless effort to prosecute her."' said Booth, feeling the cold sweat start on his brow. " I am not so sure of that, my friend," was the rather hopeful opinion of the old man. He appeared to be weighing so'nething in his mind, for as they waKed along he. shook his head from time to time, and muttered under his breath, 'i.hc while his companion maintained a gloomy silence.

The perception."; of the astute old lawyer were, not- far out of the way, as developments of the next day were to prove. When Booth called in the afternoon at Sara's apartment, he was met by the news that me was quite ili and could nee. no one—not «veu him. The doctor had been, summoned during the night and had returned in the morning, _to find that she had a very high temperature. The butler could not enlighten Booth further than this, except to add that a. nurse was coming in to tak« charge of Mrs. Wrandall, more for the purpose of watching her symptoms than for anything else, he believed. At least, so the doctor had said. 'To be continued daily.)

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15123, 14 October 1912, Page 4

Word Count

THE HOLLOW OF HER HAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15123, 14 October 1912, Page 4

THE HOLLOW OF HER HAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 15123, 14 October 1912, Page 4


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