/It the Westfleld Yards on Thursday last dairy Hid store cattle were yarded in less numbers tjjtn usual and sold at late rates. Best dairy 05 w» and heifers, eloso to profit, cold at from 48 10s to £10 ss, others £4 to £7 12s 6d; empty tow, £2 18s to £4; calves, £0s; bulls, £3 lis fed to £4 Ks.
/it the Albert Tarda on Friday horses came forward in over&gft numbers ami sold at late quotations. Heavy draught horses made from £28 to £35; medium do., £13 to £24 10s; light harness horses and hack.'., £5 to £13 10s; ponies, 20s to '£* 12s 6<l; farm w.iygon, £15 10s; harness, ■'£6 10*.
At the Waiuku Yards on Saturday there was a. jmallcr muster of stock, which sold at ruling rates. Daiiy cows ;uul heifers sold at from £5 Ids to £7; empty onvs, £2 10s to £3 10s; yearling steers. £3 lis; calves, 10s to £1 18s; bulls, £6; pigs. &s to 17s; fowls. Is Id to Is 6d each.
At the Henderson Yards on Monday there was ' a full yarding of stock of all description, which (Old nt late rates. Dairy cows and heifers sold it from *4 to £8; empty cows and heifers. £2 10s to £3 17s cd : bulls, £2 10s to £6 17»; \% grown stews, £5 15? to £6; calves, 20s to £2 IDs; horses, 20s to £4. At the Westfleld Yards on Wednesday fat cattle earns forward in large numbers and sold at fully lost week's rates, prime oxen selling to i!7s per . : 1001b. others 24s to 265, cow and heifer beef 20s to 22a 6(1. Steers Fold at from £1 5s to £11 cows and Defers. £4 2s 6d to £9 lCs. Venl was '"■■'■ •ranted in short supply and asrain sold at high Value?. Heavy veal en sold to £4, medium weights £2 5s to £3 Is, others £1 to £1 15?, smaller and fresh dropped 2a to 15s. Sheep wcro yarded in icra numbers than usual and showed a no improvement in price. Best wethers sold at SB from 17" 6d to 18* fM, others 14s to las; lieaw :i "ewes las to 16*, other* 10s to 13» 6d. Prime lambs sold at from 14s 6d to 15s 3d; others, 10s \. to 15*: store. it to 7s 6*l. Pii?a came, forward in pood numbers arvl sold at, lower rates than the previous weok. n.iconers made from £2 lCs : to £3 Is; porkers. £1. 17a 6d to JC2 8s; slips, . 20a to 50i; no vreaners yarded. MESSRS. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONSfig At the Haymarket on Friday wo had an average yarding of horse*. Competition generally w ; is dull Aged draughts sold at from xl 9 10s to £33 10»; baiters' and grocers' cart class, £15 15s to £26; buggy horses and hacks, £10 10s to £13 " J; ; ■ s*. A gig, horse, and harness realised £25. At Po*«no on Saturday wo held a clearance sale on account ot Mr. c. .R- Young. There was a large attendance of buyers and bidding spirited throughout. Tho dairy epw« realised from £5 10s ;,*: 'to*W 7s 6d; calves, £1 13s to £2 8s; farm ■■'.. ■:. males, £25 to «34; geldsntr, £15 5»; IB months JUly, £16; hacks. £5 5e to £11 10s; drill, xZI ; ; ,_ dray, £9; spring-cart, £10; porkers, £1 5s to ': , £1 9s; fowls. Is 8d to 3s 4d; implements and sundries, usual values. We held a special horse sale at Tukekohe on Monday last, when more than the advertised number came forward, and a very satisfactory sale resulted. Medium three to four-year-okl unbroken colts and fillies brought horn £20 15s to '.'. £50, lighter sorta £3 to £13 10*: i;ictliuni H draughts, broken, £28 to £38; bakers' and II grocers' cart class, £17 to £29; buggy horses ■,*"•' . and good backs, £14 5s to £23; ligrnt Ultucsh .. and ordinary riding sons, £6 to £16 is; aged draught*. *24 to £52; farm mares, £22 10» w £23 ss; weeds, at all prices. At Viestfield on Thursday, March 14, about the ", -usual number of tLiiry and store cattts were J yarded, tho former being in stronjr demand at ■f ,," from £9 to £11 10a for best, others £o 10a. to £3 T" "15s; aged and inferior, £4 to £6; tuipt-' cows, ■ £2 ISs to « is; calves. £1 33 to £1 18s. Wo held our bi-monthly sale in the Qevedon Tarda on Saturday, March 16, and had a fair yarding of both cattle and sheep. Almost every- ■ thing changed owners at ruling prices. Dairy I ~:: w ws realised fnxa £5 17s 6d to £12; small fat V heifers, £4 15s to £5 ss; empty cows, £2 10s > A to £3 12.'; calves, £1 13a to £2 4s; store ewes, "' , to to lis; Ismhs. f>s fid to 8s cd. The Pokeno Yards were comfortably filled with stock of all classes on Monday, March 18. There / was a large attendance and prices were much *!,':< tfco same as those ruling last month. Springers made i'ro-n £5 5s to £7 7s 6d; emptv cows. £3 to Wit £3 15s; 12 to 18-»nth heifer*, £2 15s to £3 18s; |V,J good calves £1 15s to £2 ss, small ISa to £1 10s; fit cow.«, £5 2a 6d to £6 2s 6d ; young hulls. £5 to £6 10s; two to two and a-half year old steers, £4 4s to £5 108;-yearling!, £2,6* to £2 17s; ■mail pigs, lis 6d. There was only a moderate entry of stack at :•*., . Jtunciman on Tuesday, March 19. Few dairy ?;*,, f cows were penned. Best gold at from £7 to £9, > - others £4 5s t» £6 10s; dry cows, £3 5s to £4 ss; IS-momh heifers, £3 10s to £4 10s; very forward three to thre« and a-halt year old steers, £6 5« ' .to £7 8s; three-yeaisolds, less condition, 4,5 to :. £5 12s ; veariing to 18-month steers. £2 15s to £3 17s; good calve* £1 16s to £2 Bs, others £1 5a to £1 15j- A largo number of bulla sold at from '5. ■ On Wednesday, March 20, at our weekly West- ' field fat stock market, fat cattle were penned to ".v tin number of 333 head. There was an even tiemand throughout, and last week's values were easily sustained. Choice ox bed sold to £1 6* per 1001b, ordinary £1 5s to £1 5s 6d, and cow and heifer beef £1 to £1 4?. Steers ranged in i prica frou £6 17s 61 to £14; cows and heifers, |v. £.4 10* to £10. Calves, penned in usual numbers, K. s were slightly lower in value. Choice heavy suokstt made from £215 ato £3 18s, medium £1 I lft to £2, light and fresh dropped 3a to £1; 81 sold. There waa an average entry of mutton, the I ijuality of which was good. Competition waa m steady, hut the market was Inclined to be easier. E Prime heavy wethers realised from 19a to £1, •H heavy 17a to ISa 6d, medium and litfht 13s to lbs Ms M; best ewes 14? 9d to 16s 6d, others 12s to 14»; poor «nd aged, 7s 9d to 10s M ; 1708 sold. The Jambs penned were nearly all of extra choice quality. There was a falling off in the demand. and prices were from la to Is fed below late lales. Best heavy made from 14s to 15s 6d, others lis ';• " ■to 13e, store* 6s 9d to 10e; 709 sold. Pigs came §|f forward in arerags numbers. Weanors main- % tained late valuer, but porkers and baconers \>h\ were a trifle lower. Baoocere realised from £2 <i 10s to £3 7«; large porkers £23« to £2 Bs, lighter £1 7s to £2; slips, 183 to *1 2e; weaners, I 12s to 16s 6d; 131 sold.
I ' MESSRS. DALGETT AND CO %% ! Messrs. PaJgety and Co., Limited, report har- ', leg held their usual weekly fat stock sale at ; Wesifield on Wednesday, March 20. as 'under:— I Beef: A fairly large yarding. Prices were 5s I,"; to 15s per head higher for prime beef. Choice ' pen* of prime oxen sold at 25* to 27s per 1001b. !..."' ordinary quality equal to 25s to 245. Cow and SfV■.-heifer beef sold at equal to 20s to 23a per lOffb. I Veal: An average yarding, Trices were easier I than late sales. Heavy fetched £2 to £3 ss, good ,'. 3&« Jo 38 others 3a "to 20s. i%, Mutton: An average yarding. Prices were- Is ■';■; tola 6d lower than last week's quotation*. Heavy wstoers, IBs to 19s 6d ; good medium-weight I< ' wfltijem, 16s to 17a M; heavy ewes 14» 6d to 16» ' 6d, others lis fid to 13*. ',gf Lunh: An average yarding. These ateo dropped Mf 1 .°,,1j to 2s per bead from last week's rates. Heavy ;» woolly fetched 12a 6d to 14s; good, 10s 6d to iT" Mi; unfinished, 6« to 8« 6d ; heavy shorn, to 14s M; (row! ditto. 8s 9il to 3s 6d. >>,>",; Pork: A small yarding. Heavy porkers made |§iiv from £2 5s to £2 15s; light ditto, 54* to £'£ 4s; Werners, ?s to 14;.
p ' BURXSIDE. S£ IBT TSLSGIUPiI.—PBZI3 ASSOCIATION.] DrjNEDiN, Wednesday. At Lurnaido to-day 155 fat cattle were yarded. Prices were about the same as thOBO ruling the 3;~" i Previous week. Prime bullocks made £12 to £13 ■;•*'■'• 10s (extra to £15), medium £11 to £11 10s, light j 0 »nd Inferior £8 to £9 10s; good heifers £o 10s Jo £10 (extra to £11 10s), medium £7 to £8, ; , light and interior £5 10b to £6 13s. Fat Shwrp: 2.532 were penned, •consisting principally ot ewes, with a tew pens of fair-quality wethers. At the commencement of the sale prices ,-.' '_ were on a par with the previous week's rates, ;' '. but towards the finiyh wethers were fully 1* and ewes Is to Is 6d firmer. Good wethers made l&s M to 20s (extra to 23.-5 3d), medium 16s 6d to 17s 6d, light and inferior 14a to l&s 6d ; good ewes 18s *0 19* (extra to 23s 3d), medium 15s to 17s, light Md Inferior lis to 13s. ,- Fat Lambs: 1613 were penned. The quality all J\ • round was considerably better than it baa been ' , Of late. Competition was good, and, in sympathy iW' " With the slight "so in tli« London market, prices ' improved to the extent of M 9tl per head. Good t% made 11s oil to 15s M (extra to 17n), medium 13s :|,y v . to 14s, light and inferior lis to 12s fxl. ADDINGTON. a [BT TELEGRAi'a. — ASSOCIATION.] CiißiSTCHUncii, Wednesday. At the Addington live slock market to-day there "We again largo entries of stock and u good (j;V attendance. Fat cuttle showed a decided fall in S'V Prices, store .sheep again sold well, and there i| was practically no change in fat lambs. Fat H ■..', Wethers »old at late rates and ewes were inucli Wi W. Pigs also sold at the previous week's rates. §\ A heavy offering of store sheep again came forjywd, representing all elapses, but ewes formed tho largest proportion, the balance being made tip of lambs and a lew pens of wethers. There was a keen demand for all classes from a large Attendance of buyers, und late rates were fully H maintained. Young ewes and lambs were in most rV> ' fluent, and while other descriptions were not so ... , eajerly sought after they sold well. Wethers were «i; Wort supply, us usual of kite, tind they mob With a good sale. The rang*} of prices was: Twowotli ewe, 14a 3-d to 19s; four-tooths, 16s; four, »*< ami eight tooths, 12s 7d to 14» 9d ; sound"tenth, 10* to 15s 3-d; culls, 5s Sd to 8&; merinos, ; «M to 5.s 6d ; two-tooth wethers, 9s 6d to 14s !*\ mixed ages, 10s to 15s 2d; ewe lambs, 10s W to 13s 5a ; mixed sexes, 5s 4d to 13s. There was an entry of 6720 fat lambs, and, tooujfh (here wen; some better lines ottered the ! v-';. previous week, the average) quality (showed a slight Improvement on this occasion. At the •MOO time, ever, there were a number of lots /..;: jft*t required more finish, and these consequently -. Nought only forward store prices. For all lots :. •U'Ubla for export there was a good demand Ma prices were about on a par -with those of the previous week, and in some cases a shade tinner t* sympathy with the rates ruling at country J*l*s during the week. Tegs made 16s 9d to 13s *!> ordinary freezers 12* 6<l to 16» 6d, and butchers' lambs 13s 7d to 15s, and an extra heavy .&; ' P? a 21« fxi Several lots were taken by graziers \' 5* 13s to 14s, and a few other line* were withKWIH'Wn at lis lOd to 15s Id. Shorn lambs made Us 10J to 13s 7d. H.„• Tliern was a large entry of fat cheep, the bulk "I which was ewes. Included in the wethers were •jKV" *^ n,e lines of heavy sheep, which accounts for ■Wis °' the higher prices realised. As compared with the previous week, ewee of all classes were * a *er, especially the aged and Inferior sorts, i - which were down fully Is per hood, tho better Sjpw'iSh M ewes meeting with more competition from I ">• export buyers. Wethers were firm, without l&f *"y improvement in value, The range of price* f#Mu:s*»J Prime wethers 17s fid to 20s, lighter 14s to is% lis; prime ewes I3a to 17s 3d, others 9s to 12a 6d. fggS&r' *3» entry of tat, cattle totalled 204 head, cows
tannin; the largest portion, and the balance «u chiefly useful sorts of steers and heifers. The MJo was a very dragging one and prices declined to on extent equal to 2* per 1001b. Steers made. £! *0 £11 > heifers £6 to £9 2a 6d, and cows Solos to £8 10s (equal to 20s to 25a per 1001b). veal calves formed a small entry and sold at Jl? * s aco °rdingr to weirtit and quality. There was a email vardW of store cattle, chiefly youne sorts, and including two lines of 15 to 18 months cattle from Southland. The demand was not very active and prices were easier. Yearlings made J4s; 15 to 18 months, £2 lbs to £3 15a; two-year steers, £4 15s- two-year lienors, £4 10s to £4 13a; and dry cows, Jos to £4 lis. Dairy cows made £4 to £10. There was a small yarding of pigs, and there waa no change in the prices of tats and dotes except weaners. These again were in good demand. Choppers sold at 60s to 90a; heavy baeoners fc2a 6d to 71s, lighter 55s to 60s (equal to s'd to 5Jd per lb). Largo porkers made *2s to 48s and lighter 32s to 40t» (equal to 6d pur lb). Large stores fetche<l 38s to 445, medium &» to 375, smaller 16s to 27.*, and weancrs lis 3d to lbs.
SALE OF HARBOUR BOARD LEASES. A very large and representative body or business men gathered at Messrs. fcamneL Vailo and .Sons" land mart yesterday, on the occasion of the sal© of Harbour Board leases. All tho leases, except three, were taken up.. Following arc tho particularsiof the Freeman's Bay reclamation: Lot 19, 48ft to Beaumont-street extension, was leased for £200 per annum; lots '20 and 23, each with 48ft frontage, realised £175 per annum; and lot 24, £175 per annum. St. Oeorpo's Bay reclamation: Lot 1. corner of King's Drive and St George's Bay Road, 89ift frontage to tho former street. £60 per annum: lot 2. £52 10a per annum; lot 3, £55 per annum; lot 4. £60 per annum; lot 5, £66 10s per annum; and lot 7, £62 10s per annum; lots 3. 4, 5. and 7, each havo frontages of 50ft. Tho freehold of the property known as Comeskcy's recently purchased by the Board to extinguish tho riparian rights, and containing four acres three roods 13 perches, was next offered. The building started at £15,000. and rose to £17,750, at which price it was withdrawn. HIDES, SKINS, AND TALLOW. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ltd., report as follows:— no submitted and sold average catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday, competition being keen for all lines offering. Hides: Market advanced. We quote: — Extra stout ox. 7j|cl to 8cl; stout ox, 7id to 7»d; medium ox. 7d to 7rfd • light ox, 64d to 6id: cows, best lines 6Jd to 6 a d. good 6gd to 6d, inferior 5Jd to 6id; stags, 4Jd to sid; kips. 6d to 6}d: calfskins, best to 9id, good 7d to 7Jd, cut and damaged 4Jd to 6id. Sheepskins: Market brisk. Best butchers' pelts and lambs 3s to 3s 6d. medium 2s 6d to 2a 9d, small la 4d to la 9d: country dry and woolly skins, large to Bs. medium 3s 9d to ss»3d. small Is to 2s 3d. Tallow: Market firm. Best mixed to 28s, good 24a 9d to 26s 6d. inferior 18s to 22s 9d, rough fat Ud to '2d per lb. Bones. £5; cowtails. Is 8d per dozen; horsehair, Is to la 9id per lb. Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report : Hides: Ox 6*d to 7d, cow 4Jd to 6Jd. calf 62:1 to 81d; kips. 53d to 6id. Tallow. £1 4s to £1 Bs. Bones. £5. Horsehair. Is 7d. Skins: Best butchers'. Os 6d to 3s 9d; dry and country, lnrge 4? lid to 5s sd, medium 3s to 49 2d, small and damaged 7d to 2a 9d. MARKET REPORT. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, submit the following market report:— Oats: Demand steady, but supplies arc rather scanty, merchants working from hand to mouth In preference to stocking heavily, on account of values finning in the south: 2s lOd. 2s lid ex store parcels. Wheat: Firm at 4s 4d ex store, small parcels. Bran: In arood demand at £5 10s ex store. Pollard: Beady sales at £7 10s ex store. Chaff: Southern in good demand at £5 12s 6d. £5 15s ex store. Local being chaffed in district now, and promise heavy quantities arriving very shortly. Fungus: Sales slow on account of renorts being unfavourable from China markets; 4d per lb. Butter: Choice Hid, first-grade separator ltd. second-grade separator 10Jd; cheaper lines for milling purposes realising IOJd. In good demand. Eggs: Selling readily at Is 4d per dozen.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14947, 21 March 1912, Page 5
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3,049COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 14947, 21 March 1912, Page 5
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