! arrivals j MORAYSHIRE, s.s.. 5651. A. | Liverpool. via Durum and Hohart- 1•-• • Mesdanies Ford. Misses t happle. 1 ie.»o.i -A •«"> , 135 steerage.-- H. Nathan. Limited. a ; .uiu Ap.u-i c.c. 7330. .1. •>- Cameron, (win Mi-i!„n.-New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents. CLW- ROSS. s.s.. 26C2. I' Me*. mutt Port Kembla. via Wellington. W. Bews, */£ tUAORANGI. K.M.S.. 4268. Evans. K.X.R.. fum Wellington. Passengers : First saloon—M<.=>sr. _. V. A. Young. Clark. Wliitson. J. B. Tarbler. Captain Stevens, ixwml saloon ■ ■>- MeCmlie, Lyons. Walsh -1 »ion S>.S. Co.. a^rni.. XAVI'A. s.s.. 2930. w. MoßrHle from the Cook v Inlands. Passengers. M'.jSv> h.iiio , *bii. Teirtian. Mesdam« Shearman. C'.itin?. , ESS c!S:«. & ! 9 steer.ice.ln ion S.S. Co., agents. ~ . i NGATI WVA. s.s.. 463, W. Bark, from Opotiki. ; Passengers: Mes dames Iv™« v I Grant Misses Hedlev. McOnney (41. Mornie, Driirv. Murray (2). Messrs. Adner. Ross. Simmon,. , Buekland. —Northern Co., agents. . ipivi ] is.s. 243. .1- Wilson, from the North. ! Passenrers": Miss Lamb. Messrs. Busby. 1 yder. , StanUdu Rev. Paerata. and 1 Austrian-Northern , S.S. Co.. agents. STELLA. s.a_ 267. ..E, Sellers, from the coast.— J viand-O'Brien Timber Co., agents. | KVNIERI. 5.?., 263. "T. Meyers, from WhangureL Passengers: Miss Clark, Mesdamw Morgan. Yazey, Messrs. Kelly. Ellis. Melvin. Woodrofte. Vazev.Northern S.S. Co.. agent*. LYTTELTON, p.?.. 193. G. Laietv. from Omaha. ■—Devonport Kerry Co.. agents. _ ALMA, scow, 56. Soares. from V hangaret. K. S. Reynolds ami Co.. agents. SEAGULL. scow. 87. F. S!iirlo>-, from the Great Barrier.-— •Shipping: Line, agent?. SOUTHERN ISLE, auxiliary cow, . /l. M. McGregor, from Whingarei.—Ford Shipping Line, agents. ><«'.< TALLY-HO. ketch,.sl. from o the. coast. DEPARTURES. WWAKA. 55-. 2422. D. Todd, for the Bluff, ria Limestone Island and Wellington. NGAPL'HI, s.s.» 640, E. Stephenson, for Wha"igarei. . - r WAIOTAHI. s.s., 278, C. Hopkins, for Mercury Bav and Tairua. GLENELG. s.s". 288. F. Jonas, for Whangarei. ENDEAVOUR, uusiliarv ketch, 81, A. Carter, for Whangarei.' «/ ] >■ ••• > - - : - JANE GIFFORO, stk-.v.". Chat field.' for Ngunguru. WELCOME, cow.-66.--V. Wells, for- the coast. WANDERER, scow, 85, G. Page, for the coast. •EXPECTED ARRIVALS. LOXDOjr.—Xerehana, s.s., via Au'tralia, sailed September 8, due about- November 2: Pakeha, sailed September 13 v due about November 20. Orari. s.s., to sail November 4, due December 19: Mimiro, s.s., via Australia, sailed . September 24, due November 18; Mamua. to sail early ; Star of Canada, s.s., sailed October 6.. due-aboiit .November 20 ; Marere, s.s., to sail. Liverpool.—Delphic. s.s.. sailed September 8. due October -.-Drayton Grange, s.s.._ to sai. eaHv, duo about November 25; Hawke a Bay, 5.5.," sailed October 1. due November A: Sussex, s.s., sailed October 15, due December 30. New Yor.K.—Xiwaru, s.s., via Australia, sailed August 26, due about October 28; Earl of Car rick. «.s° sailed August 1, due early; Strathieven. s.s., via Australia, sailed August 23. due 4Dout-November 15; Vermont, s.s.. ai ' ec August 23. due about November 9; Star ofl Scotland, s.s., via Australia, sailed September 19. due about December 1; Australian Transport, s.s., via Australia, to sail October 10, due about December 10. Montreal.—-Tokoraaru,s.?,, : via ports, sailed August 15. due about to-morrow; Turkistan. s.s., via ports, sailed September 13, due s,lx>ut Novem- * ber 21; Waimate, bj.,. via Australia, to sail October 15. ~ , ... Newcastle.James Craig*, barque, sailed October 16; Northern Chief, barque, to sail; Laura, baroup, to sail. , , . Sax FHAycisco.-—Centnrv. s.s.. to sail October HI; Spithead, s.s., sailed October 2, due November 3. Btr?Tßtrp.T (W.A.). —Snowdonian, s.s., early. Sydney.—Tokomaru, e.s., to-morrow; Maheno, £.3., to-morrow. Adelaide.Selwya Craig, barquentine, to saiL . MELBOt^tK'E.—Joseph Craig-, barque, to sail. South Sea isjiASDS.rrXofua, s,s-. November 3. FlJl.Tofua,' November 3.. , iv _ Eastern PACinc'—Savua, November 17. Niue.—Eereru, ketch, early."' l ■ Frissdly Islands.Ysabel, schooner, early. Calcutta.—Waitemata, s.s., to sail. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LoyDOS.— s.s., via the South, October 27. , Sax Fraxcisco.—Aorangi, It.M.S., to-day. Sydxey.— Maheno, s.s., Monday. Talune. s.s., October 26. South Sea Islands. —Tofua, b.s., November 8. OK AND SOCIETY ISLANDS.—Xavuu, s.s., October 25. - UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. East Coast.—: Tarawera sails for a borne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin at 12 noon; Aorangi sails for Rarotonga, Tahiti, and San Francisco at 12 noon. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Clansman arrives from Mangonui, Whangaroa, and Russell about 6 a.m. ; Aupouri arrives from Tauranga about 8 a.m.; Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei Railway Wharf about 8 p.m. ; Waiotahi arrives from Mercury Bay and 'i'airua about 9 p.m. ; Claymore arrives at One. hunga from Hokianga about o a.m. Monday: Clansman leaves for Russell and Opua; Apantti leaves for Awanui, etc.; Chelmsford leaves for Parenga and Te Kao; Aupouri leaves for Tauranga and Ohiwa; Waiotahi leaves for Mercury Bay and Kttaotunu ; Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei Railway Wharf; Claymore leaves Onelmnga for Raglan and Kawhia; Kanieri arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf about 10 p.m. ; Paeroa leaves for Whangaixjua. etc. Tuesday: Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf; Waiotahi arrives from Mercury Bay and Kuaotun about midnight; Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf about 9 p.m.; Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about 8 a.m. ; Paeroa arrives from Whangapoua about 9 p.m. For time of departure of-outward steamers see company's time-table on page 1. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Indrabnrah. s.s., at Railway Wbaif. Tarawera, s.s., at yueen-.-treet Wharf. Aorangi, It.M.S., at Queen-street Wharf. Morayshire, s.-., at Queen-stieet Wharf. Navua, s.s., ft Hobson-slreet Wharf. Opawa. s.s.. at Railway Wharf. Clan Ross, s.s., at.Chelsea. Inca. five-masted schooner, at Hohsor.-strcet Wharf Aiaebaran. barque, at Railway Wharf. Rona, barque, at Quay-street Jetty. IMPORTS. Per Navua, from the Cool; and Society Islands: 525 bunches. 4957 cases bananas, i7BO eases pines, 6438 eases oranges, 76 cases kumaras. 522 C sacks copra, 83 cases vanilla, 78 bales cotton, 52 ion» pearl shell, and a quantity of sundries. Per Opawa, from London: 2300 tons general cargo.. Per Morayshire, from Liverpool: 2400 tons general merchandise. Per Clan Ross, from Port Kembla: 1640 tons coal. The steamer Melbourne arrived at Kaipara yesterday from Auckland. The scow Korora sailed from Onehunga yesterday for Gisborne, via Kaipara. The scow liangi arrived at Tokomaru Bay yesterday from Napier. Mr. G. Lancaster, who has held the position of night watchman at Lyttelton for the Union Steam Ship Company for 14 years, is about ,to retire. The barque Aidebaran is expected to sail 011 Monday next for Sydney with a full ca%o of timber. The Tarawera is timed to le:ive at noon to-day for Dunedin, via East Coast ports. Mr. R. S. Walton has relieved Mr. C. Ferguron as chief officer of the Aorangi, the latter officer having been transferred to the Maitai in a similar capacity. The New Zealand Shipping Company's stean.'r Kaikoura will be docked at Port Chalmers on October 26. The Federal-Houlder-Shire steamer Kent loided about 27,000 sacks of grain at Lyttelton for West of England ports. The Kent is to sail finally from "Wellington for Avonmoutli to-day. The P. and O.S.N. Company's steamers Macedonia. Moldavia, and Morea. which will leave Auckland 0:1 February 15, March 15, and April 12 respectively, make a call at llobart, en route from S'-l'iev to Melbourne- :" -■»' -The ' Wa;i"4 - a t spiled for the Bluff, via Linio,stone*lnland and Wellington at 8.40 p.m. yestersteamer Xgahere. which left Greymouth T. IgSo Tuesday last, is due here to-day, and on arri,l'». j%aJ will the liner Morayshire. ■ •• •. *• '''■ .■ ■->-■ ■«crfbvj-*-- . ..a,..
THE TOKOMARU. j The Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Tokomaru, which left Sydney 011 Tuesday last, in continuation of heP voyage from Montreal, is due licit?- To-ti).orrow. , J " • . 7.' .fARRIVAL OF THE AORANGI. After an absence of sevetal years, the Union Steam Ship Company's 11.M.5. Aorangi arrived in port- from Wellington at 1.15 p.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Queen-street. Wharf.: The Aorangi left Wellington at 9 p.m. on Wednesday last-, and experienced tine weather and smooth seas throughout the voyage. On the run from Wellington the steamer a\cr:iged over 13 knots I an hour. Captain Kvann, R.N'-.R.,' 'is in com- | mand of the vessel. The Aorangi is timed to . leave for Sail Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete, at noon to-day, and is due at the Califoinian port 011 November 11. NAVUA ARRIVES. The Union Company's steamer Navua arrived from tin* Cook and Society Islands at 2 p.m. yesterday. and after inspection berthed at the I lob-son-street. Wharf. The steamer arrived at Rarotonga from Auckland or, October 3, sailing next day for Papeete and llaiatea, and after loading at Papeete and Rarotonga, left the latter place, | via out-islands, at 6 p.m. on October 14, arriving as above. OPAWA '.'ROM LONDON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Opawa, Captain J. J. Cameron, arrived from London direct at 7 a.m. yesterday, after a smart passage of 44 da\s. an average speed of 12.5 knots per hour being maintained throughout the voyage. The Opawa left London on Tuesday. September 16. tine weather being encountered down the English Channel and through the Hay of Hisc.iy. Teneritle was passed on Monday, September 12. From there to the Cape of l.ood Hope light winds and tine weather prevailed. Cape Point was passed 011 Tuesday, September 27. lie Crozets being sight on October 3. Fine weather was then experienced across the Southern Ocean to arrival. The Opawa has 5700 tons cat go for Auckland. Wellington, and Nelson. 2300 tons being for this port. Captain .1. J. Cameron is in command, and has under him the following ot'.ieers :-Messrs. H. E. Whitehead, chief otlicer; 11. L. Upton, second officer; Win. Nicholls. third | officer: and 1!. Wright, fourth officer. Mr. C. H. Rush is chief engineer, and has the. following eugineets with him:—Mr. G. Hartwell, second engineer: Mr. D. Gray, third engineer: Mr. S. tlreur.elier. fourth engineer: Mr. D. Mair, tiftli engineer; Mr. E. Meikle, sixth engineer; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. .1. Calder; second refrigerating engineer, Mr G. Youngson. Mr. S. Ashbv is the chief steward, and Dr. E. Rigg snreeon. The Opawa commenced discharging yesterday, and 0:1 completion proceeds South. MORAYSHIRE FROM LIVERPOOL. The Federal-M. ; lder-Shire steamer Morayshire, Captain McUiuchlan. arrived from Liverpool, via Durban and Hobart, at 6 a.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Queen-street Wharf. The Morayshire left Liverpool on August 20. and arrived at Durban 011 September 19. Leaving the latter port the next day the steamer encountered a succession of tierce gales, sustaining slight damage. particulars of which appear elsewhere. The steamer reached Uobart- on October 14. and' left the same day for Auckland, experiencing light \ winds and moderate seas to arrival. The Morayshire brought 100 immigrants. 44 being for Auckland. and the balance for Southern ports. Captain A. MeLauoMan is in command, and has with him the following officers: —Messrs. H. J. Wheat chief. E. Atherben second. .1. Roberts third. Aitcheson fourth. Mr. T. Blacklock is chief engineer. Mr. W. Coatee second. Mr. T. .1. Thurbnrn third. Mr. .las. Nicholl fourth, and Mr. ,hvs. Pa vies fifth. Mr. R. E. Maine is chief re- , frigerating engineer, and Dr. Broad ship's sur- ' geon. CLAN ROSS BRINGS COAL. The steamer Clan Ross, of the Scales Line, ar- [ rived from Port Kembla and Wellington at 1.15 | p.m. yesterday, and proceeded lip to Chelsea to i discharge. The steamer left Wellington on Wed- 1 nesdav" last, and experienced fine weather and | smooth seas to arrival. After discharge, the 1 Clan Ross will probably go on the loading berth j for London. | THE MAHENO. j The Union Companv's steamer Maheno. which left Sydney at; 2 p.m. on Wednesday last, is due j here on Sunday morning. 1 THE MONOWAI. i The Union Steam" Ship Company steamer j Monowai, from Dunedin and East Coast ports, is , due here to-morrow morning. i TON'GARIRO'S PASSENGERS. j The 05 Tongariro, which left Wellington for] London," via Monte Video and Tenerifle, on j Thursday, took the following passengers from Auckland Saloon: Misses H. and E. Neligan. ( M. E. Pulling. Mrs. Neligan. Right Rev. Dr. , Neligan, Major C. A. Scott, and Master D. Nell- | gan. ' | — * I WOOL FREIGHT RATES. , ■The Shaw, Savill. and Albion Company and the | New Zealand Shipping Company announc-o the | following steamer freight rates for wool For .lanuarv sales: Greasy wool, dumped. 7-16 d per lb • slip» wool, dumped, id per lb; washed wool, dumped, 9-16.1 per lb. By following steamers Greasv wool, diunnetl, f,d per lb; slipe wool, dumped. 7-16<l per "lb; washed wool, dumped, Jd per lb; all with 10 per cent, primage. THE SNOWDONIAN. The steamer Snowdonian is . now loading 3,OCO,OOCft of jarrah at Bunbury. West Australia, for' Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin. Of this cargo, Auckland will take about 1.000,000 ft. and a similar amount will also be discharged at Lvttelton. The vessel took the , loading berth later than was expected, and there- , is no definite information to band as to the probable dat« of her arrival here. Wellington advices state that she is expected at that port j about the end of November, which would make her due at Auckland about November 20. |
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14507, 22 October 1910, Page 6
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2,099PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 14507, 22 October 1910, Page 6
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