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Competitions. ; / , 77 1 ,„ , ... ~A. »*« ****m ,~ , | nig JRESULTS OF THE "WYANDOTTE" SEPT. COMPETITION^ -7tr«t PHIZU .£3-Mr. B. T. Bennett, I'atea, for the concluding line of the following *"'. / 1111 - 1 * ' Limerick:— "L ■■* a dame of Balclutha named Greening , ~ -< Xlad pains in the back through spring-cleaning. r < A wrinkle she got, >, - 1 And straight bought "Wyandotte, . . L ■ Now the fruits of that " wrinkle" she's gleaning. ■■< SECOND PRIZE, £1-Miss Kate Woodward, North-cast Valley. Duncdfn. « ► * FOUR CONSOLATION PHIZES, 5s each—Miss Ivy Greenly, Mount Eden. Auckland; Mies ■" •Anderson, 127; Dowling-street, Dunedin; Mrs. Willvic, Greytown North; U». I, M V - 4 • Miles; Korito Road, New Plymouth. i IS OBTAINABLE.^v^gK^RS.PAINTEBB.IHOSWOSO^ , J-'. .-.•... Retail— bags. 6d; J Sib bags, 2s Id. . op, P'«r> ; TTT , . , -n","* r4 i

- Booksellers and Stationers. " ' ARRIVE]) : TTPTON ;G IN CLAIR'S . * f POWERFUL NOVEL, ; "rpHE Iy.'JETROPOLIS." ":: Deals with New York as unsparinffly u '* The .Jungle" dealt with Chicago. This very 'i I powerful novel, which will grip your interest '■' to the last page, is a study of certain phaßes " ' of that luxurious society which has followed P : upon the sudden and enormous increase in ; ■' b> concentrated wealth. It tells you, at least ■ '■-'■>- in part, how they spend it. The story '.pre- ' sents a picture at once overwhelming and unforgettable. The canvas is of huge siz»the .characters innumerable and convincing It is the power and. swing of the story; the ■•■ intense oharm of this vivid panorama of men and women in a whirlwind of extravagant,'" T " ; '', that holds the reader, as if charmed, to th« '"-'-- '■■•' end of the last page; but it is the inherent * - truth of it all, the convincing revealing per-'' spective of the picture as a whole, that teW ' him thinking and talking. pLOTH, OS ni>; pOSTED, ' WILDWAN~i AREY. /" ■BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS,* ~ ' SHORTLAND-STREET, AUCKLAND. .. ————: : ~ "~"—: —" ' —'. „ '.'■*:■'',■'.".■:'!,■:■ UPTON_AND C- ■■-, 1 ' ' v s. «ts*:;;''. How. to Build a Knockabout. Mower ... 5> # - " w '•• How to Build a Speed Launch, Graei 5 <)• How to Build a Racing Sloop, Mower . 5 0 How to' Build a Racer for £10 .. ... 5 0 '■.<■ _ How to Build a Three Horse-powei ■*", ~ Launch Engine. Roberts :.-.... ...7 6' '- '■ On Yachts and Yacht Handling, Day ... 5 0 _ Steam Yachts and Launches, Kunhardt 15 0 '". " . Practical Boat Sailing, Prazer '» » if " Elements of Navigation, Henderson . ;'6 ' . \" Elements Navigation, Henderson . .■■3:.s*■:'■>. Model Sailing Y r achts * ... ... 1/3, 'V i Practical Boat Building for: Amateurs 3 0. Knots and Splices,, Jutsorn ... . ... 19 Know Your Own Ship, Walton ... ... 7 i Practical Navigation, Barker and AlSlingham ... ... ■■ ■■ .3-6 Seamanship for Small Yachts, Cooke ... 3 0. Signalling: How to Learn the International Code ... ■"..- ...... ...2 6. British Signal Manual ... ... ..2 0 Brown's Rule of the Road ... .; ..10. Tait's Seamanship ... ... ... ...13 Tait's New Seamanship ... ..'. .... so British and Colonial' Flags, and Flags of Othei Nations ... ... 13 B.T. Elementary Questions and Answers . for' Marine Engineers ... ... ... 36. UPTON AND CO.. QUEEN-ST. . ! GHAMPTALOUP_& COOPER. . LATEST FICTION. Cloth, 3s 6d; Paper, 2s 6d. ~ ': r Askew, A; and 0., The Path of Lies. - Bullen, F. T., Confessions of a Tradesman. Bell, J. J., Joseph Redhorn. . -- '. il. Bowen, Marjorie. The Sword Decides. • v Chambers, R. W.< The Tree of Heaven. . ;<• Glasgow, Ellen, The Ancient Law. - - J Gerard, Morice, John Montcalm. Hocking, J., The Soul of Dominie Wildthorne, Koebel, W. H., The Anchorage, The Story of ,\ a N.Z. Sheep Farm. ; - ': Le Oueux, W., The Crooked Way. Meade, L. T., The Lady of Delight. • Macnaughton, S., Three Miss Graemes. . . Nar-varchus, The World's Awakening. Sergeant, A., The Passion of Paul MariHier, ; ' . Thurston, K. C, The Fly on the Wheel. Williamson, C. N. and A. M., Scarlet Runs.r. . CLOTH ONLY, 3S CD. ...- Churchill. W., Mr. Crewe's Career. 7 .-, ' t , ■/!'■ George, H., The Romance of John Bainbridgt. ,' :/ Luther, M.L., The Crucible. - . ■> , ' Twain, Mark,: A Horse's Tale. >■ h Walk, 0. E.. The Silver Blade. , Postage, 6d per volume. ' . i' ■[>'. ■'•■■ '."-'j-v '■ ■} '■ '"• ■:- : ■■'~ '■ ■■'■'■-. :■■■■: ■ ■. ;-.■:■■,.- /■ V : . pHAMPTALOUP AND riO'OHBB,'- '■ 138. QUEEN : ST„ AUCKLAND . 1 - - — m K NEW SMOOTH IVOBY -"'■•' ' - WRITING TABLETS. DON'T be judged by the Cheap Pa* :/ . • 'per you'.write on I The New, 1 Smooth Ivory, and the British Liner;.'^. are the-ideal Writing Tablets. They : ' r ';>,' have stood, every test for use, quality - ] , and convenience applied by nil cor- ! ; .respondents. ■■ / The .paper therein is; superior to any writing paper on -'the- ,r ' market, and no person need feel, , s when writing on a B.L. or N.B.L Tablet.. that the quality is cheap and (inferior. All Modern Stationers,. PRICE ONE j SHILLING.- . - - BRITISH mm WRITING TABLETS. ■ , -,V ■ - , , ,-, ■ >-j!!g)'|W- ______________ - t ; d. Medical. ,' A' _ . ; ; _. __ .. ;. .-' ■— H: "i * Loss of Appetite I Is common when the blood needs pun* : V 30 fying and enriching, for then the blood . a fails to give the digestive organs the ' p stimulus necessary for the properrperformance o£ their functions. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills are ' the medicines to take. They make the blood pure and rich, and strengthen i a. : all the digestive organs. - , ■' lg " I had indigestion, was unable to work, s- had no appetite, food distressed me, could;, . not sleep. .Friends recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla. After taking one bottle I felt '> <• so much relieved, I continued taking it and v w : ?' "~ ■, now am well." M. A. Adolph,- Mauku, S. Z. v - '■', - . , ': S s ' Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Dlßle Made by C. I. Hood Co., Lowrtl, ..■ , and rj 11S Mass., v. s. a. Sold by chemist* .. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDV. - It? . <Mfc> ■ <tpgj',ifc Hfltk A w *? , •■■•, '1 This successful and popular remedy,'used W-" '■•;■• in the Continental. Hospitals by Ricord, Rostwi, g », ,Jobert, Velpeau,' and others, combines all th« ' .;;' ; ■, desiderata to be sou»ht in a medicine of the kind, J -/•)'• ' „ .and surpasses evd'yttiiiig hitherto employed. ■ ', pj ' THERAPION NO.IS «... :in a remarkably, short time, often a,few days only,: ;'"■;', without discomfort., inconvenience, or risk, effects: f. , ' ' ' " a cure, superseding capsules, astringent fluids, &&>'"*,{,-•":;',? THERAPIOMNO.2 ' for impurity of the blood, curvy, pimples, spots, a , . . blotches, pains «nd swelling oi the joints, gout, £ ,' :, rheumatism, and all diseases which it has been 4,-: l ■ too much a fashion to employ mercury, saiMpa- *■ . ' - rilla,&c„ to the dcs'tructioii of sufferers' teeth and a ; . ~ ' » ' ruin of health. This preparation purifiesthc si -system through the blood, anil tliproughly ellmi" q nates all poisonous matter from the body. (4 THERAPiON N0.3: . for nervous exhaustion,: impaired vitality, sleep- &5 J lessness, and all the distressing consequences ol p) ; dissipation, worry, overwork, &c.; It possesses C' surprising power in restoring strength and vigour gr; . ■ to those suffering from the enervating influences EJ" of residence in hot, unhealthy climates. '"'■'• 3 ; 1 THERAPSONtfeMS ' Chemists .Mcrclmuts throughout the worm. J, ; i-.'' : Price in.. England 2-9. In ordering, state which r pj._.',* \ ■ number is required, and observe that the word,__ v. i ■ 'Thehakon* appears on British Government g^.^.c. Stamp (in white letters on a red ground) affixed g to every package by order of His Majesty"? Hon M , Commissioners, and without whioh it is » f| """'.. -_'. ■->'■■ '''^•:;-:;- ; : ; -'.:...V;--; ■.■;,■■■.; -;.'.,■.-■■...■ '.r:!; f j«.^fe " WORMS!'llpj WORMS! WORMS!!! -.■■". ; -v.-' : ; .',; ::: i■:::;:'..,'::':■'::'.' •■. ■';/:^:™r;^'-;^ ; . ; : ': ; » ; >' v . iWW Can be surely expelled by taking. I' MUIR'S WORM SPECIFIC. £ 1/6 Bottle. r; ROBT, MUIR, Chemist. NEWTOH| ■ ''■ ; ' '''■' - '■':" ■.■'''',''.'■' ! .-•'■'■ ' ' ■■'> - 1 ? •■;'•■;■;'■

Perambulators. , "IMPORTANT . ' J^OTICE SO AS TO PREVENT IMITATIONS - OP THE - CRADLE SPRING, FROM MISLEADING THE pENEEAL ipUBLIC, ALL BABY OARRIAGES PITTED ON THE ENTJINE QPRING, ... ' WILL BEAR THE MARK, Pitted on the CRADLE SPRING, REGISTERED. qner A rpHOMPSON AND {~*o. '£ 287. QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. 1 : Merchandise. One of the Reasons Why so many people prefer the Popular "HIGHLANDER" CONDENSED MILK is, because it-is . PROFITABLE. Profitable in UseIt's Full Cream," v Profitable in Health— It's Absolutely Pure, Profitable for the Pocket— It's ' the Beat Value. Profitable for the Homeit's " Aye Ready." THEjCHIEF OF THEM ALL! " HIGHLANDER" CONDENSED MILK. "You can depend upon it." ISllard *"""""-' BOWSER'S ; '<. Rich and delicious flavour. * England's leading Sweet. BUTOR-SCOTCIt- .*■ - , mm<'; — / ' .':";']' ~ v; '.'.y -* ■ ..<• "'••'.- ■■'{ ." Mar obtained of'"" rK '"'-■"■■ Meßarß. A. I. ENTRICAN AND CO.. Auckland Mark* V Sa'* by All Kret-Clits Dealer*. - Shine I That Shines Brighest i /?r <*£** v\ % s \Ssfci, ***»«* .cy I Mauatots, March 5, 1908. The Manager New Zealand Portland Cement Co., , , Auckland. Dear, Sir,— our Makatote Viaduct Con tract we have used 9000 bags of your cemen in the abutments and base blocks; carryini the steel pier, columns. It has proved satis " factory in " every ; way.'—Youra faithfully, V:: '-• . - ■' '■■'•■> J. AND A. ANDERSON. Telephone 2497; > H- ,r , Office. 19. Shortland-street. PIANOS 'ftrggSßßTPlANOSr«^aSgEi WJiPM!piANOs >~A-%3P£ pT&sjfSo no orposrr: PIANOS _ 7^Sg PIANOS :%%&3lf' pianos >jtspk pianos g, aggsgi lAnivJO ga, w/GH s'r. PIANOS Nd DEPOSIT PIANOS w-'aZweeß^ HIGH ST. WYANDOTTE POP, SPRING CLEANING. WYANDOTTE FOR' CARPETS. RUGS, ETC. ; WYANDOTTE FOR PAINTWORK. WYANDOTTE /■■.': FOR LINOLEUMS.' . WYANDOTTE ; :■' ■ FOR THE KITCHEN. - WYANDOTTE ■■■:■: FOR LAUNDRIES. WYANDOTTE for Dairy work. WYANDOTTE FOR BOILER COMPOUND.; ' OP ALL GROCERS. . WINSTONE, LTD., 44, Q- OTEEE^ DISTRIBUTING AGENTSMILLIONS of 'Eggs' have been: preserved ii . SHARLAND'S MOA BRAND EGG PRE SERVATIVE.' Pit is the standard preparatioi in New Zealand. Try it yourself this year See that the foil name is on the label.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13873, 6 October 1908, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13873, 6 October 1908, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13873, 6 October 1908, Page 2


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