Hoases and Land _____ J. THORNES. HOPBE. LAJTD. AND ESTAtfe aGKNT, LAND AUCaOSBEE. DO • QUKSN-STREET, AUCKLAND CITY ANT> SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. pENCARROW I VENUE. VIT "Pd'kS jp77r~-Sri.KNJ.HD EVIDENCE. & Jars* * i I'J rooms, he-siife* iKtth. pantry, an 4 Scullery; ramfe, -as and w.t.tcr; ,i.-b-n.'>»i*c, copper and tubs: allotment. to by 137 f«t; few yards from Mt. Etl*n lioixtl. &90 •J THORNE-*, S3, Qu«;8-**irt*f.. \I"ERCER POAI), OFF CHEU.Y JJFAtnI R OAI» MAGNIFICENT VIEWS £1 1 "\-SUPERIOR- RESIDENCE. w«l XX«J\J rininis; iwth. p. and *. vu.;t. font, gas stove, gas (ires, sued res grate*. patent w.c. w;o«h.L'>c.*«. copt-er »w> tubs. and every modern ror.ktr.ieiuc- This property «>.vupicn ,i unique p>>«itfoil hwl command* one of *,hf best harbour vie«a around Auckland. i&%& J. THORNEs*. S3, Qw*n-«tre«t, j>t RNLEY rpF.RRACE. 4*.": A A -VERANDAH HOUSE, -- r-wi. r*tnJ\J\J path. p. and »-, attached wswhhouse with copt*r and tube, wido entrant hall: gas and water. (-'.- , allotment, 46 by 133 feet xZ» J. THOHNES. S3, Qnecn-str«*t. pAICFrS VENUE. Jp IT-*\ — ROUSE, f rooms; verandah Iron* c3w*i: 11J ans* back;, va.sh-h.uise, copter and i tubs; :,<s and water; allotmcut, 'Ml by 1.-* st. I &£& ' ■I THORNES, 83. Queen-street. L AND A-rQ.NEHUNGA. T HAVE SEVERAL CHOICE BUILDING * , LOIS tar DISPOSAL ill this Favourite suburb Volcanic soil, tine views. close to tram, and at Cheap Prices and Easy Terms. £*?K() -40 ACRES, close to <**»*O\J station; House. 4 rooms. i dairy, cowshed; 180 fruit trees, in bearI ing; 20 acres grass; fenced and subdivided; | 4 cows and SO head poultry included in : price. Leasehold, at £2 6* per annum. 4-* inn ACRES: House' I ' 4 cMX\J\J rooms: h.mdv to wharf £301 X*7,*tA-CHELTENHAM TERRACE: 6 J7IOO rooms; bath, kitchen: allotment, 50 by lS2tt Mas IVX-XA--ST. LEONARDS RD.. DEVON<&uO\J PORT 1 -New House. 6 rooms; every comfort and convenience. Allotment, 4511 by 120 ft. goo £» HIGH-ST.. DEYONPOHT—4 Large cjWOUV Rooms; bath, h and c. water; wash-house, c, and every convenience: allotment. 4cfl frontage. 6807 4*l \\i) EPSOM New Concrete Hoiue, 7 large rooms; bath, gas. and water; bay windows; scullery, pantry; dairy, fernery; every room exceptionally Luge: allotment. 206 ft by 20611, or. £VM for House and Allotment LXSfI by 205 ft, 5812 JpQAA— RD.. I*ON3ONBY--New *OUU House, 6 rooms: bath, scullery; w.h.. etc.; allot.. 60 by 1131't - a?.' 6 1?79K-CLONBERN RD.. ttEMUERA-New * I t-it) House. '/ large rooms; b.p, and scullery; gas and wa.er; i verandahs; patent w.c; hot and cold water; allot., HI by 285 ft. a~A7 £» 1 QA--PAPAKURA-New Cottage, four c*»XiJV7 rooms: iron root; i-acre Section, in garden; close to station and school. 6i6i< 4* A £.{ WELL! NQTON-ST, -Hotisc. seven dwyb-Jv rooms: p., ii. ; w.ii.. copper and tubs; Orion range; all newly papered and painted, and new!-,- drained. Allot . 46ft, by 111 ft. Let at 20** week. 0/73 '.>.*: A—OFF JERVOIS RD (water side) i3» XOtjyf —Residence. 6 rooms; b.. p., and scullery; all the latest improvement*; h. and c. water; wash-house, c. and tubs. Large rooms. Land, 62ft by 274 ft. 5774 I*l 4 AA-PARNELL—Soasid* Residence,') cfi/xtr.UU rooms; V, b., and p.; washhouse, coalhouse, and every modern convenience; li acres land, garden, orchard, tie *" ;»r7B 4* __«Je-BEAOONSPIKLD-ST. - New Cot.*■_:»/»J luge. 4 rooms; p. and b. ; washhouse, c.., and tubs: allot., 40ft. by 132 ft. 0782 I»J FOOT WANUANUI AVENUE, closo c**-± Jervoiß Road—Two Splendid Level sections, each 50 by H2ft, 5784 OKCA-ARDMORE RD.—New House. 6 oWfJ'JI/ rooms; bath. p. and t. ; hall, aft; w.h., c. and tubs. Allot., 40 by 112 ft. 5785 £*'>('"; 1.1 NCOLN-ST. - Bow Window *'JUtJ House, 4 rooms; p., »., and ba,t,U ; iron root; range, gas, and water; w.h-, Cop-* per and tubs; well drained. Allot., oS »v 00! t 57-38 " £*7AA-MT. RO?KILE-7 Rooms; «.. p.. <*'W and b. ; Orion range; detached j jv.n., with copper and tubs; iron root: marI hie hearths and fenders. Allot., 50 by 3J7ft. Close to main road. 5793 £*J.fif)~^ I BMANBY ROAD,'Mount Eden ..V3>Jl/ --House, -i large rooms, with every convenience; gas and water; w.h., with fixed tubs and copper: lowlhouso and run; allotment, 66 by iOOft. in garden, mm trees, etc. gra, 1* 79 r- AKEFIELD-ST— Brick HotiVe, ') *'-'-' rooms; Allotment. 34ft by Soft. 6722 4* O~ / -USION-ST.-Cottage. 4 rooms and *ww scullery; iron root; hind. 36 by 1 05 0722 J 4-* (U')(\~ 9. F KAIfANGAHAPE KOADS*'yyV' Block of Three .Cottages; let at 303 6d per week. |?fi!7f;-BEKESFORD-BT.-Honse l 6 rooms. *' '• d -Vice view. Allotment. 4011 by lLH,fr - £,613 £* A kA-EOINBURGH-ST.~Housc, 5 rootrfl c&rt'JV and scullery; iron roof. 5589 i-*1 XAA-AI.BERT-.ST.-Allotment, 30 by SmilOW 110 ft, with Brick House. 35&1 ■CACUi ENGLAND-sT -6 Rooms; iron * ")U roof; allotment, 40 by 100J 5491 .f?f?r'A-WHABF ROAD—7 Room,; bath, wlluv pantry, gas, and water. 5767 4* J AA-BROSPECT-ST.-7 Rooms and *t.UvJ bath; gas and water. 5756 PQAA-ST. MARY'S ROAD -Residence 7 JUU rooms; b.. p.. and scullery; near Three Lumps. 5748 £*7Ow-ARDMORE RD—New House, 6 S* I iiO large room*, and every convenience- 0735 4* A CLARENCE-HT. -New House, 4 cAi'TrOv/ large rooms: well drained. 0723 JPCQA-ARDMORE HI). 6 Rooms; lir*toS/OOv/ class kauri; casv terms. 0702 £* 4 AAA-PON.SON ROAD-Block oi ,'sfe-4UUI7 Brick Shop*. with Dwellings. 5699 OOAA-ARDMORE ROAl>-!s'uperlor P«wiofcVtJUU dence, 3 rooms- allotment.. 50 bv 112 ft. • 5659 (fjMQA—DOUGLAS-BT.—New House, 6 rooms; b.. wash-house, etc. 0441 4*l i AA—HAMILTON ROAD— Re *IIUU sidence, ) rooms; large action, 5434. I»OKA—GREAT NORTH ROAD-Grand X/LO\) Corner Business Site. 103 ft frontage. 0740 4»<o>r>A— RICHMOND-New Verandah Cot--3&00U luge, 0 rooms; bath. etc. Terms. ' " 0720 <**>AA -RICHMOND •-Well-built Cotlaye. s&')\)\) 4 rooms; allotment. 66ft by 2t,Oft '''10 it ~i\f\ -SURREY CRESCENT-New Home. d&>OUU 6 room-; bath, w.h.. etc 5681 C* 7A/ - KENT-ST. - - Splendid 7-roomcd j 56, M" ' House, every convenience. 5639 ' r»-)0-'- WILLIAMSON'S AVENUE — New 5i,")O0 Verandah Cottage, 5 rooms, .>:,.. i?/<*7A AITKEN TERRACS-New Houie, j Jt4 i U 5 rooms; allot.. 40 by 90, ;.762 DEVON-ST.—4 Rooms and v;ulI 3*oo\J lery: gas and water *37 . f» c*»") A—ALTERS' ROAD-New House, 1 ifcOi-U rooms; b.. p.. wash-house, etc ;; 57,;0 f»£?QA-GEORGE-BT. 7 Rooms andcona*DOU veniences; allot., 61 by 120 ft. 350Ji -■■•■:. ! 0-7AA-WALTERS' ROAD--New 7 Rooms; ! & i\J\} h„ p.. and scullery, h, and c. ' rtr» r AA-MABLBOROUGH-ST.-€ Rooms; ! cOwUv/U iron roof; and convenience*; ; ROAD-Neat Homfr 4-4..)U rooms; b. and scullery; washi bouse, etc- -* ; '-' 3 . £-.)A -WILLIAMSON-SI", - Neat, New, ) O-iIJ Bay Window Villa. 4 large rooms > AAA- MAIN ROAD-Sttpvior Residence I -sUiJUU 6 rooms; 1-iwre land. mi 1 no IA3 PER FOOT-Two Grand Buildi,»3 IX) ins Allotments, m School oSm-NE" BRICK RESIDENCE"! 6 £llbv)' rooms; 1-acre land, t-'ar^n. ' 01 9AT\-BRICK RESIDENCE. 7.r00m5.: 4^l— \)\) b.. p.. h. and c. water, etc. 57a3 -ft'OTE —The above are only a 1% few selected from a large number on ray book-*. Further particulars will be supplied on •in ,1 cation, and intendius pur;!|K.will be conducted over \ the Propertiesi J. THORNES, ']' ANO AUCTIONEER. ' ; o li S A L K. HENDERSON j-HNT ROAD-Nsce Farm of 195! Acres First-class Flat Land, pari ! drained swamp; fenced, in eras* and crop 1 j Cottage; well watered. £200. 1 1 ~J>PCHMONB ROAD -New Residence. * i IV rooms; scullery, bath, califout, copper. ' I ami everything up to date. Allotment. 45 !bv 100. £750. 1 i'VANGANLt AVENUE—Nice House. c i i \l rooms: bath, copper, tubs, etc. Allot--1 incut, 40 bv 113. £37 ! rERVOIS ROAD— Buildins .'section: ' i »' ' grand position; good view, 601 & 3ui. bv • 1 l.iOit lliii. £7 Vii per foot. HENDERSON POINT ROAD—Several im "proved and Unimproved Farms, its thi I route of the proposed Wiiiteraata-ifantikan ' I Canal; good level land: harbour frontage. T. USSHER, r i MOUSE AND LAND AGENT, I £•:, QUEEN-ST.. AUCk.UA.AiJ, 'Phone, SOR'a >
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13727, 18 April 1908, Page 9
Word Count
1,236Page 9 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13727, 18 April 1908, Page 9
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