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waihi, ' ~ ; fnv TELEGRAPH.— COREBSt'OXOEKT.] j Waihi, Friday. The Rev. T. R. B. Woolloxall, of the j Waihi Primitive Methodist Church, left last evening for the ''Sooth. Previous to his departure lie was presented with ft j purse of sovereigns. Mr. Franklin, the district health inspector, was in Waihi to-day, inspecting the borough water supply. He will furnish a report to Dr. Pnrdy, district health officer, at Auckland _ " "' " SDKTLT. [FROM Ol'R OWN' CORKESPOXOEXT.] A .tangi is in progress at Rakauroanga, over the remains of John Karena, a native, who died' suddenly on Monday in his tent at Pukekohe, where ho had been farming. Deceased, who was only 22 years of age, ■ft-i-s ploughing on the Saturday, had a severe attack of hemorrhage on Sunday, and succumbed on the following day. On Tuesday night a house at Huntly West, belonging to Mr. F. Leek, was totally destroyed by me. The building was insured for £25. The Good Templar lodges here appear to be flourishing, the adult lodge having a. membership of O, the juvenile branch totalling about 50. Under the auspices of the Waikato Miners' Union, Mr. J. If. Hickey, delegate from the Blackball Miners' Union, addressed a crowded audience in the Volunteer Hall, or Tuesday evening. The speaker received a sympathetic hearing. > A pleasant gathering took place in the Huntly Methodist Church on Friday evening, a large attendance being presided over by Mr. J as. Fulton. The object of the social was to say farewell to the Rev. W. Wesley Avery, who, after spending two years in Huntly, has been appointed to Greytown, in the Wairarapa district, Messrs. Kinsou, Johnson, and G. Shaw, as well as Miss Kirlcham contributed to the vocal part of the programme, while a humorous reading was given by Mr. 0. S. K. de CasttO. The presentation was made to the departing minister of a purse of sovereigns, and during an interval refreshments were dispensed by the ladies of the congregation. On Sunday evening Mr. Avery preached his farewell sermon to * large congregation, and left Huntly by Monday's express. Mr. Avery's successor will be the Rev. Jordan, B.A. A cold southerly snap, accompanied by a touch of frost, was experienced here on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The petition sent by the ratepayers to His Excellency the Governor, praying that Huntly be separated from the road district I and be constituted a Town Board, has evi- ! dently met with favourable consideration, the chairman of the Road Board (Mr. J. P. Bailey, J.P.) having been requested to forward the name of the returning__officer to whom the compilation of the voters' roll will be entrusted. The proposed Town Board will consist of seven members. WAIWERA. [FROM OUR. OWN CORRESPONDENT.] The wet season seems to have set in properly, and the south-west winds bring a continual.succession of showers. The supply of moisture to the soil before the cold weather has set in is promoting it line growth of grass for winter feed, and in many of the orchards the apple and pear trees are putting forth an autumnal show of blossoms, which no doubt will affect the trees next spring. . The North Shore yachting squadron mustered strongly at Waiwera on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, and a large number of yachtsmen came ashore. The Government, training ship Amokura paid a visit to Waiwera on Sunday, and the boys were allowed ashore'.' ■"'.; HAMILTON. [FROM our own correspondent.] The guarantee in connection with the proposed branch of the Y.M.C.A. in Hamilton now totals £161 14s. The matter has been enthusiastically taken up in the country district". At Frankton on Thursday evening, a number of friends of Mr., J. Mack, who has occupied the position of guard on the Waikato line for some years, and who has been recently appointed general secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants,, was presented with a tea and coffee service. A meeting of the General Committee of the Waikato A. and P. Association was held on Thursday, Mr. G. Day (president) in the chair. The secretary of the South Auckland Racing Club wrote requesting that the course be ploughed and reaown at once, and asking what proportion of expense should be borne by each body. It was agreed to leave the matter to the incoming committee, with the suggestion that the work be undertaken directly after the next show. It was agreed that the Executive Committee consist of 12 members, including the president. The voting for the ' Executive Committee resulted as follows :Messrs. J. W. Anderson, J. Bar ugh, I. Coatee, J. Gordon, E. Goodwin, T. Hinton, Witn. Newell, T. Powell, A. H. Waring, and F. R. Seddon. The president (Mr C. Day) and vice-president (Mr. J. Knight) were added ex officio. The Supplementary General Committee of 10 was elected as follows :—Messrs. T. Clarkin, A. Lorie, W. Rothwell, J. Simpson, - W. N. St urges, A. Ramsay, J. Allen, W. H. Knock, Win. Henry, and T. Paterson. Mr. A. J. Smith was re-elect-ed secretary. COROMANDEL. [BY TELEGRAM*. —OWN" CORKESI'OXOESfT.] Cokomanoei,, Friday. The entertainment in aid of the Coromandel District High School picnic, which eventuated last evening in the Caledonian Hall, was a thorough success. The hall was filled and a first-class programme was submitted. Nearly all the items were contributed by the pupils of the school, who were trained by Miss Fuller. Messrs. , Tanner and Gat-land officiated as stage managers. The receipts exceeded £16. The comic operetta, "Soot and the Fairies," was submitted, the principal characters being as follows: Queen Lily, Miss M. ■ Manktelow; Captain Soot, Master W. ! Loram: Dr. Sunlight, Master A. Kelso; 1 Lord Bootlace. Master W. Gilroy; Baron Hairbrush, Master Connelly; secretary, , Master A. Petley ; wag, Master L. Sher- ! lock: Lady Soapsuds, Miss R. Law. In. the musical sketch, "The Flowers' Reception," the several characters were represented as follows:—Queen, Miss M. Manktelow; Violet, Miss I. Mcintosh; Daisy, Miss R. Law; Anemone, Miss G. Moore; Appleblossom, Miss E. Brown; 1 Forget-me-not. Miss R. McGregor. The song, "Why Don't They Play With Me?" was rendered by Nellie Sherlock, the chorus . being taken up by a dozen little girls. Ten bosß look part in an amusing sketch, entitled, " The Ten Little Niggers,-" and " While London Sleeps " was rendered by Master Paid, and a number of other lads. Numerous other enjoyable items' were eon* tributed. The accompaniments to the children's items were played by Misses Fuller and W. Daldy, and tor the adults, Mrs. St. George and Miss Fra'ser officiated. ; [FROM our own CORRESPONDENT?.] IIUNUA. " : ; - , ( - • Iftsnua ia to have a resident minister, Mr. Fountain bavin? been appointed to take parte of the district hitherto ministered to bv the Rev. Mr. Smellie, viz., Ota.u, Faparimu, Arariinu. Tonga, and lfumia. Mr. Fountain baa formed a Bible-class, Athletic Committee, and Lookout Committee. . The weather is very good for growth, though • there ii tittle or no dry feed or turnips, and it the winter is wet and cold mortality in stock may be a factor in cases. A month or six week* of dry, warm weather would greatly niitij-ate . tte - I'OKKXO. , A ■ curious fight was witnessed at one o'clock . on Monday from tht Pokeno Valley, in the direc- ! iioa of the Thames. The a'ay wm mil of heavy I .thunder clouda, the sir hot and Mill, when ■■••»' , waterspout suddenly descended i& the* Jar dis-

tance, sweeping tsjMdly m « o«tfe*tty dir» Hon. - After '• »b«ofc- **«> minutes :it disappeared in: as upward .:dtFectio» f :.ijmr,«di«reir &>»■>»« by * (till ; l<i»S*r. one ?r«a the ic.uthwsfd, ■*(»». also luted cr.e ** tan awinate*, sod 4itipp*.ntu< into a -very, stormy fky r .-.■■■• In, spits of the eiotsny weather and fre?pjeni| , -.'•'- r rain it 1 have noted. no I*** than B*« team*, evelt -.:"a j of tint* btwaes, la three ■p»ddock«-»dj«ii»itnr. tihr, { Mr. Lyneoia (HW PitrstJ, Mr Boyd (Sate. Hmriti, j j awl Mr. E. Wayward*'. The next few f»y», t! fine eu«i?l>„ will #<*« close on * hundred "acrea I«f new gsas* in tits* small eomps*», Aoe'.njf j ■fast improvements la the valley. ; OTOBOHAXGA. .'■.■.' S ||| j The Native Uriel Cent hs« Sifain cpeissd Hi I 'alttiDft here, .fudge Browne preaWiosf. rri«;e«4. j irjif* are. expected to .«»** * Jertnight. .; ••;; i The- football club hetti their a&mtat J?i#«f:n{ on ' : :' Saturday evertiag. there being «> B*»d «M«mJlance. Mr. Bsrt. Clarke was elected captain «»i . ■: lit. If. JcliKW.t aeeeetaty. It devidiu !& amiiiatp. with tfee Wat pa Cnioo a* Banal. A nuiaiea! end' dramatic cis% h*» twently two* fotnted here, which will b* a great twit t* the voustir peop".,' during the winter month* Week!* -: practice* *ill be. held, with occtttfosat c<in>:?rl« sad * social every month. ' Mr. Spencer. the Anirliican eh?rit"rn»*B In chars* of the dwtiiit, tth*> ha« been laid up in itotorua Sanatorium for *«if week*, is n<?w convaleacent. The committee which bsia charge ('■! the binSdinir of the new AngSkeri Church i» making g<v,d proifreas. and it is esfi*cted that, tender* wilt he..-called for ita erection within * few «e<; v » The- Rev. WingSeld. of r?t. Albana Church, Mount Roekill, has d:a»i' a plan for the church, which ..:> is unirera-allv admired. The resident* have t«l>- j: scribed Hl»r»lJy. over £200 heists now in hand. ijiiSpecttfr Ste'vnrt paid hi a annual viait of }:». ,„:,:'s •paction to the *.-h«>l a ahort time ago. and expressed himrtlf ple»»rd with its pr<.>ire*s PLKKKOtiiv - H«M» Coustus anil Afkin and their employee* held their »unu»l picnic rukekohe taat Hattir- ' : day. In the airernooii a game of football »m ;. ~ plaved against a Pukekohe team. Just before (be' call of tiii'.i! in the second »peU Bo*M> -rot across the visitors' line and Dryland converted, the home team winning by 5 point* to nit Mr. ;: W. I). Smith, of Hfuriihori, acted e* referee. The. firm kindly invited the home team to jair- -;,' them at dinner In the Masonic Hall, over 100 , g attending 1 . The usual toasts were honoured and <*-:,: several mueiea! item* were given. The vinitcru lefe for Auckland and Hamilton respectively by \ <h« evening r|jfais. ' . mi A return TOVflla match was played by the g Pukekohe team at Futii laat Saturday afternoon. /. when Yaal acoiwl Ave wins to Ftikekohe'a four. The ladies provided afternoon tea. ,Js. In connection with the Catholic baaaar th« seeretarie* (Mitaet A Graham and B. Kenoeriv) are getting' through the work aatiatai-torily T.arty ; Plunket has donated a prire for the baby ahow, ■'■ to be awarded on the laat day of th» hau>»r to the beat, baby from three to itat month* old ;H not- artificially fed. :; The New Zealand l»an and Mercantile Agency Conipanv, Limited, held their natiaJ sale on .-; Wedlneachty and yarded 'cloao on 600 head. B.»ef \M» somewhat higher, other price* being about ■,; the aaaie jw usual. Bidding waa fairly britk, and there were numerous, buyers. Colder weather has *ei In, and » slight froat was experienced! thi* morning. The young era** will receive a check ahoutd the cold weather cortinue. Cropping is rather alow owing to (he '* heavy and frequent showers. M MORKI.V.SVILLE. The football club .held their annual uieeiiiif : : : on Monday, but owiiig to the inclemency of th« ,:.' weather there was a, poor attendance. The first match against Te. Aroha will he played here on May 9. Nine buildings are in course of erection here : ; at. present and. five more, will bo started ni»»t ■-' mouth. "i :■/: The new bridge is now open for traffle, but itht approach is very boggy, : and it will be. soma time before large loads will b« able to cro«« Charles Held, was brought before the Court '- , last Monday on a charge of theft, and wa» re- * " mar«ded to" appear before the- magistrate on the 14th iiwt., bail being allowed in two sureties of :82a each. . , ; ; There ha» b«!en an epidemic of acarlet ferar in the district, but the patients are now recovering. "•' OPOTIKI. ■; ',:§';. A lueeeasfu! concert was given here th» other niffiit by the Misses W. and H. MoGinlej ■ in «id of the Cottage. Hospital funds. The con- . - cert was followed by an enjoyable dance, muaio being provided by Misses McOiuley and Davi- ' CAMBRIDGE. Lite technics! dressmaking classes, under th* direction of Mis* Campbell, are greatly appreciated, as indtouted by the. fact, that no less th*« : three classes are being held.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13722, 11 April 1908, Page 4

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COUNTRY NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13722, 11 April 1908, Page 4

COUNTRY NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13722, 11 April 1908, Page 4


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