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[FROM OUR OWN CORRKSrONIIKNTS.] TUAKAU. As a result of tho labour of the Medical Committee Dr. Lowe decided to take up ms resilience here and uractice in this and surrounding districts. This will supply a long-felt want. There have l>een several minor accidents here during the past week. Mr. Brown, working at Mr. By-croft's flQurmill; got Ills lett hand caught between two pulleys, but fortunately escaped with several cuts and some little injury to the sinews, of the miners. Mr. W. Barnnby, while driving: in niß sulky, ran too high on a bank and capsized, hemp thrown clear, the only damage being to the vehicle. Ureal interest is being taken in cricket here this season. A wicket has been pre-, pared, which it is hoped will prove good, in which case it lias been decided to play our representative match here. There is plenty of good material here to make tip a strong team, but a leading player to coach the willing ones js badly wanted. MATAMATA. Tiik old wool-shed buildings at Minamata were transformed oil Tuesday, Dec. 10. when the Anglican liiisuou and bale of work, In aid of the chinch building fund. «m opened by Mr. 11. .1. lireeißludc. .Ml'., in the presence of a number of resident* from the settlement and surrounding districts. Special mention is due to Sirs. lieConnell, the lion, sec., and the Key. W. 11. Cdgcll, for the success ot the function. The stalls wore in charge of the following ladies:— Mdsdaines Payne and Kins, ladies' goods; Mi*. Moore-Jones (with several young lady assistants), refreshments; Misses Browne and lluinell. ladies' and children's goods; .Misses lint-laud and Monro, men's goods; Miss I. Garland, Mis* Mcfoiinell, and Miss Hewitt, fancy goods; and Air?. Mi.-Con-nell and Mis. Johnston, supper-room. Miss Farre I, who was in charge of the bran tub, and .Miss Mardmi. who piesided at (lie t'sli pond, did excellent business, while Miss I'ayr.e laid charge of the musical part of the programme. Songs were. rendered by the Misses King and Messis. Sawyer (i>, Kilgell, and Young', while several " nigger minstrel" items were contributed, and a recitation by Mr. Brodie. A shooting gallery and "art'" gallery were also very popular, while a heavily-laden Christmas tree attracted a host, of children on Wednesday evening. As a. result of the two days' sale, the stun ot £37 was banked on Thursday morning. I'AEROA. A sccckssfi'li entertainment and sale of work in aid of the vicarage debt reduction fund was held in St. raid's Parish Hall. I'aeroa. The stalls were presided over by the following:— fancy goods. Mesdtmies Cowie and Hubbard; lollies. Hisses loole and Hubbard; refreshments, Mesdanies Yule and Moresby; lish pond, Mesdames Bush and Bruiiskill: weight •guessing, Miss Tipler. During the evening a musical programme was rendered, those taking part being Misses Vtiglar. Smith, Coote, and Medians;, Messrs. K. quick, Algie. and R. Quick. At the Paeroa Police Court, to-day, James liraham. an old offender, was sentenced to 14 days' impriioiiiueut for drunkenness by Mr. -J. Nathan, .I.l*. At the quarterly meeting of the Loval .Jubilee Lodge of Oddfellows. Brother V. A. Bnleke. P. 11.. installed the officers for the ensuing halfyear, as follows: —X.G., Bio. L. Sanderson ; V.W., Brother A. C. Foster; U.M., Brother E. Parry; S.. Brother W. Parry; treasurer. Brother ». Bronnvieh. .Subordinate officers were appointed ns follows :—It.S.N.(!.. Brother J. l.'oonan ; L.B. X.U., Brother K. Donnelly, 1.0 . Brother .J. Hesp; warden, Brother F. Edwards; R.5.V.0., Brother S. I.yes; L.S.V.N.. Brother Uedpath. At the conclusion of the business a pleasant hour was spent in harmony. PAI'AKOA. A meeting of the North Kaipara Agricultural Association committee was held on the 10th lost., Mr. J. (I. Centos presiding. The secretary, Mr John Agnew, tendered his resignation on account, of health, ami it was resolved to give him a month's leave of absence. Mr. ('. If. Jenkins was elected In his place. A subcommittee was appointed with instructions to renew the road fences., etc., and to confer with the Otamatea Mounted Rifles regarding an entrance to the Drill Hall. A number of the judges to officiate at the show ha\e definitely accepted their engagements. The president and secretary were instructed to allot the special primps, and' otherwise prepare the schedule for distribution, An excellent prize-list is in the hands of the committee, and a most successful show is anticipated o.i February 19.

Messrs McAdain and Cliff are bringing out a lot. of kauri logs, which have h-cn sold to the Unehiitigu Tintlwr Company, This is the lust timber that, is likely to be sent away from ftupttroa.

rUKKKOHE. A MKKTIXO Of Hie general committee of the Franklin Agricultural and Pastoral Society was held on Thursday evening in the I'ukekohe Hotel. Mr John Schiaepfer presided. The chairman submitted a report of the subcommittee in reference to the improvements on the showground. The recommendation* weifi accepted and the nub-committee was asked to supervise and have the work completed before the coming show, on February 28 and 29. The committee decided to appoint Judges for horses, cattle, and sheep from outside Auckland province, and the secretary was instructed to write to gentlemen in llawera, Wanganui. and Wairarapa districts, inviting them to act. Judging by inquiries that are being mode this year's show will be u record. The president made reference fo the visit of members to the Wairangi experimental farm, and the secretary was instructed to write and thank the Chief Inspector (Mr. Clifton) and Professor Kirk, and Messrs. Boucher. Barrett, and Hawson for the pleasant and instructive outing afforded. Mr. Kdgar Walker, who for the past two years has been stationed at Pukekohe as chief porter at the railway station, has been transferred to i'aeroa. Mr. Walker took an active interest in the formation of a branch of the Mnnchestei Unity Order of Oddfellows in the district, and prior to his departure the brethren presented him with a silver butter-dish, as a token of esteem.

The, Christmas-tree organised by St. Andrew's Church Vestry, mid held en Friday and Saturday, proved an unqualified success. An excellent programme of sonic*, recitations, and various competitions was provided each evening. The gross takings amounted to £54 16s. HUN'TLY. Os Saturday night the Htintly Bra.'* Hand nnifor Mr. J. Mcintosh gave an outdoor concert, which was highly anpreciutrd by u large number of residents. Work iii the mines for the fortnight ended the 7th Inst, was again a poor one. both the Intended and llalph'e mines working little over six shifts. An enjoyable social given by the ladies of lluntly. in return lor the one organised by the bachelors, took place in lite Volunteer Hall on Friday night. The secretarial duties were efficiently performed by Misses L. Brooks and 11. Parke*, and.. Misses Johnson and Hay nor acted «(■ M.C.'s. During the evening songs were effectively tendered by Misses Johnson and Raymr. At it meeting of the managing commit If of the llutitlv miners' picnic and Sports. I'- secretary and Mr. C S. K. <><• ('«! m, submitted the balance-sheet, which sic." d the receipts to haw been £66 lis ,'d. and the **- penditure £-14 4, lid, thus leaving a ciedit, balance of S,c'. As 3d, ;v sum which included £8 IP* 8d carried forward from la*t real. Mr. dc Ca»tro w.ia iiccorded the thank* of "the meeting for his services. TK AROHA. 'Is; AumiA, formeilv in O'liiiemiiri, is flow in the Taurnnga electorate, which Mr. W. H. 1 lei - lies, the present representative ol the Ray of Plenty, has decided 111 contest at the nexl election, Mr. J. A. Young, of Hamilton, looks lor tin- support ot the Liberals. The school committer has been notified that. (he Miuislt r for Education has authorised the establishment of ii district, high school in 'i • Aioli.i at. the beginning of 1908. and that the Board of Education intends shortly to call for applications tor the position of teacher the secondary department of the school The To Aroha Agricultural and Horticultural Society lias altered the dale of lis annual show from February 5 to January i. Mr. nice, headleacher ol the Wailiou school, has-been fleeted a* one of the cricket team to play the N'sw South Wales teachers' team expected in Auckland shortly. Mr. iletheiiiijfton, for man)' years manager in To Aroha for llethcriiisfton's Ltd., drapers, and Mrs. Iletherlngtou intend shortly to visit Great Britain. On Wednesday, Dec. 11, a progressive euchre party, followed by a dance, was held in aid of the funds of the Te Aroha Convent, Over 30 tables were In tier, and a considerable slim was netted. The committee were Mi..-dames Somcrs, Pilling, Oliver, Fitzgerald, Maekic. D-.vyer, the Misses Gavin, .Messrs'. Oliver, 'J'attey, Dwyer, and Moloney. The prize-winners were as follows:Ladies." Mi.». Ttnmilns (substitute), 1; Miss M. Michael, 2; Miss Davenport, booby. Gentlemen, Mr. Aitkeu. 1: Mr. .1. HcatheOte, 2; Mr. W. Maingav, booby. The itev. J. Dukes has returned to Tc Aroha in improved health. Sir .1. (i. Ward. Minister for Telegraphs, has promised that upon the settler* at Wardville guaranteeing an annual subsidy of £7 for five years, telephonic communication will be. established between that place and Te Aroha. CAMMUDUK. A SUCCESSFUL mindful conceit was given at "Waterside" on Friday evening by Madame Iriherwood and her pupils. The pupils who contributed vocal items were:—MUses K. Hill. McElwnin, Watt, Howard. Cimk, V. Morgan, Vo-p»r, Norman, Scott, and Madame fsherwood; Messrs. Hooker, G. Court, K. Court, K. Caddy, L. I she wood, J. l'eake. [irstruineiital items were given by Misses K. Huge, B. Morse. V. Webber, J. Vosper, V. Morgan, 11. Russell, It. Mi-Leod, 1.. Drindle, 0 Allen. M. Alien, and A. Death. In connection with her classes. Madame Isherwood baa started u glee club tor adults, and they gave three glees most, acceptably. Miss Ruby Nixon assisted by playing a number of accompaniments. During the evening prizes were presented to the following junior pupils:— Theory (lal grade): Vera Morgan. 1; Ijillii Lake, 2. Second grade: Hilda Russell. 1; Violet Webber, 2. Scale competition : K. Morse. 1. The Cambridge Borough Council met on Fridm evening hist, the Mayor (Mr. W. F. Bucklaud) presiding. The chairman complained that local builders were not observing the by-laws in regard to the brick walls in buildings. •II was resolved that the Railway Department be requested to make Cambridge one of their weekend resorts, and to issue special tickets accordingly, 'the Mayor said that the timber imported from Sydney for the Kariiplrn bridge would arrive in" a tew days, and it, was resolved to ask the Government engineer iii Auckland to inspect it. Th? Finance Committee recommended the payment of £ij as a bonus to Mr. Hunyard, waterworks engineer, and that I lie Council negotiate with the Hank ot New Zealand regarding debentures in connection with the loan of £1300. The matter of laying gas on to the Domain and the bund rotunda wag relet red to the Has Committee.

A meeting of file Pukeriinti Road Board wa* held in the Fanner*'- Club-room ou Friday afternoon, Mr. R. Kinlier presiding. Several account* were passed for payment, and the chairman remarked that more muuey would be required tor

the high level bridge than was anticipated at the Board's annual meeting. The member* then sat as the Cambridge West Domain Heard. ft was resolved to sue for rents If not paid after due notice had been given. It was reported that members had inspected a number of sites for swimming bath nt Cambridge West, and had selected one on an allotment belonging to Mr. J. Jarrett. who had furnished the Board with the cost, of the scheme.

A meeting of the Library Committee was held on Friday evening. Mr. George Dickinson presiding. It. was reported that the credit balance at date was £56 Is td. mid outstanding subscriptions £9 Us. Accounts totalling £51 were passed for payment. During the year 217 new books have been placed on the shelves. The chairman referred to the action of the Borough Council in having written to Mr. Andrew Carnegie for a grant towards the. erection of a new library at Cambridge, without having in anyway consulted the Library Committee. They certainly required a new building, but had £76 in hand towards it, mid lie thought they could manage to get a suitable building without begging from Mr. Carnegie. It was resolved to write to Mr. Carnegie and inform him of the elate of affairs. The newly-formed cricket club is making good headway, 30 members having paid their subscript ions. Arrangements are in progress for mutches with outside clubs. Preparations in connection with the ceremony of opening the new high level bridge are well in baud. Ilia Excellency the Governor will arrive by special train at one p.m. on Saturday next, the ceremony at the bridge being timed for 1.15 p.m. Tic .Salvation Army's new barracks were formally opened on Saturday last The Mayor, tho Beys. W. .1. oow. IV. 11. Heck, and Jnnic* Puasell being anions those present. All enjoyable social was held In the Victoria Hall on Monday evening, at which a hearty welcome was accorded to Mr. .Tames Anderson, who has just returned from a visit to the Homeland, while at the same time Mr. and Mrs. (i. •I. were farewclled. The latter intend taking ii)) their residence near Auckland. tn the afternoon a gathering of the Young Women's Bible Class took place at " Linton." when Miss Neal was presented with a handbag bv Mrs. (,'ow, on behalf of the class. HAMILTON. A VOfTH had a veiy narrow escape from death on Monday at the Hamilton railway station, lie Was assisting to put rome mail baskets into the guard's van before the train was stationary, and miscalculated his strength, and the distance, lulling under the van behind the front wheels. Fortunately for him the train came to a standstill before the hind wheels reached him.

The well-known Olekaike Estate, on the Wfiitaki River, near Oiimarii, which was acquired by the Government a .short lime ago, will he opened for selection early next year. The Hon: R. McNab, Minister for Lands, Informed an Otugo Daily Times reporter that the estate would be 'opened under the Land Laws Act of this year. Eighteen farms, comprising 15,551 acres, or, roughly speaking, one-third of the total acreage, are set apart for landless married people with children; to landless unsuccessful applicants at previous ballots 15 farms are allotted, the aggregate of the urea being 3042 acres: and the portion to lie ' opened for general selection r.omprit>eg'22 farms, with an acreage of 30.051 acres. The gross total of the 55 farms is 48.675 acres, and the capital value is put down at £106,494. Applications from employees who have lost their employment owing to the cutting up of the estate number mx, and these will be duly considered by the Otago Laud Board. All the leases will, under the new Act, be for a term of 33 years, with perpetual renewal. The railway to Kurow runs through the property. It is anticipated that tho ballot will take place next February.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13625, 19 December 1907, Page 9

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NEWS FROM COUNTRY DISTRICTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13625, 19 December 1907, Page 9

NEWS FROM COUNTRY DISTRICTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13625, 19 December 1907, Page 9


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