ARRIVALS. Indralema. s.s.. 0669, Theo. Trotter, from New York and Australia Heather, Robert on and Co., agents. Ngapuhi. s.s.. 640, E. Stephenson, from Wluijiffarei. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. L. McGlashan, MIS.OT Brown, Allen, ("ami, Russell. Tucker, Taylor, Clements (2), Hawker, Clark, AyJett, Dunlop, Walker. Taft, Mesdamcs Tatt. Henry, I'errin. Colonial! and child, Poole and two children, Cheeseman and child. Smith. Lowe. Valentine. Clark, the Rev. Sommerville, Messrs. L. Mowbray. .Drumn\oii(J, Kyle*. Harris, Drown, Beckett, Howard, Field, Tcasdale, Hawkins. Taylor. .Jenkins, McCullougli. Taylor. Jack. Mnnder. M U.K., Hyde, Clark, McCorquodale. Williams (2), Dyer. S.M., Aby, Montague, I'oole. Ilislop, Mowbray (2), Atkinson, McCullougli, Dutfiu, and 17 steerage. Northern S.S. Co., agents.
Paero.i, s.s., 98. John Taw, from Mercury Bay. Passengers; Mr. and .Mrs. Wood, Messrs. Bright, Mcl'ike. —Northern S.S. Co., agents.
Stella, s.s., 267, E. Sellars, from Mercury Bay. —Leyland-O'Btiui Co., agents. ] DEPARTURES. Cambrian, H.M. twin-screw steel cruiser. 2725 tons, 7000 liorsf-]K»wer. S guns, Captain (Jaunt, for S>dney. Rakaia. s.s.. ,''623. Vine, for London, vis Napier and Wellington. Manapoiu i, s.s., 2060, A. D. (Mil isp. for the CtMik and Society islands. Passengers: Mrs. Fremersdorif. Messrs. W. Wigmore, Buckeiihain. Holmes, Davis, and five steerage. Tarawera. s.s., 2003, W. Hutching*, for East Coast and Southern ports. Passengers: For (lisborne—Misses M. Wright, 1.. M. Rayn. Smith, Allan, Jerram. Will. Matthews, Hart. Mesdumes Colbert and infant, J. London, Simeon, Thomas. Connor, Chrisp. Jerran, Seymour and two children, Colebrook. Clirisp. Messrs. Scott, -I. W. Learey, Thomas. J. London, Mendelssohn, Deere. A. Watkins. -I. Brown. A. U. B. lira ham. Carter, Majiey, 11. Oram. J. Lewi*. Allan, R. Robertson. Hutchison. O. Sharp. For Napier—Misses Bissett (2), Thayer (2). Clarke. Condon, Rothschild, Jenkinaon, Harris. Mesdames ('use, A. M. Tit aye r. R. A. Keen.ui, Eraser, J. Smith, M. Lush and three children. Messrs. I'. Ay sou, R. A. Keenan. Cruickshatik, W. Norman, Quiii. J. R. C'rerar. Finch. For Wofliiujt-ou—Misses Spit-hall, Riddick, E. Moris, McDonald. Hart. Rothschild. Mesdames Rothschild, F. Moris, Messrs P. Pueck. J. M. Mouwvot, U. A. Smith. Kerr, W. Saunders. E. Saunders, Rothschild, Hartley, Rothschild. R. W. Whinning. For Lyt-telton—Missies ,1. C. Allen. MeAuliffe, Meddings. Drown, Shaw. Morton. Hollow ay (21. Pitcaith. Mestlaines Winter and infant, Harris, Stewart, M. IVallantyr.e. J. W. Gordon, Taylor, I). Craig. J. Freri]>es, Messrs. S. B. Gibson, Tayler. E Ashby. D. Craig. F. T. Williams. For Dunedin-—Mioses Philp, M. Pasley. Me&dames R. Knox. Philp, Mr. Philp. Captain Watson. Waiotahi. s.s.. 278, C. Hopkins, for Tauranga. Ohiwa, and Opotiki. Glenelg, s.s., 267. F. Jonas, for Whangarei. Kiinien, s.s., 203. T. Myers, for Whangarei. Aupoiiri, s.s., 240. T. HaulUin, tor I'arengarenga. Te Kao, and Hok tango. Aiwiui, s.s.. 200, R. H. Gibbons, for Awanui. Wailiarara, and Hotihora. Pelican, s.s.. 197. W. Gardiner, for Mangomii. Awarua, p.s., 159, George Laietv, for Whangaro«.
Young Bungaree. s.s., 78, Wiittingham, tor Whangapotia. Arthur, barque, 71C. Evensen, for New York. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Cosoo*• Star of Scotland, s.s., via Australia, sailed December 25, due about February 20. l'cikomaiii, «.s., «ailed December 6, due about January 29. Tongariro, s.s., due about January 25. Ma re re. s.s., via Australia, at Melbourne January 9. due Thursday. Maori, s.s., to sail. Opavva. ti.s., sailed, due about February 27. Alembic, three-masted schooner, loading. Sa.T Frasciscc • Ventura, R.M.S., February 6. LIVHKi>O(.'L : Oswestry Grange, s.s., at Adelaide January 5, due about January 29. Arawa. new s.s., to sail in, February, due about April 4. Surrey, s.s., sailed December 3. due about January 30. Devon, s.s.. via Australia, sailed December 11, due about February 14. Ayrshire, s.s., via Australia, sailed, due about March 15. Somerset, s.s., to sail. Peru, barque, to sail. NBW YORE.
Tomoana. s.s., to sail. Irish Monarch, ss., via Australia, due Saturday. Queen Ainelie, via Australia, sailed November 20. Inverau, s.s., via Australia, to eatl. Bydsbt: I'athan, ft.s., to-day. Marere. s.s., to-morrow. Irish Monarch, s.s., Saturday. KHWCASTL*: Handa Isle, barquentine, sailed December 27. Selwyti Craig, barquentine, sailed. Casablanca, barque, s;iilcd. Northern Chief, barque, sailed. Hazel Craig, barque, to sail Fiji : Atiw, s.s., January 31. Tosa.v' Atuii. s.s., January 31. Samoa:
Atua, s.s., January 31. Vancouver : Pondn. m., via Suva, sailed January 5. Bckbuhy: St. Helena, s.s., via the South, &;iited. PROJECTED DEI' RES. London- : Patlnm, s.s., via the South, about January 26. SrnNKi:: Wimmera, s.s., Monday. New York : Viking, barque, to load. tl.'i. Hauroto. s.s., to-day. Atua, » ?., early. Sjvoa: Atua, s.s., early. Tosua : Atua. ».s., early. Cook Islands : Countess of Runfurlv, Govt, schooner, Saturday.
UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. East Coast. To-day: llauroto sails for Suva and Levuka at 4 p.m. • Thursday: Mokoia arrives from Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington. Napier, and Gisborne. Saturday: Mokoia kml« for Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin at 12 noon. West Coast. To-day: Rotoiti anives from Nelson. Wellington." and New Plymouth, and sails for the Mine ports at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. train). Friday: Takapuna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth and sails for New Plymouth only at 3 p.in. (2.10 p.m. train). Saturday: Comma arrives from the South. NORTHERN S.S. CO.S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Kanieri arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf; Ngapuhi leave? tor Whangarei at 8 p.m. ; Chelmsford leave* for the Great Barrier ot midnight; Apanui leaves for Houhora, Awanui, and Waiharara at 11.30 a.m. Thursday: Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about 8 a.m. «nd leaves for the fame port at 4 p.m. (train 3 p.m.): Kanieri loaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 3 p.m. ; Chelmsford arrives from the Groat Barrier about 6 p.m. ; Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 9 p.m.; Kia Ora arrives from Raglan, Kawhia, and Waitara late.
Friday: Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, etc., at 10.30 p.m.: Kameri arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf: ■Clansman leaves for Taiuanga at 5 p.m.: Mangapapa leaves for WhakaUme at- noon; N'gatiawa leaves lot Tairua find Mercury Bay at 7 p.m. Thames service: Steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa daily. Seo advertisement daily papers.
VESSELS IN lIARBOUR. Iris, H.M. cabin steamer, in stream.i Southern Cross, mission steamer. stream. Tudiaghiri, s.s., at Queen-street- Whan. Hauroto, p.?*.. at. Quay-street .lettv No. 2, Itidraleina, s.c., at Queen-street Wharf. Aldeburau, barque, at. 1 luljeoutpf*t Wharf. Tiunarii Tahiti, schooner, in stream. Ysalul. schooner, in stream. Countess of Itanfurly, Government schooner, at yucen-at reet Wharf, IMPORTS. I'M' fndralema, liom New York : 2480 reel? bub wire, 30 casta glucose, 250 coses kerosene, 1724 k<"C!> nails, 3 coses oil, 3170 coila plain win;, 504 reels paper, t>7 bundles pipes, 30 casta resin, 62 case;) tobacco, 229 casta and 25 packages plaster, stud sundries. EXPORTS. Per Arthur, for New York: 1027 cases kauri gum, 100 tens Haw The Union Company's steamer Taraweia left for Kiutt. Coast and Southern ports yesterday afternoon it-li a number of pa,ssenger:> and « large general cargo. f,ast night (lie Northern Coni|ttiiy's steamer Ngapuhi arrived from W+wi-ngarei with passengers and general cargo and leaves lor the same port again to-night. The Union Company'.-* steamer Matiapouri left last evening for the Cook awl Society Islands with several passengers and the usual miscellaneous! cargo. ... Yesterday the steamer Stella arrived from Mercury Bay with a raft, of logs. Tiio Union Company's steamer 11aurote leaves for Fiji to-day. Yreterdav the steamer (Jlenelg was floated out of tho Auckland Dock after cleaning and painting a red left last, night for YYluingaivi Tim Norwegian barque Arthur Bailed tor New York yesterday morning, being lowed out into the gulf bv the s.s. Pelican. Yesterdav the barque Aldebaran was berthed at, the. Ilobson-street Wharf to load timber for Sydney. . The Northern Company's steamer WaioUthi lett jesterday for Hay of Plenty ports. Yesterday the tugboats Peliuan for Mungontu, Aw:urua for Wliangaroa., and Young Dungaree for 'iV'liangapoua left Auckland to brini; rafts of loge down,
' THE WARSHIPS. H.M Cambrian left for (Sydney on Monday overling. H.M. Pioneer arrived at. Wellington from Timaru yesterday. THE NAVUA. 'Hie Union Company's steamer Navua, en rout,; to Sydney, arrived at- Suva yesterday from Auckland", Tonga, and Samoa. THE PATH AN. The cargo steamer I'athan. under charter to the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company, is due at Auckland from Sydney to-day to take in wool and general cargo for London, and proceeds South to complete her loading. THE RAKAIA. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rakaia left for Napier and Wellington yesterday morning to complete her loading for London. The steamer is due in London about March 26. TO LOAD FOR NEW YORK. Messrs. 1.. Gillespie and Sons, of New York and Auckland, have chartered the Norwegian, barque Viking to load kauri gum at this port for New York. The barque sailed from Singapore for the Mauritius on September 19, and is due at. Auckland about the end of next, month and will load early in March. THE INDRALEMA. » 'I he Tyser line;- Indraleiint, under the command of Captain Tbeo. Trotter, arrived from New York and Australia yesterday morning, and being granted pratique. berthed at the Queen-street Wharf. The steamer, which comes into port, in tier usual neat order, has about 1200 tons ot general cargo for Auckland. Leaving New York on November 18. the steamer made a good run oil' to Melbourne, reaching that port on New Year's live. I'm discharge the lndralema proceeded to Sydney and left that port- for Auckland on January 15. A strong easterly sale, with heavy head seas, prevailed for three dais, followed by line weather to making the gulf on Monday night. where the steamer anchored, coming into port yesterday morning. The Indru'etna leaves for the South on Saturday next.
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13393, 23 January 1907, Page 6
Word Count
1,560PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13393, 23 January 1907, Page 6
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