Sales by Auction. PUKEKOHE. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER, 10 AND 11. QPRING TTORSE pAIR. The undersigned will hold their Spring Horse Fair at Pukekohe on above dates, when upwards of" Af\(\ HORSES OP ALL CLASSES WILL *"" BE OFFERED, including— 6 4 and S-year-old Heavy Draughts, from Otauu. \ 6 Young Heavy Draughts, straight out of work Bay Stallion, 3yrs, by Dr. Seddon— Atho 1 mare Bay Stallion. 2yrs. by Better Times— Blair Athol mare. Took First Prize as yearling at Pukekohe Show 1 Grand Unbroken, 4-year-old Filly, by Better Times 1 Heavy 4-year-old Colt, by Dr. Seddon 2 Verv Nice 4-year-old Unbroken Black - Colts, half-brothers, from the Valley & Heavy Draught Mares 6yrs, from Pukebawa 1 Heavy Draught Colt. 4yrs, from Whangarata 1 Bay Mare, 6yrs, by Hotohkiss 1 Heavy Draught Colt, 3yrs. from Ararimu South 4 Active Farm and Waggon Horses from Buckland 1 Heavy Colt. 3yrs, unbroken 1 Do. Draught Mare, 4yrs, any trial 5 Heavy Unbroken Colts and Fillies from Onewhero 15 Heavy and Medium 3 and 4-year-old Colts and Fillies, from Waiuku 30 Light Unbroken Colts and Fillies from Onewhero 20 Light and Medium Colts and Fillies from Miranda 3 Trucks part'worn, heavy sorts, from town. 13 Active Young Heavy Draughts from Te Puke Bay Colt, syrs, suitable for waggon work 3 Upstanding Hacks, from Bombay Medium Draught Filly, 4yrs. from Clevedon. in foal to Pride of Chetnole New (Jig, 5-year-old Mare, and Harness, from Tuakau Chestnut Stallion, 6yrs, by FabulousNannie. ORDER OF SALE. MONDAY—IO a.m.. Heavy Horses; 1 p.m., All Unbroken Animals. TUESDAY—IO a.m.. Light Harness Sorts and Hacks. Horses will be numbered and offered in order as received on morning of sale. A LFRED -OUCKLAND AND gONS. C. G. BROOKES, Auctioneer. CLEVEDON. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. The undersigned will hold their next Sale at Clevedon as above, for DAIRY COWS, STORE CATrLE, SHEEP, HORSES. PIGS. ETC. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. " HELENSVILLE YARDS. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. •.*■'■" ' 104 ACRES, HELENSVILLE. The Undersigned have received instructions ' from Mr. S. Russell to sell. - in ACRES, half in grass, balance rough * lUi teed; fenced (7 wires): good stockyards. Carried 60 Sheep and 25 Cattle last winter. Three miles by i .' good road from Helensville Sta- . ' v.; _ tion. ■ ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. SPECIAL SALE • "•■ . " -■'' ■ Of DAIRY CATTLE AT PUKEKOHE. ;:, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. . OK DAIRY K COWS AND HEIFERS 20 GRADE SHORTHORN BULLS. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. t '; KAIPARA FLATS. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. The Undersigned will hold their next sale at Kaipara Flats on above date' for pATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, PIGS. ETC. ■ Entries Respectfully Solicited, Intending sellers kindly communicate with • Mr. J. E. Leach. v,j : ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. ,v' . HELENSVILLE' CATTLE FAIR. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. '' The Undersigned will hold a Cattle Fair as above for about CAA head of CATTLE. Entries Respectfully Solicited. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. RUNCIMAN YARDS. ■",'■. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. , The Undersigned will hold their First Cattle Fair as above for about 1000 HEAD 0F CATTLE. Entries Respectfully Solicited. ; ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. PRELIMINARY "VT OTI OE. SPECIAL SALE AT MANUREWA. On Account of Mr. G. J. Sim. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. PURE- BRED AND GRADE JERSEYS. Full particulars in future issue. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND JSONS. RiO UN TRY SALES. PUKEKOHE—AnnuaI Spring Sale of Horses MONDAY and TUESDAY. September 10 and 11. ' ,„ CLEVEDON— MONDAY, September 10. HELENSVILLE-WEDNESDAY, September 12. PUKEKOHE— Special Sale Dairy Cows and Bulls. SATURDAY. September 15. ■ «'' KAIPARA FLATS-MONDAY. September 17. POKENO-MONDAY, September 17. RUNCIMAN WEDNESDAY, September 19. ' H^LeaSVILLE-Cattle Fair. SATURDAY, September 22. • ■ PUKEKOHE MONDAY. September 24. RUNCIMAN-First Cattle Fair. WEDNESDAY, September 26. MANUREWA-Clearance .'■ale of Mr. G. J. Sim's Live and Dead Stock. SATURDAY, September 29. , ; ALFRED LUCKLAND AND SONS. I
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Bibliographic details
New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13277, 8 September 1906, Page 10
Word Count
602Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13277, 8 September 1906, Page 10
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