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i • Medical- . . ' Ml ™ Messrs. B. HAMILTON & CO., j» Elect™ l"*'! Oaar- »{«•[; UNU© . a antes a Com P |ete and OR WRITE Beg to inform all may'c^ni^r^ that tliev have opened a Permanent Cure in Every ! . . * * PERMANENT BRANCH IN AUCKLAND, • •'!„.. .. . . 1 = "' ''' ' ' 1 and the CHIEF CONSULTING PHYSICIAN and the PRINCIPAL can now GaSe tuGV Undertake Cures oreato confidence and be seen personally at car New Rooms,. - / have made our business in CITY CHAM&FR& (Corner of Queen hmi(\ Aflifl j : — larger by far than any other " , u "" i V Dil -»w, and victoria st a .) HubilLfilSU, firm advertising: or Other- 1 pleased to give all particulars and ADVICE FREE to bona-£de jj ATT OTfSftUO EilfHfif wise. Sufferers are not -auflerera. US. I 0 I flUfsb HOW dlOG,t)t)Olnted for we never wil ® k* TC wasted the exhilarating spirit of young manhood, men whose eyes nnnmtßA than! *»/*<»«. +tin» «;« aro dulled, whose brains are muddled and weary, whose nervous energy ie ex- . . .. promise them more than we liauated from dissipation, overwork, indiscretions, excesses, or disobedience to- The body avenges its own perform. We have recently | Nature's laws, who have lost the sprightly enjoyment of life, who have sleepless neglect. Do you know what demonstrated to leg-ions Of aiprhts, dull, gloomy, despondent days, who hav« lost courage; ambition, and th« I vour bodv wants P men the truth of What we which mSO evident ia perfect manhood ; men^ who have BLO9D AND SKIN n i c i m 3 TROUBLES, and diseases of a special nature, if you have lea to derive any BUUm, inavOUP special 1 real- j benefit from other treatments, and have wasted both time and mon*v, we offer 1 Why prow old before your time ? # Why wither ment for Men's Diseases is you a complete AND permanent CURE, .bid. will NOT COST YOU K, J^tWSPftWPSS: as certain to cure them as it A FE>ijN UIM.L&S CUIIED If you suffer, do nob put this aside, and say I restore what you have lost. Why the dimmed In thot »l, c enfrnnan AncxflKVAD B will aee to it later on, bnt at once take advantage ©four PRINCIPAL'S SPECIAL t eye, the breath short and quick? Why the titter IS tnat tne sunrerer engages B VISIT T0 AUCKLAND, and have a personal interview. Our Rooms ara life, the joyless life, with no bound in your step, our services and follows our open monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, from directions. All that deep 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2to 5 p.m., and 7to 8.30 p.». ; WEDNESDAY; 10 a.m. to, g afraid to go into society, lack of ner c force, the knowledge, expert Skill, and 1 P m ; ; SUNDAY by special appointment only. 1 If you axe living too far away in your system thing of the thOPOUfiTh scientific OiQce I** Y isi k> write at «ace, in Btric*<xmfidencc, giving feU particulars of jour troubles, want it restored. Every "man ami woman who . w , 111* and you will receive a plain and distinct statement ot what we can do for you. suffers from nervousness, weakness, lame back equipments Can accomplish Wo never supply our Remedies for cases they cannot cure. We have made and kidneys, indigestion, constipation, pile?, is now being done fop those so thorough and complete a study of Diseases and Troubles of Hen that failure is blood and skin diseases, etc., consult us it once. Who come tO US for the help almost impossible. We do not claim to perform miracles, but what we do claim How to obtain Manliness, Health and Strength +Vi«», _ that our Remedies cure the most obstinate aaaee, when all other means fail. ' are the anguishing thought* which run through »«®y neou. . the minds of thousands of hopeless sufferers , " 1 All Correspondence must be addressed to!" THE CHIEF CONSULTING . tb * m "without the intervention of a miracle. [LOST A famous man was once . v'v'- PHYSICIAN," or To those who are disheartened through having 1 Messrs. HAMILTON & CO,, SgJSm opportunities have shipwrecked thou- "SO, City Chambers, Queen St., Auckland. Electric Belts. Etc., and, hare become hopeless sands of lives. Lost opportunities have imniniiiiii»nm nam—— —— —a ——— ——at—i—aa—a 111 mum i«um.. {of ever obtaining a cure, our New and Special SUjd .-r !.n.ttoWl«n» workhouse., . | | VISITUS. Ityou are suffer IiTT'SSSr'Sr'SSrS^ S"th P .'d»„M 6 „? p PLEASE KOTE ™ AT 1 OUR CURES ARE I w. c „™ OnDOrtunities however small whpn tit .11 • •, 11 j- 1 OCDTAIM 1 When a " other means fail. A j life of the sufferer. All symptoms of disease wJawit. 1; 0® ! r 8 ftU ' , 11 We specially invite all dis- CERTAIN I cured man to us is the best of and weakness vanish, and in their place is lost, affect the lues of everyone of us. couraged and dissatisfied 8 advertisements He tells others experienced the pride aid strength of Perfect Tafco advantage of every opportunity suffer who have been , - ~ . ■ I whosufferindtheycoma tous I St'oßSthmorrowwfll^o» U for aT J°' fcreated without receiving aWE CURE MEN j and art cured also. We under- i That we stand pre-eminently at the head of morrow will do, for, as the old pro- cure to call on us. It will 8 take to cure, and treat a man °» r profession is no longer a question of doubt; verb says, 10-morrow never comes ; cost you nothing to consult WHERE i honestlv : our fees are reason that we have inTestigated further into the to-morrow is the fool's day." U8 .ie shall b * lad to tell ™ able and oZm1™"°"" 3Sffs 8 not SJftr A" OPPOrt |'. nity presents Jt- done foi"you. W an 6 __ lUR GUARANTEE is Our experience is lifelong, and bur record in 8611 to all suffering meet . • . 8 I plain and Simple acomplcte J Australia and New Zealand is a. series of to-day; take advantage of it, and visit " you cannot visit, write mr UCI/CD 0 cu re"or we refund every penny j triumphs, proved by thousands of testimonials or write us without delay. a full history of your case, r»E «C»cn R vol| pay. Wo do nob say this I received J 1 ™ aH parte. .The young, middle- .... a „d we will give j.„ our TRIFLE WITH I there i. /o„bt, A| I ftAMQlll TATIfiMR opinion by return mail, j 9 but simply to show we have S not fail unless the case is beyond human aid wwnwut Ift I lUivw securely sealed in plain j RIQFA9F 1 complete "confidence in our 1 Nerve force, energy, will, brain power, When FRFE " j envelope. -J OlOtnOL. } remedies. ' | failing or lost, are restored by our treatments.

i THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR , . , COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA- AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. f . Those who hare taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty, of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delight and immediate relief; and to those whp are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in. alloying irritation in,the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption tor develop. Consumption has,never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. • ! » . . BEWARE OF COUGHS nEMEMBE!^ THAT ITS TO T^ HIS RIJLEi t 4 ' , ' / BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. Severe Cough—A Five Years' Case. BRONCHITIS. & Commercial Traveller suffering: intensely A bad case Quickly and "completely cured Relieved at once and completely cured Two Persons in New Zealand Cured b7 • Cured by Hearne's Branchltis Cure. after other treatment had failed, by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Has sines camped out 'and travelled much Mr. Hearne, Chemist. Geelone <•'? «!' Dear Sir.-I suffered from a severe cold oil One of them had been suffering for Twelve %«rifVi«t»* o- "cciuiib. the chest, with couffh, tor five years, and Months without contracting: a cold. Sir,—Will you please send me soma inedx- during that time trot treatment from differ- / T *# -*■- _xt • . v cine for the owln £ diners: -—A fortnight en t sources, but derived no benefit until I ,r„ TTfl „ l , no - n<lQr c st . r "ha a a „ Pr v.*,! Mr. Ift. Cr. Hearae. a-go I had Influenza, and it settled on the used vour Bronchitis Cure, which gave me l \ Heaine. Dear Sir, 1 J had a very lad Dear Sir,— 1858, I was for four years pre- lungs. I now have congestion of the lungs# relief'at once, and completely cured me. cough, so I bought one bottle of your Bronviously in Queensland travelling represeuta- the doctor says so, but his treatment, lias i m delighted with it. It is a really won- chilis Cure, and used about one-half of it, tire for-a mercantile house. Hav'ng con- not done mo any good. My breath ins, is derfnl medicine- does uood at once, and which cured my cough in two.or three day*, tracted a heavy cold, I placed myself under short, and I ; have a. short cough a nan l l bo Ucked -Yours Krefy. My-daughter, who-had been troubled with a medical man, and used all kinds of chein- frothy-white spit; 111.7 sido3 are sore" to lie •• \V. TRBMiiLLEN, a , nic( 01 the . past twelve months, istV prescriptions without avail. I was then touch, and painful. It hurts me to "lie dov#£ v " Modewarre Victoria." '» then used the remaining half of the medistaying at Hayes' Terminus Hotel, Brisbane. I am very weak, and I perspire a lot' . — cine, and it cured her also. I think your Th» manager did all possible for me. for night, and my body and lungs feel burn- * Asthma A c 0 ~«ntoi.« vmm» Caen 1 Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful remedy, which I snail always feel grateful. Mr. nig. lam getting worse. I feel worse to- Asthma A Seventeen 1 ears Caso. I have lived on my farm at Bombay for Duncan Currie, at that time acting-manager day. Please post the necessary medicine to,. _ x . about 36 years, . You are at liberty to use for the New York Life Insurance Co.. cam© Sorrento, and I will send you the money, Previous treatment FailocJ. "l this letter m any way you pleas.--Yours to see me daily, and he. advised me to try and oblige. M. J. EOXELL,,, , , ——- - _ ... respectfully, ■ k CHAS. h -' i , your Bronchitis Cure. I was about done for, Relieving Postmistress, Sorrento, Victoria. Cured by Three Bottles, j>omba,/. Auckland, r*ew Zealand. could not eat, or scarcely swallow; in fact, 'file treatment sent effected a complete 1 __ . , _ . — __ , _ . • , — —■ —-— used to nearly suffocate a dozen times a care, as the following letter testifies:— ,*f r Alex. Anderson, of Oak Park, Onarle- onnwrumc a iotumi day. suffering intensely. Guess of my thank- Mr. Hearne. Ji'le. Queensland, writes:-" After suflenifg BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. fulness when Mr. Carrie broucht me a bottle Dear t;ir, —Many thanks for the medicine, from asthma, for seventeen years, and having • of your Bronchitis Cure. A few doses acta- I herewith enclose postal , note in payment.; been under a great many different treat- • A sufferer for years. ally cured me. I took another bottle away I am much obliged to you for sending the incuts without benefit, I was induced to try \ from the city with me,- and gave part of it medicine so promptly. It has don© mo a Hearne a Medicine for Asthma. After taking Immediate relief and complete cure by to a young girl at Southport, and it also lot of good; in fact, I have quite recovered. three bott os of this medicine. I quite got rid Hearne's BronrhltK fur. waved her life. The balance I gave to Mr. T. - • M". J. BOXELL. ? the .astlHaa, *n« s«.c then, which was the Hearne i> uroncmtls Lure. McMillan. Tweed River— persons cured beginning of 1833—fifteen years I nave ... 7T by your valuable medicine. Although I have not had the slightest return of it. The modi- u'ear Sir -I feel in dutv bound to emr«& camped out and travelled about 10 000 miles BRONCHITIS. • «ne quite cured me and, I have much plea- my e^ t r " (i * To you for your cold iinoo.— am Sir your best well-wisher, . _ , ~ ~e «• Writing again two years later, he states:- ,S r onchitis and Asthma, Cure v, next to ' ' mB(» Tfnss A Fourteen Months' Sufferer In "I am keeping very well. Never have the Mr., (Gesture. Chemist, North Brighton, for T , BO'S- ROSS. Queensland. slightest return of the asthma." haying so valuable a cure in stock. My wife. Labasa. via Suva, Fiji. . , _______________ being a sufferer loi years. I purchased out - - * /•/,„„», i„j — ... •.'l. r - „ . , ••• • • • , . • '. bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. It gave im- ■ Cough so distressingly bad could not get Gratitude and Appreciation. mediate relief, and, continuing it as directHnniijrHiTi<s and asthma an y rest. —— Ed, it effected a- complete cure. My wife and * • " —~. — , Hundreds cured in their own circle. Crecommend it to all our acquaintance*) who i lanJ r,,v*A hv Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure ' ' suffer with the same. You can use this letA Queensland Resident cured ,by Hearnea The Scientific Australian Office, tcr for publication if j r o-a wish. —Yours sinBronchitis Cure. After other treatment had failed. V • 169, Queen-street, Melbourne. ■ early, a F. A. CUTTBN. "■ ~~ 1 l y-\ Dear Mr. Heanie',—'The silent workers are Elsternwick, Victona. , It made a new man of him. ; if W. G. Hearne. Dear : Sir —I write to frequently the most effective, and if there .. . T , '• add m.v testimony to the wonderful effect'of is anybody in Victoria who.' during the lswrt BRONCHITIS. No Shortness of Breath since. your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for 14 few years, has been repeatedly working for — months with a. terrible cough. It was so nd sinking . the praxes of Hearne's Bron- A Sydney resident Cured by Hearne's &as isrix£s « 2E3fe rH&rs: Ero " oh '" s \Ve.t»rn Australia and here and but'wbeu PUS-po.«e. for saw your medicine advertised, by ■ Mr. Barham. aooounta.nt, Ooilins-street. Mr. "W. G. Hearne, away In medicine'- but when. 1,11(1 sent for a '*>ttle. which has taken the by Mr. Barham. aooounta.nt, Oollins-street. Mr W. G. Hearne. FSMSri? SnV ?n m,U from « cough clean awav - and I feel a different «nd the effect that it had was so marked Dear -Accept my. testimony to the Ito induced to trv vonr Bron- ma;n - You mav depend on my making your, that he has ever mice been continually re- success of your Bronchitis Cure. I was very cWtU Core' I took five bottles and it made wonderful medicine known. I have sent for commending it to others. ill last Fecruary in Melbourne, and was reanew man of nie I could afterwards ran a another bottle to keep by me in case it We are glad to add this our testimony commended by a friend to try voarßronmitaV ctab un down a vrHToal Xft may return at any time. lam writing this, to the value of Hearne s mwt valuable clntis Cure. After tai-ee doses. I felt imwithout anv Mi shortn M as T am sur tHere are a great many people Bronchitis .Cure, which has eased the suffer- mense relief, and the cough vanished before No mrfiSe for BroMhitiß' that T hal ey ont t,lis w * v that if thev knew the wonder- i"" of hundreds and hundreds of people the first bottle was finished. Beiore leaving totalis afforded me rach .wlier as your fu ' efFect of this medicine they would send eVto m our own circle of acquaintances. Mertonrne I obtai:ne<i three bottlM of it, as Bronchitis Cure.-Yonrs fatihfnlly. and Procure it at any pnco.Yonrs faithfully. Believe us always to be, fnl a medicine fuHhfnlK RICHARD COLLINS, Mine Manager, J. P. BOYD. . . Yours most faithfully. meaicine.—our# taitnttiiij. Irvinebank, via Cairns, North i Contractor, Torrens Creek. North Queensland. PHILLIPS. ORMONDE, AND CO. ' Darlinuhu'ra't, Sydney. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE—Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Lang® Siza 4s. Gd> Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor^ W. G HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA, FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. New Zealand Branch Office—No. 11, First Floor, Hume's Buildings. Willis Street. WELLINGTON.

; Baking Powder. -. . , ] . DentaL A Snake in the Grass. v J DENTAL^^PARLORS Salts which lurks in scones, bread, or pastry made 1 vlllf J "s"fa© Homo of with Cream of Tartar or Tartaric Acid Baking S g EVBodSSTi Dentistry, Powders. Snakes are dangerous, so .is Rocholle | \ i ache, stomach -and other troubles. Stop dosing I 1 Mill I' wear plates when you can get yourself by using a Baking Powder that does not \ ll the reof eet r ll witho "^ | | | pi enables one to^use^the " MOA" BRAND | D °v-lie»sm l "U W T " llsigllEly sum fra I >l , S 1 -°- V ' an unsi ffhtly gum Baking Powder | |i"WKv Z^^LZZZ .*•",: ; ( ': •' is what yoU want. It contains nothing that is not :| I I overcome all your difficulties! 11 Although .different in constituents, is used I ;| ! ■ t'lhlffisml Hours—9 to 5p m Open every eve ' '~,,,, tj , . XJ 1 I lii m, fl_J **mnU Hours—D to 5 p.m. Open every evening. like all othor Baking Powders, save in one i' § jffl s J||j||l . 1 « respect-the dough must not be put into the | Jpit .. ' ii' Til ifff 1 DR RAYNER oven immediately after being mixed, but 1 C 1 must be allowed to stand for about ten .< iI ' -—- —————— — j mi '""" —■ rrTMmjuiu«iijiijj_^_^___^__^^___ . - ' - ''• S"\& ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATES ■ ■■■-'! : | /'. ' LAND, LOCO', MARINE. OIL. ; - V 'J J i CT -r<= Instructor: Practical Certificated Engineer. AT ALL STORES, IN'TINS, Is and Is 6d; 1 1 ' T." w »" ■ ». JJa The, Sight Tested 'by most improved luejthods 1 AMERICAN ——- —■-—- "■————————m ii ""—"M———j a Eyes of 6 all colours in Stocky Nautical ainl SCHOOL o CORRESPONDENCE lillllllll Jlllll ' , Mlllllll I 1111111 l p ST" tr ° m " "* a " PKIXOESSTEIiEI', AUCKLAND.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13193, 2 June 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13193, 2 June 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13193, 2 June 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)


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