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Flour Mills. BREADWINNERS! Until the necessary Segislatson is passed GHEOK THE FLOUR BILLING TRUST'S GROWTH By using only PUT CHAMPION FLOUR. "$69 COPT OF TELEGRAM RECEIVED by the Secretary of tin.- i-rades and Labour Council, Auckland, from THE RIGHT HONOURABLE R. J. SEDDON, January 9. 1S02: — ''I trust your Council trill net hold me responsible for what appears in CliristJhurch Press or any other newspaper. lam not in favour of the Muling Trust or any combine, more especially when the avowed purpose for such is applied to the food supplies of the people * . . . . REPRESENTATIONS MADE TO ME BY THE TRUST HAVE BEEN DISPROVED BY EVIDENCE ON OATH. I have not at any time mide the statement that I was in favour of the Milling Trust, and I am not, and am still of opinion that, protection should bo given to the public by passing tho necessary legislation.''


IMS h lew S —- M mi Bf 8 " 8 * «&i Suffered Forty Years, and Nigh to a Sig 3 I Death. I l«^Rßtf»iißß!in , n!fsßt Remarkable Experiences of a Citizen of I CONSUMP 1 lON. Llansamlet, Glamorganshire. I It's a fearful disease. Ifc carries I off more persons every year than [g I aDy other ailment. During the f \a ' a South African War more died from J ! | consumption alone than from all W%\ I the causes of the war. And all J '£V I these cases of consumption com- «| U 1 consumption a cold. than from all \ iw"*, ■ I^l the causes of the war. And all J '$) these cases of consumption com- a j&ss**\ // menced with a cold. An ordinary, l tf | common every-day cold. The V " J^ki colds that hundreds of people think j4n\+ss£* f/^ ffil\ \ are not worth bothering about. -r^Sl^^&^^rZ^W'^^^is. i The colds that lead on from stage ilM^WW'fS^'^lM/'^^^ a to stage until the final and in- TraPPf WW iV^YffM^^ I curable stage is reached. . That tiwffifAM Sflr&mffi 1 stage is death. WliMwMW^ I There is another side. The side ' Wi+WWS'tr I "frhsre people are well to-day. At Mr, G. Thomas. I the start of a cold they took One of the best known engineers in UUamorI . ganshire is rejoicing in the fact that, after jl suffering forty j-ears witii a dangerous rupture, aff © was finally cured by the system invented and r _ jf*. ' f*y perfected by Dr. W. S. Kioe, of London. Mr. * f| 0 w Thomas is never so happy as when relating I jJR Ji SOUL S. U <»W suffering forty years with a the greater part of W © was finally cured by the system invented and B •s*& iOv'(P? perfected by Dr. W. S. Rice, ot London. Mr. 9 JH<I as K Thomas is never so happy as when relating faZj * ne story of his cure. Kor the greater part of $ " «*-* his life he suffered intense pain, his rupture i being of such a nature that he was unable i to find any truss that would keep the rupture | ~1, -< «ei to i n Place until he learned of the Dr. Rico Aw M Zt j**. -** method. The testimony of Mr. Thomas is fully d m y H S borne out by a letter received from his employer sIH vMRhHhH 0 « mH § ons °* tne mos influential mine owners in I J2L-4 mIU. M. m. OkJ M. \J? Ja ML. © Wales), who states ths.fc he acts like an entirely IS* different man, and that ho can now perform his t'._ work easily, whereas before using this wonderful _, _ , _ _ , , _ treatment he could lxardly walk. The cure has The Great Lung Healer and Body attracted the attention of hundreds of people Builder. It eased the cough, healed throughout the country. Dr. Eice has recently I_, inflampd Tinrts ■st.ormorl thp treatment beok, giving a. fnU description of has The Great Lung Healer and Body attracted the attention of hundreds of people Builder. It eased the cough, healed throughout th« country. Dr. Rice has recently tne mnamea parts, stopped tne prepared It is home cure at a small cost, trie innamea parts, stoppea tne inethod> it is a home cure at a very small cost, phlegm, assisted digestion, kept up aH a the best of all it cures without pain, danger, bodilv strength, and in a short time operation, detention from work, or inconvenience the sufferer WHS Strong and well of any kind Readers should send lor .book , ; Me suttuer *as o»iuu 6 ana well and post it to anyone they know to be ruptured. | as ever. Such an act of kindness will be worth a great 1 deal to those who suffer from rupture. Write I "I can honestly testify to the at once to Dr. W. S. Rice (Dent. 015), S and 9, i curative properties of Lane's Eraul. Stonecutter Street, London, E.C. | sion. lam a baker and when & . I baker gets a bad cold it is a bad one. I A very severe cold settled on my 1 lungs, and the coughing gave me a B™ W& $% ff% ||| B ff% I terrible time. I could hardly sleep &° 1 i 1 1 I\l I at night. I got so weak during the __ !_s? %jy %Jj? 1 day time that I had to leave off 1 work. I started on a course of > f Lane's Emulsion, and it did me a II A I I") nrHßriAlTri I world. of good. My lungs are now HH I K KF\\f"UV F* K I as sound as a bell."— Harris, glflfil! lILIVLVVLIIi 1 Wangan'ui. I Lane's Emulsion is just as good for /ra(ftG!i3fe*«» I you as for Mr. Harris. It will /f^S^^^^^\ | stop your cough, heal your lungs, $ and make them sound as a boll. W^^^^^^sra (1 Buv and try it to-day. At Chemists JK^^ctl I or Stores. 2/6 and 4/6. Take / WffiMffl i none but Lane's. " It's Famous *J* I Beeause Ik's Good," and it's good p "^N 1 for babies, little children, men and &+ v—«/// (9 >S^^!i I '.v women and right up to old.age. Sgfe/Tl rzki>VS'S§ssk _-a^swr^^^^^^^ !i " FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." «/ €1 m W*%F ms&9 "RESTORES GRAY OR FADED HAIR TO ITS *4s? ii &So J3Sm €1 S ■"• NATURAL COLOUR. B m ' m CLEANSES THE SCALP AND PREVENTS A €% A DANDRUFF, dSJ. Siflfc PROMOTES GROWTH, AND MAKES THE *!§!? mi w "tf - ib w a HALE SOFT, PLIANT. AND GLOSSY. M Ms A w Wsa Mi «0 rpHE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER in BOTTLES at 3s 6d. Posted, 4s 6d to any A and RESTORER is warranted to CLEAR . n^™* the BLOOD from ALL IMPURITIES, part of the Colony, from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin :— and Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pirn- —Airr< rrn muA-wR- vattp ppimp-rtp-r plea, and Sores of all kinds, it is a HAVE TO THANK YOUR RENEWER. never-failing and permanent Cure. It Auckland, January 26, 1895. Cures Old Sores' Mr. John Edson. Cures Sores on the Neck Dear Sir,— have just been looking over a Cures Sore , 1 few of the testimonials from some of your Cures Blackhead, or Pimples 0Q the grateful lady friends, and have much pleaFace gure j n addiric mine to the list. Some years Cures Scurvy ago my na j r waß getting very gray, and I Cures ulcers ,-v„»„„„ was induced to try several popular Hair rSSS cfanduUr Swellfnl! ?? Restorers, but all with injurious effects, till ofe-irs the Bloodf from all Immire Mat- l Procured a bottle of your excellent HAIR Clears the .Blood irom au impure mat- RENEWER> and have been using it for abont From whatever cause arising 10 years. All my friends wonder how it is It is a real specific for Gout and Rhea- my hair has retained its colour and quantity matic Pains so splendidly. 1 tell them I have to thank It removes the cause from the Blood your BENEWEE alone for its preservation. and Bcneß. Besides removing dandruff and keeping the As this Mixture is pleasant to the head clean and cool, another very agreeable taste, and warranted free from any- feature is its inexpensiveness. I never lose an thing injurious to the most delicate opportunity of recommending it to all and constitution of either sex. the Pro- sundry. prietors solicit, sufferers to give it a j am> yourg very sincerely, trial to test its value. ' _ J D. ——-~~ Prepared by THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF J. EDSON, WONDERFOL CURES FROM Att „__.-«._ AVTI --.„,, tr „ C m irr-nTr-^T PARTS OF THE WORLD. CHEMIST AND PHARMACIST, MEDICAL CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. HALL, QUEEN-STREET, xVUCKLAND. <L/ * (Established 1359.) Sold in Bottles. 2s 9d and lis each. By all ■CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VEN- „-, « ~.. 0 „ Q , nnTr A , m „„ u „ ,„ „„„ DORS throughout the World. Sole Proprie- N.8.-Should there be any difficulty in protors, THE LINO' t.N AND MIDLAND COON- curing supplies m your district, kindly, comTIES' DRUG ' COMPANY, Lincoln, England, mumcate with the proprietor. TRADE MARK. " BLOOD MIXTURf." ' CAUTION.— Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD fidd Chemktq and «torpkppnflr« thrrtut/lionf muctokb. and do not be persuaded to taksf ° 01 - Dy nemisls i™ inrowgnout an ifhitatioß. ' -r - lOQy- " ■ it nil' 'in' ■'.iin.v.ii imw_.»—.»i.m.ii»»Miiiii '■" ■ iii ' : —ir~" —-—■""' 7 '" ; "i' WORM .TABLETS. Herpasma . CHILDREN TAKE THEM J W:: JB Ji'ya Need no Aperient. fit «an i- iwiJiH* la Boxes. Is each. Prepared only by LHHIITI6IIL f$ .T >\ ARTHUR 0. KENDERDINE, Is delightfully cooling and Pharmaceutical Chemist, c?ai-ve.lously healing, and HV l|gjf 10 KARANGAHAPE ROAD. Is invaluable as a household V &/sSr Telephone, No. 411. [ases d of°Cha' K e : d "Hands" Newmarket Agent: GEO. CAWKWELL. cases of Chapped Hands. raS = 2£B3HM3<£tw *. . . .o, -r,. „.-.„„ ™ ■ j. Eruptions am! Fimples on Queen-street Agent: CHAS. RATJE+V. Chemist. the (ace, Broken Chilblains, Breaking out in Children's """'' ' ; «»——————— — ■ 1 ——————««——» Heads, Sore Breasts, Ulcerated \&gi, Ecaema, Watery Htimours, fee., it has proved absolutclj Gun?, Ammunition, &C. reliable. Many testireanials demonstrating it« ■ . ..■. .— . .■- ——« ... - - -••••* efficacy. Sold in Pot* at W and 2/3 each. SHOOTING SEASON. Prefiartd tshly fy— ■.> BEWTBH. AOGKLAIE Mil^^ ;_Tg&fcr'Ladies.] .PK r> Are the acknowlc<!p;cd leidinsremcdT for all Female com- _. TITTTfTtm i plaints. .Ueoommended by the Medical Faculty. The fl i « V I I ii gecnine bear the vignatun of W'n. Martin ( registered SJ* -*-4 » *• -*•-*- ' without which none are genuine). No Jjidy should be Without them.Order of all Cbemiots throughout the World. /n TJNIf AKER AND MPORTER, Proprietor^ Pharm.Chemist.SOUTrirtMPTßN.ENo. \Jf «gants: SharlandiaCo.,t<l.,AuoklajKSJiV/«ii:ington ___„ ._—„ - . t -ot?t awti aacJ Ken? Zealand Drug Co.. CHriaMshurcb, -' OQP AUCKLAND. mEED'S CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS tjijREARMS, MSTUNITION, piSHIXQ 'Is the only Certain Cure on the market. * ACKDE. ETC., OP EVERY AU who use it cer^ its being the Best ' ' DESCR^TION. Remedy ever pl_ed_befoi 8 the public. PRICE, Is. All-Chcsista and Stores. j TELEPHONE-Ko. 1230.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12269, 13 May 1903, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12269, 13 May 1903, Page 3 (Supplement)

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12269, 13 May 1903, Page 3 (Supplement)


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