High Water at Auckland—6.s4 a.m.: 5.56 p.m. ;'■■ „ „ Manukau— a.m.; 7.55 p.m. —Rises. 6.4 a.m.; sets, 5.46 p.m. Moon— Thursday, 5.53 a.m. AT. RIVALS. September 13. Waitaugi, E.S., 197, P. A. Stein, from Mercury Bay. Kuaotunu, and Kennedy's Pay. Passengers: Messrs. Foley, Thompson, Cawlev, Niccol.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Ngunguru, b.s., £4, T. Scott, from WhangaNorthern S.S. Co., agents. Chelmsford, e.g.. 70, J. Taw, from Port Charles and Wfcangapoya.— S.S. Co., agents. S3FTF.HJJKR 14. Zealandia. r.s., 3COO, W. ,T. Wyllie. from Southern and Ea3t f'cust ports. Passengers: Mcsdames Rogers. Hart. Lindeman. Dickson, ■Button, Daniels. Tarrant and child, Walker, Marl;.?. Mi-se.s Wilkins, Deveril, Lindeman, Marshall. Maker, Messrs. Hart, P. Tuck, W. 3-larJ, Faxquhar, J. Stewart. Parnham. <>. Liu-tic-roan. Dickson, Button, Daniel, Malouey, Cole. J. Dillon, Sanderson. C. Duniop. B. Jones. Hollo-,-ay, von Dadelszen, Sotnerfield, (Hollywood, F. J. She] ton, Ensign Walker (8. A.1. Maxtor Lindomn.n. and 20 steerage. For Sydney: Mr. 11. Naddo.— D. Nathan and Co., agents. Wellington, *.. 9.79, E. Stephenson, from Whangarei. Passengers: Mrs. McDonald, Misses Rake. Hair. Wilson, Sloane, Messrs. Brcwnhill, White, Lappin. McDonald, Barnes, Finlayson, 'Reynold.-. Muck. Crane, Button. Cesleton, Knight. Bcancharap, Fitzpatriek, Johnstone, Gillett, Smith. Webb, F. McDonald, CSotworthv, Hood. C'olbeck. Bottomley, Hampton. Master Mowbray, and eight steerNorthern S.S. Co., agents. Mnritai. s.s.. 225, C. Hopkins, from Tauranga. Passengers: Mi s 3 Commons, Messrs. Courtney. Hoyte. Rennick, Dndson. Constable Tarrant] and onu steerage.— S.S. Co., agents. Ohlnemnri. s=.s.. 70. J. C. Blacklock, from Whangarei.—Northern S.S. Co., agents.
DEPARTURES. SEPTEMBER 13. Tarawera. s.s.. 2003, C. McDonald, for East Const and Southern ports. Passengers: Mes--James «'< Warren, S. Vaile. Thorn ley. Misses Bell,A. Brown. Leaver. Gibbons, GouUtone, Orr, Captains J. H. Bradney, McDonald, Dr. Alexander, Messrs. E. Binns. A. McCrae, J. Linn, Staccv. Walker. H. C. Hopkins, R. Eobb, R. Sc««its, Pent ray, and 20 steerage. Waimana, s.s., ISO, C. Faulkner, for TTTiakatane. __ Awarua, p.s., 159, George Laiety, for \>naUS j rci. Nambncca. e.s., 130, H. Fisir. for Wellington and Blenheim, Ngunguru, s.s., 84, T. Scott, for TTnangaiotea, aujtiliarv schooner, 100, John H. Skinner, for coast porta and Gisborne.
EXPECTED arrivals. X.ONDOX: ~ . , . ~ . Star of Australia, 3.3., vii. Australia, due ScDtember 18. Kuniara, s.s., via Capetown, aboat vVednes-
dav. Tongariro, s.s., via Capetown and Hobart, duo about October 24. Itidradevi. s.s., via Australia, sailed. Matatna, s.s., direct, to sail end of August. Star of New Zealand,, via Australia, to sail. 8 N FRANCISCO: Sonoma, E.M.s.. September 23. KAVT i'OKK: Ripley, s.s., via Australia, sailed July 10. Lethiiig'on s.s., via Australia* sailed September 6. Goodwin. S.s., via Australia, to sail. Indraihiri, s.s., via Australia, to sail. (GLASGOW: „ . . . - ~ ~ , ' Samuel Plimsoll, ship, via Dunedin, sailed Juno 19. „ , , _ ~ . Claymore, s.s., sailed (at Capetown, September 4). UBI." BAY: J. T. North, barque, sailed July 20.
NEWCASTLE: Clan MacLeod, barque, sailed.
BTD.MET: Elincramito, s.s., to-day. Sierra. RAT..?.. Friday. Neptune, barqusntine, early. TIJI :* „, Hauroto, 5.3., Thursday. honga: m Hauroto. S.S., Thursday. CALCUTTA: .„.„., , __ Uinta, s.s., via Wellington, due Thursday. WVNCOP"VEB: "Forcric. s.s., due about September 27. ZANZIBAR: Alice, barque, early. JAVA: Ventnor, s.s., early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. tONPON : Whakatane 5.3., to-morrow, fcAN FEANCTSCO: Sierra, E.M.S., Friday. K£W VOP.K: Star of »he East, barque, loading. J. T. North, barque, to arriva, Alice, barque, to arrive. Sydn* i'i * Zealandia, 8.3., to-day. »IJI: Hauroto, 8.3., September 24. TONGA: Hauroto, s.s., September 24. SAMOA: Haaroto, p.2., September 24. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Takapuna leaves for New Plymouth and Wellington at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. passenger train). Tuesday: Omapero leaves for Fast Coast bays, Gisborne, and Napier, at 2 p.m. (no cargo after 12 noon). _ _ ~.M Wednesday: Rotoiti arrive? from Wellington. Nelson, and New Plymouth. Thursday: Umta arrive? from Wellington and Calcutta; Hauroto arrives from Sydney, Fiji Samoa, and Tonga; Eotoiti leaves for New Plymouth, Wellington and Nelson at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. passenger train); Waipori arrives from Westport. Friday: Te Anau arrives from Southern Saturday: Takapuna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth; Te Anau leaves for Southern ports at 12 noon (no cargo after 11 a.m.;; Waipori leaver for Westport.
NORTHERN S.S. CO.'.-. MOVEMENTS. To-dav: Wellington leaves for Marsden Point. Mangapai. and Whangarei at 9.30 p.m.; Muritai leaves fo.r Knaotunu and Mercury Bav at 5' p.m.; Waiotahi leaves for Russell. Whangaroa, and Mangonui at 5 p.m.; Waitangi leaves for Tairua and WhaHgamaia at 9 p.m.: Ngunguru arrives from IVTiangarei Town Wharf; Kanieri arrives at Ctaehunga from Raglan and Kawhia; Ohinsmnri leaves lor Awanui, tt'aiharara and Hohoura at noon. Thames Service: Steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa daily, See advertisements daily papers. VESSELS in HARBOUR. torch, II M.S., in striam. "Whakatajie, s.s.. at Queen-street Wharf. Tcmoana, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Zealandia, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Balmain. s.s.. at Queen-street Wharf. Ardenc.ra.ig-, ship, at Queen-street Wharf. Star of the East, barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Marv Moore, barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Northern Chief, barque, at Sugar Works. Helen, barque, at Quay-street Jetty No. 2. Ysabel, three-masted schooner, at Queenstreet Wharf. Vision, brigantine. at Hobgonstreet Wharf. IMPORTS. Per Zealandia, from the South: 15 sacks and 375 bugs Sour, 15 sack's rolled oats, 20 Kicks oatmeal, 40 basjs pearl barley, 779 sacks potatoes, 30 bags oilcake. 25 drams oil, 174 cases apples, 16 lengths pipes, 16 bags onions, 1012 sacks cats, 17 packages woollens, 3 cases bacon. 1312 sacks wheat. 68 packages ranges and fittings, 527 sacks grass seed, 2 sacks hides, 121 bars iron, 20 acid cases, 18 bags calf milk. 15 cases tea. 52 bundles sacks, 1544 sacks <-haff, 74 cases canned fruits, 23 boxes butter, 14 casss separator-?, 111 beals hemp, 25 packages agricultural machinery, 32 casks and 23 cases ale, 1 gig-, 3 horses, a large quantity of unspecified merchandise, transhipments, and Sundries.
The Union Company's Steamer Tarawera l»t'li on Saturday afternoon foi East Coast and Southern ports, with a number of passengers and a iar:_'e general cargo. Yesterday morning the Northern Company's steamer Wellington arrived from Whangarei "with a number of passengers and a quantity «f genera) cargo. i?ha leaves for Whangarei again to-night. The Northern Company's steamer Muritai arrived from Tauranga yesterday morning, with a cargo of maize, etc., and leaves at y •o'clock to-night for Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay.
On Saturday the barque Helen commenced discharging her cargo from Lyttelton at Quay-street Jetty No. 21 On Saturday evening the Northern Company's steamer Waitangi arrived from Mercury Rav, Kuaotunu. and Kennedy's i>ay. and leaves for Tairua, Whangamata, and Tanranga, at 9 o'clock to-night.
Tlr-« Northern Company's steamer Obinemuri arrivf-d from Whangarei yesterday afternoon, and leaves for the North at noon to-day. On Saturday the auxiliary schooner Aotea 3e!.t for coast ports and Gisborne, but returned to port again, owing to the sea being too heavy outside. She resumed her passage yesterday afternoon.
The Northern Company's steamer Waiotahi leaves at 5 p.m. to-day for Kussell, Whangato:«. and Mansronui. Yesterday morning the Northern Company's steamei Nsransrani left for Whangarei. The barque Clan MacLeod has sailed from Newcastle for Auckland. v Yesterdav afternoon the tugboat Awarua left for Whansrarei. The steamer Nambucrn left for Wellington and Blenheim yesterday morning, with a cargo of sugar, timber, .joinery, etc. Yesterday morning the Northern Company's steamer Waimana left for Whakatano. Transhipments per s.s. Paparoa, from London, arrived from the South yesterday, by tho Zealandia. Yesterday the barque Ootmty of Ayr sailed from Wellintrton for Ilokianga to load timber for Australia. THE LETHINGTON. The TyEer liner Lethinsrton left New York on September 6 for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand porta. 1 ■ THE ELINGAMITE. The ITnddart-l'arker steamer Elingaraite is doe from Sydney this morning, and alter m«dici;l and Customs inspection will berth at the Onoen-strcet. Wharf to discharge. The steamer leaves for East Coast and Southern 4?orta to-morrow afternoon.
THE TUBAKINA. The New Zealand Shipping Company's new steamer Turakina has left London on her maiden voyage to Capetown, Hobart, and New Zealand. THE PLEIONE. The barque Pleione. on which 15 guineas per cent, reinsurance had been paid, has safely arrived at London from Sydney. THE ZEALANDIA. The Hudfori-Parker steamer Ze&landia. Captain TV. J. Wyllie. arrived from Southern and East Coast ports at 1 p.m. yesterday berthing: at tho Queen-street Wharf. The steamer brought a number of passengers in both classes, and has a large cargo, chiefly produce, consisting of 950 tons, to land at this port, besides which she has a large quantity of produce for Sydney. Mr. Speakman, the purser, reports that the steamer left Port Chalmers on Tuesday last, and called at Lvttelton. Wellington, Napier, and Gisborne, leaving the latter port at 0.45 p.m. on Saturday, and arriving as above. Experienced fine to moderate weather until rounding toe East Cape on Saturday evening, when a fresh gale from tho west-north-west, with high sea, was met with, continuing until arrival, lue Zealandia leaves for Sydney this evening.
IN TIME OF WAR. Speaking at a meeting recently of the Melbourne Steamship Company, Limited, Mr. Hugh K. Keitl. the chairman, pointed out that in a time of war it would bo crews that would be specially required to man the huge floating engines of destruction which Great Britain could manufacture so much quicker than other Powers. He considered it would be patriotic, as well as politic, for the Associated Shipowners of Australia and New Zealand to assist the Imperial authorities to frame a well-digested scheme, whereby the 10.000 or 12,000 seamen and stokers, who were employed in the 3000 vessels trading in these waters, could be made available on a few days' notice for defensive purposes afloat. He believed that, from every point of view, it would par the Commonwealth to subsidise Australian shipowners pledged to place thensteamers with crews at tho disposal of the King's Government during a time of stress, when the country's flag of supremacy was in danger. . PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. SEPTEMBER 13. Takapnna, s.s., John Grant, from Wellington and New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Mitchell. Foalte**. Collins, Regau, White, Rutherford, Williams, J';u?sell, Hamersley. Mesdames Davie*. Rutherford, Morrison, MrWint»»r, Tait. York, Guise, Haulersley, Colonel Davios. Rev. Williams, Colonel Gorton. Messrs. Ronayne, Watkin*, Eailev. Cate, Wingfield, Da Costa. Watson. Gorton. French (2), Mirams. Quintiran, McWhirter. York, Peters. Webster. Harris Phillips, Trotter, Evans, Dunn, Chadwick, Hutchison, Scoble, Wintle (21. Abrani. Guise. and 50 steerage.—Union S.S. Co.. agents. Gairloch, s.s., Haultain, from Houianga.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. SEPTEiBEfi 14. Ngapahi. 8.3., A. 11. Austen, for New Plymouth Passengers: Misses Brabant. Neil-: son Waliis, MesdameS Runciman, ' Morgan, v-choli Wallace, Henderson. Messrs. Biggie, Morgan. McNab, Garcia, Wallace. Parker. Leirn Townsend. Kent, A. H. Nathan, King, j Little. Baiki, Bond. Qnekh. Watson Toogood Morgan, Graham. Nicholi, MeKenue, Greener, Sutton, Wallatse, Connelly, Teddy, Henderson, and 14 steerage. Gairloch, S.S., Haultain. for Opunake and Wanganui. Kanieri, s.s., H. Smith, for Kawhia and Raglan. The Union Company's steamer Tahapuna arrived from Wellington and New Plymouth on Saturday morning. . . 'The Northern Company? steamer Garrlocn airived on Fattutlay from Holdanga. and left again yesterday for Opunake and \\nngannj. The Northern. Company's steamers Ngepuni ind Kanieri left yesterday, tha former for >>w Plymouth and the latter for Ivawhia and Bsshm!
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12071, 15 September 1902, Page 4
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1,811SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12071, 15 September 1902, Page 4
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