Birii Witter at Anckland—2.l a.m.; 2.45 p.m. jutu.»i»« Manukaur-4.0 a.m.; 4.44 p.m. Rise*. 6.8 a.m:; sets, 5.44 p.m. Moon— WW, Thursday, 5.53 a.m.
WEATHER REPORT. Tho following is Captain Edwin's weather •report from New Zealand stations at 5 p.m. -Manukan Heads: Wind, east-north-east, •fresh; barometer, £9.54; thermometer, 54; weather, showery; sea, smooth. New Plymouth: Wind, south-east, fresh; barometer, 25.48; thermometer, 4i; weather; *loomv; sea, smooth. Castlepoint: Wind, south-east, fresh; barometer, 29.74; thermometer, 47; weather, gloomy; sea, heavy. Wellington: Wind. south - south • east-, 'strong-; barometer, 29.73; thermometer, 46; ) ■weather, cloudy. Westport: "Wind, south-east, breeze: baro■meter. 29.6f>; thermometer, 43; weather, fins; ; sea, smooth. , I Kaikoara: Wind; south, fresh; barometer, ■29.92; thermometer. 47; weather, rainy; sea. heavy, off shore. Oaraaru: Wind, south-west, light: baro- V • Meter, 30.01; thermometer, 47; weather, ; cloudy;' sea, smooth. Bluff: Wind, east, fresh; barometer, *».:«;/ thermometer, 45; weather, fine. Westerly gales are to be expected nortU•ward of Thames and Mannkan. and gal fa from between east and south and south-we/st thence southward to Kaikoara and Hokitma, -<nd strone winds from the eastward elsewhere. The sea will be heavy on all ihe eastern coast. Low pressure to the Bay of Plenty is travelling to about E.S.E.. and pressure ill also low in the Taaman t-ea, travelling «.E. by E. ARRIVALS. , Wellington, S.s., 279. E. Stephenson, from Whanttarei. Passengers: Mrs. Hall. Misses Peterson, Keir, Campbell, WcLeod, Plullips, Milbroyd, Messrs. vYhiUlaw (2). Pearson, Hall, Rawnsley. Pratt. Howe. Teifer, Home, Tackle, Clements, Bruce, Comes.—ls Dithern •S.S. Co., agents. ~ „ ~, ._ , Muritai. s.s., 225, C. Hopkins, from tUe Great Barrier. Passengers: Misses Conway/, Sylvia. Messrs. Niccol, Warren, May, Hall. i/dlmgton, Cossen.—Northern S.S. Co.. agents. Waitangi. s.s.. 197. P. A. Stein, from Tarnranea, Whamgamate, and Tairna. Paasen■sers: Mesdames Adams, Bailey, Hipkins, Messrs Parmer, George. Palmer W, Bailey. Si Isaacs. Her. Perry .-Northern S.S. C Awafual t! j'i.s., 159, George Laiety, from Port Devonport Steam Ferry Company, a Sbnceo, s.s.. 130. Henry Fislk, from Blenheim and Wellington.—Colonial Sugar Com-''Otoemurfs-s.. 70. J. C. Blacßloc*. from To Kao. Parengarenga. Waiharara, Hohoura, and Awa'nui. Passengers: Mesdames Lucas, Weir. Messrs. Weir. Gallagher. Watt.—Northern BS. Co., agents. „ _ „ , Helen. bamae. 343, Petersen, from LyttelTff'ffiW » R..Sopwith, from WoUonsong.-Celonia! Sugar Company, *ISbomo, schooner, 63, IL Pf.ntow, trow Gisborne.— agent. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. W ™of Australia. 8.3., via Australia, due September via Capetown tuid Hobart, Kumara, s.s.. via Capetown and Hobsrt, about September 15. tt„i™,* Tongariro. s.s.. via Capetown and Hobart, due about October 24. Indradevi. s.s., via Australia, soiled. Matatua. «.s.. direct to sail. end of August. - Stat of New Zealand, s.s.. via Australia, to sail■AN FRANCISCO: Sonoma. E.M.S., September 23. N llTplly. r ts.. via Australia, sailed July 39. Lethingtom e,s.. via Australia, to sail about August 25. Goodwin, s.s., via Australia, to sail. Indraghiri, as., via Australia, to sail. C Samuel 'Piimsoll, ship, via Dunedin, sailed Claymore,' F.s., sailed (at Capetown. Septem- | ber 4). __ TABI/E EAY: . ~ . T . n J. T. North, barque, sailed July £0, KSWCASTIiE: Clan MacLeod, barane. early, SIDNET: Elingamite. 5.3.. Monday. Neptune, bariiusnjtme, early. FIJI: Hanroto E.S., September 16. TONGA: _ x .. ~ Ha-uroto, s.s, September 16. '--f*ATjCIJTTA * Umta, e'.e., via Wellington, sailed August 8. "VANCOUVER - due about September 23, Fcreric, s.s., due about September 23, .ZANZIBAR: i Alice, barane, early. JAVA: | Ventnor, as., early. I PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LONDON: _ . •. WTiakatane, a a., Tuesday. SAN rEANCISCO: ' • Sierra, R.M.e., September 1?. | KEW TOBK: , ~ Star of 'he East. baiq.ue, loading. f j. 'P. North, barque, to arrive. Alice, barque, to arrive, ITDNET: „ a Zealandia, s.s.. Monday. Hanroto, 8.0., September 24. TONSA: 0 ' Hauroto, ■•«.. September 24. (SAMOA: Hauroto. 8.3., September 24. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Tarawera arrives from South; Omapere arrives from East Coast bays. " Saturday: Takapnna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth; Tarawera leaves tor Southern porte at 4 p.m. (nc cargo after 1 p.m.); Omapere leaves for East Coast bays. Giaborne. and Napier at noon (no cargo after 11 a.m.). NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Waiotahi arrives from Northern ■porta early; Wellington leaves for Whangarei. Marsden Point, etc., at 9.30 p.m.; Ngaiiuhi arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth early; Waitangi leaves for Kuaotunu, Mercury Bay, and Kennedy's Bay, at 9 p.m.; Moritai leaves for Tauranga at 5 p.m.; Ngungaru arrives from Whangarei Town wnait. Thames Service: Steamers leave for Thames ami Paeroa daily. See adTeitiseraents daily papers. VES3ELS _ harbour. Torch, M.S., in stream. Tomoana, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Titania, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Ealmain, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Ardencraig, ship, at Qaeen-street Wharf. 1 Star of the East, barque, at Queen-street 1 Wharf. __ . Mary Moore, barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Northern Chief, barque, in stream. Helen, barque, ,in stream. Yaabel. three-masted bchepner, at Queenstreet Wharf. Vision, brigantine, at Hobson-street Wharf. IMPORTS. Per Nambucca, from Blenheim: 150-3 sacks oats and chaff. ~ Per Northern Chief, from Wollor.gong: 360 tons coal, 60 tons char. Last night the 'Nosi'--:-ni Company - * steamer Muritai arrived haw tiie Great Barrier, and leaves for Tanranse at 5 p.m. to-day. Testerdav morning the Northern Company 9 steamer Waitangi arrived from Tauranga, Whangamata, and Tairna, and leaves at 9 o'clock to-night lor Kennedy 9 Bay, Kuaotunn, and Mercury Bay. * The Northern Company's steamer Chelmsford, which left for Whangapoua ou Wednesday night, proceeds on to Üblwa to bring ■ up a cargo of maize to Auckland. On discharge of her cargo of hardwood timber from Sydney the brigantine Vision leaves for Mercury Bay to load timber for Sydney. Captain Denny has been appointed master of. the vessel. . , Yesterday the tugboat Awarua arrived from Port Charles with a raft of logs. The departure of the Northern Company 3 steamer Waimaioa for Whakatene has been postponed until 9 am. to-day. Yesterday the Northern Company 8 steamer Ohinemuri arrived from the North with st, car;o of kauri gum, etc. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Waiwera left Wellington for London yesterday. „., Thiii morning the steamer Titania leaves for Wellington with original cargo from New York The schoonei Gisborno arrived from Gisborne yesterday with a cargo of manure, OtC. This morning tho Northern Company's Steamer Waiotahi arrives from the North. The Tyser liner Mimiro left the B1«:T yesterday for London. THE WHAKATANE. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Whakatane is due from Wellington this evening to complete her loading for London. THE TAEAWBEA. The Union Company's steamer Tarawera left Gisborne for Auckland at 11.30 a.m. yesterday, and should arrive about the same hour to-day. The steamer leaves for East Coast and Southern ports at 4 p.m. to-mor-row. THE TONGARIRO. The New Zealand Shipping Company are in mweipt of cable advices stating that the s.s. Tongariro left Plymouth on Tuesday last for Capetown, Hobart, and New Zealand. Auckland will be the first port of call in this i colony, and the steamer iB due about October '24. . , THE J. T. NORTH. • The barque J. T. North, which sailed from Table Bay for Auckland on July 24, is coming to this port to load kauri gum for Nesv York. THE APIRAMA. The Union Company's new steamer Apirama arrived at Hobart from Albany on Wednesday. and after taking in a supply of bunker coal left for Wellington yesterday morning. THE HELEN. The Hobart barque Helen arrived from Lytfcltou yesterday afternoon and anchored in the stream. The vessel brings a cargo of grain and produce, and will berth at the ■wharf this morning to discharge. Jhe barque proceeds to Kaipar» to load timber '•for Luunceston,
I TEE NORTHERN CHIEF. i The barque Northern Chief, Captain K. Sop- ' j with, arrfred from Wollongnng yesterday I morning, and anchored in the stream for medical and Customs inspection, and was granted pratique. Th© barque made a line run across tie Tasman Sea to Cape Maria Van Dieiien of 6i days, but met with Hirht bnffling winds on the coast, which spoilt what would otherwise have been a smart passage. The muster reports sailing from the New £onth Wales coal port on the evening of .September 1, and experienced strong west and south-West winds to Cape Maria Van Diem en on Hjbnday afternoon last; thence light baffling; winds until making the gulf on wednesciery evening, when a heavy nortk-east gale set i/n. with thick rainy weather, and the baro/ue anchored inside of Tiritiri for the night, coming into port yesterday morning. The/ basque brings a cargo of coal and char for the Colonial Sugar Company, and I vilA be tewed np 10 Chelsea this morning to I discharge.
THE NAMBTJOCA.-A ROUGH PASSAGE. The steamer Nambseea arrived from Blen?Aetm and Wellington yesterday with a cargo Di oats and chaff, berthing at the Queenstreet Wharf to discharge. The Nambueca is a flue handy little steamer, and was formerly engaged in the Nambueca River trade from "Sydney, but was recently purchased bv a Blenheim firm to trade between that place and Wellington. Captain Fisk reports that the steamer left Blenheim on Friday morning last, and called in at Wellington for a supply of bunker coal the same day. leaving for Auckland at. 5 p.m. Light northerly winds prevailed to Gable End Foreland, when strong head wind* and seas set in. and the steamer ran back to Gisborne. anchoring at 3 p.m. on Saturday. Resumed the passage at 9 p.m.. and the wind and sea increasing ran into Hick's Bay for shelter. Remained sheltering until Monday morning, when another start was made, strong westerly winds being met with crossing the Bay of Plenty, and anchored under Qreti Point, leaving on Wednesday morning. Was off the Red Mercury at midnight, when a strong north-east gale, heavy rain, and thick weather set in, and the steamer was hove-to for the night, proceeding on her course at daylight, and reaching port at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. On discharge the Nambueca loads sugar for Blenheim. PORT OP ONEHUNGA, DEPARTURES. Eotoiti. 5.8.. .L Robertson, for New Plymouth. Wellington, and Nelson. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Woodhead. Mr. and Mr;. Lightband, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bayley, Mr, and Mrs. Greig, Mesdames Proctor and two children, W. C. Andrew, Brown and child. Turner. Brown. Williams and family. Misses Rountree, If. Houchen, Turner. Whit em an, Brown, Major, Perry. Captain Brodie, Messrs. Brown. Stewart, Highfleld. Bock, J. Irvine, F. A. Farley. A. Gerson. E. B. Hull, H. Binnev. Thompson. Gore. McKay. A. Barley. E. ,T. Patterson, W. Wyatt, Kirk. If. G. Turner, F. Marson, and 33 steerage. The Union Company's steamer Rotoiti left yesterday afternoon for New Plymouth, Wellington, and Nelson. BY TELEGRAPH. KAIPARA HEADS. September 11.—Sailed: Eunice, schooner, for Luiiediu; Aratupu, schooner, for Lyttelton. RUSSELL'. September 11,—Sailed: Waiotahi, s.s., for Auckland. HOKIANGA HEADS. September 11.—Arrived: QairlocU, 9.5., from Onehunga; May Howard, auxiliary schooner, from Auckland. GISBOENE. September Sailed: Tarawera. s.s., for Auckland. Passengers: Mesdames Hollywood, Titus, Messrs. Raeburn. Dawson, ; Quinn, Dixon, Brittou, Allen, Cathie, Stanhope, Bartlett, NEW PLYMOUTH. September 11.—Arrived: Ngapnhi. «.?., from Onehunga. .Sailed: Ngapuhi, s.s., for Cui--hnuga. WELLINGTON. September 11.—Arrived: Zealandia, s.s.. Firth of Dornoch, s.s., from Lyttelton. Sailed: Waiwera, s.s.. for London; Zealandia. s.s-, for Napier. Gisborne. Auckland, and Sydney. Passengers for Auckland: Miss Lindeman. Mrs. Marks. Messrs. Marks, Lane, Bourne, James. Samuel. Clark, and 12 steerage for all porta. Takapuna, s.s., for New Plymouth and Onehunga. Passengers for Onehunga: Miss Hamersloy, Mesdames Guise, Hamersley, Messrs. Wintle (21. Guise, Scobie, and eight steerage for both ports. LYTTELTON. September 11.—Arrived: Paparoa, s.s., from Wellington; Hawea, s.a., from Newcastle. Hailed: Rotomahana, s.s., for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. September 11.—Arrived: Red bill, 53., from Lyttelton. BLUFF. September Arrived: Wkangape. 3.3., from Timam. Sailed: Mimiro, 53., for Loudon, via Las Palraas. SYDNEY. September 11.—Arrived: Weatralia, 8.9., from Wellington. m^ NEWCASTLE. September Sailed: W T erfa, S.-3., for New Zealand. . HOBART. September 11.—Arrived: Apirama, s.s.. from Albany. Sailed: Apirama, a.s., for New Zealand. THE CANADIAN MAIL. EETSBANB. September 11.—Sailed: Morula, R.M.s., for Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver.
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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12069, 12 September 1902, Page 4
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1,930SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12069, 12 September 1902, Page 4
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