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VIXKQ. The monthly meeting of the above was held on Friday, at Morrinsville. Present : Messrs. Ohepmell (chairman). Harrison, Cox, Farmer, Jackson, and McCaw. It was resolved that Mr. H. Bellamy act as ranger in the Vvaitoa Riding. Messrs. Jackson and Farmer raided tho question of restricting the ranger'.-: power as to impounding tie cows of small settlers in the To Aroba West district, some of whom had only one or two cows, ami not much land, and others wore forced to let cows off their land in order To water them. The Council decided that they could net make any distinction. A letter was read from the New Zealand Accident Insurance Company, offering to insure the employees of the Council, and offering to insure them for one per cent, on amount of earnings. The county clerk appended a memo, to the effect that he diu not consider the provisions of the Act applied to the Council, as it did not appear to liira that any were employed in "work" as t'eiined l>y the Act. In the case of the tn.mvvay hands, whose work was exceptionally hazardous, an insurants had already been effected. 'J he Council decided to obtain a legal opinion on the matter. The Chairman reported that i.i company of the foreman and two councillors he had inspected the track, an'! found it in such v. wreiehod condition on the Te Aroha side of the range that they vera of opinion that i- would ho waste of money to spend such a paltry sum as £153 in repairs, it ivould take at least £1000 to put the track iu as good order as i* seemed to be on the Tr.i'.ranga side, where the eormtry was easier, and lay more to the smi. With tlio £153 they could certainly repair some particular parts; to do this they would leave other parts untouched, '/hey had instructed the clerk to write the Government, sutrjjestiHi* :«:ar instead of using cooperative labour the Council should he cmpowered to employ a party oL workmen under a reliable foreman or. day wages to clear tho scrub and slips, ami make some of the more dangerous places passable as far as the money available would allow. No re-ply had been received. The track is a Government rojtd, but the Government, instead of putting it in proper repair, doled out small grants to the Council, and threw on them the onus of keeping the road passable. The Treasury advised that 7s (xl, being; !jold£e!ds revenue, had been placed to the Council's credit. It was decided to forward till applications for slaughterhouse licenses to the Agricultural Department, Wellington, which now issues the licenses. The Department advised that for the liaif-yofir a feo of 10s would suffice, and that the Council must remit all fees to Wellington to cover cost of inspection and preparation of licensee. Several residents wrote complaining of the nuisance cammed by the slaughteryard of W. Roberts, Te Aroha. As there was no application from Roberts for a license, the Council took no action. The clerk of the W&itoa Roan Roar;! wrote asking for the decision of the Council as to daring; a piece of road between J. ?'.'•!''s and Brunnan's. on Block X., Maungakawa. survey district, and {rive land in exchange. He forwarded plans approved by the Land Dopartment. The Council agreed to the p-.0-poial. poial. Mr. Galh'.gher having resigned his seat on the Waikato Hoßoital Board, it wis desided to recommend the appointment of Mr. W. IT. Wright, Mayor of Te Aroha, It was decided to lake steps to compel Messrs. Oornes and Love-grove to trim o\erhangin» trees. A. Edwards, in charge of the Waiorongosnai tramway, reported that 170 loads of quartz had beeji brought oown during thi past month, cud 13 trolleys of wood. The total revenue had been £31 13s 6d, against which had to be set wa*j?oj (£25 12s) ii3-J repairs (£4 16s): lota!, £30' So. Tho foretyien sent in their usual reports re state of the roadi', but made no sugyesliius as to work ; ia fact, suggested that all work should be suspended during the rainy season. The foremen were instructed to report as to the amount of work that could bo got out of the road machine iu a given rime, and the average cost of the work. Mr. Hamson mentioned that a company m Taupo locality had applied for a rrrht to float timber on the Waikato River. This would necessitate the construction of dams nt certain points, which nii'.dit poa«,-ibly aft»ct roads in the vicinity. It was decided to look into the matter, with a view to lodging an objection in the event of any damage being likely to accrue. It was decided that the rales, of which notice has been given, be struck tt the next meeting. Payments amounting to £213 los lid were authorised. The Council then rose.

PAT' OP ISLANDS. AT the last ordinary meeting of the Ear of Island:; County Council there were presort: Messrs. P. MoAlister (chairman), iiorace Williams, J. B. Clarke, W. Stewart, A. IV. Edwards, K. H. P.. Willis, and Mr, V. H. Reed, county clerk. Correspondence: From the Treasury, Wellington, goidiields revenue to arch. '30, lUs. fixim Messrs. iio.rci a,ua a nuaiuer of others, Kapiro, requesting that Kapiru and To Whan garaiieuis be reserved. From t*,» Komi Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, suiting that Wlmngarei ilosintiU was now o>{j«n for patients, from W. Fuller, Kerikeri, requesting a cheque for £18 is od, less two years rates duo, £1 17e. This account was objected to. From J. K. Anastrong:, _ YVhfuigae, astiug for aa allowance far a few days' work from his place to Ta-b-ateaa's cutting. from the sai&o requesting a week's work on road in front ci' his place towards Kawa&awa, as the same was in a very bad condition. It was decided u> attend to these two matters. Prom David Forsyth, Kaon a ram a, asking that something be done to the road in front of his house. Pram W. Olea.ry. I'lUiipuiii, requesting: a cheque lor noon's labour dona, and enclosing their several aeconnty, as -Mr. Wilson, Whansfurei, engineer, was in its hospital. 'ilia Council replied that Mr. Wilson would first have to ixtsi the accounts.

Report from Kawakawa Biding members oil tenders for contract No. Iy7, as follows: —P. Atiwood, £30 38--S (accepted); V, - . J. 'fait, £54 I7s; J. Mitchell, £54 4s ad; Dawson and Crossley, £56 17s 6d. Great North Road Deviation: Mr. "Willis proposed, and Mr. Williams seconded, " Thai the matter of the deviation of the Great North Read between Pnketotara and Wairoa be left in the hands of Mr. Clarke to settle." Carried. Notice to Defaulters: Mr. Willis proposed, and Mr. Edwards seconded. " That the cleric be instructed to send a final notice to defaulters that unless their rates are pi-id oil or before a certain date a summons will be issued for the recovery of the same." Carried. - < Road Work: Mr. Clarke proposed, and Mr. Stewart seconded, " That the sum of £16 (tho half of the amount guaranteed by the Council) he paid to Mr. \V. Fuller, and {.bat the balance of £10 be paid to Mr. Fuller whan he finishes the work to the engineer's satisiWction at the Kerikcri crosdnr*." Carried. Repairing of Head: Mr. Stewart proposed, and Mr. Clarke seconded, " That the sum of £5 be spent ia repairing? the road near Mr. D. Forsyth's place at Ranrarauia, and that ' thirds' money be used and supplemented by county funds." Carried. Totara Trees: Mr. Edwards proposed, ami Mr. Wfllis seconded, "That £1 10« be givers to Mete Wepiha lor the natives for three tot am tree- cut on new formation of ItnssoU-Whangaruru Road." Carried. Accounts: .'Jr. Clark;; proposed, and Mr. Edwards seconded, "That accounts as laid on the table, amounting to £787 18-: Ctl, be certified to by Messrs. Willis and Williams arid paid." Carried. Local Government Bill: After a lengthy sitting tlie various clause's of the new proposed Local Government Kill were dealt with, and returned to the Southland County Council, as requested by circular.—[Own. Correspondent.]

EOKIANGA. AT the ordinary meeting of the Hokiamra Counts- Council there were present: Messrs. Burr (chairman), Vaughan, Glover,, Warmingtou, Powell, and Williams, Correspondence: Incoming correspondence read and ordered upon as follows:—Re the amplication from .Mr. ft. Cochrane, applying for extension of time through boisterous weather, the chairman moved, "That Mr. Coehrane's application be considered on completion of contract." Seconded by Mr. Vaughan, and carried. P.o letter from Mr. J. H. Dyer protesting asu.iirst charitable aid being given in certain directions. Mr. Powell moved, " That the matter of charitable aid be gone into at the next meeting of Council." Seconded by the chairman, and carried. Ke letter from Mr. Seen apologising for unavoidable absence through argent private business, and asking the Council', co-operation in establishing a cottage hospital, Mr. Andrewes moved. "That this 'council recommends the North Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board to adopt Mr. Seon's recommendation re leasing or purchasing a property at B&wene which is coc'»idered to be suitable for the purpose of a cottage hospital." Seconded by Mr. Vaughan, and carried. Re wire from R. M. Houston, M.M.8., asking to he supplied with a list of county requirements to life laid 'ore Parliament. Moved by Mr. Andrewes, "That members he invited to submit to the county clerk particulars of roads and other works urgently required to he ooim in their respective ridings, and the county clerk submit to the Council at their next meeting a summary of moneys needed to be voted a.l the unit session of Parliament." Seconded by -i.. Williams, and carried. Re awvlioKtion from Mr. A. 0. Yarborongli asking for a refund in connection with vale'? paid on property recently acquired from the native--, the chairman moved, " That Mr. YiirbcHuisrh's application for the refund of £& lis, native rarest he hold oven pending the arrival of •>,- auditor" Seconded by Mr. Powell, avid carried. Re applica'i ". from W. McGechic for extension of time through difficulty experienced in getting to turn wiles for the Waimamakii bridge, Mr. Andrevses moved. "That. Mr. sJeficchie's application for an extension ■'-'; time in* drnilt with when the contract. i< cronpleted." Seconded by Mr. VVughan. and carried. He letter from the Uruler-Se-retpj-y for Justice, iuuuiriiig whether the Council

v.-oaki accept the sara of £28 8* 2d pa id into Court by the native d.-vg tax defaulters were it found possible for th» Treasury to disburse the same, the chairman move-.. "That, the offer of the rii(ler-. s! *crelapy for Jattica in respect to aiiiorujii pain lob. Court by Maoris cu dog- la-Y ■-•--;i',ion« be «;ecepted KB a Sn.,l settlement." Seomitieil. or Mr, Powell, and carried. Re letter from the Ursder-Hecretary for I.amis point in? on! procedure n;we*3iu"v to fciive disputed iioH<i.!ar-ef between Bay of liiand-* ami II '';hi!ii;j Counties adjusted. V". '.' we'! moved. ' That the chairman and clerk lie .•,i!'*.jv,.'-• ' to arrange an amicable settlement in ttMpert to the disputed bounoar i,f the K.'.v of l»i rr!,- and Hokij.n'.";i Co he-, find h.'ivo the same paietted at tho ee.r'ie-t daft'." Seconded by Mr. Warmington, an'l carried. Re letter from the Ministor l". r Lands in reference to tlin <■■ ,rrj ; :«ns»- :. m c-uims. Orna.naia-llokians'ft liesds Road, ami de'-lining '■' effect '-he registration until .■-it C-ntMrii bad made provision for the same. I'.v. Ann:- .»-, moved. "Thai Ihe proclaim l ..- !i .:■• of the Oiiunaia-Hotianra H»»ds Head ha again »- red mi the Government, and that

the r -hi ; .- engineer txke steps to have the balance of the f:overnni«it vote for the road e\ie:i.;«d." Seconded l>» the chairman. ai*l carried. Tie letter from Mr. It. C. bejtei. comidaininir of debris, etc.. on tba road a! Ko'nwVchu. ?.ir. urban move-.!. "That t'- , rlerk be i:utrn>"teyl to set the tin-s-'rhl'y debris, firewood, and other obstructions, removed from the KohnkoUu fore*"'note." >.- ndcj !>-.- Mr. Warminprtoiv. and carried. !'e tbe folh:winir letter read and received: —V,". Hfldolyb. ii •:;'■ ■;,•- change of H.ddru-s ii Kaik !b">: If. IX Stewart, asking for statement of tv ei'-ts and etidituit" ra Anglican portion \'.i':;V.-,lni Omieter^. Mr. Stewart to be ic.r.inned that no funds had been receive 1 -.ii' ( - : >, passing trie recent byI..'■ *. t*.i'm the cierk to exrlain the nroecdnro now no. •-•:•>. ,T. ?.f. Mason, if.P.. asking <;,„ Coiiueil's co-operation in r<"novinc h*-s-uiitarv conditions litrouchettt the county; A. K. I'avore. re transl'sr of sections 5 and 8, P.!'»-t: Xlif., Waipoua, from Johia Owen to }!. K. Williams: <■ ■ Cower, re state of Horeke it-.ill: H. ('. (Usee, wit ideation of occtination of tactions 9. U. 22. and 27. WaoUn: J. Corh '•'., rs t'pfsrrsil nayment and perpetual lea •'third-;:" ,T. T. Crinsde, notifvin- tlio surrender of faction 17, Block V.. Wsiohu : A. P. Andrew?", notifying the transfer of

'•art svct.ion 12. Tlloek VI.. IToliianpra, from P. R. Bv'es to Alfred Andrew**, the lease of >."t'ba'-;n te Geo. Andrewes, tlie lcat.e of Dkerettki to so to '"rani- Andre ire*: John Wyatt, roc.;tfiling- alteration in valuation roll of so "ion 5, Block X., to llargarot E. Wratt. original leasee: Southland County Conncil, forwardiis? list of a iterations siurrested in tho new Local Authorities; Bill, the clerk was directed to apply for a copy of the HilltW. Duncan, recinestinr the valuation roll to he returned to ad.inst corrections: Mftera Knlco, re the I'nnakitero Road, tho clerk renisrted that several parties int?re.sted intended to anncw.r before th Council, consideration deferred: I). 11. Wallace, notif lesi-fintr section 21. KohnVohii. Government township, from I). T. Wallace to Geo. Vi'ripr'it: C. W. Hurslhouse. n~t.ifying the utioti at Well inert on of the separate Department of Red-: Commissioner of Crown Lands, inti-inatinc that the Council had no power to issue licenses to dig emu in Ovsahuta: treasurer Auckland Royal recev>iion fund, appealing for subscriptions, decided to leave the matter to tli» individual generosity of members, as the county finances did no* permit of a contribution.

Petition?: Petitions from E. Tobin and others presented by Vr. Glover, asking that a footbridge l>e era-fed over »ho Waimea stream to correct the prtmfieid with the main road. Mr. Glover moved, "That the Council erect a footbridge over the Waimea (dream at a, cost not exceeding £10." Pacondod by Mr. Artdrewes. and carried. Petition presented by the chairman from W. A. I?. Orav and others, asking that the old partially burnt derrick at KCiiikohn b» removed. The chairman moved, "That the liraver of the petition he a '■oiled to." Seconded by Mr. Andrewes, and carried.

Committee Tlsnorts: Mr. Powell moved, " That the committee reports dated March 22, April 12. and May 7he adopted." Seconded by Mr. Williams, ami carried.

Inspectors" reports on work* completed ami in progress were received.

Deputation: The Council decided f> receive a native deputation consis'M'usr of Wirenm Pehiknra. Herewini Wa. an I Pehikura Tnkavfiwu., before proceeding with the ordinary business. Wiremti Pehftnrn pointed out that the owners of Pahekeheke had previously retnrn&d the sum of .'-15 royalty paid on metal, and as no compensation was ever paid for the taking of the Kaikohe-Taheke Road thev felt aggrieved. Twelve chains of metalling should have bean done without [rivine: them the option of ursdertaldns: same, and thev farther pointed out that tho eontractor had removed stones awin from the fence protecting: the bodies of their deceased relatives. 'ibo inspector reported that the contractor had rebuilt the ferco at. his own ev«ien:-e. As it appeared the Wahitapu was within half a chain from the centre of the rcaA it was decided to make "he fence more permanent. Mr, Andrewes moved, " That this Council approve of civing the owners of Pahekeheko the refusal of any works to be dora in the neighbourhood of their land, providing they undertake to dr. such works at a. reasonable rale and in consideration of the said natives refraining from c ■ <r for any stones or material hat may be taken from off their laud, and this resolution he recommended for the favourable consideration of the enceeedins councils." Seconded by Mr. Will Km*, and carried. The deputation thanked the Council for the patient bearing, and withdrew. Sains for Rates: Mr. Powell moved, "That the clerk he instructed to notify all defaulters that summonses will be taken oat against them for tho next S.M. Court." Seconded by Mr. Vaughan, and carried.

Uncoaapleted Contract*: Mr. Andrawesi moved. " That contract No. 112 be determiufMl if the county engineer is dissatiitfied with the nrojjree* made by the contractor. Ceo. Tuoro, and that new tenders ho invited earlv next spring for the unfinished portion of the contract." Seconded by the chairman, and carried. Hr. Andrcwes moved.

" That Mr. A. L. Webster lie notified that the county engineer is instructed to complete contract No. 103 at h>s erst and expense."Seconded by Mr. Powell, and carried.

Tenders: Mr. Williams moved, "That the county engineer he in"tr«cte<l to call tondera for 37 chains of chipping at Aranea; also, tenders for about two miles bush felling, one chsin ; de. and ruakinc rack track 6ft wide on the road leading towards Messrs. Ttlohey and Mansill's prouerties, Kansratu." Seconded by \'r. Powell, and carried.

Wharf Shed Rights: The chairman moved. " That Kohukobu and Kaweno wharf shed, rights be Bold by auction on July 1 next." Seconded by Mr. Powell, and carried. Mr. Y&usjiiatt moved, "That Mr. B. E. Williams be instructed to sell the wharf rights at a remuneration; of £5." .Seconded by Mr. Wailainsrton. and carried. Notice of Motion: By the chairman. "That in pursuance with the Counties Act, 1335. rod section 37, subsections 1, 2. 3, of the Rating Act, 1894. and amendments thereof, and sections 8 and 12 of the Rating on Unimproved Value Act. 1896, notice be driven it is the intention of the Hokianja County Council at their next meeting; to be held on the - day of August next, to levy a general into of 2id in the £ on the unimproved value of all ratab'e properties appearing on the valuation roll for the time heirs? in force, commencing on the Ist day of Anril, 1501, and endirs? on tho 31»t day of March. 1902; the said rate to he due and payable in one print to the count'- treasurer. Council Chambar?. Rawne, on Wednesday, the 11th day of September next; and further, the rate booh to be open for inaneo.tiori on Wednesday in each w.?".>: from nine a.m. to five"

Payments: The chairman moved, "That accounts as uro*entcd, amounting to £519,. 1-i lOd sterling 1 , at per vouchers Tnos. B°% tv 859, be now uussed for payment, and cheques eountevi.Tue.'J bv Messrs. Williams and Anc'rswc*." Pecorided by Mr. W.\rmington, and carried.—[Own. Correspondent.]

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11688, 25 June 1901, Page 3

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COUNTY COUNCILS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11688, 25 June 1901, Page 3

COUNTY COUNCILS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11688, 25 June 1901, Page 3


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