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• Bread. / ■jIfACHISE I\|ADE "DREAD. HYGIENIC, DELICIOUS, WHOLESOME. T ftORLEY. " • V BAKER, HOBSON-STREET, Wishes to announce that he delivers the only MACHINE-MADE BREAD in Auckland, to all parts of Town and Suburbs. No difference in price between this and Ordir Bread. Telephone 925. . i ii i Shipbuilders. Designer and Builder. Builder of the S.S. NEPTUNE S.S. WAIMARIE P.S. BIRKENHEAD S.S. KOTITI and S.S. KAPANUI S.S. KAWAU. S.S. TANIWHA. T> T OGAN, SEN., It. Ju CUSTOM-STREET WEST. AUCKLAND, Designer and Builder of STEAM AND SAILING VESSELS, YACHTS, ETC. Vessels built under cover up to 110 ft long. Workmanship and Material Warranted of best quality. Vessels Docked mid Repaired. Snpply of Spars always on hand. All Orders promptly attended to and executed by Experienced Workmen. Estimates and Designs Furnished. Hotels C OXER'S FAMILY HOTEL, christouurcii (Within one minute of the Railway Station). JAMES HATFIELD, Proprietor, P.O. Box. No. 291. Telephone, No. 690. P.OO. Bos 365. CENTRAL TTOTEL, VICTORIA STREET, EAST, AUCKLAND. THE NEW BAR WILL BE OPENED TO-DAY JAMES ROLLUSTON, Proprietor. Late of Hikurangi and Coromandol. Oil and Colourmon. J. HENDERSON (Established 1860). PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPERUANGEE. SIGNWRITER, DECORATOR, ETC. HIGH-STREET. Manufacturer Wire Blinds. Lead Lights, Glass Signs, Etc. MIXED PAINTS for House and Ship use. SPECIAL BLACK EOB SCHOOL BOARDS. N.B.— above are execntsd a.t VER? MODERATE CHARGES. Seeds, Manures, &c. POTATO PLANTING MOST APPROVED MANURES FOE POTATOES, VIZ.: ■VfITEO POTASH, Potato Mixture PERUVIAN GUANO, DISSOLVED BONE pOTASH AND KAINIT TIONEDUSTS, Pyramid and Triangle TVTITRATE OF SODA. phosphates. W. S. LAURIE * co:; CUSTOM-STREET. AUCKLAND. ON SALE. QEED pOTATOES, LAPSTONE KIDNEYS, Bruce, Early Rose, and other Varieties. QEKD rjATS, DUNS, WHITE AND BLACK TARTARS, DANISH, ami SPAItIiOWBILLS. GRASS SEEDS, MANURES OP ALL KINDS. AGRICULTURAL & rpABLE QALT. A 1 u Also. Table Potatoes, Canterbury and Oamarii. ONIONS, OATS, WHEAT, MAIZE, JJRAN, SHARPS, Etc., Etc.. G. W. O WEN & C°FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, AND SALT MERCHANTS. CUSTOM-STREET EAST. AGENTS FOR p.OLDEN riEM TTLOUR. Patents. HUGHES, RAYWARD, & BALDWIN (Late "HENRY HUGHES"), CHARTERED PATENT AGENTS (ESTABLISHED 1882). I TRADE MARKS JL K Registered /fc 8 i^Jr (i B k\) Obtained \H v in a " Countries %, throughout ihe World. ABCKSAjn) OFFICE: 103, QUEEN STREET, • BROOKE-SMITH, Manager. ADVANTAGES OP A CANDY'S BELTING. 1 It is 90 per cent, stronger than, and averages half the price of, Leather. 2. It is thoroughly waterproof, ana not affected by temperature. 3. It is extremely durable. 4 Being made all in one piece, it rung perfectly true, anJ drives steadily and evenly. One side never stretches more than another, as in Leather Belts. , 5. Its pliability is a groat advantage for driving High-speed Machines, such as Dyna- 1 mos, Fans, etc., and its great strength makes it eminently suitable for all kinds of heavy Machinery. 6. It clings well to the pulleys. AN INTERESTING FACT. The following tests (by Kirkaldy, of London. show the relative strength and value, compared with leather:— ~ " ' lireakin" Strain _ per Squire Inch of Section. Be-t Double Leather Gin Belting I 3n721b Gaxdy's (Sin liy S-iily Corrox... I csnib BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! The success which has attained the selling of the GANDY COTTON BELT has, we find, induced unscrupulous dealers to import an imitation of this well-known and highly-ap-: nrp/iiitpH article and users vronlci do wen Tnote that weare the SOLE AGENTS for ' this in Auckland. Hawko s Bay. Taranaki, i and Dimedin, and to insist on having GANDY'S when buy ins a belt, andalao to see that each belt is stamped "THE GANDY BELT, SEACOXfBE, ENGLAND. SOLE AGENTS. JOHN CHAMBERS AND SON (LTD.), AUCKLAND.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11239, 7 December 1899, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11239, 7 December 1899, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11239, 7 December 1899, Page 3


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