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AFTERNOON SITTING. The Synod resumed sitting at four p.m. when the following were present: — Clergy: Archdeacons Clarke, Willis Canons Calder, Gould, Haselden, Nelson! the Revs. Beatty, Beck, Boler, Budd, Dent, o son, Du Rieu, Evans, Gillam, Hapimana, Harrison, Hawthorne, Katterns, ICiriwi Latter, Lush, McFarland, Mac Murray, Matete, O'Callaghan, Paa, T. Paerata, Purchas, Kuarangi, Smith, Tautau, Webster, Wilson. P^ ty: p M ! BSr^ A L bbott Adams ' Armstrong, ClavMn B p nt >, y' h > I Brown, Calder, Clarke, Clayton, Cochrane, Collins, Colson, Crispe, rrahn! er r- 1 E A D J wson > J - Dawson, Graham, Gresham, Heather, Hill, Hutchinson, Kenny, Kensington, Langley, Lupton, McFarland, I N. Mcintosh, Metge, Nichol'SMhS m i.l n, <s ? lor s?' Puhi l )i > Purchas, son Th S £, elll . Taylor, A. S. ThompUi "™' " st ™"' HOLY TRINITY, DEVONPORT. • r i ?' §: Seth-Smith presented a petition signed by Richard Cameron and othors praying that the parish of the Holy Trinity be declared a parochial district. j! 10 ???• Cnon Nelson presented the repot of the sub-committee appointed by the Synod to , COns ' the,petition of residents W i in • k j Pun! L port.on of the parish of Holy Trinity, Devonport. They recommended: (1) That the prayer of the petitioners be acceded to; (2) that the amended boundaries of the said parish be commencing n,v •»? 1? Polllt ' thence y the middle of 0 Neill Road to the Lake Road, thence by the middle of Lake Road to the Now North Road,- thence in a straight lino to the sea, and thence by the coastline of the Waitemala Harbour to O'Neill's Point. BIBLE IN SCHOOLS. The Rev. W. E. Gillam presented the report of the Commission appointed by (ho Synod of 1898, to communicate with representatives of other dioceses of New Zealand and other religious bodies, with a view of ascertaining whether it 1m possible to agree upon amendments to be asked for in the Education Act so as to secure adequate opportunities for acquiring Bible knowledge by the children in the Board schools.' The report stated that the Commission consisted of the Veil. Archdeacon Willis, the Rev. Canon Gould, and the Rev. G. Mac Murray. The Rev. W. E. Gillam was invited to act as secretary. The Commission decided to adopt the proposals contained in the letter of the Bishops of the province, printed in the report of the General Synod as the basis for co-operation with other dioceses and oilier religious bodies. The proposals of the Bishops are as follows:—(1) That the Government schools shall be opened every day with the Lord's Prayer: (2) that lessons shall be given by ho school teachers on one of tlio first three Gospels, taken consecutively for two half-hours during school hours in each week; (3) that there shall be a conscience clause for both teachers and scholars; (4) that in any school in which the teacher or teachers arc unwilling to give such instruction, or where it is desired by the parents of the children being educated therein, that such instruction shall be given by the minister or accredited member of any teligious denomination, it shall bo lawful for such minister or person to givo such religious instruction, subject only to such regulations as may be laid down by the School Committee. These proposals were regarded ill a favourable light by the Auckland Ministers' Association, and the association suggested that the matter bo submitted to the church courts of the various denominations, whose decisions were now awaited, Tho report was received. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE REPORT. The Synod then .went into committee to consider the report of the trustees of St. John's College trust. Mr. ,T. H. Upton was in tho chair. Tho following report was presented by the Rev. G. MacMurray :—The trustees presont herewith a statement of accounts for the year ending Juno 30, 1899; also a copy of the agreement between tho Rev. Dr. Kinder and the trustees referring claims made by Dr. Kinder to tho arbitration of the Bishop of Wellington and Dr. Penilefather, and their award. Agreement: Our duties as Commissioners are to propound a scheme for the future management of the college, for tho benefit of the General Synod. In order to do so, i', will be necessary first to decide what income tho colloge will bo entitled to; and as a preliminary question to that we must decide what the existing liabilities of the college are. Dr. Kinder claims that a debt admitted tq bo duo in 1867 from the college to the Marsh fund is still duo, with a certain amount of interest, from the college, and must bo paid by it. Ho also claims that various sums which wero expended before 1895 ought to be repaid, but in tho circumstances he waives that claim. Thirdly, he claims that sinco 1895 various sums belonging to tho Marsh fund have been improperly devoted to the college expenses; and that those stuns must be repaid either by the collego or by the Governors personally. We aro content to arbitrate as to the debt due in 1867 and as to the sums expended since 1895 so far as the possible liability of the college is concerned. but we cannot give any binding decision at to the liability of the governors personally: that question, if we,decide that there is any possible liability on anyone, must be settled by the Supreme Court. Dr. Kinder does not; make any other claims as to mismanagement of the funds.—(Signed) FnKiiF.iuc Wellington, F. W, PenneFATHER. ~ „ , The Rev. G. Mac Murray said that as regards the questions before the arbitrators, [hero was no doubt but the trustees had acted according to their discretion, and the report entirely exonerated thorn from anv impropriety of conduct. The arbitrators nad given the following opinion:-!. Urn of opinion that the sum of £660 5s together with arrears of interest since 1895, is due from the Grammar Sschool trust to the -Marsh scholarship trust. 2- We are of opinion since 1895 no sums belonging to tho Marsh fund have been improperly devoted to the college expenses. The Chairman said that there had only been two points raised in which the discretion of the trustees had been questioned, and in these tho trustees had been upheld by the arbitrators. Moreover. Dr. Kinder had withdrawn the whole of his claim before 1895. He was glad to feel that the mutter was settled. The credit of the trustees had been taken away, and he thought that it should be restored to them. The various accounts were read, and on the Synod resuming the committee reported consideration of the report. GENERAL CHURCH TRUST. The Synod again went into committee to consider the report of the Standing Committee upon the General Church Trust. Air. J. H. Upton was in the chair. The report showed a cash balance for the year of xiOcL 19s 2d. MELANESIAN MISSION TRUST ACCOUNT. The Mclanesian Mission trust was then considered. The accounts showed the amount at credit to be £10,132 Is 5d to the capital account, and £115 13s lid to the revenue account. CHURCH GAZETTE. The committee appointed by the Synod to manage the Church Gazette stated that the receipts for the 12 months ending September 30, 1899, amounted to £334- 6s 9d, and. the expenditure £311 3s sd. leaving a balance in hand of £36 Os sd. The assets amounted to £197 13s, and the liabilities £60, showing a probable surplus of £137 13s; but the committee was of the opinion that the whole of this sun; would not be available. The report wtu received. It was pointed out that St. Matthew's Parish, Auckland, had not discharged its obligation to support the Church Gazette, and it was resolved that the parochial authorities of St, Matthew's be requested K explain what proposition they have tc make for discharging their liability to the Church Gazette. ADJOURNMENT. ' Upon the Synod resuming, consideration or tho reports was reported, and the Synod adjourned till seven p.m. EVENING SITTING. The Synod met at seven p.m. Present: Clergy -Archdeacons Clarke, Willis, Canons Calder, Gould, Haselden, ■ Nelson, Revs. Beatty, Beck Boler, Bradbury, Budd, Campbell, Cowie, Cnbitt, Davies, Dent, Dobson, Du Kieu Evans, Evershed, Gillam, Haara, Hapimana, Harrison, Hawthorne, Katterns, Kiriwi, Larkins, Latter, Lush, McFarland, Mac Murray, Matete, O'Callaghan Paa, T. Paerata, Ruarangi, Simla, lautau, Webster, Wilson,' Wingfield. Laity-Messrs. Abbott, Adams, Armstrong, Batger, Blyth, Boler, Calder, Clarke, Clayton, Clements, Coclnane, Collins, .Colson, Crowther, Dargaville,,F. W., E Dawson, Ewington, Gresham, Heather, Hill, Kenny, Kensington, Langley, Lupton, a A. Mcintosh, Metge, Motrin, Man, O'Halloran, Purchas, Puhipi, Rayner. Beid, Seih-Smith, Snelling, Taylor, Tunks, Upton, Von Sturmer, Walker, Walter, Vi ells, Wernham financial YEAR. . ' Canon Nelson moved, "That the second; reading of the bill to alter the end of the Churoh financial year from June 31 to March ■71 " The mover said that the present-date fell in the depths of winter, and, in conse-quence-of this, much difficulty wasi experienced in the. country parishes m holding the Canon m Hasefden seconded the motion , , Mr. Wells opposed any alteration until

the other, dioceses of the colony came into line. Ho thought that March would be a more suitable month than June. Archdeacon Willis opposed the bill, but would agree to a change if the General Synod decided upon it. The Synod then went into committee to consider the bill, which was carried by a large majority.

PAROCHIAL NOMINATORS. , Archdeacon Willis moved the second reading of a bill to amend regulation 10, requiring the clergyman to furnish the Bishop with a return of the election of a parochial nominator appointed to fill a vacancy caused k i| or re t' remen t- It was pointed out that the regulation was unnecessary, as it was provided for in regulation 6. standing COMMITTEE. . Archdeacon Willis moved the second reading of a bill to increase the number constituting a quorum of clergy at a meeting of the Standing Committee from two to three, 110 second reading was agreed to. ELECTION OF STANDING COMMITTEE. Nominations for clerical and- lay members of the Standing Committee:— Clergy: fe aD rl"n son » Could, Haselden, Revs. W. E. Gillam, and Lusk. Laity: Messrs. Kensington, Armstrong, Colgan, Tunks, Grierson, Dr. Kenny, and S. Abbott. . The number nominated not being in excess of the number required, they were declared elected.

CHURCH AT HELENSVILLE. Mr, D. Dickenson Metge moved, ''That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee to consider the question of providing more •I?"™' and regular services at Helens\ille. He claimed that Hclensville should "1 least have a regular monthly service. The Rev. G. Mac Murray seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously, VOTING AT PARISH MEETINGS. Mr. Gresham moved, "That this Synod respectfully requests tho General Synod to amend title B, canon 5, clause 10, in such a way that women may lie entitled to vo(e at parish meetings, and also at the election of synodsmcn for the parish." He said that ill the Waiapu a majority of the Synod had oil a. division, supported a resolution of the kind, and lie insisted that it was a right that should be extended to churchwomen. Ml-. Crisps seconded tho motion. Ho could not see any fair grounds for the motion being rejected, as he felt that they would never be able to carry on the work of the Church without the assistance of churchwomen. Tho Rev. R. Boler and Archdeacon Clarke spoke in support of the motion, as did several lay members. The Rev. Lush deprecated any hints thrown out by former speakers that to oppose the motion implied any disrespect to women. To make such a change as was proposed would give men a still greater opportunity of shirking their duty than they possessed now. If a married man voted, lie did not voto with a distinct interest between himself and his wife. The Rev. W. E. Gillam also opposed the motion, as ho felt that there was no desire oil the part of women to exercise the vote. Tho debate was then adjourned till four p.m. to-day. HOLY TRINITY, DEVONPORT. Tho Rev. W. Beatty moved, "That (ho petition of certain guarantors of Holy Trinity Church, Devonport, be referred to a committee." This was agreed to, tho committee to consist of the Revs. Canon Haselden and tho mover, Messrs. Seth-Smith, Colgan, and Crispe. NOTICES OF MOTION. Canon Nelson lo move: "1. Thai the Committee of Management of the Church Gazette bo appointed at the first cession of each Synod." 2. "That any vacancies occurring during the committee's term of office bo tilled by the committee." 3. "That the committee consist of the Bishop as chairman, Canon Calder, the Rev. W. E. Lush, Messrs. Upton, Seth-Smith, Cochrane, liwington, and tho mover." Vcn. Archdeacon Willis to move: "That the days and hours appointed for tho choral festival, tho Synod, and the conversazions this year are on the whole satisfactory to members generally. That the Most Rev. the President be respectfully asked to arrange for an annual conference for the discussion of matters of interest to the Cliruoh, to take tho place of the 'Church meeting,' and to extend over at least one afternoon and one evening, and to bo held in the month of August during tho week in which he holds an annual meeting of tho clergy." Mr. F. G. Ewington to move: "That the Most Reverend the Primate bo respectfully requested to convey by letter to the Church in South Africa, through His Grace the Archbishop of Capetown, tho fraternal sympathy of this Synod in the present crisis; with tho earnest desire that the horrors of war may be speedily followed with permanent peace, to the advantage and satisfaction of all racos of men in South Africa." Mr. Collins to move: "That it is desirable that a clergyman be appointed to tho charge of the Hokianga district, and that the Standing Committee be respectfully requested to consider what slops should bo taken to effect this as soon as possible." The Rev. W. ]<;. Lush to move: "That tho election of tho Sunday-school Board take place on Thursday at seven o'clock" Canon Haselden to move: " That tho Synod rejoices to hear that Archdeacon Dudley's health is so far restored that ho is expected to return to tho diocese at an early date, and assuros him of the cordial welcome back which will bo extended to him." Mr. W. S. Cochrane to move: "That the report of the Church Gazette Committee bo taken into consideration." Mr. Leopold T. Puliipi to move: "That it is the earnest wish of the Maori church of the diocese of Auckland that a European clergyman who understands the Maori language bo appointed to assist the Venerable Archdeacon Clarke in his work." Canon Nelson to move: 1. "That tho committee of the Church Gazette be elected. 2. "That the committee be elected immediately after the consideration of report and accounts of the Church Gazette. Canon Haselden to move: "That in the opinion of this Synod a memorial means 'a written representation of fads,' and therefore, a resolution passed at a parish meeting is a memorial in accordance with standing order 21, marginal number 26." Canon Calder to move: " That the thanks of the Synod be given to Mr. R. L. Hunt for his work in connection with the diocesan festival and the ordination of three Maori priests in the cathedral." Canon Nelson to move: "That the Synod do proceed to elect a Pension Board for the diocese." Archdeacon Willis to move: That the report of the committee appointed to consider the mode: of presenting and printing the diocesan statistics be taken into consideration, and the recommendations thereof adopted. The Rev. W. E. Gillam to move: ' That the commission on the question of the Bible in schools continue in office and report on their labours to the next session of the Synod." Canon Nelson to move " That the boundaries of tho parish of Holy Trinity, Devonport, be altered, and that the amended boundaries be— Commencing at O Neill 9 Pointt, thence by the middle of O'Neill s Point Road to the Lake Road, thence by the middle of the Lake Road to the New North Road, thence by the middle of the New North Road in a straight lino to tho sea, and thence ly the coast lino of the Wailemata Harbour to O'Neill'3 Point (the point of departure). ORDERS OF THE DAY. Third reading of a Bill intituled statute to amend regulation 18, made under title 8., canon 5, clause 6, and regulation 39, made under title 8., canon 5, clause lb. Third reading of a Bill to amend the regulation mado under tittle 8., canon 5, clause 6, by making additional regulations.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11198, 19 October 1899, Page 3

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ANGLICAN DIOCESAN SYNOD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11198, 19 October 1899, Page 3

ANGLICAN DIOCESAN SYNOD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11198, 19 October 1899, Page 3


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