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THE CUt DRAW. Ifav 13: Newton v. City. Suburbs v. Parnell, North Shore v. Grafton J'onsonby bye. Miv 20: Newton v. Suburbs, North Shore v. Parnell, Ponsonby v. Grafton, City bye. if..,- 27' Newton v. North Shore, City v. Suburbs. Ponsonby v Parnell, Grafton bye. June 3' Newton v. Ponsonby, City v. North Shore, Grafton v. Parnell, Suburbs bye. Juno 10: Newton v. Grafton, City v. Ponsonby, Suburbs v. North Shore Parnell bve. Juno 17: Newton v. Parnell, City v. Grafton, Suburbs v. Ponsonby, North Shore bye. Juno 4: City v. Parnoll. Suburbs v. Grafton, North Shore v. Ponsonby, Nowton bye.

PARNELL V. IvARANGAHAKE. _ TlfE Rugby season of 1899 will be opened this afternoon, when tho Parnoll first fifteen meet a team from Ivarangahako, and should the weather prove propitious no doubt thoro will bo a largo attendance of enthusiasts to witness tho initial fixture, tho admission to which has been fixed at 6d per head for both ladies and gentlemen. Both sides will naturally bo somewhat groon, as liltlo opportunity lias boon afforded for practice. Yet despito this fact, an interesting contesb may be anticipated, and as tho visitors aro said to bo a good combination, they will no doubt, keep (ho Parnollites—who aro undoubtedly weaker than usual this year-very busy if they are to gain (he day. The teams will bo as under:— Karangaliakc: Johnson, Gillett (captain), McLean, Reid, Rock ley, Houghton, Sullings, McDiilf, Douglas, Meagher, Roisterer, Wade, (ialey. White, Hagust, and McShano. I'nrlioll: Gillett, Hedges, Taylor, Kisslmg, Carson, Murray, Hume, Harrison, Handcock (2), Gordon, Searboro, Hay, Arroll, Atkinson, A Taylor. Practice matches again to-day. The reason opens next Saturday, when Newton meet City, Suburbs play I arnell, and Grafton visit North Shore. Ponsonby will lose the services of " Oily " Riley after all, the Auckland " rep " having accepted a situation at tlio Thames, whither he went mi Monday.

Hutchison, of tlio Thames Club, will bo playing for tho Grafton Association team today. 'An effort is to bo mado to establish a Wednesday afternoon football club, and a meeting of those interested will be held 011 Monday evening. Teams representing tho Postal and Telograpli Departments contest a friendly gamo of Rugby at Potter's Paddock this afternoon.

Tho cx-Taranaki three-quarter back, Phil Jacolw, who was working at Aralapu for some time, is paid to liavo sailed for Sydney in 0110 (if the limber boats a few days since, and olio or two of our district clubs are left lamenting his loss. "They wero very good to l'liil thoy were."

Mathieson and Torus, the two new additions to the (ir.ifton senior ranks, took part in Inst Saturday's practice match, and both shaped very well. Mathieson is a big, powerful fellow, and should prove a very useful " serummer."

The constitution of the Newton scnor fifteen will he much the same as last year, the only notable losses sustained lieing Mynott —who returned to his home at Taranaki at tho close of last seasondaud Lewis, of the forward division. There is some talk of tho latter coming to town again. The gymnasium being erected for the Grafton Club is rapidly Hearing completion, and the players of that district expect to coininenco training in their new " gym" on Tuesday evening next. 0. ai;h and E. liinney nro both residing within the city boundaries this season; but I hear that neither intends donning the jersey for the central district. H. Gerrard, of North Shore, intends retiring from the game this season, but beyond this loss I hero will lio little change in the back division at the marine suburb. It is, however, anticipated that the forwards will he hardly as strong as last year. The Auckland Rugby Union contemplate a number of alterations to (lie grandstand at Potter's Paddock for the convenience of patrons, ard will place gratings round the ground opposite the stand to keep visitors off the damp grass. Alterations will also ho made lo the ticket-office, to facilitate the sale of tickets and prevent the unnecessary crowding thai frequently occurred last season. The Auckland Referees' Association will meet captains anil players on Wednesday evening next to discuss the laws of the game, tho object being to give the latter an idea of the rulings that will be carried out by member; of the association during the ensuing season. Players should not miss the opportunity. An influx of New Zealand footliallers to Sydney is taking place, the attraction being I lie matches against the Englishmen.—Sydney Referee. The ex-New Zealnndct, Ward, is playing for the Miirrickvillo Club, Sydney. Humour has it that Laws, the Parnoll threequarterback, and Sampson, one of the maroons' best forwards, are thinking of going across to Sydney. This would prove a severe blow to Parnell, who aro already nt their wits' end to gel together a decent senior fifteen. Despite his talk of retiring from the game, Fred Murray donned the I'aniell's colours in the practice match last Saturday, and will in all likelihood assist the club in tho forthcoming cup matches. W. Thomson, tho ex-Parnellite, now residing in tho Grafton district, did not turn up at practice on Saturday, hut will, I understand, find a place in the senior fifteen. The Ponsonby Club liavo appointed a subcommittee to consider tho question of providing a permanent training shed and gymnasium for the players of that district. McDonald, who last year played for Suburbs, showing considerable promiso both as a three-quarterback and in tho forwards, and was mentioned as likely to throw in his lot with Grafton this season, is now said to favour City, and will probably bo found in the ranks of the central district whon the season opens, I understood he was living in Grafton district when I mentioned his name recently, and have not heard of any change of abode oil his part, which sots one wondering wliern the residential qualification of players comes in. No objection having been raisod by Foilsonby, T. Roberts will, as suggested last week, wear the red-and-white uniform of tho Newton district again this season. Manson, last year a Wellington representative, has returned to his old home, Cliristchurcli, and will probably play for tho Merivalo Club this season. Tho opening match of the Grafton Association Club will be played this afternoon in the paddock opposite tho Captain Conk Browery, Khyber Pass, when the eleven meet a team representing 11.M.5. Mildnra. The Grafton team will be selected from the following : —Knott, Hawkins, Martin, Wright, Hume, Armitage, Hutchinson, Cowan, Harding, Goldio, McDougall, Henderson, Brodie. Frank Surman, who came across with ilio New South Wales representatives a few years since—the team that was beaten almost on the call of timo by Auckland after a great struggle—and subsequently settled down hero, is playing with tho Bandwick Club, Sydney, this season. Tho cornstalks will find Surman a wonderfully improved man, as it was on this side that he had the finishing touch given to his football education.

Tho Wellington Rugby Union send teams to play Dunedin, Cliviatchnrch, Palmorston North, and Wairarapa during the ensuing season. What with the Auckland and Wellington visits, our Southern friends should have a very busy time of it this year, and should add considerably to the finances. I have to acknowledge receipt from tho lion. sec. (Mi. W. G. Garrard) of the Canterbury Rugby Union, tho annual for 1899. As in previous years, the annual is marked for its careful compilation, and in addition to the usual results of local inter-union and interprovincial matches, contains a large amount of useful and valuable information concerning tho laws of the Rugby game, ate It is worthy of note, in vew of the intended Southern tour of tho Auckland " rops."' .•this season, that a Duncdin writer predicts that the representative team of Otago will '10 found stronger than over this year. This being 60, there should be a great struggle between tho Rugbyites of tho Northern province and Otago 10, supremacy in the footbaH field. Linwood, who have won the senior championship at Cliristchurch foi the last four years in succession, are again favourites for the competition, while Kaikorai is considered by many competent authorities on tho game as. the most likely club to havo their in,mo placed 011 the banner in tho flag mutches at Dunedin. The annual report of the Otago Referees' Association contains a hint that might well he noted by the Auckland association. During the season (says the' report) a matter of considerable importance was dealt with by your committee. A certain club made reflection!,, 011 tho impartiality of ono of your referees, and the committee,- called on that club to either withdraw . or substantiate tho charge. As the club refused to do either,'your com-

mittco deckled "°. fc . l ° "PP 0 nt engaged for matches m which that eluu WO CIW Tliis had tlio desired effect, and the club in land Rugby Union to forward tho proposel alterations in the laws of tlm game en bloc to the English Union, the Duncdm writor "Forward" regrets the action of the governing body, and points out that it would h.i boon far more sensible to have first discarded the rubbish. To suggest, for instance ( says) that goals should bo allowed fiom punts, and that a reversion should bo made to the. obsoleto system of counting points for touch downs, is simply to invito rl<llc " le - R At tho annual meeting of he Otngo j t forces' Association it was decided that unle-s ex-players gave a greater measure of suppoit to the association by joining its ranks a activo members tho association should disband. Tlio meeting was then adjourned for a lew days to givo ox-players an opportunity of joining, and the result of the mooting should come to hand by next Southern mail. It is to bo hoped, in the interests of football, that tho result will be satisfactory, and that tlio association will sco its way clear to continue in oxistonce.

THE JUNIOR COMPETITIONS. A mooting of tlio Management Committee of tho Auckland Rugby Union was held at tho rooms of tho Amateur Sports Club last evening, Mr. T. Henderson in the chair. Tho draw for the second, third, and fourth fifteens was made, no less than five entries being received from the Suburbs district, tho teams entered bieng classified as one eccond fifteen, two third fifteens, and two fourth fifteens. All matches will be W«l at Potter's, with tho exception of Suburbs second (B) fifteen, which is fixed for Wlerslie while the first round of the North Shorn second fifteen will bo decided at Takapuna (Suburbs excepted), and tho North Shore first, fifteen matches at Devouport (Suburbs excepted). Tho draw is as under: —

SECOND FIFTEENS. May 13 : North Shore v. Grafton, Ponsonby v. Suburbs A, Newton v. Parnoll, City v. ' 'luiv'm : North Shore v. l'onsonby, Grafton v. Suburbs B, Nowton v. Suburbs A, City v. 1 May' 27 : North Shore v. Newton, Grafton v. Ponsonby. City v. Suburbs A, l'arncll v. 8 June V:' North Slioro v. City, Grafton v. Newton, Ponsonby v. Suburbs 11, Parnell \. B ffl : North Shore v. Parnell. Grafton v. City, Ponsonby v. Newton, Suburbs A v. Suburbs B. Juno 17 : North Shore v. Suburbs A, Grafton v. l'arnell, Ponsonby v. City, Newton \. Suburbs B. : North Shoro v. Suburbs 11 GrafJuno 24: North Shore v. Suburbs 1, (»rafton v. Suburbs A, Ponsonby v. Parnell, Newto" V ' Clty THIRD FIFTEENS.

May 13 : City Av. Grafton, PonsonbyA v Newton I). Newton A v. Suburbs li, City li v. Suburbs A. I'arncH v. l'onsonby li. Mav 20 : City A v. Ponsonby A. ( ' ra 'v° n v. Ponsonby 11, Newton A v. Newton li, City is v. Suburbs H. l'arnell v. Suburbs A. Hay 27: City A v. Newton A, Grafton >. Ponsonbv A, City li v. Newton li. uracil v. Suburbs B, Suburbs A v. l'onsonby li. Juno 3 : City A v. City 11. Grafton v. Newton A, Ponsonby A v. Ponsonby JJ. i aniell v. Newton D, Suburbs A v. Bnburbs li. June 10 : City A v. Parnell, Grafton v. City B. l'onsonby A v. Newton A, Suburbs A v. Newton 13. Suburbs H v. Ponsonby 11. Juno 17 : City A v. Suburbs AT' Grafton v. Parnell. Ponsonby A v. City li. Newton A v. l > oiiKoiibv li, Suburbs li v. Newton li. Juno 24: City A v. Suburbs li. Grafton v. Suburbs A, Ponsonby A v. Parnell. Newton A v. City 11. Newton D v. Ponsonby I). July 1 : City A v. Newton It, Grafton v. Suburbs li. Ponsonby A v. Suburbs A, Newton A v. Parnell, City li v. Ponsonby 11. July 8 : City A v. Ponsonby 11, Grafton v. Newton 11, Ponsonby A v. Suburbs 11, Newton A v. Suburbs A, City 11 v. Parnell.

THE ENGLISH TEAM. From latest Australian files I learn that tho English mail reaching Sydney a couple of weeks sinew brought news from Mr. Milllineux, who is bringing out the English football team, to the effect that tho final selection would he made from J. T. Byrne, I. M. Stout, Jarman, Dudgeon, Forest, L. I'. Fookes, K. (J. Nicholls 11. Ilussoy, M. hlliott, Gilison, Bulger, Franks, C. Boyd, Timoins, I'rancuurt, Cookson, Kipling, Sehwatz, Marston, Necks, M. Mulliucux, Evors, and Dr. Rowland. Byrne is the fullback of the Moscley Club, and has occupied the same position for the South of England and for England in the international matches, though itis worthy of nolo that he did not represent England in tho recent international against Scotland, when 11. T. (iamlin, of Somerset, and an international player, occupied the position of fullback. Nevertheless Byrne has represented England for years. l'ookes (Yorkshire) is a member of the Soiverby Bridge Club, and was ono of the three-quarters for England v. Ireland and England v. Scotland this year, and in the same engagements 11. W. Dudgeon (Richmond and Northumberland) played as a forward. F. M. Stout (Gloucester) was also one of the English forwards against Ireland anil Scotland, and Nicholls and Hiissev were played on behalf of Wales against' England. M. Elliott (Howirk) claims Scotch international honours, but did not represent tho Land o' Oakes this year, and L. Bulger has \playcd for Ireland. C. Boyd and J. 0. Franks are both members of the Dublin University fifteen, the former as fullback and the latter as a forward, and Evers played as a forward for Moscley Club, which claims the membership of a great many of the team, and amongst them the organiser, Mr. M. Mullineux, who is its halfback. There are two Marstons included in the Moscley forwards, but there is a doubt as to which one was a candidate for selection, as the letter does not contain initials. Franconrt and Cookson play for Lancashire, Kipling for Middlesex. Sehwatz is a South of England man, and Necks plays for Gloucester. Four of the 23 mentioned— Boyd, Btilas it is not likely to be at all of a representative team that visited tho Cape. There is one point which ought to lie settled in advance (says the London Daily Mail of March 2, in dealing with the visit of the Englishmen). It will bo observed from the. official list of fixtures arranged that the visiting team will be labelled " England," whereas it is not likely to bo at all of a representative character. No doijbt it will lie fairly strong, but. it may be beaten in tho biggoengagements. Australian football is not'™ good as Australian cricket; but the players, playing on their own ground, in their own climate, and be.foro sympathisers, will prove good enough to beat anything that is not quite first-rate. Therefore it will be the duly of the English Rugby Union and of Mr. Mullineux, too, to let it bo known beforehand Hint tho sido is travelling solely on its own responsibilit", and is not to be regarded as representing the best of English football. If this is not done, there will he as much illfeeling engendered as was the case m connection with the recent tour of Mr. Stoddart's crioketers.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11056, 6 May 1899, Page 6

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11056, 6 May 1899, Page 6

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11056, 6 May 1899, Page 6


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