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The Herald Monthly Summary, for transmission by the next outward San Francisco mail, will be published on Friday next Those desirous of forwarding the Summary to their friends in Europe, America, etc., will hare ample lime to do so, as the newspaper mail closes on Saturday next, at halfpast eleven a.m., up to which hour orders for mailing the Summary will also be received at the Publishing Office, Queenstreet. This mail will be due in London on Wednesday, April 22.

Yesterday morning His Excellency Admiral Bridge, of H.M.S. Orlando, commanding the Australasian naval station and stuff, Captain W. L. H. Blown (If.M.*. Kingarooma), Captain Graham (H Ms. Wallaroo), and Captain Meryon (H.M.s. Katoomba), paid an official visit to His Excellency the Governor at Government House. A dinner party was given by His Excellency at Government House last evening. The list of invitations whs as follows: - His Excellency the Admiral, Captain Firthor, flag captain ; Lieutenant Duff, flag lieutenant; Captain Graham, Captain Meryon, Captain Brown, Colonel and Mrs. Goring, Mrs. Menteath, Mrs Kilgour, Mr. and Mrs. Blooinfield, Mr and Mrs. Markhara, Miss Griffiths, Miss Firth, Miss Chambers. Another will be given this evening, for which a number of invitations have been issued. His Excellency the Governor will pay an official visit to H.M.s. Orlando to-day, and return the Admiral's call.

His Worship the Mayor and the Town Clerk paid an official visit to His Excellency Admiral Bridge, commander, captain and officers of Her Majesty's ship Orlando, at ten o'clock yesterday morning, and were very courteously received. The Admiral expressed himself very pleased to be onco again in Auckland, and said, although his present stay would be a short one, he hoped to be here shortly again. Hi- Worship the Mayor intends to invite His Excellency the Governor and staff, the Admiral and staff, commanders and officers of the warships, and some citizen?, to an outing, on Tuesday next, to Nihotupn Falls and forest

An English mail will arrive at Ouehunga from the South by the Glenelg this afternoon.

Among the passengers who arrived from Fiji by the Upolu lust night were the Hon. James Stewart, C. M.G., acting ColonialSecretary of i iji, mid family. Mr. Stewart is on an extended leave of absence, and proceeds to Sydney by tho Waihora on Wednesday next, and after interviewing Sir John B. Thurston, will then finally iloterinine his future movements. The Hon. Dr. Corney, Ratu l.ala, and Kuko Tui Cakandrove were also passenger, and will proceed to Sydney to interview Sir J. B. Thurston. Before leaving Suva Mr. Stewart was presented with a purse of sovereigns by the citizens.

The many friends of Captain B. W. and Mrs. Chadbouine, who made several visits to this port in the American barquentina Elinor Vernon, from New Vork, will learn with regret that both died recently, Cap. tain Chadbourne was master of the barque Fred P, Litchfeld, which vessel came to Port Chalmers and Nelson last year, going from the latter port to Hongkong to load for New York. A telegram has been received at New York stating that" the vessel put into Barbidoes on January 20' li, with Captain Chadbourne dead, and thai .Mrs. Chad bourne died on the following day. Nothing was known as to the cause ol death at the time the mail left New York.

A short timo beforo Mr. Ward, secretary of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors, left Auckland he received a letter from the Surveyor-General of Jamaica, West Indies, inquiring whether any Act was in force in New Zealand empowering the Crown to re-purchase land for settlement purposes. On being requested, Mr. Lawry, M.H.K., telegraphed to the Hon. the Minister of Lands, who without delay forwarded Acts 1894 unci 1895, bearing 011 the subject, and containing the information sought, by the Surveyor-General. These Acta have been forwarded to Jamaica, It is satisfactory to the Institute to be recognised by our si?ter colonies as a source from which information can be obtained.

When the criminal sittings of tin Supremo Court were resumed yesterday mornjng Albert Edward Alley, who on the previous day had pleaded guilty to a chargj of escaping from custody, and who was convicted on two charges of theft, wai further charged with stealing billiard ball! and other articles from the jietrton Baths. He withdrew his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty, and ha was sentenced tfl three years' imprisonment for each offence of theft, tho sentences to be concurrent.

William Marshall was convicted of having violated a child of five years and ton month! at W'aitekauri under most revolting circumstances, and was sentenced to ten years, and t>yq met) twined Divo and Smith, convicted of breaking and entering and theft, to twelve months' imprisonment with lure labour. This being the last case fortrii the jurors were discharged from furthoi attendance and the court ro>e. Tlx despatch of business at this session h is, as racjng men would say, almost created fi record, for the whole of the 29 cuscs on tin palmar have been disposed of in font days.

A seaman belonging to the biigantine Gleaner, fell over the Queen-street Wharf, lasb night, but was, after some difficulty, rescued. He was sent to the Hospital for medical treatment.

Wo hare received from Mr. E. Harrow a l.tter proposing that now the fleet are here " ,k' training, and that a force of blueJackets should be landed at about the Lake £ Castor-oil Bay, and march oil Devon port. he volunteers should defend every tree, house, hill, or bush, and try to stop the L n In this way they would learn , Jul drill. It each year the training of • iluiitears was nt the time the fleet was * " they would bo made a much more 'a, ./rive force than at present, Wo have [„,! VutJicieiit forco to act both as offensive ~,j defensive. 4t the I'olice Court yesterday, before jl ( 'v Sr s. I'allrinn and Walton, J. P.'s, Harry i\'i!li'amf>on was sent to gaol for three n Ul:i th« ( on a charge of stealing. Edward lark ami James Stewart were each fined jn«'*iih As costs lor fighting in a public " ice , am l a charge against them of having bfb.n'e'l threatening in Hobson-etreet, MllS withdrawn. for having cemmitted br,..rl:es of the Harbour Board by laws, Wiiiiam Windsor arid John Calvert were f. l( | 5«, 19* tid costs, and Alfred t'iaus I?, with J- 1 1? 61 costs. Kate nc '' „is lined 'JOs, or in default 14 days for ,j:upkeime--*, and a charge of theft against i :e IA. Tarliu, for whom Mr. McAlister ii; e.tri I, was dismissed.

1: will ho noticed elsewhere by advertisement il-ew!iero that the sheriff notifies c, , -1:111 jurors who were summoned to .. c:1 ,l at the Supreme Court that thoir Bt ;, n.i.iiiL'H will not be required, and that t h- } v.e discharged, The reason is that tm'wi ie of the criminal cases hare been di!|" " 1 uf

\ meeting of the Finance and Legal , : tee of the Harbour Board was hel l e .it!.!.iy afternoon. Present: Messrs. W. \ , (chairman), U. S. Kissling, J. J. -I ~i, \\. (iunson, and R. Farrell. The ,[;- i; 1111 Messrs. F.hrenfried Bros., re •run' -lorap-- charges on goods detained or ; >v«::iinaiiiin bv H. M. Custom«|: After li-,- i--:on the committee could not ses its , ;i i ' rci'oimnend the Board to grant the • ..-v. n a-ked for. Urafc agreement) bevn m li e lio ird ami Mr D. Ross was read • .ij.j'uned of, the Foreman of Works ,ii-sped ilie buildings and report to the ; ... !, The account, of the engineer of i -ijrr I- i tor overtime was referred to ,;tui tor with a request that lie inform : ; e !•;. >.-.i as to its correctness or otherwise, i wi< reoumir.inded that the agreement i,i»•■in the lard and the Gas Company : j,r iiiis: the road in Freeman's Bayi be ,i ,c;ed. It was resolved to instruot the r-. i. .ii nt works to take a list of the names • l.'i jurtifs using the Board's property for r.-'i-iNir purposes, together with all n'i': on the subject, and submit hriii to the committee. Messrs. Devore in i ivp'.r, solicitors for E. H. Montme:, tote regarding the accident to i.cir r'lent. The Board'* solicitors (Messrs. -ia-sell ami Campbell) gave it as their i: i-ii.m (ti.d mere was no cause of action i/.iii-i he Board, and the committee >f";i'.;iieiuied that the opinion of the solidv [>■.• ai'te.i upon. On fuller consideration r.i :h. proposed alterations at Calliope 1> v.',; wharf, the committee recommended He" i: I to rescind its former resolution ci, r.t subject, and return the £100 to the MbKnacT.-. The consideration of the byla .v .->< 10 vehicles on the wharves was a i'- j.-ned. It was resolved to recommend tine :iie opinion of the solicitors regarding the lemoval of the boatshed in Judge's Bay be acted upon.

Owing to the increasing demand from all p.i:- of New Zealand lor Mr. J. J. Craig's hydraulic lime, lie hits ordered another plant, for cement and lime grinding. The machinery is of the latest description, the output of material being the largest of any mill ever used here. Mr. Craig is now having a quantity of cement manufactured at his works, so that, shortly, Auckland will be able to supply her want with the local article. Several tests have been with satisfactory results. Mr. Craig has also had the machinery at his brick yard, Avondale, overhauled, with a view to start bnckinftking. This will cause the employment of a number of men, the total employed in various branches of his business being about 150.

The issue of "Forward" this week commences by deploring the war by which July is suffering and the cost of war to all ::,e nations of Europe. The only hope of ui.jiMvement lies, according to " Forward," m "the progress of enlightened social dett'fracy.' The intents of the number in.: be found interesting to all who look to Socialism as the remedy for all political a;iJ social evils.

The Amalgamated Society of Railway Servant resumed their sittings yesterday, commencing at 10 a.m., and with the exception of intervals for luncheon and dinner, «at continuously till half-past nine p.m. The (iovernment estimates of the r»t;« of wanes were completed when the delegates adjourned at noon. The whole of the afternoon was occupied in the discussion of questions outside of the Government syllabus, the chief interest arising on the item of whether acting' employees in a limner grade be paid the rate of wages of the grade in which they were acting. It vu- finally decided unanimously that this should be the case, at well as that an outs;de or independent system of examination f-r all workmen be recommended to the Government for their consideration. A great amount of feeling was expressed in these Duitei«. At the end of tho afternoon sittint' ih,i whole of the Government estimates had been considered, and the night sitting proceeded to discuss the existing rules of the Society, and additions to them as notire lon the order paper. The Conference will proceed with this discussion at the sitting to-day, which it has been arranged will commence at, a quarter past nine a.m. and (lose at one p.m., r. holiday being granted for the afternoon.

As indicating the increasing popularity c '! the classes at the Technical School, nland-street, it is worthy of mentioning : country residents are embracing the i. *. loitiei now afforded at this institut. 'i if day instruction in cookery, dressmaking, an I wood carving. The secretary ha« l)-.-n i'i;..-.i.p.i that soma six or more ladies on the iijura line desire to attend one of t'if i i.'.-os. One of these ladies lives at He:?n.'vi!;e. Others beside those refarrod to are c,ji. ing tu,m Henderson and Woodhill. The .-|,-ciai f.t liiiius provided by the estab'ishment of the Technical School and its efficient .-u(T of instructors, are being much appreciate by all classes, and now that the weathei i« getting cooler, many new students are enrolling. The first afternoon cookery class started this week. Those interested should make early application for particulars, which may bo obtained from the secretary.

There will be athletic sports and a •muster art union, in the Domain, to-day, jnder the auspices of the H. A C.B. Society. A good attendance is anticipated. The l'apskura races take placo on St. Piit/ick's Day, when a special train will be run by thu railway authorities.

The South Franklin Agricultural Show villi be held at Pukekuhe, on tho 214 in-tatii. A special train will leave Auck end for Pukekohe in the morning, returniii;.' in the evening. There will be good -slirits and many attractions. The New- ' >n I'.rass Band will bo in attendance.

fin Thursday evening next at St. James's Hull, the Rev. William Watt, who, for the i 1 ■-' 9", years, has been intimately as'".''el with mission work in the inland of 1 ■ Mil, will lecture on the "Now Hebrides •'h-inn.' 1 The lecture will be illustrated v iH, limelight views of island scenery,' ii.t:ivpc, missionaries, mission stations, and a" i n'; reverend gentleman is a forcible and thoroughly conversant with " |L subject, it should be decidedly interestriu at ''l instructive. A collodion will be tdKf;l ' up on behalf of the Mission.

Th* eighteenth anniversary picnic and 'l"jru m connection with the National j" 11 1 en !.-it Order of Qildfeljoyvs will be ''-■' ut I'n.e Island today, (he p.B. Eagle ;i"- t'ie („, r ten at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and Ho p.m. Kvory effort has been made to promote the welfare and comfort of the visiting public, and its an excellent sports programme of seventeen events will be included in the day's outing, the moderate , fee of " ie shilling should attract a very largo - attendance of pleasure seekers, in audition to the members and friends of the society. An excellent brass brand will be in attendance, hot water will be provided, anil swings and all kinds of amusements will be found at the Wand.

A 6re broke out early this morning at < ingeru, resulting in the destruction of a nve-roomed cottage, owned and occupied by Charles Hpr»pfofr, rW . Full particulars as to the extent of the damage a na the insurances are not yet to hand.

The winter session of the Onehunga Presbyterian Band of Hope was inaugurated last night, when a public tea and entertainment was held in th§ schoolroom. After tea a capital programme was submitted, consisting of qqlos, recitqtjqnq, feedings, etc. Mr. A. Carrick's ventriloquism with his wonderful marionette being especially amusing and popular with the young folks. During the evening the president (Rev. R. Ferguson) delivered a stirring address, in which he invited the hearty co-operation of the temporance workers for the ensuing session, and urged upon them all to remember that the true principle of tempiraqce is the moderate use of that which is good, and total abstinence from all

According to the final crop bulletin for last year, issued by the Manitoba Government', the total grain crop of the province during the year amounted to 61,366,472 bushels, while the crop of potatoes and roots amounted to 6,500,000 bushels. The averago yield of wheat was 27'28. The total amount of wheat marketed amounted to 12,500,000 bushels.

This evening Klaer's Komedi Koodor Circus Show will open in the Agricultural Hall. A capital programme will be presented of feats of equestrianism, acrobtism, and juggling. Madame Loo Loo will introduce her trained animals. There are four clowns, and the fun is kept fast and furious.

It will be seen from advertisement where that the Social Reform journal, Forward, is 011 gale at the now agents. The week's contents include racy political notes.

All a recent Birmingham dog show, Mr. Williamson's Bernard, Lord Hatherton, a young dog, born a year ago, and which had carried all before it at the show, was priced in the catalogue at. £210. He was disposed of for £470 to Mr. Joseph Royle, of Oldhaip Road, Manchester.

A European firm of linseed buyers having offered to take as many tons as can be supplied of linseed at) the satisfactory price of £12 per ton, the Warragul (Victoria) farmers are considering the proposal.

A meeting of the Navy League was held yesterday afternoon. It was decided to communicate with His Excellency Admiral Bridge, asking him to receive a deputation in respect to the stationing of a training ship in New Zealand, and masters of colonial dofence generally.

The " Froliquas " Variety Company gave a performance in the Foresters' Hall, Iv iwton, last night, and put on a programme of a first class order of merit. Miss Di Levy, Messrs. Collin?, Brown, Harry Thomas, and Cullen all contributed items in their well known and acceptable styles, and kept the audienco it) good humour for over two hours.

A lecture was delivered at the Devon port Public Hall last night by Mrs. Sara Draffin, on the subject of " Theosophy and its Teachings." There was a fair attendance, and a good deal of interest was manifested in tho lecture.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10079, 14 March 1896, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10079, 14 March 1896, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10079, 14 March 1896, Page 4


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